• Published 3rd Jun 2013
  • 2,676 Views, 127 Comments

Dashaloo Days: Angry Flight Training - RGLloyd

Have you ever needed to be loved so bad that when you got it, it was painful? Scootaloo has! And when her mom shows back up from deployment for a bit of leave, her idol/big sister Dash faces new challenges with an intense internal conflict.

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FlutterDash Complications

Earlier that day...

Scootaloo burst through the door of her home, huffed across the living room, stamped up the stairs, slammed her bedroom door, buried her face in a pillow, and screamed out her frustrations.

Grinder glanced over at his wife, Donnybrook, who had just gotten home for some leave from the field. "Yup, not much's changed Donny."

"She's gotten to be more of a drama queen from the looks of it." Donny shot Grinder a suspicious glare, "you aren't spoilin' her are ya!"

"Whoa, hold up!" Grinder waggled his hooves back, and forth. "N' slow down there, she hasn't been home enough for me to spoil her. Our filly's been sleeping over at friends houses for the past two weeks. Lately she's been stayin' over at Rainbow Dash's place."

Donny's eyes narrowed. "Yes, the Wonderbolt cadet and captain of the weather team if I remember right." She brushed a yellow hoof through her orange mane thoughtfully. "I know her, but only met her a few times in passing. My sister wont shut up about her exemplary field skills. I need to pay her a visit. I wanna size this Harmony Hero up myself."

Grinder nodded. "Just try to keep it civil. I hear she's teaching Scootabee how to fly."

"Would you use her real name? It's bad enough she stubbornly holds onto that ridiculous nickname she doesn't need you encouraging her by mushy'n it up." Donny rubbed a hoof against the bridge of her nose. "I came home for R and R," she stood and headed for the stairs, "not to deal with filly fits."

"You could just let her work it out herself..." Grinder's logic fell upon deaf ears.

Donnybrook clopped up the stairs, announcing well ahead of time her agitation before she came to Scootaloo's door.

Scootaloo, face down in her pillow, breathed heavily to fight off the pain that was spreading in her gut. Not again...stupid Dash! Why did you have to say that! She sniffled, "I just want you to train me. Why is that so hard?" Her ears perked. The sound of clops coming closer sent shivers through her spine. Horsefeathers! Mom's home! How did I miss that! Quickly she wiped the tears off onto her pillow, and smoothed out her coat. She hissed in a despairing breath as she noted the shoddy state of her primaries, and swiftly threw a sheet over her shoulders. Mom's going to kill me for not keeping up my preening! The door handle jiggled, and Scootaloo shivered in nervous anticipation. The door creaked open, Scootaloo's stomach churned, and Donnybrook stepped in with a look of irritation. Yep, she's already mad, Scootaloo forlornly wished she hadn't come home.

"Cheeriloo? What's it this time?" Donnybrook raised an interrogating eyebrow in response to Scootaloo's play at confused and innocent pantomimes. "Don't give me that, it's always something. Your scooter broke, you can't fly, Dad isn't doing what he's supposed to be doing, I'm not home enough, you're too afraid to ask Rainbow Dash for flying lessons, Cheerilee is ignoring you again. It's always something. Just come out with it, and get it over with."

Scootaloo recoiled, not sure if it was safe to say what was on her mind. "I don't know. It's not important mom. I can deal with it. I don't need help."

Donnybrook took a deep calming breath, and counted to ten in her head as she fought down her irritation. "So, what you are telling me is that there is a problem, and that you can't tell me about that problem because I will make it worse for you."

Scootaloo winced, Mom always knows what I'm not saying. This is bad. I can't tell her about Dash! "I am having some trouble with one of my friends. I just have to talk it over with them." Scootaloo was proud of the response. It was full of truth, but vague enough that it wouldn't connect to Dash.

"I see. So you had a fight with Rainbow Dash then?" Donnybrook stated flatly.

Scootaloo froze, "I uhh...how?!"

Donnybrook smiled, bingo! She loved tearing hidden truths out of half truths. It was her favorite past time to rend iron clad secrets out of her squad. "I just know. Don't worry about it. So what did she say that sent you into a tizzy?"

"I uhm...she," Scootaloo's voice quivered from shock, sadness, anger, and terror under those eyes that saw through everything. I can't lie. It will only make things worse! Mom knows all! "She said she can't train me..."

