• Published 3rd Jun 2013
  • 2,679 Views, 127 Comments

Dashaloo Days: Angry Flight Training - RGLloyd

Have you ever needed to be loved so bad that when you got it, it was painful? Scootaloo has! And when her mom shows back up from deployment for a bit of leave, her idol/big sister Dash faces new challenges with an intense internal conflict.

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Fight! Flawless Victory!

At some point it clicked in Applejacks mind that she knew this peeping pony. However, she also knew that once you picked a fight with Donnybrook, there was no going back. The only option is to wear her out, and hogtie her until she cools off! "Pink-legs! Rare-wings!"

Pinkie dove in for Donnybrooks legs as the mare reared up, and prepared to launch. Donnybrook pitched backwards as Rarity caught her wing in a blue aura in an attempt to pin her to the ground. Applejack leapt into the air arching down straight for Donnybrooks chest to bowl her over, the rope gripped in her teeth. Donnybrooks mind whirled, her years of combat experience culminating to this one point in cold calculation. She flapped her free wing backwards to kick off a spinning momentum, simultaneously she shifted her opposite hind leg forward offering it to Pinkie who grabbed at it in triumph. However, the party pony's inexperience in battle was all too evident as Donnybrook used her momentum to spin around, and catch Applejack across the face with her other hind hoof in a vicious spin kick, simultaneously ripping her wing out of Rarity's magical grasp, she continued the spin kicks momentum to whip Pinkie around and sent her rocketing towards the unsuspecting Rarity. Applejack's lasso twirled harmlessly through the air signaling the end of the fight before it ever started. "And that, my little pony's, is how you brawl!"

Donnybrook laughed derisively. This is going to be fun! Was her last thought before the shock kicked in. The wind knocked out of her as she hit the ground with a thud. She recovered quickly only to realise her legs had been hog tied, and her wings were rubber banded to her sides. She glanced over in disbelief and scanned her opponents. Applejack had gained magic-cat powers, twisted in midair, and landed perfectly on her hooves. Impossible! Rarity had instantly recovered from her shock, and held Pinkie safely in midair. What the HAY!? Are they ninjas!?

Ten seconds earlier... Spike's brain had reached near critical caffeine levels.

Spike watched the fight unfold in front of him. Through the starlit black of night he marveled at how the four ponies flowed in slow motion. His brain buzzed and hummed inside his skull as he took in every minute detail with an eternity to study every muscle twitch. Wow... His eyes dilated in wonder as Applejack flew at him. Cool... He sidestepped calmly, marveling at every detailed strand of her hair as it wavered in the moonlight, and on a whim counted the freckles on her cheeks, twice, before he flipped her over to ensure she would land on her hooves.

He then turned to analyze Pinkies trajectory as she floated towards Rarity. Grabbing her tail he shifted her slightly to the right, sighting down her mane to ensure Rarity wasn't in harms way, and sauntered past her humming as he worked. Rarity stood frozen with her eyes closed in panic, and braced for impact. Spike gently pried her eyes open, turned her head towards Pinkies new trajectory, and flicked the tip of her horn with a claw to coax an instant magical reaction. He whispered into her ear, "I know you will catch Pinkie, I believe in you." After taking the opportunity to steal a kiss from Rarity's cheek, Spike turned to face off with his old nemesis, one final bite of energy muffin hanging in his claw.

He took note. Donnybrook, right. I know you. You're the captain of the Rogue Dragon Suppression Squad. A secret branch of the military of classified black ops personnel. Spike recounted having had brief, and tense, discussions with this mare back when he lived at the castle. She held onto a nagging insistence that no dragon could be trusted, and she let Princess Celestia know every chance she got. More than once she had argued with the Princess to have him shipped off over the mountains, and returned to his 'own kind' as she put it. So we meet again...and I just happen to owe you one... Spike held out a claw, catching Applejack's lost lasso as he kicked the discarded rubber band up, and slung it around his shoulder, signaling the end of the fight before it ever started. He slowly approached, grinning and giggling maniacally, watching her every move intently as he popped the final bite of muffin into his mouth, and the world stood still.

Donnybrook laid on the ground, failing completely to comprehend how she could have been defeated when a familiar face entered her vision. Spike! "What is your scaly hide doing here!?"

"I'm the one who just handed your plot to you on a silver platter." Spike grinned cockilly, cleaning the dirt out from under his claws. "How does it feel to be completely humiliated by a baby dragon?"

