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Chapter VI: An Awkward Process

"Thank you so much for staying, Fluttershy," the cyan pegasus said once the three of us made it to my room, "you know how...awkward this process is."

"Wait...how awkward, exactly?"

"Um...well...it's...pretty awkward..." The timid yellow pegasus pauses before quickly adding, "Rainbow Dash knows what she's doing, though."

"That I do!" the mentioned pegasus says boisterously. She walks toward the bed, motioning for Fluttershy and I to follow. "C'mere and lay down in the middle of the bed."

I shook my head, but complied while four simple words entered my head: I need a drink. Honestly, if it weren't for Fluttershy I would have immediately deemed this to be an excuse to get me into bed with her...I hope it still isn't...at least, not yet. :mentalwink:

As I do so, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash do the same, albeit on opposite sides of me. Rainbow has me unfold my right wing -- which is the side she's on -- and begins the 'awkward' process by helping to stretch my wing muscle. Since my wings had barely moved at all, they burned as Rainbow worked them, but it was the good sort of burn -- the Disco Inferno kind, to be exact. After repositioning herself and doing the same for my left wing, Rainbow returns to her original position on my right side, and fully expands my wing. Having Fluttershy hold my wing open, Rainbow uses her front forelegs sort of like a roller or press, alond each feather. Every now and then, Rainbow comes across a 'problem feather' -- the stubborn ones that refuse to cooperate -- which she uses her mouth to pluck. I start to blush: apart from the occasional plucking, it felt really...good, as if Rainbow were stroking me -- which, in a way, she was, but by a different definition -- one I'd prefer not to explain further.

Noticing my blush, Rainbow asks with a nervous chuckle, "It...it feels good, doesn't it, 'B'?"

Her answer came as a swift phoomf!, as my other wing expanded like a car airbag.

With another nervous chuckly, Rainbow adds, "I'll...take that as a 'yes'."

"You weren't joking when you said it would be...awkward."

Rainbow simply laughed as she and Fluttershy started the process on my left wing, as they had just finished my right.

"W-well...it could be worse..."



"That it cou--oh my Celestia!" I interrupted myself as I was caught off-guard by Rainbow Dash intentionally rubbing the most sensitive part of my 'aroused' wing -- the tip --...

Quick A/N: Okay, I can't help it: Kinky. If you know me well, you should already be rolling your eyes at this IRL 'catchphrase' of mine...hm...well, it's more of a 'my line', as in 'that's my line!', but I say it often...mainly because I'm often given wide-open opportunit..i..e..s, okay, kinky. SEE? Case and point. Anyway, back to the story. Hell this note wasn't even in my draft of this chapter...I'm actually inserting this mid-paragraph! Well, I didn't exactly notice it unt....

*Author fortunately fades out, thus letting his story continue. We would repeat the first sentence of the paragraph, but to eliminate any chance of another rant from the author, we will not. Enjoy the rest of the chapter.*

...-- then fell over on her back laughing at my reaction. Fluttershy and I now had blushes of deep crimson, Fluttershy from the situation as a whole, and myself from the spontaneous rush of hormones triggered by Rainbow's 'prank'.

Thankfully, Fluttershy managed to build up enough courage to take Rainbow's spot before the latter could recover from her laughing fit. If it weren't for Fluttershy's gentleness, especially considering how sensitive -- severe understatement -- my left wing was, I'm not certain that I would have been able to prevent my blush from turning purple, if you know where I'm hinting at with that. After Rainbow recovered, she quietly assumed the role that Fluttershy previously had.

After what had seemed like forever -- my Noah-esque flood of hormones not helping a Celestia damn bit -- Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy finally finished, and all three of us were exhausted. not to mention that outside, Princess Luna's personal 'cheese wheel' towered directly above, signalling midnight.

"Oh...dear...it's still too dark for me to start heading home..."

"Bleh...and it's too dark for me to fly to my house..."

After another awkward silence, Fluttershy blushes again at the only solution, which had entered our minds simultaneously.

Rainbow breaks the silence with a friendly punch to my shoulder. "Don't worry about me trying to pull anything...hell, if anyhing I'd at most be a lime." she said, winking at the last word.

I make a face like that of the 'not bad' meme, and nod my head approvingly, "Fanfic reference...nice."


I quickly, yet efficiently, explain to the visibly-confused yellow mare. "A lime, by definition, is a type of fanfic -- almost always short story -- that is distinguished by one -- or more -- of the characters in the story being a tease, and that there is no actual intercourse that takes place. There is a variant in which intercourse does take place, however, but those are known as lemons." I mentally Huzzah! as I'm glad that at least this portion of my horde of seemingly-useless knowledge came in handy. Hah, the funniest thing is that when others learn of my 148 I.Q., they expect me to be able to recite a college-level calculus text book from memory or something, whereas I personally feel that the vast majority of that number consists of random trivia, unnecessary details, and Monty Python quotes.

Not-Nearly-As-Long-But-Still-Quick A/N: That last sentence actually is true for me IRL. My real-life I.Q. is 148, but the same thing applies as well: hell, I practically have Monty Python and the Holy Grail memorized...though so do my dad and uncle, so I guess that's more genetic...somehow...

Fluttershy seems to let go a sigh of relief. "Oh, okay...thank you...though I think I won't look at fruit the same way for a while..."

Rainbow yawns. "I'm much too tired to try to pull anything anyway." She yawns again. "And if I did try anything, I wouldn't want to be to tired to en...joy...it..." Rainbow manages to add, curling up in a ball and dozing off to sleep at the last couple words.

Fluttershy let out another yawn herself, before nuzzling me reassuringly. "You'll be fine...just...*yawn*...try to get some sleep...well...if you want to, that is..."

Fluttershy and I both follow Rainbow's lead and curl up like the cyan pegasus had, with Fluttershy falling asleep almost immediately; she coo'd as she did so, breaking my D'AAAAAW-o-meter in the process -- which is alright, though, because she later found out and replaced it without me even knowing, so...meh. With a soft smile, I follow suit soon after, heading off to visit my good friend Kirby*.

*For those of you who didn't get that allusion, Kirby -- no, not Kirby Puckett, nor Kirby vacuum cleaners, but the pink blob of cuteness Kirby -- lives in Dreamland. Hopefully it makes sense now.*