• Published 10th Jun 2013
  • 6,622 Views, 61 Comments

My Little Gravity Falls is Magic - GamerBrother777

When Dipper and Mabel travel to Equestria they meet the mane 6, but they all must now work together to save each others homes.

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Gideon and Trixie

Gideon stumbled through the woods of Gravity Falls with a tantrum face on. He kept mumbling to himself, “Those cursed Pines.” He carried with himself the tattered book with the six-fingered hand.

“I have to get to the shack. Dipper thinks he can keep me away from Mabel; that boy has got another thing coming.”

Gideon kept walking until he had the Mystery Shack in his sight. He quickly hid into a shrub as to not be seen. He sat on the ground and opened the book, quickly flipping the pages until something useful would appear on the page. Suddenly Gideon heard the Mystery Shack front door open.

“Oh my goodness,” the little boy said. He turned around quickly to see the twins leaving the old building, “why most those two leave the shack now.” Gideon closed his book and dashed into the forest. He ran quickly as to not let the twins see him. After about five minutes of running Gideon tripped on a rock and started to roll.

“Ouch! My word that was a nasty trip,” Gideon went to examine what he tripped over. He saw the rock he fell over and picked it up to throw it, but was stop when he saw something he never would expect to ever see again. It was his amulet the Mabel had destroyed.

“My, my; It seems I found my amulet,” he said with a smirk. He took off his white tie and put on the amulet, “Now I have the power once more, but how?” Gideon took out his book and flipped to the page with the title, “Magical Amulet” and read aloud the description:

Magical Amulet; this device has powers beyond normal…” Gideon started, but he already has read this part before so he skipped ahead, “…another fact about the amulet is that it can not be fully destroyed. If it is ever broken the amulet will regenerate back and the place where it was last found.

Gideon started to laugh, but it was cut short when he heard Mabel, “Are you done now Dipper”

“Yay, I’m done.” Gideon heard Dipper reply to his sister.

“Darn it! Those twins are still out here. I mustn’t let them find me.” Gideon quickly ran deeper into the forest. He ran until he was at the opening next to a high mountain cliff. Gideon felt trapped as he knew the twins would soon close in on him. He looked around for an escape, but suddenly a cave in the mountain caught his attention.

“I’ll hide myself in the cave until those pesky twins pass.” He ran to the cave and held his head out to see if they were coming. He heard the bushes rustling and started to walk backwards into the cave. Unknown to him, a portal was on the cave wall behind him. He cautiously kept moving backwards until he accidentally fell into the wormhole.


Gideon was spit out of the portal into another cave. He rolled a bit the got up off the ground. He brushed some of the dirt off his light blue suit.

“My word,” Gideon said as he looked around, “I appear to be in another cave, but where in the world am I?”

Gideon walked to the mouth of the cave to find another forest. Unlike the Gravity Falls forest this one didn’t have pine trees. It was more of a jungle to Gideon. The little boy started into the forest.

“Wonder where I am? Maybe I’ll find somebody on the other side of side of this jungle.”

Gideon kept walking into the forest for a while until he decided to rest. Then suddenly Gideon was surprise to hear a voice within the trees. “Who goes there, what are you, what is your name?!”

Gideon was nervous to respond a first until a shadowed figure emerged from the trees. It was a blue unicorn dress in a hat and cape.

“My goodness, a unicorn. I must be very far from home or either having another dream.” Gideon said examining the pony.

“Why the Great and Powerful Trixie has never seen a creature like you before, what is your name, what kind of creature are you,” the unicorn said in a wondering tone.

“Well, I’m a human, and you may call me Lil’ Gideon or Gideon,” he replied, “I take it your name be Trixie and you’d be a unicorn.”

“You’d be correct with both of those assumptions. The Great and Powerful Trixie has never heard of a human before, where do you come form.”

“I come from Gravity Falls,” he said, “where do you live?”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie lives where she pleases! For now she live in her wagon, does Lil’ Gideon have a problem with that.”

Gideon shook his head. “Good, now you should follow Trixie too her home.”

Gideon was hesitant to follow, but agreed none the less. The two walked to deeper into the forest. Eventually the came almost to the other side of the forest where the clearing could almost be made out. Gideon began to ask Trixie more questions.

“So are there other unicorns in this world? Do you have magical abilities?”

“Yes there are many others, but Trixie needs none of them she can take care of herself. Trixie also does have magic; she is the most magical unicorn in all of Equestria!”

