• Published 10th Jun 2013
  • 6,620 Views, 61 Comments

My Little Gravity Falls is Magic - GamerBrother777

When Dipper and Mabel travel to Equestria they meet the mane 6, but they all must now work together to save each others homes.

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Back to the Falls

“Thank you, come again.” Grunkle Stan said as the last of the tourists left the mystery shack. He went back inside with a wad of cash. “Suckers.” He muttered to himself.

Soos the Handyman walked into the gift shop area, “I’ll finished sweeping the Mystery Shack, Mr. Pines anything else I can do?”

“Yay go fix the toilets upstairs.” Stan replied.

“Can do.” Soos saluted off.

“Wendy, put this money in the register.” Stan said tossing the cash to Wendy which landed by her feet.

“I would, but I can’t reach it.” she said as she acted as if she really was.

“Hey you seen those kids, they’ve been gone for like five hours.” Stan asked Wendy.

“No I haven’t.” she told him.

Grunkle Stan grabbed a broom and started bagging it on the ceiling, “Soos have you seen those kids.” he shouted.

“Not today Mr. Pines.” Soos shouted back followed by the flushing of the toilet.

Then Wendy’s cell phone started buzzing indicating she got a text. Stan started swatting around his face, “I think there’s a fly in here.”

“No it’s just my friends texting me to hang with them.” Wendy said as she got up from behind the register.

“Texting?” Stan questioned.

“Later Stan.” Wendy said as she left the shack.

Grunkle Stan glared as his employee left. He sighed and walked over to the window that looked out into the Pine forest. Then something caught his attention. Out of nowhere a creature of a mix and match of animals appeared standing just on the edge of the woods.

“What the heck is that, it like someone beat up evolution.” Grunkle Stan said allowed. He grabbed the broom again and hit the ceiling with it again. “Soos I need you to get rid of this weird animal…dragon…thing outside. It could scare tourists away.”

“I would Mr. Pines,” Soos shouted, “Just as soon as I get my foot out of my toilet.”

Stan heard Soos scream and a toilet flush. He walked outside with the broom. He approached the creature.

“Hey, hey, hey get outta here.” Stan said waving the broom.

“Why Stanford my old friend it’s good to see you again.” Discord said to Stan

“What! How’d you know my name?” Stan asked.

“Stan don’t you remember your old pal, Discord?” He said to Stan.

“Discord? I pretty sure I remember if I knew you, but then again I can’t remember what I had for breakfast this morning.” Stan replied.

“Oh, of course I forget how easily you humans can forget the most simplest of things.” Discord said. “Well Stan it’s been fun catching up, but I have a lot on my plate to get back to. Oh I almost forgot to tell you how nice it was to meet your niece and nephew.”

Stan perked up at this, “you’ve seen Dipper and Mabel. Well, tell them the should probably get back to the shack.”

“Don’t worry Stan,” Discord said, “I gladly put in the message.” Discord snapped his fingers and disappeared out of sight.

“Well that happened.” Stan said as he walked back to the shack.


“Sugarcube you need to calm down,” Applejack said to Twilight.

“Calm down. How can I? Princess Celestia is still missing, and with her gone we can’t get the elements of harmony. Plus we don’t know where Discord is.” Twilight shouted.

“Actually I think I now where he is.” Dipper put in. Everyone looked at him. “He said he was going to go see are Uncle so he probably went to our universe.”

“Great, but how do we get there?” Rainbow asked.

“We just go through the portal we went through to get here.” Mabel said.

“But where is it?” Twilight asked.

“It’s in the forest over there,” Dipper said pointing to the Everfree Forest which was just in view.

“But how are we suppose to get their with these two.” Applejack asked.

“What do you mean?” Rarity asked.

“Well we can’t just walk through Canterlot and Ponyville with two humans. Do you know how everypony would react.” Applejack said. Everyone agreed.

“Oh, I have an idea,” Pinkie Pie said. “Twilight can use her magic to turn Mabel and Dipper into ponies like us.”

“I am one hundred percent on board with that plan.” Mabel said.

“I guess,” Dipper said, “but you can turn us back?” Dipper asked.

“I pretty sure that could work.” Twilight said. “Now Dipper and Mabel stand in the middle of the room.” She said gesturing to the area. “Everyone else stand back.”

Twilight started to work her magic as Mabel was so excited, and Dipper was nervous. After Twilight cast that spell a small cloud of dust appear. As it settled it reveled Mabel and Dipper, now in their pony forms.

Mabel was very excited, “This is the greatest day ever.” As she examined her new body. Her coat was of a dark purple while Dipper was more of a yellowish-brown color.

Dipper was struggling to stand on four legs, but Mabel was really good at it.

“Alright let’s go.” Twilight said as the eight ponies left the castle back out into Canterlot.

“Hey Mabel,” Dipper asked while trying to walk. “How are you good at walking on four legs?”

“I do it all the time in my human body.” Mabel responded

All the ponies walked through Canterlot trying not attract any attention to the fact that Dipper and Mabel were humans or that Princess Celestia was missing and Discord was free. They all reached the train station. They walked onto the train and got a private coach to sit in.

“So why do you think Discord took the books?” Twilight asked Dipper.

“I have no idea, but if Gideon, Trixie, and Discord went through all this trouble to get them it must be something important.” Dipper replied.

They all remained quiet until they reached Ponyville. When they got off they all went back to Fluttershy’s cottage. When they arrived they made sure there were no other ponies around.

“Okay we need to turn you back.” Twilight said. She cast her magic which thankfully worked in turning them back to human.

“Darn, I enjoyed being a pony.” Mabel said.

“So which way is the way to the portal?” Applejack asked.

“It’s this way. Follow me.” Mabel told them.

“Aye, aye captain.” Pinkie Pie said.

The group ventured through the Everfree Forest back the way Dipper and Mabel had come. Eventually the twins led them to the cave with the portal. They all stared at it.

“Are you sure it’s safe?” Fluttershy asked.

“Of course it safe. Dipper did it and he was scared to do it.” Mabel responded.

“I was not scared!” Dipper angrily said.

“No scared people first then,” Mabel said gesturing to the portal. Dipper did and went back through. He was follow by the everyone else. They all came out into the other cave. As they left the strong scent of pine tree hit them.

“Very rustic.” Rarity said.

“I like it.” Pinkie said. “It smells like pine trees.”

“It is pine trees, Pinkie Pie.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Come on we should go see are Uncle.” Dipper said.

Dipper and Mabel again led the group through the path they took to the portal which took them all the way back to the Mystery Shack. Fortunately it looked as though Discord had yet to do any chaos around their to them. They group walked up to the shack entrance and into the gift shop area.

“Grunkle Stan!” Mabel shouted.

Nobody answered as Mabel’s voice echoed through the shack.