"What!? Why? If she said you weren't good enough I will break her wings!" Donnybrook glared daggers through Scootaloo, who shrank back nervously fearing not for her safety, but for Dash's.

"No Mom! It's ok, I got this. Please, don't do anything crazy!" Oh no...wrong thing to say! Stupid!

"What!" Donnybrook bristled. "Why is protecting my filly crazy?!"

"Mom! Mommy! Mother!" Mom, hold your temper! But I can't say that, she'll freak out! "Mom, it's ok. She said I mean too much to her. I don't know what that means yet. I'm still trying to figure it out, but she freaks out every time I try to train."

"It means she's a panzy!" Donnybrook spun around, and galloped out the door. Scootaloo shot off the bed, and bolted after her. "It means I need to go knock some sense into her that you aren't made of glass!"

"DAD! Help!" Scootaloo stumbled down the stairs after her Mom.

Grinder stood bravely in the front doorway. "Hon, you aren't pickin' fights again are you?"

"Shut up! I got a mare to slap some sense into." Donnybrook growled when her husband stood fast, refusing to move. "My job is to protect Equestria from rogue dragons, are you really going to stand a chance?"

"Wouldn't be the first time I had to hog tie you till you simmered down." Grinder stepped forward looming ominously over his wife, a skeptical glare in his eyes. "Just brief me on the plan real quick would you?"

Donnybrook took a long deep steadying breath as she glared up at Grinder. "Right. Got it. Dash is a Wonderbolt Cadet right?"


"We recruit the best out of the Wonderbolts, so I am already halfway her superior. She's having some self confidence issues. I got an obligation. Get it?"

"Got it. Let her have it. Just don't hit her will you?"

"Only if it looks like she'll strike back." Donnybrook grinned, her eyes narrowing wickedly. "Else, it's not fun, right?"

"Hooneeyy..." Grinder growled in warning, but stepped aside.

"DAD! Don't let her go, she'll hurt Dash!" Scootaloo's wings flapped furiously in a frantic blurr to emphasize her concern. "Or, Dash will hurt her!" Her breathing began to pick up. "DAD! This isn't going to end well! They will kill each other!"

Grinder thundered out a chuckle. "Scootabee, don't sweat it. Mom's just gonna go show your Dash a little military love. It's something only a soldier can do for another soldier."

Donnybrook huffed. "I doubt I'll get much back. She's just a wet cadet. I'll be lucky if I get a glare out of her in between her groveling."

"Mom! You don't know Dash at all! She never backs down from a fight! She once punched a dragon in the nose!" Scootaloo, and Grinder simultaneously face hoofed.

"Oh really?!" Donnybrook trotted enthusiastically out the door with an enormous grin. "My lucky day!"

Grinder shook his head. "Oh, Cheeriloo, why would you say that?"

"I know Daddy. I screwed up bad." Scootaloo bolted after her mom, hopped on her scooter, and sped down the road. The silhouette of her mother in flight faded in the distance, and Scootaloo once again found herself cursing her wings as they blurred into the night.

Fluttershy approached Dash's door. Oh, I shouldn't be angry with myself. I didn't know it would become a problem, and I don't want to take out my anger on poor Dashie. I caused so much trouble though. I should have just helped earlier. Dashie must be in so much pain right now, and it's all my fault. Her hoof wavered nervously in front of the door. Knock, knock... She waited. Okay this time I'll knock for real. Knock, knock... She waited. Oooh, did I actually knock that time? She waited. I'm sure that I knocked. Maybe, she doesn't want to talk to me?

Fluttershy shifted uncomfortably, rubbing a hoof up and down her leg, the cooling breeze that played down her mane brought no comfort from the heat building under her coat. Well she did go to Twilight instead of me...her oldest friend. A toothy frown accompanied by a dark darting of her eyes briefly marred Fluttershy's natural beauty, but was gone instantly. I'm sure she was on her way to see me, but just got side tracked. She is soo busy and all. Her tail swished. Her hoof reached for the door. Shes taking such an awful long time to answer the door. Knock, knock... During her inner monolog Fluttershy missed the door with her hoof, the sounds of knocking existing in her head alone. Knock, knock...

Fluttershy shifted again, shaking her mane in agitation. Of course she's probably really depressed, and won't answer the door. I probably should let her know it's me. I wouldn't answer the door for just anypony at night. Knock, knock... Her hoof whiffed distractedly at the air. "Ra...Rainbow Dash?" She whispered. "It's me, Flu...Fluttershy!" She squeaked out her name, and recoiled from her own rudeness at piercing the quiet as she looked around to make sure no one was bothered. No answer. Maybe she's upstairs. That has to be it. Dash wouldn't ignore me. Dashie loves me, and I love her. She's one of my closest dearest friends. Knock, knock... Her hoof made contact this time producing a muffled thud on the door.

