• Published 29th Jun 2013
  • 1,636 Views, 232 Comments

Dashaloo Days: Wonderbolt Flight Training - RGLloyd

Twiligeddon is coming... but the only pony who can save us all is cluelessly being tossed around by the whims of fate, and she can't even fly yet!

  • ...

Psychological Damage - 2

Twilight sat staring at the dust bowl just outside of Ponyville, and a short distance from Dash's cloud home, or where the cloud home used to be. She remembered back to a few days ago when Dash attacked Scootaloo's mom, Donnybrook. Twilight had a good idea why she did it, since she had seen into Dash's soul and memories four days earlier, an accidental side effect of a soul seeing spell she'd been using to read a special kind of book locked in the ethereal spirit world.

Twilight stepped over the raised rocky rim and into the cratered dust bowl, roughly twice the size of a full hoofball field. The force of the rainboom impact had been monstrous. The dust itself had mostly been cleared, a task taken on by Rarity who now danced with sparkling eyes of wonder with little frilly giggles.

"Oooh, waha-ha-haha-ooohh! Twilight! Isn't it amazing! Just look at all these crystals! Oh, even the rocks are marvelously painted. Rainbow Dash is a true wonder of an artist! Who knew?" Rarity's dance was tempered as to not disturb the myriad of crystal formations that shot up from the ground in small spires of dazzling sparkly masterpieces of every color imaginable. "Rainbow crystals! I didn't even know rainbow crystals could exist!" Rarity's giggles swiftly neared hyperventilation as she shooed more dust out of the bowl with disdain, and burst into more ecstatic dancing as she uncovered yet another stretch of crystalline rainbow wonders. Then, with finality, she moved to the center of the bowl and daintily sat down on all fours, tucked her legs under, and waited in silent expectation.

Twilight watched in rapt fascination as her friend stopped moving. Rarity patted the ground next to her, signalling Twilight to sit, which she complied. "Rari... "

"Shh... " Rarity threw a gentle hoof over Twilight's muzzle. "Watch... " Twilight froze, transfixed on the glistening tears in the corners of Rarity's eyes.

As Rarity turned skyward, eyes closed, and basked in the warmth of the near noonday sun, Twilight found it difficult to look away. Your mind perceives so differently than mine. I wonder if... the soul seeing spell... Rarity would you let me see through your eyes? Twilight shook off the thought in fleeting horror. What am I thinking? I'm still plagued by Dash's memories from it! Yet for a brief moment longer Twilight yearned to see the world of beauty the way her friend did. She wondered at the joy of creative inspiration, and in that brief moment, wanted to reach out and touch Rarity to ensure she was real. There's no way I could ask that! But... "... just once I want to see the world like you... " Twilight mumbled absentmindedly.

It wasn't until her hoof was halfway to her friends shoulder that she noticed Rarity was glancing at her out of the corner of an eye, a smile on her lips. Twilight recoiled with a blush. "We are both acting a bit out of sorts today, are we not?" Rarity closed her eyes again, and sat center of the bowl amid a crystalline wonderland. The colors struck her, moved through her, mind reeling from the myriad of inspirations and flooding sensations that tingled through her body. Dresses of every style, fit, and situation bombarded her mind. All-new color combinations, cuts, and stitchings that would have fallen flat in the past suddenly became possibilities to accentuate, and expound upon the awe inspiring beauty that sparkled throughout the bowl.

"Perhaps you are wondering why I called you out here?" She grinned at Twilight's barely perceptible nod. "This... " Rarity threw a foreleg around Twilight's shoulder and pulled her close, she clasped her hooves around Twilight's eyes. "Eyes shut, I will show you what I see." Rarity bit her lip in anticipation.

Twilight, having confirmed Rarity was indeed a firm part of her reality, sat in anticipating silence. She waited patiently, until Rarity gasped. "Beautiful... "

"What?" Twilight's ears perked.

"Oh sorry, dear, almost forgot... " She removed her hooves.

Twilight reeled from sensory overload. Her forelegs quivered, mouth hung open in awe as her wings flared back. Her feathers shook with the thundering of her heart as her pupils dilated in wonder. Surrounding them in every which direction was a solid transparent wall of jumbled dancing rainbows. A dome of kaleidoscopic color swirling against the background of the sky as the suns rays filtered through the rainbow crystals and reflected off at every angle. She reached out a hoof, grasping at the dome of wonder that encased her. Her breath caught and refused to move passed her lungs as a tear streamed down her cheek.

