• Published 27th May 2013
  • 1,681 Views, 109 Comments

From the Outside In - DarkParable

The tale of a young boy's life, from lowest to highest points.

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Chapter six: A new home and a memory

"Soooooo not cool!" rang out the whining voice of Rainbow Dash, the cyan mare had taken one look at Red Wyne and immediately found him to be lacking by her standards. He was kinda goofy looking in her opinion, and that wing span of his made him look like he had aspirations of being a griffon. Not to mention the fact that he was quiet, the last thing Dashie wanted was another shy one like Fluttershy. She sighed shaking her head and turning her attention back to Dark Wing. "How come I gotta teach him? Seriously... How can he be this old and not know how to bust clouds or have a cutie mark?!" This got a rather sheepish look at of Red, who scuffed one of his foot hooves over the earth, trying not to look ashamed of that fact.

Running about in his blood colored head was a similar thought. How come he didn't have a cutie mark? It wasn't as if he had no talents, or hadn't done something meaningful... Though he supposed that former lives didn't count for a thing really. It wasn't as if he was ungrateful for what had been done for him, but he knew there'd be a bit of trouble because he was almost sixteen and his flank was blank. "I... Work hard enough I suppose... And I learn fast." he said quietly, interrupting RD in the middle of her tirade. She blinked at him and sighed. "Fine... You screw up though and I swear I'm going to have you doing soooo many push ups your wings fall off!" Red nodded slowly, shifting from hoof to hoof as he finished up his unpacking.

He'd been set up in a small shack on the outskirts of Ponyville, and to say it was a shack was doing his new home a small disservice. It wasn't as if he'd been stuck in a hovel or anything, it was just a bit too small to truly be called a house. It consisted of three rooms, bedroom, combination kitchen and sitting room, and a small bathroom. Not much really, but it felt nice to call it his. His meager possessions barely gave the place a homey touch. He hadn't been given anything other than a few parting gifts from Luna and Celestia, his flight manuals, and a few start up supplies. He chuckled softly to himself as he put away the last of his canned goods. "Who woulda thought there was a pony version of chef Boiardie..." he shook his head, more than a bit amused by the cans marked with a smiling pony with a rather amusing 'stash and chef hat. "This is kinda zany..." he muttered, closing his cabinets and heading for his bedroom. He figured he may as well catch some Z's before things got going tomorrow, Dashie wanted him up at the crack of dawn anyways. He had to mentally slap himself at using that name, after all he wasn't her friend just yet. A bit of metal rephrasing later and he settled himself down to sleep for a bit, sighing softly. As he drifted off he caught sight of the moon through his window and smiled softly.

His dreams brought him back to Canterlot, to the throne room, and to the princesses. "Well then Crevan, seems you'll be leaving us tomorrow." Celestia had said, "We'll be sorry to see you go. You've made for a rather entertaining show during your flight lessons..." Red blushed and was quite glad no one would notice with his fur color. Celestia and her sister seemed to though and they shared a soft giggle at his expense, they were after all only teasing him. "Glad someo- err... Somepony got a laugh out of me getting introduced face first to those fruit stands. The vendors certainly weren't amused." he replied with a soft little laugh of his own. They'd spent some time after that, going over the rules for him and a bit of pony history, before Celestia called things short. "Before you go we both have something for you..." she'd said, her horn glowing softly as she brought those "somethings" up from behind her throne. Celestia's gift was something that brought tears to his eyes. Something he thought he'd lost that day on the playground. Suspended in the glow of her telekinetic grip was a small medallion on an old leather throng. The flat disk of metal was adorned with the intricate pattern of a massively complex Celtic circle. That particular bit of old silver had been a gift from his grandmother, one he always wore close to his heart. Celestia slipped in over his head and smiled warmly at him. "Thought you might want that back my newest little pony."

Luna's gift was something just as special, if not something from his old life. She gifted him with the one book in his collection, if one could call five books total a collection, that wasn't something to do with teaching him to fly properly. What she'd given him was a collection of myths and legends, the tale of Nightmare Moon included of course. For somepony who'd always loved reading such things it was a wonderful gift. For someone like Crevan, or Red Wyne as he was now known, it was a bit more than that. It was something that showed that these two neigh goddesses did indeed care for him far better than anyone other than his grandmother ever had. The realization that these two had gone out of their way not only to bring him here but to give him a far better life than he'd ever expected gave him the warmest of the warm fuzzies. He'd thanked them both to excess, he'd even hugged them (with their permission of course). That memory was what danced though his dreams. Feeling loved and accepted with no strings attached.

He awoke a little before dawn, yawning softly and stretching fit to grow a few inches. He sighed quietly, rolled himself out of bed, snagged a muffin (blue berry for the win) and headed out to face the day... And hopefully not bugger anything up by RD's standards. He took to the air, eating on the way and was there before his soon to be mentor. He settled down in an open field to wait, sighing quietly.

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