Donnybrook looked away, shame coursing through her. "I'll get you for this!"

"Why because I can beat you at your own talent?" Spike glared down at her cutie mark. A navy blue shield emblazoned with a red eyed silhouette of a fierce dragon head. The contrast in colors gave the eyes the appearance of darting around, as if her cutie mark were searching for prey.

Donnybrook stared long, and hard at Spike, before letting out a sigh. "I don't know what trick you pulled to take me down, but you beat me." Her eyes narrowed as Spike took on a satisfied smug grin. "Oh, don't let it go to yer head you little rug lizard. I'll get you yet!"

"Oh? The sadistic berserker wants a rematch huh?"

"That's right! Anyplace, anytime, you choose the battleground."

Spike grinned wickedly. "Challenge accepted!" They bumped heads, glaring daggers at each other over low guttural growls.

Spikes friends all glanced at each other, not quite sure what happened, but just glad Spike had somehow saved their plots. They watched in rapt fascination at the unlikely rivalry before them. And then to everypony's complete surprise it rained a Rainbow.

Enough is enough! Dash leapt out the second story window of her bedroom, and launched herself forward. In that moment Dash learned the very sudden, and painful lesson of why a pony should never push themselves to repeatedly fly with wing cramps. Dash's wing cramped viciously having failed to heal after the past weeks repeated abuses. Dash was used to the cramping by now, however this one was particularly cruel and accompanied by a new pain. AHH! It tore! Horsefeathers! My Everfree-lovin' wing muscle just bucking shredded! Dash flapped haphazardly trying in vain to crash into her cloudhome, but in her crippled state, couldn't hit the side of a barn! She chuckled ironically as she plummeted towards the ground. I gotta tell that one to AJ later. Phhtt...she'll totally get a kick out of it. Huh, I think I'm losing it. Being a crash expert, she flapped her good wing to get a good spin going, and landed into a roll, succeeding in absorbing a good portion of the impact.

Applejack was the first to recover from the initial shock as she ran to help her friend. "RD, what in tarnation just happened!?"

"I just totally shredded my wing." Dash giggled maniacally. "AJ! I couldn't hit the side of a barn!" She burst out in uncontrollable laughter, and Applejack raised a concerned eyebrow. "The muscle's so jacked!" Dash continued laughing, rolling over holding her stomach as her wing slid limply on the ground. "I can't move it!" Her laughter turned silent as she ran out of air. Her face flushed, "I can't breath..." She squeaked out the words with the last breath she had.

Applejack backpedaled looking between each of her friends for support, but only got concerned shrugs in return. "Uhm...sugarcube? Are you feelin' okay? We should get you to a hospital..." Applejack's ears went limp, as she bit down on her lip, trying to figure Dash out.

Pinkie glanced at Rarity, an uncomfortable grin marring her usual happy wrinkles. "Uhm, I know that laugh...she's definitely cracked. Doesn't look too bad though." Dash's vision blacked out around the edges, her limbs suddenly losing all strength as they fell limply to the sides. "Oh, there it is. She just went through vasovagal syncope!"

Rarity and Applejack looked back at Pinkie with a simultaneous, "what?"

"She half fainted! See now she can breath again. I think it's over! Okay everypony, it's now safe to approach the Dashie!" Pinkie bounced over, and nudged Dash's shoulder in encouragement. "Pinkie to Dash! Come in Dash! It's safe to come back to reality, or at least let us in with your crazy! It sounds fun in there!"

Fluttershy and Twilight flitted down from the cloudhome in time to hear Dash go into another round of maniacal laughter as she grabbed Pinkie, and noogied her mane. "Good one Pinkster!"

The other ponies gathered all exchanged concerned looks. Twilight spoke first. "Applejack? What is going on? What exactly did we miss?" Applejack relayed the events between them and Donnybrook.

Twilight's mind reeled with questions, but Donnybrook cut her off. "So you are the famous Rainbow Dash everypony won't shut up about! I been lookin' forward to meetin' you..."

Dash rolled her eyes through the dizzy haze her laughter had built up, and let a very twitchy dizzy Pinkie free to stumble away. "Oh a fan huh? Well this really isn't the night for autographs and all."

"Phhhttt..." Donnybrook laughed riotously. "Well yer a bit full of yourself! Can't say that's all that bad though, nothing I can't handle. I've almost made up my mind about you...just a few tests left." Donnybrook grinned wickedly as Dash's brow raised in confusion.