Rarity reached a hoof over and wiped the tear away, and gently closed Twilight's jaw, turning her head gently to meet her eyes. "This... " She hoofed in a wide arch. "... is what I see. The wonder of colors as they inspire, dance, and play in my dreams crying to be let out through my art. The colors speak to me, craving to be put to shapes that accentuate the natural beauty of the ponies around me. They guide my magic, whisper in my ear, and conduct my hooves in the creation of visual poetry. But this... " Tears streamed down her cheeks as she reached a hoof out to gently caress the rainbows that filled the air. "But this... is art in the raw in it's most beautiful natural elegance. It would be a crime to destroy this gift... even for a dress... "

"Rarity, we have to show the others... " Twilight trailed off as she ran her hoof on another futile round to capture the beauty that captivated her.

"We will in time Twilight. It happens once a day at noon." The sun moved slightly off it's apex, the rainbow dome of dreams disappearing in response. Rarity continued on in a slightly somber yet satisfied tone. "You were the one that needed this most dear. Ever since that day you have been moping around blaming yourself as if you failed in some grand scheme of things."

"Well I certainly didn't help any. I made things so much worse. I drove Dash out of her own house with my callousness. I was completely blind to her needs, and now she's in a coma." Twilight's lip curled in disdain over her emotional shortcomings. "I couldn't do anything in the end." An image of Scootaloo flashed through her mind, her chest tightened viciously in response, sending her cringing with the flash of a grimace across her muzzle as her mind reeled under a barrage of guilt ridden emotions.

"Aww... " Rarity threw her forelegs around Twilight and pulled her into a hug. "If you know anything about Rainbow Dash it's that she will love you just for trying. You gave it your all and that's what matters." Rarity rubbed a comforting hoof through Twilight's mane, then sat back and looked her directly in the eyes. "What happened between those two was destined, and needed to happen. You saw the looks on their faces as clear as anypony else on the scene that day. They were smiling like fools. Half dead fools, but happy nonetheless. Both of them had found exactly what they needed... "

Rarity was cut off by a southern drawl. "And unless you could beat the Everfree lovin' tar outa that thick headed mare, then you had about as good a chance at fixin' her problems as the rest of us!" Applejack trotted over.

Rarity threw her hooves up in warning. "Careful! Step lightly Applejack, you will crush the gems!"

Applejack stopped short, looking around as if seeing them for the first time. "Aha! Thats why you been out here for the past few days."

Rarity huffed, releasing Twilight, who sat in self reflective silence. "Well, excavation is a long and arduous process. One befitting my talents and the cause is indeed noble enough that I just couldn't bring myself to hoof over such a delicate art project to anypony else."

"Right, and the prospect of gettin' yer hooves first pick of these gems which happen to be on Rainbow Dash's property has nothin' doin with it?" Applejack rolled her eyes, and shot her a skeptical glare.

"Apple... " Rarity was cut off.

"Applejack! How could you," Twilight suddenly snapped and stepped forward with a huff. "Rarity isn't a thief, first of all, and she is here to answer the call of the inspiration of her art!" The vehemency in Twilight voice caught all three of them off guard.

Rarity nearly swooned. "Twilight! You do understand me!" She threw her forelegs around Twilight in a giggly hug as she nuzzled her mane.

The look in Twilight's eyes were just as surprised as Applejack's as she tried to figure out exactly where she pulled that sudden flux of emotions from. I'm losing control of my emotions. What the hay is wrong with me... Twilight continued, trying to distance the conversation before anypony could focus in on the outburst. "Besides, I'm sure Rainbow Dash isn't going to mind parting with a few crystals later on. I'm sure theres some on the outlying rim of the bowl that don't contribute to the light display."

Rarity giggled. "My thoughts exactly!"

"Aha!" Applejack hoofed at Rarity. "Ah new'it! Cain't fool an Apple!"

