• Published 3rd Jun 2013
  • 2,676 Views, 127 Comments

Dashaloo Days: Angry Flight Training - RGLloyd

Have you ever needed to be loved so bad that when you got it, it was painful? Scootaloo has! And when her mom shows back up from deployment for a bit of leave, her idol/big sister Dash faces new challenges with an intense internal conflict.

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Drama Drama Drama!

Dash breathed. I'm not sure what else I can do. Her chest heaved taking in the calming, soothing scents of foal powder, and flowers. She breathed. Her muscles tensed under Fluttershy's unwavering glare. The stare. It pierced through her, tore her heart in two, grabbed onto her shame, and ripped it out of her chest, then shoved it down her throat. She breathed. Fluttershy's soft hoof soothed the tension wherever it touched, like a dredge cutting a swath through the sands of her nerves, only for the sand to fill in the wake after its passing. No, this isn't what I needed. I bucked up! This is bad. So very bad! Fluttershy, I was looking for some motivational chewing, not...this... She shivered, choking on her own breath. Fluttershy, you're terrifying! The body heat drained from Dash, leaving a permeating cold that seared through her as she snuggled closer to Fluttershy for warmth, and huddled further under her wing.

Aww, I love you too Dashie. I knew you needed me. "Twilight!" Twilight jumped, startled out of her awe at the scene before her, and froze while Dash shrank even more underneath Fluttershy's wing. "Lay on the other side of the bed would you? I can't see you behind me, and I think we all need to talk."

"Oh, uhm...I'm not sure I, or Dash is comfortable doing that. But..." Twilight glanced at the window, briefly considering a quick escape.

"Quick! Just do it! I'm totally fine with it!" Twilight! You're gonna piss her off...uhm...more! Dash squeaked from somewhere within her silently raging Fluttercovers.

"Oh, Dashie, you are such a mess right now. It's ok, you don't have to talk just yet if you don't want to." Fluttershy nuzzled Dash's mane, and whispered, "You just snuggle down, and let me take care of everything." She kissed her on the head, an action which sent oddly soothing waves of euphoria through Dash.

Yay, she's not mad at me anymore! Dash almost cried for joy.

"But I still want you to answer all my questions later, so don't think you are off the hook." Fluttershy giggled and bit the tip of Dash's ear -Squeak- in reprimand, a very motherly scolding.

Dash's euphoria quickly died down, oh, Celestia, I'm soo going to get it.

Twilight had made her way around the bed, and was staring down at the lack of space left. It would be a really tight fit. She looked up at Fluttershy, and met 'The Stare' head on, which quickly made the decision for her.

Donnybrook's jaw hung open. She dipped down for a second, having temporarily forgotten to flap. An unseen object whizzed by her head. She batted at the air in irritation. What is going on in there!? That's Princess Twilight Sparkle! Donnybrook's eyes nearly popped out of her head. She's...Dash must be cheating on her! A hoof shot to her chest. Oh, wow. A princess and a natural beauty, this mare is a real player. Oh, but you've been caught! I bet the princess is pissed. You're gonna get it now! She let out a little fangirl squeal, and twisted in the air. Another unseen object whizzed by her head. Oh, this is gonna be good! She gasped, Hah! it begins! She's approaching the bed. Oh, I hope the princess beats the haylovin' plot outa her!

Donnybrook nearly fell out of the sky in a tumble, two more unseen objects whizzing past her as she regained flight balance. She shook her head in shock. I don't believe it, did the princess just crawl into bed with both of them! She bit down on a hoof. That's it! I'm buying Rainbow Dash a round of drinks. I have got to weedle this story out of her!

-SHPLOTCH- Donnybrook flailed frantically as an unforeseen pie slammed into her face and sent her spinning head over hooves.

Applejack smacked Pinkie on the flank sending the pink mare rearing up on her hind legs with an ecstatic giggle. "Yeehaw! Got'er that time!"

Pinkie eye'd the pie she still held in her hoof. "This is my last one. I'll save it and make it count just in case she puts up a fight!"

Rarity quelled her magic, letting go of the giant rubber band Pinkie had produced from a tree hollow. "Honestly Pinkie, I haven't the slightest clue how you can produce nearly any item upon request. Nor why you would have giant rubber bands stashed in tree trunks 'just in case there's a giant rubber band emergency.' But I must admit, your talents do come in handy in the oddest of situations."