“Equestria? Is that the name of this land?”

“Why yes. But the ponies here continue to shun the Great and Powerful Trixie, their all just jealous of her magical abilities.”

“Why do the other ponies shun you?” Gideon asked curiously.

“Trixie was upstaged at a magic battle which was unfairly played, but Trixie should get into that right now. She must remain cool,” Trixie said trying not to get angry.

Eventually the two arrived at Trixie’s house. “This is where Trixie lives. Is it not the greatest house ever?”

Gideon was about to answer when he heard the giggles of Mabel outside, in the distance outside. “Darn it,” he angrily said to himself.

“What is the problem, is Trixie’s home not pleasing.” Trixie asked.

“No it’s not the house, it’s…my mortal enemy and his beloved sister followed me here and they intend to ruin my plans for revenge” Gideon angry replied.

“Lets us take a look a these enemies,” Trixie said. She and Gideon both looked out the back window to find the twins not to far from the wagon.

“Those are your enemies, please; the Great and Powerful Trixie could defeat them in her sleep.”

Soon the twins left the area and continued in the direction they were heading. Gideon had an idea, “How bout you and I follow them as to see what they are up to.”

“Why Trixie has no problem with that idea.” The two waited until the twins were far enough away where the twins would not be able to see them. The soon quickly were walking behind until one of the two accidentally stepped on a branch. Both Trixie and Gideon quickly jumped behind a tree out of sight.

“Mabel did you hear that?” Dipper said looking behind him.

“Dipper it’s just the wind.”

“You know when ever someone says something is ‘just the wind’ it’s not the wind.

Mabel just shrugged it off and continued on. Dipper slowly and cautiously followed her.

Gideon and Trixie got up from their hiding spot and at even slower pace continued to follow the twins. Eventually Dipper and Mabel reached a clearing just outside the forest. Trixie and Gideon ducked behind a couple of bush just on the outskirt of the forest.

Gideon then told Trixie, “Use some of your magic on those two; I want to see what kind of magic you can use.”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie will show you Gideon.” Trixie took of her hat and a glowing light shone around her horn. Soon a light beam cam off the horn and flew towards the two kids. Soon after a while Mabel fell onto her back and Dipper landed on his knees until he fell over onto his stomach.

“My goodness Trixie, did you kill them?” Gideon responded in an awkward tone.

“Trixie may be great and powerful, but she doesn’t possess the power to kill any creature. Trixie may be powerful but she is no murderer.”

“What did you do to them, then?”

“Why Trixie only put them into a sleep for...” Trixie trailed off when she saw a yellow Pegasus walking up to the clearing. “Uh!It's one of those cursed ponies!”

“What wrong,” Gideon asked as he looked to see the pegasus walking.

“The pony over there is a friend of my bitter enemy, Twilight Sparkle.” Trixie angry said. “Her name is Flutter…something, Trixie is not sure.”

“I think I’ll handle this,” Gideon said with a smirk. He grabbed his amulet around his neck and it started to grow green. Trixie watched in awe as Gideon use his telekinesis to levitate apples and carrots of out Fluttershy’s saddlebag.

“Wow, Trixie was unaware that humans had magical powers as well.”

“Not all humans only me because I have this amulet.” Gideon said as he let the items drop he was levitating as to show Trixie his necktie.

“With these powers you can be very powerful, almost as powerful as Trixie.” Trixie said.

Suddenly Gideon got an idea, “I propose that you, Trixie, and that I team up together to help each other take down are enemies. Separate we are not very strong, but together we’ll be unstoppable. We can take down the twins and all the ponies who shunned you.”

“That sounds like an excellent plan. We will go to Canterlot, that is the capital of Equestria, and we will over throw the princess and become the leaders of Equestria.”

“A princess? This may be easier then I thought.” Gideon happily said.

“Trixie must warn you, Princess Celestia is also rather powerful; she is a unicorn and a pegasus. An alicorn is the correct title to be called.”

“No need to worry,” Gideon reassured Trixie, “like I said with are combined magical abilities we will be stronger than any living creature.”

“Trixie agrees, we could easily take down anyone. So what shall we call this new team we have formed,” Trixie asked.

“I think we’ll call ourselves the ‘Magical Duo’” Gideon told Trixie.

“An excellent name,” Trixie said joyously, “now let us head off to Canterlot.”

The two new teammates quickly dashed back into the Everfree Forest to Trixie’s wagon and then the two were going to head to Canterlot.