Rarity rolled her eyes, dropped off of Twilight's neck and cantered over to Applejack. "Well I did go through all the trouble of clearing out the filth and tidying up the place. A few straggling crystals shouldn't be all that much to ask for. It is for my art after all, and I am just dying to get back to the shop, and make a new dress for Rainbow Dash." She squealed, "Ooohh, just imagine, the colors I can work with and blends I could pull off with crystals every color of the rainbow. They will play magnificently with her natural beauty!"

"Ah, tarnation, now she won' quit will she." Applejack nudged Twilight who shrugged and giggled a little in response. Applejack eyed a crystal near the rim of the bowl. She kicked it in passing, which sent her into a fit of over pronunciation. "Ow! Oh my. Look here what I done. This poor crystal. It has been knocked loose by my carelessness." Twilight chuckled, and facehoofed, her eyes squeezed shut at the painful sight of Applejack's bad acting skills. "Oh whatever shall I do?"

Rarity, not one to miss her que, trotted over. "Oh, Applejack, do be more careful, dear. I certainly hope you weren't hurt!" She picked up the crystal in her magic. The other two stared at her with knowing grins. "What? Well we just can't leave the poor thing there, now can we? Besides, what if somepony else trips over it?" Her friends giggled. "Oh, never mind! I'm a slave to my muse, and her voice is loud and unrelenting. It won't shut up until I create this dress, and I want to be able to sleep tonight! Don't judge me!"

Twilight, and Applejack trotted after Rarity, their laughter infectious as Rarity began to join in. The three friends merrily parted from the bowl, feeling lighter hearted for the meeting, and the weight of their friends coma's a little less burdensome.

Twilight and Applejack waved goodbye to Rarity as she trotted down the lane, a happy bounce in her step as she headed swiftly home and to her sewing machine. Twilight turned towards the library. "I'll see you later Applejack! Have a good evening."

"Now hold up!" Applejack quickened her pace, coming up even with Twilight. "I came all this way to talk to ya, and ahm not about to let ya outa mah sight again."

Twilight winced and looked away. I've been meaning to apologize better. Applejack was the first victim of the soul seeing spell I cast to read my spirit book... "I'm sorry Applejack. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to look at you with those eyes, or for you to see the ritual. I should have locked the door, but it was midday. The library hours weren't over yet, and I couldn't wait for closing time. So I thought I could just cancel the spell before addressing anypony who came in. I didn't mean for it to cause so many problems."

"Ahm over it, but what worries me is you ain't." Applejack smiled lopsidedly at Twilight's confused look. "Yer not over what happened. You haven't let it go. You been mopin' around fer day's locked up in that library. Pinkie says she can't get you ta leave to come ta lunch and you turned down her Dash n' Donny are alive celebration invitation." Applejack raised a concerned eyebrow. "Besides being the best parties in Ponyville, I doubt you would miss one of Pinkie's parties without good reason. Being with yer friends is a lot'a who ya are, and secluding yerself from the world is a lot'a who ya left behind. Nah of course I understand you been puttin' in overtime at the hospital helpin' all the injured folks, but... "

Oh, Celestia, I guess I have been a bit obsessive over my latest project. Studying into the early hours of the morning, and preparing the ritual materials. Twilight froze, a guilty look crossing her features as she bit her lip and averted her eyes. Should I tell her? Would she believe me?

Applejack grinned ear to ear. "Oh this is gonna be good. Whenever you get that look... "

Twilight cut her off. "I am going to summon the ghost of Star Swirl the Bearded, hopefully, tonight... "

Applejack stopped dead in her tracks, her hackles raising on end. "Su... sug-ar... cu... come again?"

Twilight giggled nervously off key. "You know... Star Swirl the Bearded. The most amazing wizard in all of Equestrian History?"

"Ahm friends with you Twi, I think I'd know who he is by now." Applejack shot Twilight a dubious frown. "But the dead are past n' moved on fer a reason Twi. It just makes me nervous is all. Ya don't go arroun' messin' with the natural order of things, and makin' house calls of the dead ain't natural."

