• Published 27th May 2013
  • 1,681 Views, 109 Comments

From the Outside In - DarkParable

The tale of a young boy's life, from lowest to highest points.

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Chapter fifteen: There was a hole here... Its gone now

Pinkie was PISSED, and that was putting it mildly. For the second time in her life she found herself muted in the most annoying way possible, her mouth was gone. She glared mutely at the cause of her distress, some strange little nine-tailed fur ball who seemed to be taking great delight in juggling several cupcakes and taunting her with them. She scraped her hoof over the floor of Sugar Cube Corner's kitchen and prepared to charge. With a loud "MURMPH!" of sheer rage she darted forward...


Hugged the little Kitsune, doing her best to laugh despite the lack of an oral orifice. Needless to say the little trouble maker was surprised enough to let go of its grip on the magic keeping Pinkie muted.

"Ohmyghosh! You... Are... AWESOME! I was totally gonna throw you a 'Welcome strange foxy critter' party, but now Imma make it a 'Welcome totally epic ball of weird magic that juggles things party!'" exclaimed the cotton candy colored earth pony as she danced around with the Kitsune between her forehooves.

Needless to say this was a bit too much for the little fellow and he promptly blew a raspberry at Pinkie, licked her nose, and vanished in a puff of illlogic.

Somewhere a Vulcan shuddered, knowing somehow that something highly illogical had occurred.

Elsewhere in Ponyville Rainbow Dash was showing off for a little orange filly, one who had a poor taste in role models. Aerial acrobatics were on display the likes of which were on par with the wonderbolts... When they were little. Still, there was no denying that RD had some skillz, much to the delight of Scootaloo. The little filly sighed softly as she watched Dashie show off a bit, wishing she could join her with all her might.

Well... Wish granted in the way only a Kitsune can. Though Djinn were known to take things along a similar twisting path.

Before Scoots even knew what was up, she was quite high up there, slowly floating skyward like a balloon. Rainbow had thankfully taken time to bask in the praise she was no doubt receiving, and was just in time to notice the fact that her audience of one was now one short... But slowly getting larger on the vertical scale. Acting quickly RD caught the apparent weather balloon of a filly and brought her back to earth as gently as she could.

"Umm... Scoots, whats up, aside from you that is?" asked the cyan pegasus with genuine concern in her voice.

Scootaloo began to answer only to be interrupted by a burst of laughter from the bushes and a very sudden, and fluffy, hat with nine tails. Dash's new head piece leaned down and smiled a grin full of needle teeth. "Howdy there my little paint pallet. Enjoying the balloon buddy?" It asked, winking before it vanished, leaving the two ponies confused,a bit startled, and one of them very buoyant.

Red heaved a sigh as he went about helping clean things up, though cleaning up was a mild term. A better one would have been damage control. While the books were relatively untouched by the ravishing of Kitsune mischief, the rest of the library was not so lucky.To Red it looked as if various video games had shoved their world altering selves into a small space. Here and there lay bits of rusted corrugated metal and chain link, across one wall was painted the words "There was a hole here, its gone now" in place of the window that used to occupy that particular wall. In other spots green letters and numbers were packed so densely they seemed to form solid objects. Another part of the library had gone dark and foggy, strange shapes moving about in the depths of the dense vapors. All in all, t'was a mess. A mess that had Twilight sobbing against Red's shoulder and clinging to him.

"Twi, its ok... We'll catch that fox and get him to fix this... Till then, lets stay outa the horror section... I don't like the look of that figure lying there." said Red softly. Twilight just clung to him tighter, doing her best not to stare at the mess that was all the remained of her perfectly ordered library. She was near hysterics, prompting Red to gently, but firmly, drag her back upstairs and plop her onto her bed. "Calm down Twi... Please? You're the smartest mare I know, so use that head of your's for something other than a hat rack." Twilight said nothing, she just shot him a look that said 'Shaddap'.

Red opened his mouth to say something else when he was pounced on from behind and sent barreling into Twilight. They landed in an awkward tangle, a rather intimately awkward tangle that left their lips pressed gently together. Twilight and Red both were stunned, shocked into stillness and unable to pull away for a few moments. Red's mind was a bit too shell shocked to question why his wings felt so stiff, or the fact that there was a slight weight dancing along his spine.

"Aww, look at the love birds... Miss me you two?" asked the little match maker who was currently scrunching up Red's back into something more comfortable for it to use as a resting place. "Well don't mind me, just gonna catch a nice little nap... You two have fun, I'm not about to let my mattresses go anywhere until I wake up." That said the Kitsune dropped itself down, curled up, and refused to move at all.

Red made every effort to get off Twilight, but he may as well have tried to raise the moon for all the good it did him. For something that felt light against his back, that damned fox was apparently as good as his word. They weren't going anywhere anytime soon. "Umm... Twi care to give teleporting us a shot?" he asked, still squirming about, much to Twilight's embarrassment. Her horn glowed brightly for a moment before it fizzled out, spitting a few sparks. "Well then... Buck me over a barrel..." muttered Red to himself, consigning himself to being a bed for awhile.. Least he had some reluctant company.

Author's Note:

If someone wants to take a guess as to what I referenced throughout this chapter (and there's more than one thing) go ahead. If you get all of them I'll let you know. First one who does gets a cookie, and if they want, a mention in the next chapter.

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