• Published 29th Jun 2013
  • 1,636 Views, 232 Comments

Dashaloo Days: Wonderbolt Flight Training - RGLloyd

Twiligeddon is coming... but the only pony who can save us all is cluelessly being tossed around by the whims of fate, and she can't even fly yet!

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Thunder God! Scootaloo?

12 days to Twiligeddon...

Some distance from Ponyville Dash set down on a particularly dark cloud. "Hmm… this one will work."

She grabbed the black cloud, little pinpricks of electricity nipping at her hooves, hauled it over to a similarly small sized white puffy cloud, and placed it above with more than enough room to stand underneath it.

Scootaloo watched in fascination from her back. "Wow, ok so the water comes out of the dark cloud. I get that, but how are you going to get it out?"

Dash's response was to reach back and grab Scootaloo by the scruff of the neck gently with her teeth and drop her onto the dark cloud.

Scootaloo glared indignantly back at Dash.

"You are going to jump, lightly, here. Jump too hard and I'll get a flank full of lightning." Dash met the filly's defiant glare. "That won't make me happy, got it? So don't get any funny ideas." Scootaloo nodded, albeit mischievously. Dash rolled her eyes and flapped down to the white puffy cloud. "Ok, gently now. Jump."

Scootaloo jumped up and landed with a tiny puff. Electricity nipped at her hooves, sending her back into the air with a squeak. She landed a bit harder. Electricity nipped at her again. Soon the little filly was dancing and yipping all over the cloud frantically. Her hooves twitched and tingled, quickly going numb. Spastically she tried in vain to shake off electric arcs as they clung to her hooves, and crawled up her legs. She pranced back and forth, her legs shooting out to the sides woodenly at random as she failed to comprehend why any pegasus would ever touch one these obnoxious stinging clouds. She suddenly felt bad for that one time, well okay maybe more than one time, she put tape on Opals feet. That dance she did wasn't so funny anymore.

Dash raised a brow as she pondered what Scootaloo could be up to by making all that noise up there, but decided to take quick advantage of the short water supply before it was too late as it cascaded over her coat. She grabbed a white fluffy bit of cloud, and used it to sponge at the crusty nasties on her coat.

She sighed gratefully as the feeling of clean slowly ebbed back into her fur. "Scootaloo, that's perfect! Keep it up kiddo!" She called up, ignorant of the filly's plight.

Scootaloo danced around, the electricity arcing back and forth through the cloud as it nipped at her hooves. Her frantic panic smoothed out slowly as the little shocks became less painful and more ticklish. She giggled, marveling at the arcs as they crawled their way up her legs and danced between her hooves. A giddy smile spread across her lips as she leapt back and forth, dancing in time with the electric arcs.

Her hoof flew out to the side at the end of a dainty twirl, a bolt of electricity flying form its tip to slam into a cloud. The electricity burst within, danced, arched, and illuminated the cloud in a flicker of chaotic white bursts. Scootaloo giggled maniacally. She flopped down on the cloud, and laid flat on her chest, her forehooves dragging behind her as her hind hooves propelled her forward. Like a sponge she soaked up the electrical charge, reveling as it flowed smoothly through her pegasus physique. The silly filly slid across the surface a few times, building up a good bolt.

Once satisfied, She jumped up, flew through the air, and landed gracefully. Her hoof snapped to the side, her eyes glaring intensely. "Beware cloud. Judgement is upon you!"

Lightning streaked from her hoof, the tiny target cloud obliterated in a poof of mist. "Too the moon!"

Scootaloo clopped her hooves together excitedly, only to be blown back by a crack of thunder as the lightning snapped between them. Her eyes doubled in size, suddenly her most awesome toy ever, just got way awesomer.

Dash stared up at the cloud as intermittent spurts of water rained down on her. Bursts of light rolled around the inside of the dark cloud, illuminating the shadow of the filly above it. The shadow moved around in chaotic bursts of speed, each flash outlining a striking and graceful pose as Scootaloo danced to an internal choreography. Muffled squeaks of filly taunting, followed by bolts of lightning slamming into the clouds around Dash gave her a pretty good idea what was going on up there. She laid back on the cloud, hooves interlocked behind her head as she laughed and enjoyed the show.