Twilight winced. "I didn't think you would approve, but it's something I have to do... "

"Why?" Applejack cocked her head to the side. "I understand he's your idol and all but... "

Twilight cut her off. "That's exactly why!" Applejack backpedaled a step. "I have the opportunity to meet my idol. The pony who dedicated his whole life to magic, and leaving behind a legacy for unicorns everywhere to build off of. Half of everything I know came from his dedication in teaching and collecting knowledge to write down in his tomes. It was like I could feel his hoof on my shoulder all throughout my youth." Twilight's eyes glistened over at the memories. "Every day in the library I wasn't ever alone because Star Swirl was there to guide my studies. When I was lost there was always one of his books, or scrolls falling off a shelf as I passed, calling out to me, guiding me to the answers!" Twilight took a deep breath, and let out a tempered sigh. "I know it's a little crazy." Her eyes rose to meet Applejack's straight on. "But if I don't do this, I'll never forgive myself for squandering the opportunity to thank him personally."

Applejack was struck speechless, the raw and honest emotion in Twilight's words striking home. "Aww, sugarcube... " A comforting hoof bolted up to Twilight's shoulder and pulled her into a hug. "Ahm ashamed. I had it pegged all wrong. I had no idea it meant so much to you. I'm real sorry."

"Thanks Applejack." Twilight leaned into the hug, some of the tension from the past few days ebbing out. "I need to stop by the library to make some preparations. Then I’m heading to the hospital to lead the healing team for Dash and Donnybrook." And my private session with Scootaloo. Twilight bit her lip, trying to divert her thoughts from the anxiety building up in her gut as she fought a sudden desire to rush to the hospital, and Scootaloo's room.

"Well, I still don' approve of this meddling with the dead business... " Applejack patted Twilight's shoulder and backed off the hug. "... but I sure understand that a pony's gotta do when'in a pony's gotta do it."

Twilight blinked her obsession away, and donned a devious grin. "So you want to meet him then?"

"Not on yer Nelly!" Applejack rolled her eye's, and stuck out a tongue surrounded by a smile as Twilight giggled in a rare show of teasing. "Ahm gonna be too busy as it is."

"Oh, right, you are taking charge of rebuilding Dash's cloud home. How could I have forgotten that?"

Applejack raised a dubious brow. "Really? If it isn't written down, I wouldn't have expected you to remember."

"I have it written... " Twilight reached back and Oh, right... list plus water equals open and clear schedule.

"No! No." Applejack stopped Twilight with a pleading hoof. "Please, no lists. Everything's coming together with the home. Dash's weather team have been flying in special made clouds from Cloudsdale, and anchoring them to the ground so I can coordinate. Fluttershy is even sculpting the Pegapone' style pillars. Says she helped sculpt out the originals for Dash back in the day." She shook her head. "I have'n a clue where she picked up that skill set, but she's good at it."

"How are you handling the clouds though? Did somepony cast a cloudwalking spell on you?" Twilight looked honestly curious, not sure anypony else in Ponyville had the experience in magic necessary to cast such a spell.

Applejack shook her head. "Nah, Ditzy Doo had some special cloud boots she threw on mah hooves. Works like a charm."

Twilight cocked her head to the side. "Why would Derpy need cloud walking boots? She's a pegasus... "

"Right," Applejack scratched the back of her neck with a lopsided grin, "uhh... turns out she sometimes gets really distracted, somehow forgets she's a pegasus, and falls through the clouds."

"How?" Twilight shook her head. "I'm not even sure how that would work... "

"I stopped asking questions like that a loong time ago, Twilight. I've had enough experience with Pinkie Pie to know that some things just ain't explainable. So ther'n no reason to wrack yer brain over it."

Twilight shrugged it off. "Well, sounds like you have everything under control." She motioned towards the library. "I need to get going if I’m going to make it to the hospital in time."

Applejack nodded. "I got work to be done too. I’ll stop by to see you again soon." The two friends turned and trotted away with a backwards glance and a wave. "Don't be a stranger ya hear?"

Twilight smiled cheerfully. "Promise!"

Twilight sighed, the events of the day flitting through her mind as she played out the drama over the past week, trying to let go of some of the stress. She trotted on, came to the library door, and heard muffled voices from inside. She swung the door open, and stepped over the threshold.

"Yeah, it's right here! I kid you not. The books completely invisible, and made of spirit particles or something like that. Ask Twilight!" Spike insistently pointed around a spot in the middle of the room where Twilight had left her spirit book.

Fluttershy cowered behind and latched onto a Pinkie leg, whose owner was pawing curiously at the floor. "Right here, huh?"