Then why isn't she answering!? I have been waiting, and knocking, and... Fluttershy took a calming breath, forcing down her agitated wings. Patience. I need to be patient. She is in pain. A shadow fell over her eyes. Of course she's in pain! Judging Twilight like that! It's not Twilight's fault she isn't good with emotions. Not everyone can be me of course! Fluttershy shivered, her eyes calming. That's not right. Twilight is an amazing friend, and she has proven she cares deeply for all of her friends. I love Twilight, and she loves me. She's one of my closest dearest friends... A jolt ran up her spine, and her wings flared out again. Her head lowered in challenge. ...and Rainbow Dash hurt her! Her head twitched to the side, fluttering out her mane. And Twilight hurt Rainbow Dash... She twitched again...flutter. So I need to have a talk with both of my friends. Flutter. If she'll ever... "...open the door!!" Fluttershy's spun around, and bucked the door off it's top hinge as it flung in, and slammed -fluff- against the wall.

Fluttershy bolted into the living room, which was devoid of any Dash's. Twitch...Fluttershy sighed in relief. I knew it, Dashie wouldn't ignore ME! She must be upstairs. Oh dear, this old door is falling apart. I couldn't have hit it that hard. She replaced the door gently into its frame, and tipyhoofed up the stairs. Maybe she's asleep. I hope I didn't wake her. I'm sure she's emotionally exhausted. She must really need me. I should hurry.

Scootaloo buzzed through the streets unbidden. Everypony was already shacked up for the night, and she wasn't anywhere near the bars so it was clear scootering all the way to the other side of town. Her wings began to itch furiously. I have to hurry! Mom will screw up everything! I have to protect Dash! She hit a rock, and sailed through the air. Her wings blurred faster as she used the airborne opportunity to increase her speed which also settled some of the itch. Dash! Faster!

Dash laid in bed. It felt as if the last of her energy had been spent ascending the distance to her cloudhome and dragging herself up the stairs. Her chest ached as her hoof traced an outline of Scootaloo into the bed sheets. This isn't healthy... She pulled the sheets over her head to hide from the world only to throw them down again. She sobbed, but the tears wouldn't flow. The sheets smell like her. I can't do this... Her gut roiled, and churned. I can't do this...There's no way out...there's no finish line. There's only pain. I'm such an idiot.



Fluttershy nudged the bedroom door open, her hackles were flared up, but otherwise still in full control of the situation. "Uhm...hello?" No answer. Dash was huddled under the blankets on the bed. Maybe she's asleep. Fluttershy moved closer to the bed. "Dash?" Movement. Eep! She's awake! Okay, I just need to say it. Get it all out. "I...I...am really concerned about you, and Twilight..." No answer. Fluttershy's wings ached, picking up on Dash's misery. Her gut began churning, but she ignored it. I'm here for a reason! Stand strong! Ascert! She placed a concerned hoof where she imagined Dash's shoulder to be. She's shivering? Dash's condition brought out Fluttershy's confidence. She's emotional, I can do this. I can read her. "Dash I need you to talk to me. I need to know you are ok." She rubbed along Dash's shoulder.

"Don't!" Dash flipped over, away from Fluttershy's hoof. "Just, don't touch me right now."

Fluttershy recoiled with a wince, and a pang hitting home in her chest. Oh, dear, this is worse than I thought. "What's wrong? You can tell me, it's okay Dashie. You know I won't judge you."

"I don't know what's wrong with me. Alright? So, do me a favor, and go away. I just need...sleep or something." Dash mumbled into the pillow.

Pang! Fluttershy exhaled with the pain, gritting her teeth, she took a deep breath. She's emotional. She needs me. Oh, but it hurts Dashie why must you push me away? "Is it, about earlier? When you were afraid Scootaloo might get hurt?"

How did she...? Aw, horsefeathers, like I care... "Yes, now go away. I'll tell you everything later." Dash held onto her gut, dizziness swept through her, and resonated out her legs like a million pricking needles.