Applejack tied a loop in some rope as the stunned peeper slammed into the ground. "Say, Pinkie, where'n did you pull those pies from anyhow? You reached behind you, an' suddenly they just appeared."

Pinkie trotted up to Applejack, and looked at the rope. "Oh you mean like how you just pulled that rope out of nowhere from behind you?" Pinkie lifted Applejack's tail, eliciting an indignant slap on her hoof.

"Why yes, thats exact..." Applejack stopped, and looked back. "Now how in tarnation...where did this rope come from?"

"Ehem!" Rarity eyed the two ponies in exasperation. "Hello girls, I do believe we have some unfinished business?" She nodded towards the groaning mare that was starting to stir.

"Right! Git'er!" Applejack led the charge.

Meanwhile...an unsupervised Spike was nomming down energy muffins at an alarming rate...

Twilight laid down, wrapping a foreleg around Dash to keep from falling off the bed. Dash, we are going to have a talk later!

"See Twilight? It's not so bad. Snuggles make everything better! Snuggles, and chocolate, but we haven't got any chocolate. So let's settle for talking out our problems." Fluttershy smiled warmly, but her eyes were intense and as commanding as her voice. "Dashie, turn over and face Twilight, please." Dash winced at please, for as sweet as Fluttershy's words rolled off her tongue in waves of honey, there was no doubt she wasn't asking nicely.

Dash rolled over awkwardly. Twilight flapped, and scrambled to keep her purchase on the bed until she slipped and nearly fell off. On instinct Dash grabbed her friend in both hooves, eliciting a squeak out of the startled princess, and hugged her close. Before they could separate a powder yellow wing reached across and locked the two of them together. "There we go! Hugs, even better than snuggles!" Before either Twilight or Dash could react, Fluttershy lifted herself over both of them in one swift fluid motion. Fluttershy stood, Dash and Twilight beneath her staring at each other muzzle to muzzle, her wings outstretched in challenge with a look of sadistic dominance emblazoned in her eyes. Oh, my little filly's, you do love me, and you will never ever...fight...again. "Let's commence the therapy shall we?"

Scootaloo caught a glimpse of Dash's cloudhome through the gaps in the buildings. Excitement of the final stretch flooded through her as she rounded the last curve. It was dark, and Scootaloo was looking up. Two advantages that fell wickedly into the potholes plans as it snagged Scootaloo's scooter out from under her. She flew through the air too stunned, and awkward to regain her bearings or level out. When she hit it became painfully obvious that she'd forgotten her helmet. She skidded to a stop as gravel tore mercilessly at her wings.

Scootaloo lay there stunned, staring up at the stars. Her vision blurred ever so slightly, the moon sprouting a twin, and in a fit of excitement, the two danced circles around each other. Whisps of clouds floated past slowly to join in the moon twins party. Reality tugged at Scootaloo's mind as she wondered briefly what she was doing. I fell. Where is my pain? The shock wore off at her inquiry. There it is...pain hurts... Scootaloo gasped as her eyes filled with tears, but she stubbornly held in the wails clamoring up her throat. She sniffled in defiance, and rolled to her hooves. Slowly, awkwardly, Scootaloo made her way towards Dash and her mother. I'm not gonna cry! She sniffled. Not in front of Mom and Dash!

Scootaloo troopered along, wings sagging, and her head hanging low. I'm really tired... She stumbled... Did I leave my scooter at home? Walking's so...slow...

Twilight smiled awkwardly, her nose a mere inch from Dash's. "Apology accepted Rainbow Dash, and please, forgive me for being so careless with my spells. I am sorry that I looked into your mind and read your thoughts. It was only the last two days at most. So, please don't worry about anything beyond that and I swear I won't tell anyone about your problems."

"Except me," Fluttershy smiled, happy with how things were going as she stared down at her two captives.

Dash looked into Twilight's eyes from across their tiny Fluttercell, and smiled awkwardly back. "Hey, yeah, no sweat Twi. We're cool right?"

Twilight nodded. "Yes, right, we are uhm...cool." She grinned. Oh please, oh please, please let this be enough for Fluttershy!

"Yay!" Fluttershy's wings fluttered back in a happy yellow blur. "Okay, now..." She sat back at the foot of the bed releasing her prisoners, "...let's talk about you Dashie. Tell us about your problems." She proffered a hoof to Twilight to help her sit up. "Please Twilight, keep her honest and fill in any gaps."

Dash briefly felt a pang of jealousy as Twilight accepted the help up from Fluttershy, a gesture that wasn't extended to herself. Twilight nodded, "as long as it is okay with Rainbow Dash. I have no problems recounting the exact issues she is suffering from."