"Yep right there, you just can't see it, but Twilight tells me it's amazing, and huge! She says it's got a living cover that changes with the constellations, and the moon phases, and it's hoof stitched strands of some kind of wood." Spike emphatically reinforced his words with waves, and exaggerations of his claws.

"Neat! Though, Twilight really shouldn't leave her books laying on the floor, though I guess you can't trip over it because you can't touch it." She looked thoughtful as she cantered back, and forth over the indicated book zone with her forehooves. Her hindhooves being held in place by a quivering Fluttershy. "Yep! Most convenient non-trippy book ever! Except... how do you find it if you forgot where you put it?"

Spike raised a curious brow. "Really? That's your first concern? Not, how does one read it if it's invisible, and can't be touched?"

"Well magic! Duh!" Pinkie rolled her eyes exaggeratedly. "Anypony can figure that out."

"But... doesn't that logic also solve your first question?" Spike asked in confusion.

"Pfffttt... silly Spikey, you can't leave everything up to magic! Sometimes you just have to put a little old fashioned hard work into it." Pinkie puffed up, flashing her 'insanities great! Join me!' grin.

"I... uhm... real-ly... " ... give up. Chalk another one up for Pinkie logic. Spike turned to greet Twilight, recognizing the exact way she opened the door. "You are totally right Pinkie. I'll be sure to keep that in mind next time." He took a deep breath to steady his nerves. "Hey Twilight! Welcome home. Pinkie and Fluttershy are here to see you. Don't forget though, you do have 'that' planned later tonight, and I will be staying at Rarity's for it. So, if you need anything, let me know before then. I'll be upstairs packing."

"Thanks Spike! Hello everypony!" Twilight cheerfully trotted in greeting her friends. They've all been so worried about me. I really should strive to be more attentive to my relationships. "Thanks again, Spike. I'll be sure to triple check the list before you leave." She turned to Pinkie and her new Flutter-anklet. "Fluttershy? What has you spooked?"

"G-g-host... b-b-books!" She shivered harder.

Pinkie glanced down at her, a pained and worried expression creasing her forced smile. "Fluttershy... I can't feel my leg anymore. Maybe you could switch to the other one for a while?"

Fluttershy snapped out of her terror. "Oh! Dear, so sorry!" Switched legs, and clamped on for dear life as she resumed her horrified jittering.

"Oh, much better!" Pinkie kicked her numb leg out to the side a few times, her jolly grin coming back full force as she took a few steps forward to meet Twilight, Fluttershy dragging behind her.

"Fluttershy, you know the book can't hurt you right? It just sits there, and... is a book." Twilight tried her best at consoling her friend.

Fluttershy grimaced, her eyes widening in dilated horror. "It... s-s-s-summons... g-ghosts!" She ended on a high pitched squeak.

A deadpan eyeroll crossed Twilight's features as she yelled up the stairs. "Spike!"

Spike called down. "She asked! I just gave answers! her reactions to those answers are not my responsibility."

Twilight's head fell low as she let out a deep groaning sigh. "Come on Pinkie. I'll deal with preparations later tonight. For now if you two want to talk follow me over to the hospital."

Pinkie drug Fluttershy across the floor on her way to the door as Twilight stepped out. "Oh, preparations for what? Are you throwing a party?"

"Pfftt, not unless you count the dead as lively guests." Twilight's witty reply fell flat as Fluttershy let out a screeching sob. "Oh, sorry! Fluttershy I didn't mean it... "

"Yes you did! Spike told us everything! S-st-tar Sw-wi-wi-irl." With a final shiver Fluttershy seized up and fainted.

Pinkie looked back, giving her friend a few gentle nudges with her hoof. "Huh, well... I guess I'll just have to continue for her!" She turned back to Twilight. "Okay, Twilight! Are you ca-ray-zay?"

"What?" Twilight wasn't sure how she felt about being called crazy by the one pony whose trademark was chaotic insanity.

"Are you nuts? Cuckoo? Out of your mind? Off your rocking horse?" Pinkie's eyes narrowed as she leaned in, starring Twilight down. "You're not a changeling are you!"

"What? Of course not, Pinkie. That's ridiculous! How would you logically even come to that conclusion in this situation?"