Pang! Fluttershy, grimaced and bit her lip. Her breathing picked up. It's depression. That's why. It's just depression. I can break through this shell. Hold on Dashie, I'm coming. I will help you. I love you. You are my oldest, dearest friend, and I will always be there for you. Fluttershy wanted to reach out and hug Dash, but thought better of it. "I can't just go away Dashie, not when you are in so much pain. I..."

"I have to deal with this on my own!" Dash cut her off. "No one can help me right now. Got it?" She sniffled, and fought back a dry sob. "Please."

Pang! Fluttershy recoiled as she fought against the heat building up in her core. Dash is in turmoil, I have to forgive her. She still loves me. I will always love her no matter what. "This isn't you Dashie." Fluttershy laid down next to her, failing to keep the irritation out of her voice. "So I am going to wait here for you to come back to me." And I need to calm down.

Dash raged at the queasy sick in her stomach. She raged at the urge to turn, and bury her face in Fluttershy's chest and scream. She raged at the dizziness that weighed down her limbs and clouded her vision. She raged at the tormenting itch that was spreading through her wings. She raged at her status as a sister that could never become anything more. But mostly she just raged, silently, she raged at her weakness. I'm so weak! Scootaloo! You broke me with one word! Then, you run off when I needed you! You are so selfish...

...Twilight flapped hard and fast, nearly running into Dash's door before she could stop. Hold on Rainbow Dash! I can be your sister too you know! Her hoof went to knock, but the door creaked open, falling off a hinge as it swung inwards. Twilight peered in hesitantly "R-Rainbow Dash?"

She could hear muffled voices coming from up the stairs. She tippy hoofed to Dash's bedroom door, stood on her hind legs, and pressed up against the wall. Twilight had no intention of eavesdropping unannounced, but something in Fluttershy's voice froze her hooves to the cloud. Easy, Fluttershy, easy!

Dash turned on the bed, and met Fluttershy's gaze straight on. She noticed the telltale signs. A twitchy eye, an ear hanging low, her lip curled ever so slightly on one side. Fluttershy's close to an episode. Dash half grinned at her friend. I need that right now.

Fluttershy stared hopefully at Dash. She's going to open up! She needs me! I can see it in her eyes! "Whatever you need to say, just say it Dashie." She cooed, her wing reflexively stretched out craving contact of any kind as it alighted soothingly on Dash's shoulder.

"Fluttershy," tear into me! Dash batted the wing away. "I'm dealing with this. I don't need Twilight's help, or your help, or anyones!" Forgive me! "So just go away, and leave me alone!" Dash squeezed her eyes shut, steeling her resolve to make it through the oncoming onslaught. I already hate myself for saying that! I'm so sorry Flutters...

Twilight's hackles rose, her ears tingled, and her wings ached. Dash! Have you gone insane?! We are all here just for moments like these! From the pain in your voice, you need us more now than ever! And, that's without already knowing what the problem is. She held her breath, and bit down on a hoof. I may need to calm Fluttershy down. Oh, this is bad, she's going to lose it.

Donnybrook approached Dash's cloudhome swiftly and flopped down onto the porch. She looked around with a smirk. "Frilly bit of digs. Rainbows everywhere...phhhttt...can't be that tou..." She came up short, noticing the front door swinging inwards from the wind, hanging on one hinge. Hmm...not safe to go in the front. Something's up, and I don't like the looks of it. She flitted back swiftly, and darted around to the windows. She sliced across at high angles to get the full view of each room while staying at a safe distance. It's darker out here, so no one can see me, but no sense in taking chances. I'll keep to high angles which will be more awkward for anypony standing to catch my movements.

Having cleared the bottom floor, she hovered higher to work on the top floor. She focused on one room that was lit, and immediately caught a glimpse of Dash, and a yellow pegasus laying in bed together. Aww...she's got herself an adorable lookin' marefriend there. Lucky girl. Donnybrook shook her head vigorously, Focus Donny! This isn't the time for romantic storybook fantasies! She quickly shifted over to another window, a smaller one with a clear shot of the hallway.

Bathe me in dragon fire! They got trouble! Donnybrook's expert eye caught a figure pressed up against the wall outside Dash's bedroom. Pegasus. Blends in well with the shadows. Obviously must be wearing tactical camo or is naturally coloured to fade into the night. "Tch..." I'm beginning to like this Rainbow Dash. She leads an exciting life, and here I thought Princess Celestia must be losin' her mind handing over ancient relics of power to a bunch of green filly's. Donnybrook's eyes narrowed as she prepared to charge in. Just in case. I'll wait, we'll see how this goes. Show me what yer made of there Rainbow Dash!