Twilight broke in. "Donnybrook, are you planning on recruiting her?"

"Uhg, Twilight you just can't leave anything to suspense can you?" Donnybrook shot her a deadpan glare. "Sorry, Princess, I would greet you properly but I'm a bit tied up at the moment." Twilight moved to undo her bonds, her magic making quick handiwork of the rope and band. Donnybrook stood, and snapped a dutiful salute. Twilight nodded, blushing in appreciation. "Aww, you're still in the awkward adorable princess stage." She chuckled as Twilight looked away, and blushed deeper.

Dash stood weakly to her hooves. "What do you mean by recruit?"

Donnybrook waved a hoof. "Princess, you mind? Patient explanation is more your expertise, not mine." Donnybrook walked away, throwing a hoof at Applejack who bumped it halfway. "Nice try back there. I like how you took command." She grinned. "Too bad you had to have a baby save your plot."

Applejack threw a retort back at Donnybrook as the two neighbors caught up on the last few weeks she'd been gone. Dash tuned them out, and turned on Twilight. "Alright, this is going to bug me all night. Spill it Twi."

Twilight cleared her throat, and Dash rubbed her temples in preparation. "I will try to keep it short. Donnybrook is captain of a secret armed forces unit that handles dragon incurs...attacks all over Equestria. They are a black ops team code named the 'Rogue Dragon Suppression Squad.'"

Dash looked over with a huge grin. "That sounds awesome! Wait, she want's to recruit me?!"

Donnybrook flipped a hoof nonchalantly over her shoulder. "We'll see kiddo. I still haven't tested your metal yet. Tell her about our recruiting habits Princess."

The way in which Donnybrook used the honorific 'Princess' so familiarly slightly irritated Twilight but she let it go, writing it off as part of her O.C.D as she turned back to Dash. "They recruit the elite out of the Wonderbolts..."

"What!? So you are a Wonderbolt too?" Dash looked over at Donnybrook in shock.

Donnybrook smiled, and winked at Applejack, signalling she'd be back in a second. She cantered over to Dash. "Yeah, I was in charge of new recruits for a few years until I got recruited by Celestia to form the R.D.S. Squad. When I left, my sister took over. Perhaps you know Spitfire, since she won't shut up about you every bucking time I see her."

Dash nearly fell over in shock. "Really?! I mean, hehe..." She puffed out her chest, ignoring the pang of pain that shot through her injured wing. "Well you are looking at the fastest flyer in Equestria! I own the rainboom you know."

Donnybrook's grin widened. "You know I just remembered the key reason I came over here." Her features hardened as her smile disappeared. Dash held her ground as the mare approached her menacingly. "I hear you have some issues that are tarnishing that 'can do' attitude of yours."

"Well you heard wrong." Dash matched Donnybrooks sudden change in attitude. The other mares gathered all shifted uneasily, glancing back and forth for answers that weren't forthcoming.

"Did I? Cadet?" Dash's wince was almost unperceivable...almost. Donnybrook smiled inwardly, good, good, good...that means rank still pulls weight for her outside the academy. "Maybe you should dig a little deeper, and stop feeding me crap!" Donnybrook darted in, bringing her muzzle within an inch of Dash's ear. "If there's nothin' wrong with ya, then perhaps you just enjoy making little filly's cry. Huh? Cadet..." Dash's eyes darted to the side to meet Donnybrooks. "OH! I see I got yer attention! That's gooood, good, good...because you are going to listen to every word I grind into you. Got it?!"

Dash could feel beads of sweat building up on her brow. Yeah! YEAH! This is what I needed! Chills ran up her spine and down her legs. It was all she could do to keep the smile off her lips. "Yes, Ma'am!"

"Outstanding!" Donnybrook flashed a grin, which made Dash feel good inside. Suddenly she wanted nothing more than to make sure her superior kept smiling, because the alternative...well cadets don't talk about that... "I think you've gone pansy on me! I came here expecting a champion, and I get..." She waggled a derisive hoof and Dash. "...this." She spat the word out. "You're broken cadet! You're worthless to me now! I can't use you!" She got right in Dash face. Every muscle in Dash's body tensed to near cramping as she poured monumental effort into holding her ground. "All I see is an over emotional basket case who can't even train a little helpless filly how to fly! You're so pathetic she couldn't even bring herself back here to bother chewing you out personally. You don't have half the spine that little filly has..."