"I'm the one asking questions here, and thats exactly what I would expect a changeling to say!" Pinkie took a step closer, staring dubiously at Twilight, Fluttershy dragging unconsciously behind her.

Twilight took a deep breath, put her hoof to her chest, pushed the Pinkie induced chaotic stress away, and let out a long calculated sigh. Thank you Cadence for teaching me that! Whatever did I do without it? "Pinkie! I Pinkie-promise that I am not a changeling, and am indeed your friend Twilight Sparkle." Don't stick the hoof in the eye! She crossed her hoof over her heart and, Don't stick the hoof in the eye! "Yeow!" She stuck her hoof in her eye. "Why? Why do I always do that?"

"Because if you didn't, then you wouldn't be Twilight Sparkle! Duh!" Pinkie danced in place with her front legs. Fluttershy sniffled as she came around. Pinkie looked back at her. "Switch, please!" Fluttershy switched over to the other leg and held on for dear life. "Thank you!" Pinkie shook her leg out to the side. "Soo much better."

Twilight smiled, but her words were cut off by an over enthusiastic Pinkie barrage. "So what’re-ya-doin-when-he-gets-here? Huh? Huh? You-aren't-throwing-parties-without-me. Right? Right?" She stopped to think for half a second. "Oh, I wonder how ghosts like to party? Do they play hide-and-go-shriek? I wonder if they eat boo-nana-scream-pies? Oh-oh, I bet they dance to soul music and boo-gie all night! Oh, and, I know... "

Twilight face hoofed, but it was Fluttershy who spoke first as she picked herself up and dusted off. "Pinkie Pie... " She leveled a serious glare at her friend, cutting her off. "... please, no more jokes."

"You feel better though now don't you?" Pinkie made a show of shaking the numbness out of her leg. Fluttershy blushed and gave her friend a barely perceivable nod, giggling behind a hoof daintily as some of the puns replayed in her mind. Pinkie beamed. "Mission accomplished." She turned back to Twilight. "Just make sure you stay safe, and if there's any trouble don't hesitate to scream."

Twilight snorted at the joke. "Phhhttt... thanks, Pinkie. I will." Twilight shook her head trying to dislodge some of the confusion Pinkie had slapped her with. "Well, I need to get to the hospital. You two have a good night, I'll see you in the morning." Twilight trotted off before either of them could respond past a farwell. Twilight could hear Fluttershy mumbling as the distance grew, calling out to her. Sorry Fluttershy, I can't wait any longer. We can talk later. A twang of guilt pierced her chest, but... she had something important to do. Before it overwhelms me again.

Twilight stepped into Scootaloo's hospital room. She nodded to the nurse on duty who bowed respectfully and shut the door. Scootaloo was laying in her bed, still in a coma. Her features delicate, and peacefully innocent. Twilight watched as the filly's chest rose and fell ever so slightly, entranced by the relief and elation such a tiny movement sent coursing through her.

Twilight plodded heavily over, her eyes locked on the filly. Her hoof came up hesitantly, fearing she may carelessly shatter the delicate life under a jarring touch, her breath catching in her throat as tears welled up in her eyes. These feelings. They aren't mine...

Gradually the breaths came faster and faster. Not mine! They are Dash's, but they... are so strong...

She struggled to regain control of her emotions, but the pain spreading through her gut caved in her will. She threw herself onto Scoot, pulling her limp form into a tight embrace as she bawled into the pillow. I have to... "I'll protect her while you sleep Dash."

Images flooded through her mind. Images of Dash curled up in her bed, fending off her friends, begging for time to find her own solace. Images of Fluttershy's rage, Dash's retort, and her own woefully timed outburst and self serving passive aggressive jabs. If only I could have protected you before it was too late! I just made it all worse!

"I'm so sorry... " The spell churned through Twilight's mind, illuminating her horn as it cast an eerie green haze across Scootaloo's soft lifeless features. A low hum filled the room as the green glow brightened, and the healing waves of pitched vibrations flooded through the comatose filly in a concentrated dose. "Please Scootaloo, wake up soon… I can't take this any longer…”

Twilight stepped into the library wearily. “I'm going to summon Star Swirl! Now!" She commanded out loud, even as she dismissed the thought as ridiculous. She wavered on her legs, listing to the side. She sighed, her head hanging low as she drug her hooves one clop at a time up the stairs.