Scootaloo had no recollection of how much time had passed, she only knew she was having the time of her life. Between throwing lightning bolts at clouds, who obviously deserved judgement from on high and sending claps of thunder reverberating into the distance, she completely missed when Dash had flapped up to lay on her forehooves to stare at her with laughter barely held in check.

Until the filly finally did notice. Scootaloo froze, her eyes fell to the side as her cheeks burst into a deep rosy blush.

Dash grinned at her. "Having fun?"

Scootaloo squeezed her eyes shut, the embarrassment overwhelming her. She threw her hooves downwards in a tantrumy stomp. The cloud sprung to life, electricity flowing from the filly back into its home. It agitated, squirmed, and shot into Dash with vengeance. Dash jittered and flailed, slipped and fell off. She landed with a pomf on the cloud below. Scootaloo bolted over the side of the cloud and buzzed awkwardly down to her sister.

"Dash are you okay?" She squealed in concern, the slight panic driving her voice up an octave.

Dash nodded, adding in a weak smile as she eased into the cloud, choosing to rest a moment longer. She groaned as her still tender muscles ached mercilessly. Scootaloo ran over and threw her forelegs around Dash's neck in an apologetic hug.

Dash jittered as the last of the filly's charge snapped through her in a wave of ticklish chills. She hugged her back with a snicker. "You play like a tornado, you revenge like a hurricane, and you love like a lightning storm."

Scootaloo giggled and squirmed deeper into Dash's hug. "Think it's worth a cutie mark?"

Dash leaned over and examined the filly's flank. "Not yet Squee-chi, but I think you have something way more awesome in store for that flank than a little fun weather play."

"Really? You think so?" Scootaloo leaned back to stare down at Dash.

"Pffttt… duh." Dash grinned and winked. "Aren't you my little sister?"

Scootaloo's blush returned with a vengeance.

Dash soared over Ponyville with Scootaloo riding on her back. They surveyed the damage, or lack thereof.

Scootaloo scratched her head in confusion. "I thought there would be more damage."

Dash snickered. "Don't sound so disappointed." She hoofed off to the side towards her rainboom impact point. "The houses on the edge of town took a lot of damage. See the carpenters on the roofs? Also, if you look close, you will see that most of this half of town doesn't have any windows. Looks like I blew out all the glass."

"Awesome!" Scootaloo bounced.

Dash chuckled. "Yeah, I can really bring the pai..." She caught herself quickly. "No wait, not awesome! Scootaloo! It was irresponsible, and a lot of ponies got hurt. And, somepony has to pay for this damage." Dash sighed. "Uhf… luckily I'm an Element of Harmony which means Princess Celestia will be picking up the tab on this one."

"What? Wow, you get to wreak havoc and you get off flank-free?" Scootaloo's eyes widened. "Rainbow Dash… that is messed up!" Scootaloo said teasingly, though her voice was tinged with wonder.

"No! Not flank-free… look Scootaloo, it's complicated alright? As an Element the uhm...Princess and Equestria has a lot invested in me." She stumbled over the foreign feel of the words in her mouth. "So, uhm… by royal decree of the princess I have been all-ot-ted certain privileges and protections to..."

She shook her head, looking back to see Scootaloo's blank stare. Yah ok, I almost put myself to sleep.

"Ok, look, so Twilight's gibberish aside, I'm special. The Princess want's me alive and kicking. So, shes willing to put up with a bit of my shenanigans..." She said the big word playfully with a waggle of her eyebrows. "...to make sure I stick around and am taken care of. It would suck if something happened to me, and I wasn't around to save Equestria's flank every time a new endboss pops up out of nowhere. Right?"

"Soo… flank-free then?" Scootaloo raised an eyebrow, crossing her forelegs.

Dash deadpanned. "Well, I still have to apologize to everypony. Not looking forward to that. And I will probably be put on some special duty as punishment..."

"Whatever… totally flank free, Dash. Anypony else would have landed their plot in jail." Scootaloo rolled her eyes.

"Fine flank free… guess thats one way to put it." Dash grumbled. "Hay! And watch your language." Something big, white, and fluffy on the outskirts of Ponyville caught Dash's attention. "My house! No way! It couldn't have handled that blast!"

