• Published 29th Jun 2013
  • 1,636 Views, 232 Comments

Dashaloo Days: Wonderbolt Flight Training - RGLloyd

Twiligeddon is coming... but the only pony who can save us all is cluelessly being tossed around by the whims of fate, and she can't even fly yet!

  • ...

Pink Tears in a Blue Blanket

As the three friends and a filly trotted towards Carousel Boutique, Dash couldn't help but notice a multitude of angry glares from the towns-ponies. Many of them completely stopping what they were doing to turn and stare, their eyes sending chills up Dash's spine as they crawled over her.

Horsefeathers! I really bucked up. Dash's jaw clenched, a sweat building over her brow.

Fluttershy, shrinking back against Applejack, also noticed. "Maybe we should… maybe split up?" She squeaked, the stares centered on Dash seared through the timid pegasus by proximity. "Dash, maybe… uhm… you could fly to Sugarcube Corner? A lot of ponies are still really angry about the Rainbow Calamity."

Applejack grumbled. "Yeah, and a lot more are excited about the Rainbow Crystal Dome just outside of town," her voice rose to an angry chiding bark, "and all the bits it will bring in from tourists! You know, since ya'll were hoppin' around excited at the last town hall meetin' an' all!" The surrounding towns-ponies jarred out of their mindless angry stairs, blushed in shame, and busied themselves with the nearest distraction. "Yeah... that's what ah thought!"

Scootaloo bounced excitedly on Dash's back, completely missing the situation. "Ooh! Rainbow Crystal Dome? That sounds amazing! Let's go see it! Can we Dash? Please..." Scootaloo held on to the 'please' nearly turning blue before Dash bucked her off in annoyance, sending her hovering awkwardly to the ground. "Hay! I just wanna have some fun ya know… stupid hospital was boring," she grumbled.

Noticing the sour mood Dash had dropped into, Applejack quickly interjected. "Hay, Scootaloo, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle have been real worried about ya. They should be over at the clubhouse about now. We all got something real boring to discuss with Rainbow Dash here. So why don't ya run along and have some fun? Tell Big Mac I said you girls could have one of the apple pies I baked earlier. Then, the three of you should head to over to the Dome just before noon, it's just over the hill from Dash's home. Okay?"

Scootaloo fluttered. "Oh yeah! My friends. I almost forgot I need to go check on them." She turned and dashed down the road, briefly looking back with a wave of her hoof. She made a dramatic play of leaping off anything she could, and hovering as far as her wings would shakily take her.

Dash waved absent mindedly at Scootaloo's back, a little surprised the filly was leaving, her mind being preoccupied with angry glares and the guilt clenching at her nerves.

Applejack nodded to Fluttershy. "A'right Fluttershy, you go get Rarity. I'll head to Sugarcube Corner. Dash, I agree with Fluttershy. Might be best if you just fly there and get it over with." She placed a consoling hoof on Dash's shoulder. "Now ah know it looks bad, but it ain't. Not really. It's no worse than the damage Spike caused when he went nuts with greed, and it's way less than what the Parasprite's caused."

"Huh? Yeah, right… no sweat AJ. I was just thinking." Dash yawned, running through excuses in her mind. "That I could use a nap soon. Nothin' big."

Applejack rolled her eyes. "We're all gonna be just fine, so don't worry bout it too much." Her brow creased in worry as Dash turned, but seemed to stare straight through her. "Okay, sugarcube?"

Dash nodded and complied. Not feeling much for an argument at the moment. "You know, I think I'll clear these clouds out before I go. I need to stretch my wings for a bit anyway."

"Your call RD. See you at Sugarcube Corner." Applejack clopped Dash on the shoulder encouragingly.

Dash nodded with a half smile, and leapt into the air. Applejack and Fluttershy hesitated, watching their friend race through the sky clearing up the dreary cloud cover. Both of them smiled, basking in the warmth of the sun as it spread over Ponyville. Cheers went up at random around them as the sunlight swept through the town. The two friends hoped Dash could hear them.

Dash tapped on the Sugarcube Corner kitchen back window. She peered in and around. Suddenly her vision filled with pink.

"Dash!" She heard Pinkie's call muffled through the window until Pinkie threw it open. "Dashie!" She repeated in a much louder blast into said Dashie's face sending her hair spiking backwards.

"Shh! Pinkie, there's a lot of ponies angry with me right now." Dash's head darted around, looking for anypony who might have heard or noticed her. "I don't want to just walk into the diner with a bunch of ponies in there."

"Say no more." Pinkie whispered beside a hoof conspiratorially. "Fly up to my bedroom window. I will let you in."

"Got it. Thanks, Pinkie." Dash jumped and flapped to the upstairs window where Pinkie was already waiting for her. Dash didn't bother questioning how, only madness lay down that road.

"Dashie!" Pinkie grabbed Dash and dragged her inside, nearly squeezing the life out of her. "I missed you soo much!"

Dash's eye's bulged slightly as she grunted. "Ow, ow...owowow, Pinkie, Pink-Pink-Pink-pain!" Dash's sore muscles, still aching from the recovery, screamed in agony under the embrace.

Pinkie backed off swiftly. "Sorry, I just got so excited seeing you. After everything that's been going on. I just..." Pinkie's grin deflated, her demeanor tempering to a more neutral attitude. Which in Dash's experience meant Pinkie sad!

"Pinkie?" Dash studied her friend, taking note her hair was still chaotically fluffy. "Uhm… you ok?"

"Yeah, Dashie! Now that you're back, things won't seem so bad." Pinkie's smile wavered at the tips. "We have all been so worried, and now I can throw you a party..." Tears built in corner of her eyes. "...and we can go on a picnic to get our mind's off things." The smile fought a losing battle as it swiftly lost ground to a quivering frown. "We all gotta go see the Rainbow Dome, which is amazing!" The excitement in Pinkie's voice was cracked, and ended in a high pitched whine. Her chest constricted, denying her air for a long squeaky moment, until finally she sucked in a loud faltering breath.