“Sleep, first. Then summon.” She mumbled to herself, gritting her teeth in frustration. “It's been the same ever since that night. I can't even look at the book with Scootaloo and Dash in that state. I can't focus... " Twilight neared her bedroom door, pushing it gently open with a slight creak.

Spike was waiting for her, a tray of sandwich quarters, a rejuvenating fruit smoothy, and a small bowl of nuts in his claws. "Welcome home Twilight." He said somberly.

"Spike, you were staying at Rarity's tonight."

"Not really. I knew you'd be too tired again. I... " He looked off to the side. "... kinda never set it up."

Twilight gasped. "Spike?"

"I know, Twilight. I know, but I've been worried about you. Everypony has." He set the tray down, grabbed a sandwich square and proffered it to Twilight. She accepted it graciously, her stomach grumbling eagerly for the morsel. "You have been with friends all day long haven't you?"

Twilight nodded, too tired to argue, and too hungry to stop chewing.

"And you left without breakfast right?"


"So tell me Twilight, what did you eat today?" Spike tapped an impatient toe.

Twilight froze, thinking back to her volunteering at the hospital all morning, and her subsequent collapse. The spa visit with Rarity and the rainbow crystals. Her talk with Applejack, and then Pinkie and Fluttershy. Then I went back to the Hospital for six hours. Twilight glanced at Spike, a guilty flicker in her eyes and a twitch upon her lips which brooked no forthcoming reply.

"Thats what we thought... " Spike trailed off.

"We?" Twilight muffled through her mouthful of sandwich, spitting crumbs at Spike.

Spike shook the crumbs off. "Yes. We. We as in all of your friends have decided to help you relax for a day before you hurt yourself." Spike drew up, trying to look as stern as possible. "Starting tomorrow."

"What? Spike I'm fine!" Twilight backpedaled towards the door. "I just need some time to sort things out!"

She froze. That's exactly what Rainbow Dash said... Twilight's legs buckled, her mind connecting all the dots, drawing a vivid picture detailing her guilt. Images of Dash sitting on her bed, head down with her mane covering her face as a hoof shot to the side smashing into a lamp flashed through her mind. Images of Scootaloo, a terrifying explosion, a rainbow mushroom cloud, and her friend lying unconscious in the crater. Scootaloo's battered body and mangled wings.

"Twilight?" Spike inched closer to Twilight, who was laying face down on the floor, her features hidden in her mane.

"Go away... " She whispered.

"What?" Spikes concern deepened.

Dash's memories flooded back to her mind. Tender moments, loving embraces, and tears of agony. Emotion's assaulted her relentlessly. The feel of every moment impacting her in rapid succession over and over and... “Please, stop!”

"Twilight! Snap out of it!" Spike bent down to see into Twilight's eyes. A chill ran down his spine. They were staring straight through him as he cradled her cheeks in his claws.

Dash's pain, sadness, and insecurities mixed and churned with Twilight's guilt, anger, and fears. Mixing together in an unrelenting vortex of self perpetuating pain!


She lifted her head and glared through Spike, unable to suppress the emotions any longer as her haunted gaze focused somewhere far beyond Spikes own, transfixed on images she never witnessed, playing through memories she never made. “Spike! These memories are not mine!”

“What memories? Twilight, talk to me!” Spike hugged Twilight, petting her mane soothingly. “Please, Twilight, I don’t understand!”

Beads of sweat poured off her forehead, her breaths coming in shorter and shorter gasps. “Please! Spike, get them out of my head!" She pitched forward sending Spike tumbling backwards. “Spike! Help me!”

“I’m going for help!” Spike bolted for the door in panic, leapt down the stairs, and bounded as fast as he could towards Rarity's shop.

Twilight's ears plastered flat against her head, her eyes wide and wild. Her muzzle wrinkled back baring teeth in terrified torment. “Leave me alone!” She screamed, a piercing pitch carrying with it the agonizing torrent of emotions wracking her woefully unprepared psyche as she curled into a shivering ball.

Spike’s feet blurred as he picked up the pace, worried tears streaming down his cheeks. Lights lit up the streets ahead of him in response to the tortured piercing cries of the Ponyville Princess.