Dash swooped down towards her cloud home, happy to find a new distraction, and a reason to torture Scootaloo with a sudden nose dive. Scootaloo held on for dear life, suddenly regretting taunting her ride.

Applejack sat back on her hind hooves, the silver cloud walking boots glimmering against the ambient light filtering through the walls. She unlaced the boots on her forehooves, careful to keep her balance, lest she fall through the floor, and set them aside.

Once freed of their sweaty prisons, Applejack fanned her forehooves in the air in front of her. "Woo, I don't mind a good pair a boots now'n then, but nothin' beats the feel of dirt under your hooves."

Fluttershy sat on a couch across from Applejack, a plate of quartered sandwiches on the table next to her. "Oh yes, I agree. I have always loved the feel of dirt under my hooves. It just feels… so natural and safe. Ooh, but I like grass even better."

Applejack nodded, enjoying the simple conversation after a long morning of hard work. "Well, it's time to get eatin'. If it weren't for the last bits of furniture to craft, I'd head into town to grab a bite, but it's not worth the trip to come back for another hour of work."

Fluttershy nodded. "Well you could go if you want. I can handle the rest of the job on my own. Rebuilding Rainbow Dash's home has really been fun. I really wouldn't mind at all."

"After you went'an made these delicious sandwiches. Nah… I'm good." Applejack waved a hoof, dismissing the idea. "I just wish Dash would snap outa her coma quick so she could enjoy her new home."

"Wish granted!" Dash shouted as she slammed through the door.

Fluttershy jumped into the air, her legs flailing wildly as she scrambled for traction. "Eeep!" She bolted across the room and hid behind a couch.

Dash fell on the floor laughing hysterically. Scootaloo, following her mentors lead, squealed with delight as she pounded a wall. "Dash that was awesome!"

Dash snickered. "I know right, they never saw it coming." She turned to Fluttershy. "Hey Flutters, what'cha doin? Got a little homesick? Needed some fluffay?" She stomped the cloud for puffy emphasis.

Fluttershy peeked over the couch, a look of reproach searing across the room into Dash. "No, we were finishing up rebuilding your home." She fluttered over the couch and approached Dash. "Least you could do is be a little less… uhm… loud, please?"

Dash guffawed. "Hah! Yeah, I guess I was a little over the top there. Hey, that's right. I heard Applejack's voice." Dash looked around. "But that's impossible, she can't cloud walk. Who was..."

Fluttershy squeaked. "Applejack! She's gone!" Fluttershy searched the floor frantically. The four cloudwalking boots sat in silent testament of her absence. Then two of them, situated upside down, wiggled.

Fluttershy bolted over, grabbing the two boots, and tugged at them with all of her strength. Applejack didn't budge. "Rainbow Dash! Quick, grab her other shoe!"

Dash bolted over. She quickly recognized the cloud walking boots for what they were. She grabbed one and hauled on it hard. Applejack's leg tugged up out of the cloud, but Dash couldn't get enough upward pull to fully free her friend.

"Fluttershy, go push from underneath!" Dash grunted through the strain. "Hurry!"

Fluttershy streaked out the door, sending Scootaloo spinning like a top to land in a gnarled dizzy mess on the floor. She dove off the edge of the cloud-home, and switched back to hover just underneath the foundation.

Applejack, eyes wide with terror, stared down at the ground hundreds of feet below as she dangled upside down. Her back was arched reflexively with forelegs splayed out over her head, and her muzzle was frozen in a stressed grin over clenched teeth.

"Applejack! I'm here." Fluttershy flew up to her friend. "I am going to push you… if you don..." Applejack latched onto her. Fluttershy lost her balance, her wings flapping frantically to regain her aerial control. "Applejack, uhm… can you let go please? Quickly?"

Applejack muffled from Fluttershy's stomach. "Not on yer Nelly!"

Fluttershy fell, Applejack's added weight, and tight squeeze being too much for her delicate wing balance. She screamed, flailing frantically. Memories of falling from clouds came back in a whoosh of panicked terror.