Dash's muzzle wrinkled in anger as she cut in. "What do you know about Sco..."

"Ohoho! Are you interrupting me Cadet?" Donnybrook grinned evilly. "Oh, I hope you are, but I know you aren't that stupid!" She paused and glared at Dash. "Are you?" Donnybrook asked hopefully. Dash held her tongue and stared straight ahead. "I didn't think so!" Donnybrook blasted the words right into Dash's ear. Not a twitch...nice Cadet, but you won't hold out much longer.

She has some good dirt on me. It's a fight to the death! Dash steeled herself, determined to keep her composure at all costs. I'll show her. Nerves of steel! No one can break me! Scootaloo...well...no one else...

Donnybrook cantered in a circle around Dash slowly. She stated matter of factly. "So you chickened out. You gave up. You broke her heart and crushed her dreams, because that's the kind of mare you are. Isn't it!"

"No Ma'am!"

"What!? The proper answer is YES Ma'am! Yes Ma'am I'm a chicken, I like crushing little filly dreams! You do! Don't you!" Donnybrook growled in Dash's ear.

"Yes Ma'am!"

"Exactly! I knew you were scum! You don't give a plot about anypony but yourself so you left her to wander off thinking that her hero abandoned her..." Dash's eye twitched. Got'cha! Donnybrook grinned, while taunting Dash she kept her face easily within hoofshot. Come on kid, do it. You want to so bad...hehehe...just a little bit more.

Donnybrook whispered into Dash's ear. "Just as well. You looked too busy getting a piece of that flank over there anyway. The yellow one with the long flowing pink hair, with soft manicured hooves, and perfectly preened wings. She's a real beauty isn't she, but that wasn't good enough for you was it?" She threw a foreleg around Dash's neck, and redoubled her efforts. And now the coup de grace. "No, not for the amazing Rainbow Dash. You just had to have that perfect little purple princess plot on the side didn't you?"

Dash grinned inwardly. She could feel her cheeks burning, and her hackles rose as Twilight and Fluttershy buckled nervously under Donnybrooks lascivious glare. But it's all part of the game isn't it Donnybrook? I know how to play the game. Dash broke form and turned on Donnybrook. She flashed her best 'I'm the mare' grin, and shouted brashly. "Yayess MA'AM!"

Donnybrook squeezed Dash's neck as her grounded foreleg gave out from underneath her. She laughed loud and heartily as she backpedaled, and stamped the ground. "You're alright Dash!"

Pinkie and Spike rolled around in the grass laughing hysterically. Rarity giggled behind a hoof, her eyes bright with mirth. Twilight shot Dash a deadpan glare, her tail swishing back and forth as Fluttershy had a blushing breakdown next to her. Applejack threw her forelegs around their necks and pulled them into a rough comforting hug as she failed to hold in her chuckles.

Donnybrook grinned over at Dash. "You feel better now?"

"Yeah, a lot better. I think you beat it out of me." Dash grinned back.

"You up to trainin' my daughter then?" Donnybrook snickered. "Or am I gonna have to hurt you?"

"Well I am a bit busy, with Scootaloo." Dash scratched a hoof on the back of her head. "Who's your daughter."

Silence overfell the clearing. Donnybrook stared at Dash expecting a punch line. When none was forthcoming. "You're a little thick aren't you?"

"What the hay is that supposed to mean?" Dash puffed up indignantly, her injured wing still hanging limp at her side.

Donnybrook sighed. "Chee..." she hesitated. Let's not make this any more complicated than it needs to be. "Scootaloo is my daughter."

Dash was silent for a moment. Her head tilted down with her mane falling to hide her eyes. Her muzzle crinkled up into an enraged snarl. You! Everything Dash wanted to be for Scootaloo flooded through her in a searing wave of intense hatred for the one mare who squandered that gift. Red hues crept into the edges of her vision.

Donnybrook looked on in confusion. "You got some kind of problem with that?"

"Yeah..." Dash trailed off, her mind abuzz with a million battling thoughts being battered by the wave of overpowering emotions. Thoughts of her future, her potential, possible friendships, or what Scootaloo might think of her actions were all slaughtered under the rage that coursed through her. Dash's injured wing rose steadily to match her good one. She stood in full challenge posture, her feathers agitating to the thunderous beat of her heart.

Dash's voice fell to a low guttural growl. "Donnybrook was it? Fair warning. I'm gonna rip your wings off."