All of Donnybrook's actions were not lost on a trio of ponies, and one jittery dragon, hidden below.

Dash gritted her teeth, and waited for an eternity of seconds. When she could no longer hold her breath she let it out hesitantly in controlled little bursts. Taking in another nervous breath she timidly opened her eyes. Fluttershy's eyes were hidden beneath her mane, but she could barely pick them out through the pink strands as they shimmered back at her. Her muzzle betrayed no emotion. Dash could feel her heart beating furiously in anticipation as Fluttershy's wing pressed into her, slipped down behind her back, and with surprising strength, pulled her across the bed to close the gap between them. Chills ran down Dash's spine as she broke out into a cold sweat. Fluttershy slipped her hooves around Dash's neck, and pulled her head into her chest.

Gingerly she whispered directly into Dash's ear. "Before I punish you. You are going to tell me exactly what happened." She passed a soothing hoof through Dash's mane as her words slowly increased in intensity. "Then. You are going to tell me why you want me mad at you." She kissed Dash gently on the head. "Then! You are going to think of a good apology for Twilight Sparkle." Her voice raised to a shout, sending Dash's ears to fold protectively against her head as she shivered. "AND! Twilight is going to stop cowering in the hall, and march in here RIGHT! NOW!"

Twilight jumped with an, "eep!" And quickly rounded the corner, a nervous apologetic grin played out under darting eyes.

Dash's head popped up, "Twi..."

"Lay down!" Fluttershy growled as she smashed Dash's head into the pillow. "Shut it, and snuggle!"

Author's Note:

Before you all lynch me... here is my logic for Scootaloo's real name being Cheeriloo.

After a little digging I found that Cheerilee was originally Scootaloo's older sister. So it wasn't a stretch to figure that Cheerilee decided to keep a professional relationship with her in class so Scootaloo wouldn't get bullied or picked on for being related to the teacher. Faust stated that Scootaloo's concept design included her getting into schoolyard fights for not being able to fly, which would add to this scenario.

However as far as the name goes. Looking at Scootaloo if you were to compare it with Cheerilee you notice that the consonants and vowels all match up. As in S for C, c for h, o for e, and so on. So, it's also not much of a stretch to think that Cheeriloo thought her name was too girly and wanted something that sounded more awesome. So being a kid she took her name and switched up the consonants and vowels which is way more fun than just picking a nickname. Hence, Scootaloo.

But why did I go off on the tangent of trying to find a name for Scootaloo in the first place? Isn't Scootaloo a fine name the way it is? Well sure, but it sounds more like a nickname than a real namesake. If we analyze the other characters in the story we find that characters names often reflect upon who they are and ultimately reveal some of their personality or talents. I think its silly to think that a pegasus who enjoys riding her scooter around is still going to be riding her scooter around instead of flying when she grows up. I also can't see Scootaloo's occupation or talents being tied in with scooter tricks for the rest of her life. So I think it's safe to assume that Scootaloo's name was thought up as a way to describe who she is now without any thought of who she would become later. Cheeriloo is a lot more ambiguous, and leaves a lot more room for talent speculation. Of course one may argue that Scootaloo may become the first Wonderbolt/stunt flyer to take to extreme air board sports as her talent...and then I would hoof you upside the head...Hard.

So it all made the OCD part of my brain twitch every time I tried to imagine her parents actually sticking her with the name Scootaloo. I also find Scootaloo to be hugely representative of our populations need for hero worship, and she exemplifies the insecurities that come along with having a dream. Whereas Dash has already overcome her insecurities and is working towards her dreams. Scootaloo is just beginning to come to terms with those insecurities and is working through them using her hero Dash as a role model. It irked me that such a dynamic and intriguing character would coincidently be the one CMC that has the least amount of background and depth. So I put a few good hours into figuring it all out, and really it feels right, like I decoded it rather than fabricated it. Later I plan to create a story detailing exactly how Scootaloo came up with her nickname, and expound upon her relationship with Cheerilee, but for now, back to Dashaloo Days. Oh, and if you don't like it, I look forward to hearing alternate theories in the comments. Anything as brain dead along the lines of "Scootaloo can't fly, shes going to need some method of transport for the rest of her life, and there's no reason she can't do tricks for money" will receive an immediate and violent -CLOP!- HOOF TO THE HEAD!