Dash, having lifted Applejack up far enough for her flank to just start clearing the floor, was forcefully pitched forward as Fluttershy's added weight pulled them down. Dash slammed face first into the floor, and through it, her flank stuck in the air indignantly from her waist up.

Dash crossed her forelegs in irritation as she glared at the sight next to her. Applejack was predatorily latched onto Fluttershy who was fluttering in a frantic panic while the two swung back, and forth like a pendulum. "Ehem!?"

Fluttershy looked up, suddenly jarred out of her fit. Applejack's head popped up from somewhere within Fluttershy's belly fur. They both grinned sheepishly and blushed as Dash's exasperated glare brought them back to reality. A giggle rippled out of Applejack as she noticed the ridiculous position Dash was in.

"Knock it off would ya?" Dash blushed furiously and looked away. Which only made Applejack laugh harder. Fluttershy joined her as she took in the whole ridiculous situation.

Sounds of riotous laughter came from within the house as Scootaloo plodded over to Dash's flank and leaned against it. "Should I go get half the town for help?" She screamed through the floor in between guffaws. "Or should I just take pictures and show them later?"

"No!" Two gruff reply's and a loud embarrassed 'eep' assaulted her through the floor. Dash yanked her flank out of the cloud, flipped, and hovered just in front of Applejack.

Dash called out to Scootaloo. "Untie the shoes!"

Applejack's eyes widened. "R.D.! Are you nuts!?"

"Don't worry about it, I got you." Dash positioned herself near Applejack. "Let Fluttershy go, and grab my hooves."

"I don't know about this!" Applejack's leg popped out of the cloud as Scootaloo finished untying the first shoe. "Dash!" Applejack dropped Fluttershy who flipped and hovered on the other side.

"Don't worry Applejack, we are both here for you." Fluttershy soothed. "You know we will catch you."

"Yeah I know. Doesn't make it any less nerve wracking." Applejack nervously grinned lopsidedly as she scrambled for Dash's hooves.

"Stop worrying about it Apple-" Dash reached her hooves over towards Applejack's just as she dropped with a scream. “-jack!"

Dash dived catching the flailing pony just hooves from the ground. Applejack clutched at Dash in terror, squeezing her mercilessly. "See, nothi-ng to w-w-wor-ry..." It became more and more difficult to talk as Applejack squeezed the life out of her. "...ab-ot."

Dash grunted as she turned purple. Her wings stopped flapping, and the two ponies dropped to the ground with a thud. The impact bounced Applejack off.

The two ponies glared at each other. Not sure who was or should be mad or thankful. Applejack reveled in the feeling of the cool earth seeping up into her coat. Dash reveled in the feeling of cool air as it bellowed in and out of her freed lungs.

Fluttershy was the first to break the ice as she flitted down. "Uhm… so, how about lunch in town then? You know… since we are all on the ground already"

Scootaloo buzzed down from the cloud home. The three mares, suddenly distracted, stared at her. None of them were used to seeing the filly fly. "Hey Applejack! You alright?"

Applejack blinked in surprise. "Hey, Scootaloo! You can fly!"

Scootaloo beamed with pride as she landed awkwardly, her destroyed primaries making it harder than she had planned. "Well kinda. Dash taught me to hover, and fall without slamming into the ground."

Applejack looked at Dash as if re-appraising the mares worth. "Oh, so you can commit. That couldn't a been easy."

Dash rolled her eyes. "Pfftt… you expected anything less? My methods get results."

Scootaloo nodded emphatically. "Yeah they do! Especially that one where you tied me to a rope and kicked me off the cloud."

Fluttershy gasped, a hoof flying to cover her mouth.

Applejack face-hoofed and shook her head. "Never mind. Let's just grab a bite before noon hits. I don't want to miss the light show again."

Dash and Scootaloo glanced at each other in confusion.

"Oh, right, you two haven't seen it yet. Well yer in for a real surprise." Applejack shook herself off. "Come on ya'll, we'll pick up Rarity along the way. She'll have some fits if Dash see's it for the first time without her."

Donnybrook bolted out of the hospital window ignoring the nurses shouting behind her. “Dash! How dare you ditch me!” She growled. "And yer still hoggin' all the filly!"