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Chapter V: The Circle Talk

I've experienced many awkward moments, but the one I currently found myself in undoubtedly took the cake...er, cupcake. Strangely enough, though, it wasn't because they had heard my rant. In fact, that just made things easier for me, as I had planned -- since that afternoon -- to talk with each of the mane six individually about this come the following morning, but now I didn't have to worry about having to tell any of them. This 'incident' simply sprung my 'plan' forward a couple steps.

After what seemed like ages, Fluttershy, ironically, took the first action by walking up to me. The timid pegasus wrapped a comforting wing around me, and slightly nuzzled her head into my neck -- a gesture done out of kindness, and kindness alone. Thankfully, the others took her lead, and I believe that everypony subconsciously knew what needed to happen next.

"Y'all...ah think we all need ta have ah good talk ahbout this, if not fer each other, then fer Brendan here."

"Agreed. We've already put so much pressure on him, and--"

"Yeah! And he still hasn't even spent a full day as a pony yet!"

"And there's no time like the PRESENT!"

I manage to see Pinkie Pie start to bunny-hop out of the room.

"Well, I guess that we're talking now, then."

"Good! 'Cause I'm wide awake!"

"Maybe ya'd be able ta pay attention then, 'stead of dozin' off like ya usually do."

"Ha. Ha. You're so funny."

I felt Fluttershy unwrapped her wing from me I saw her wait for me as the other ponies -- sans Pinkie -- make their ways ahead of us. I had an inkling that the yellow pegasus was wanting to 'treat' my head from when I had punished the desk with it to end my thought derailment. Additionally, I had to viciously fight urges to use several Monty Python quotes -- especially ''Tis but a scratch', but I ultimately proved victorious in that field.

Several minutes later, all seven of us were laying more-or-less in a circle in the center of Twilight's room, and my 'inkling' had proven true...and then some. Fluttershy had asked for and received from Twilight a brush, which she started using to groom my coat, mane and tail. I wasn't bothered by it -- it felt really good, actually.

At last, the 'talk' began.

"First thing's first! I'm teaching him how to fly!"

At the quick remark, I curiously unfold one of my wings to look at it, which prompted a groan from the tomboy pegasus.

"Wow...your wings really need to be groomed...fortunately, I'm in enough of a mood to do that for you later...once Fluttershy's done."

"Wouldn't Fluttershy be able to groom his wings for him, considering that she already is grooming him?

They turn and look at me, and watch amused as my head bobs back every time Fluttershy brushes my mane.

"Ya okay there, sugarcube? Your face don't make ya look too amused."

In a way, Applejack was right, considering I had a professional poker face on, but that was simply because I was trying to focus on the conversation.

"I'll be fine, so long as Rarity doesn't make me try on dresses...and so long as we could get off this tangent, perhaps?"

Everypony laughs, save for Rarity, who decides to progress the conversation. "Tangent...yes...so, what is our plan? Do you have any ideas, Brendan?

The funny thing is, I did, but it was the simplest one, though saying it in between Fluttershy's brushing wasn't. "Yes...yes...I...do...it's simple...you all..." Fluttershy stops brushing to let me finish speaking, which I do without hesitation. "...need to simply drop the crushes, and we can see where everything goes from there. If I do end up having a relationship with one of you, so be it, but it needs to build up to that, and that takes time."

After I said that, the only sound for a good thirty seconds was that of Fluttershy dropping the brush. Following that, Twilight broke the silence.

"Wow...you did get something out of that rant after all, didn't you?"

"Why do you think I risk a concussion for it? I get a lot in return."

Applejack yawned. "Well...sounds like ah plan ta me. I need ta giddon back to the farm an' get some shut eye. I needa wake up early again."

Applejack, along with Rarity and Pinkie -- who surprisingly hadn't said a word -- got up, said their good nights and left.

"I'm gonna stay. If I don't groom his wings tonight I'd have to do it tomorrow, and I doubt I'd do nearly as good a job then. Would ya mind helpin' me, though. 'Shy?"

"I...I'd be happy to."

Twilight yawns as well. "Well, could you do that in his room? I'm going to need to get some sleep as well."

"Alright! C'mon 'B'!"

I yawned and -- along with Fluttershy -- got up and slowly made my way to my room, where Rainbow had already rushed off to.