• Published 10th Jun 2013
  • 6,621 Views, 61 Comments

My Little Gravity Falls is Magic - GamerBrother777

When Dipper and Mabel travel to Equestria they meet the mane 6, but they all must now work together to save each others homes.

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The New Rulers of Equestria

“TRIXIE!” Twilight Shouted.

“And don’t forget lil ol’ me,” came another voice from behind Trixie.

The twins in unison shouted, “Gideon!”

“Wait, you know him.” Rainbow asked.

“Yay, he our family’s arch rival. He’s been fighting our uncle for years.”

“Yes and now that you all eight have arrived you should know that Trixie and I have team up together to get revenge.” Gideon explained.

“While we waited for you to figure out something was wrong Trixie and Gideon have done much talking and plotting.” Trixie remarked.

“What have you done with the Princess?” Twilight shouted.

“Well she decided to step down from her position and she placed Gideon and Trixie as the new rulers of Equestria.”

“The princess would never do such a thing.” Applejack said.

“And how can you be rulers of anything, there’s nopony anywhere in Canterlot.” Rarity said.

“Well we sent them on a little vacation.” Gideon said. “To celebrate their new rulers.”

“How did you even get here Gideon?” Dipper asked.

“Well I was just minding my own business when you rotten twins kept following and eventually found this place.”

“Gideon found Trixie and we teamed up to get revenge on all you for what you did.”

All the ponies exchange glances. “We didn’t do anything, “Rainbow Dash said, “You were being all boastful and annoyed everypony.”

“It does not matter,” Trixie now a bit angry said, “what does matter is that Trixie was shunned throughout all of Equestria and she plans to get revenge on everypony. Is that right Gideon?”

“Yes and after we plan to do a bit more back in Gravity Falls once we finish we all of you.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Mabel asked.

“You’ll find out in good time.” Trixie said. “For now we’ll give you a test. If you all pass we well return all the ponies back.”

“But what if we don’t pass?” Pinkie Pie asked.

Gideon and Trixie exchange an evil smile. “You’ll see.”

Everyone gave an uneasy look. “So what the test?” Twilight asked.

“Gideon if you’ll do the honors.” Trixie said. Gideon nodded and grabbed his amulet and all of eight of them were not levitating in the middle of the throne room. They tried to free themselves, but none of them were successful.

“What! How’d you get your amulet back?” Dipper asked.

Gideon didn’t answered, he gestured to Trixie who in turn used her magic to create a cage of average size in the room. Once there Gideon placed all eight of them in the cage.

“Let us go!” Rainbow shouted.

“She right.” Trixie said. “We should at least give them a fighting chance.

Gideon nodded in agreement. “Must be fair, of course.” He grabbed his amulet and picked up Mabel, Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash out of the cage. He dropped them into the center of the room. “Trixie if you would be so kind.”

Trixie’s horn lit up and sent a beam of magic toward the four. After a cloud of dust from the impact cleared nothing but a bit of smoldering ash was left.

“You killed them!” Dipper shouted.

“Why of course not little boy.” Trixie said. “Trixie just sent them on a little trip with the others.”

“Now Dipper I think you know why I decide to have you stay.” Gideon started. “I want that book.”

“What! No.” Dipper said.

Gideon started to get angry. He grabbed his necklace and the stain glass windows all shattered out of his furry.

“GIVE ME THE BOOK!” Gideon screamed.

“Alright easy,” Dipper said trying to calm him down. He reached into his vest pocket to find that he didn’t have the book. “Uh, I don’t have it.”

“Where is it?” Gideon demanded.

“I probably left it in Gravity Falls.” Dipper said.

Gideon settled down. “Fine. Come on Trixie we have more to discuss elsewhere.”

“Indeed Gideon let us go continue in private.” Trixie said following him.

Fluttershy started to get scared, but Pinkie Pie came to comfort her. “Its okay Fluttershy those meanies are gone now.”

“Dipper, what does they mean by the book?” Rarity asked him.

“It’s this book I found back at Gravity Falls. It has all these paranormal stuff in it.”

“But why would the want it.” Fluttershy tuned in.

“I don’t know. But whatever the reason it must be important.”

“Where do you think the others are?” Rarity asked.

“Maybe there in universe of all pigs.” Pinkie happily said.

Dipper raised an eyebrow. “Did Mabel tell you to say that?”

“No I was just sharing my thoughts.” Pinkie replied.

“Hopefully their safe.” Rarity said. “Now only if we could get out of this cage.”

Dipper stood at the edge of the cage looking around the room trying to figure out a means of escape. All there was in the room was broken glass all over the floor and the ash from the magic blast. Then suddenly Dipper got an idea.

“I’ve got it.” Dipper exclaimed the three ponies look up at him. “Rarity you’re a unicorn. So you can use your magic to get us out.”

“I can’t, not all unicorns have a lot of magic just a small amount.” Rarity exclaimed, “I couldn’t levitate this cage, it’d be far too heavy.”

Dipper was back to square one, “If only I had my book.” he said to himself.

Suddenly Pinkie Pie had an idea, “I got it!” She then pulled out her party cannon.

Dipper was a bit confused. “You just happen to have a cannon with you.” Pinkie nodded vigorously. “Why?” Dipper asked.

“Oh I never leave home with out my party cannon.” Pinkie explained

“Well I guess that could work, it just needs to be fired a million times.” Dipper said sarcastically.

“Okie, Dokie, Lokie.” Pinkie fired her cannon. “One” she did it again. “Two”

Dipper sat on the edge on the cage next to Fluttershy and Rarity.

“I hope the others aren’t in any trouble.” Rarity said.

“Three” Pinkie said.


The magic blast rang softly throughout the darkness. The four tried to look around but only saw darkness.

“Alright y’all everyone try to find each other.” The four of them all moved in different direction trying to find where the others were. Eventually they all did and were glad to all be have found each other.

“Okay girls where in the world are we.” Twilight asked.

“Were somewhere dark.” Mabel responded.

“She means what is the dark place.” Applejack explained.

“I don’t know then,” Mabel said, “but does anyone else feel that breathing?”

“I feel it too.” Rainbow Dash said. “What is that?”

Twilight walked over to where Rainbow Dash was and started to feel where the breathing was coming from. After she felt it she was shocked at her find. “Um we should probably be leaving now.” Twilight nervously said.

“We don’t know where the exit is.” Rainbow said.

“Whats wrong Twi, Whats makin’ that breathing sound.”

Twilight was still backing up before answering. “It was,” she gulped, “an ursa major.”

“A what.” Mabel asked. The others tried to get here to be quiet.

“I’ll explain later, but for now try to keep quiet while we find the way out.” Twilight quietly said as to not awake the beast.

The four of them kept walking backwards until the eventually found the cave opening. After that the all ran through the Everfree Forest and into Ponyville. When they reached it they found it to be similar to Canterlot as it was also completely deserted.

“Oh no.” Twilight said.