• Published 27th May 2013
  • 1,682 Views, 109 Comments

From the Outside In - DarkParable

The tale of a young boy's life, from lowest to highest points.

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Chapter Twenty-Nine: So... Your Coltfriend is a Cat.

Red yawned and stretched slowly, a faint little creaking growl escaping him as he showed the world the proper position for a dental model. Not to mention the faintly altered shape of his teeth. He had proper canines again, though they looked a great deal closer to leonine fangs really. It didn't matter much to him at the moment, there was a warm bit of sun on his back, a lovely mare snuggled up with him, and a peaceful sense of quiet pervading the library.

A few days had passed since he'd awoken in Zecora's hut, covered in his friends and bandages... A few days since he'd had to come to terms with something that pained him far more than he thought it would have... He remembered that moment with a decidedly pained scowl, the sight of that stump where his wing should have been. He remembered the words of his friends, the comforting touches and loving embraces as they worked to keep him calm. It had worked just fine really, and it helped that they'd been able to reattach the limb. It didn't function properly any longer, but he was still whole... Sort of. He was still a grounded pegasus.

A grounded pegasus who sometimes dreamed he was a big cat.

He found himself enjoying those dreams of late, enjoying the feel of the cool winds over his whiskers and the scents of the forest drawing him onward to the hunt. It was simple, and an escape from the faint pity shining in the eyes of everypony these days... He was loathe to admit that he hated that. Loathe to admit to hating anything at all. It just wasn't normally in his nature, and yet... That pity bothered him. So he couldn't fly any more, so he didn't have a cutiemark, so he'd nearly died... He was lucky, he didn't need that pity or the soft words of strangers. He had his friends and Twilight. That was all he needed. All anypony should ever need.

Speaking of Twilight... Red's tongue rasped slowly over her mane, straightening a few loose strands. A fact that the sleeping mare seemed to be enjoying a bit if the little smile on her face was any indication. They made for quite a sight, a mulberry coated mare, curled up with a pony sized big cat that took the best features of a panther and a tiger and combined them all in one pleasingly feline body. The fact that they were both still quite asleep made the sight all the more cute to a casual observer... One who DIDN'T happen to be a pony.

Therefor it should be no surprise that Murphy decided the situation needed more pony.

"Hey Twi you got that new Daring Do book in ye-WOAH!" came the voice of Rainbow Dash, who seemed to lack the understanding that yelling in a library was considered impolite... As was popping into your friend's living space without invitation. In her defense however, Twilight DID love in a public library...

Startled by the outburst Twilight shot up with a startled yelp, smacking the top of her head into Red's chin and leaving her clinging to a light fixture, heart racing. Red of course bit his tongue, leapt to his paws, and stood there, fur bristling. He looked like a blood red ball of fluff who happened to be blowing the world a perpetual raspberry. Rainbow for her part just stood there, jaw slack and completely dumbfounded by what she'd walked in on. Twi was in bed... With a PREDATOR!?

Twilight was currently rather confused. Her mane was wet, she was apparently playing the part of a bat in the play of life, hung upside down from her ceiling lamp, and she was staring down at a very confusing sight. Some big cat thing was there on her bed, staring down RD with a look of confusion and minor discomfort in its eyes.

Red just knew that his tongue was sore and that his fur felt all prickly. Without so much as a second thought on the matter he plopped himself down and started straightening his fur. Like a typical cat he used his tongue to do so. He got through about three passes on his side before he realized just what he was doing, blinked a couple time, and let out a mumbled and very profound statement.

"Da buck?"

Just like that all the tension was gone from the room. Talking tiger things tended to make for great mind bogglers after all.

"Uhh... Hey Rainbow, seen Twi? We were having a real nice nap till something smacked my chin... Why're you staring at me like that anyways? Something on my face?" Red asked, oblivious to his current form. He didn't feel any different in all honesty.

RD blinked a couple times, working her jaw back into place before she managed to get out a few words while pointing up at the wanna-be bat pony. "Uhh... Wha... Huh... Red?!"

"Uhh... Yeah? Expecting the Easter bunny?" asked the pony-cat as he followed the direction of Rainbow's hoof. He blinked in surprise at the sight that greeted his eyes, Twilight, suspended upside down by her tail. Seems he hooves had slipped in shock of seeing the kitty who'd she'd cuddled with.

"How in the world...? You ok up there my dear?"

Twilight, ever the scholar, did the only thing logical to do in the current situation. She fainted after yelling out the obvious for all to hear. "RED! You're a cat!?"

Author's Note:

Kinda short, kinda funny, and kinda a good time for me to get over my writer's block. I'm back folks, got ye olde creative juices flowing again.

Comments ( 9 )

wha wha wha wha WHAT


That WAS hinted at... Explanations are incoming, just be patient lol.

As Crevan Daran awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed into a giant cat.

Great stuff as always.


If I'm not mistaken that's a Kafka reference, is it not?


Indeed it is. If I could think of a plot for a HiE fic I'd start it with that sentence just because.


Well, ten to one, if you wrote it it'd be well worth a read. Glad you enjoyed the chapter mein herr.

Gah! That was awesome and I wish that there was more to read richt now


This is on hiatus pending a revision to smooth the many many wrinkles.

5402914 sweet. then there will be more :pinkiehappy: dat makes me happy

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