Dash shot Twilight a warning glare. No, not at the moment. It's really not alright.

Fluttershy intercepted Dash's glare. "Ehem?" Her gaze intensified again as she locked onto Dash. "Weren't you going to tell me all about it anyway Dashie?"

"Yes, Fluttershy, I was. I was going to tell you everything in my own time. I just needed to...prepare." Dash sat up, leaning on a foreleg while avoiding direct eye contact with Fluttershy. "I need time to figure it out in my head."

"So you can suffer alone in silence? When you are suffering we all suffer with you."

Dash facehoofed. Can we drop the drama yet? I could really use some sleep over here! "No Fluttershy, I know you care about me. I know all my friends care about me. All I am saying is that now wasn't the right time to stare me down and force feed me cuddles." I really didn't mean to sound that irritated.

Fluttershy bristled as she spoke her mind. "Excuse me? Who was the one who wanted me angry at them?"

"I'm really sorry about that Fluttershy." Dash, still refusing to look her friend in the eye, glanced over at Twilight.

Twilight shrugged. "Don't look at me. I came here to help. You are the one who provoked her into feeling rejected."

"Hey! It's not like I'm some touchy, needy, and insecure little filly who needs constant attention!" Fluttershy bristled. Dash held her breath. Twilight bit her lip and dodged Fluttershy's glare. Fluttershy growled. "Say it! I know you're thinking something, just say it. I'm a big girl, I can take it!"

Twilight hesitated, fighting down her obsessive compulsive desire to add to Fluttershy's list. Oh, this is bad. Think up a lie!

"Say it!"

"All right! Fine! Yes you are a little touchy, needy, and insecure. However, you already know that, and that's why you denied those traits specifically. But you forgot bipolar! Whenever somepony trips over your insecurities you lapse into a state of extreme terror or rage where you throw up extreme boundaries or drop them altogether, and your repressed emotions surface." Twilight had more to say, but Fluttershy's glare froze her solid. And that proves both my points. I should have kept my mouth shut, and you really do have some issues.

"And then you do things like that!" Dash sat up on her haunches, emboldened by her rising anger as her wings shifted in agitation. "You just used 'the stare' on Twilight. Have you ever stared at yourself in a mirror. That look is painful! If you cared so much maybe you shouldn't use it on your friends!" Dash met 'the stare' head on. Fluttershy glared at her harder. Dash glared back. "Give it up Fluttershy. I reached my limit already. Suddenly, I can't care anymore what you think right now. I need sleep, and I'm tired of your over needy crap. Get out!"

Fluttershy deflated, her face turning soft and sullen. Her eyes filling with tears as her pupils doubled in size. She mouthed a response but only shrilly squeaks came out as she hid behind her hair. I messed up! Now she hates me! Oh, I was so mean to her. I'm such a bad friend!

And that doubly demonstrates my point. Twilight turned and backhoofed Dash across the shoulder. "Now you're being mean! If Scootaloo turns you into this then maybe you shouldn't be around her! You are lashing out at your friends Dash..." Twilight moved over to Fluttershy and pulled her into a hug. "She's really angry. Maybe the best thing right now is to leave Fluttershy."

"But she's in so much pain." Fluttershy sobbed through little sniffles and squeaks as she buried her head into Twilight's chest.

"We can't force help on her. She has to accept it willingly, and wan't to change or solve the problem. Else, she will suffer a relapse."

Fluttershy giggled between sobs. "Twilight, you have been reading really hard to find ways to help Dash haven't you? I can hear it in your answers."

"Well yeah, I really care about Dash. I came here to help her..."

-SMASH!- Twilight and Fluttershy looked up in startled shock. Dash's foreleg was held quivering straight out to the side. Her hoof hovering where a lamp had sat on her nightstand, which now lay scattered in various pieces around the room. Dash's eyes were hidden by her bangs as she stared straight down. Her muzzle krinkled in anger over bared teeth as she growled. "Who's being mean now?" Silently she slid off the bed and clopped to the window. "I don't need your guilt trips!"

Twilight and Fluttershy shared a forlorn sigh as they watched Dash jump out the window. They separated, their eyes met briefly, and then slid in opposite directions as it became too difficult to share their guilt. They leaned into each other, resting their heads on one another's shoulders.

Twilight whispered. "Now what? How do we fix this?"

Fluttershy sighed. "I don't think we can..."