Dash watched, grimacing in horror, as one would when watching a foal being kicked off a cloud… Oh, wait... Dash shook her thoughts straight. "Pinkie, what happened?" She glanced around ensuring they were alone, wrapped her forelegs around her friend, and pulled Pinkie into a hug. "Tell me." She demanded softly.

Pinkie snuggled down, sliding until her head was level with Dash's chest. "Wow, a Dashie hug!" She sniffled. "This is totally amazing! I never imagined you would just spontaneously hug me. That's way more my thing than yours."

Dash sighed in exasperation. "Pinkie stop being random, drop the 'I have to be happy act', and tell me what's bothering you."

Pinkie looked up, meeting Dash's gaze through watery eyes. "You're really different. What happened to you?"

"Oh you're one to talk. Look you want this hug to go to waste or what?" Dash asked bluntly. Pinkie shook her head in tiny little jerks, not wanting to break the embrace. "Can you talk about it right now?" Dash coaxed in a softer tone.

Pinkie frowned, her eyes wavering as she whined like a puppy. "No, I don't like talking about it, and it'll make you super sad."

"Then don't worry about it for now, and enjoy the hug." Dash smiled confidently as Pinkie nodded. Dash took in a deep breath, This gets so much easier with practice. Comforting anypony after what Scootaloo needed should be a cinch. Dash felt confidence coursing through her, the familiarity of it bringing comfort into the otherwise awkward situation as she ran her hoof soothingly through Pinkie's mane. Wow, only days ago I would have totally tried to avoid hugging Pinkie. I mean I'm just not the... Dash's thought's were interrupted by a sniffle. What? She looked down. Pinkie's face was buried in the fur of her chest as she burst into tears. Dash drew Pinkie closer on impulse, biting at her lip. No, what was I thinking? I definitely bit off more than I can chew!

"Pinkie, um… I don't know what's wrong, but… you know… all of your friends are here to help you with it. Right?" Yeah, perfect. Pinkie is all about friends! That will totally cheer her up. Dash grinned as she nuzzled Pinkies mane, expecting the mare to snap out of it any second.

Pinkie squeezed Dash harder, crawled into her lap, and began bawling uncontrollably...

Applejack pushed through the doors to Sugarcube Corner. The overwhelming smell of baked goods and sugar slammed her senses and enticed her further in. Mrs. Cake stood behind the counter helping customers, but reserved a smile just for Applejack, and indicated she would be right with her. She stepped away from the counter, stuck her head into the kitchen, and after a silent conversation of nods and hoof gestures swapped places with Mr. Cake. Then she waved Applejack to follow her into the kitchen, who quickly complied, not in the least bit surprised.

Once in the kitchen Applejack quickly assaulted Mrs. Cake. "How is she? Her mane's still poofy right? No episodes? Does she still have the jitters?"

Mrs. Cake nodded. "Slow down dear. I understand your concern, but you need to stay calm around Pinkie right now. The loss of her friend has really hit her hard."

"Twilight is not lost! She's just confused, and figuring things out on her own terms." The fire in Applejack's eyes brooked no argument. "And she ain't gonna die, got it?"

Mrs. Cake quickly consented. "Yes, dear, I understand. You would know better than I do, and it's comforting to know her closest friends haven't given up on her."

"And we never will." Applejack said with finality, but there was no bite to her words. She smiled warmly at Mrs. Cake. "Don't you worry none, Twilight will come back, and Pinkie will throw the biggest party this town's ever seen. Every one of her friend's will be there, and we all will be back to our old selves."

Mrs. Cake nodded, sighing out her nervousness, and was thankful she hadn't angered the farm pony. "Please forgive my rudeness, Applejack. It's just..." She hesitated, her eyes downcast. "...I worry for Pinkie, and I worry what would happen if Twilight failed her test."

Applejack nodded. "She won't. I swear it on mah farm. That crazy bookworm will be back here runnin' the show in no time." Applejack's grin subsided slowly, a determined and dark glare replacing it as she gazed out a window. "Even if we gotta drag her back kickin' an' a screamin'." The smile quickly returned as she locked eyes with Mrs. Cake. "Rainbow Dash is back, and that oughta pick things up a bit roun' here. I'll mention it to Pinkie that we're all lookin' forward to Dash's waking up party."

Mrs. Cake nodded. "Oh yes, Rainbow Dash is upstairs with Pinkie Pie now, and..." She turned to grab a small plate of assorted fritters. "...these are for everypony. Tell her thanks for the sunshine for me."

Applejack accepted the plate graciously, muffling her reply around it. "Why thank you Mrs. Cake. Will do, and these look right delicious. Rarity and Fluttershy will be by, if you could just hoof em' in our direction, please."

Mrs. Cake nodded, and smiled sadly. "I know she's still smiling on the outside, but if you and your friends could, please get her to smile on the inside?"

We all could use some smilin' on the inside right now. Applejack nodded reassuringly. "Ahm on it! Don't worry, we can handle Pinkie." She turned and trotted through the kitchen doors, down the hall and up the stairs to Pinkie's door.

Dash, we've all been waitin' on you. She halted just before knocking, her ears perked forward. Is that… crying?

Dash rocked Pinkie back and forth, confusion etched into every feature. This isn't happening! Nothing makes Pinkie break down like this! Her confidence shattered, she pleaded with her sobbing friend. "Pinkie, what happened? I can't help you unless I know what happened."

Pinkie's sobs halted as she looked up, her eyes wavering. Slowly her lips drew back in a pained toothy frown, and she wailed at Dash. "I caahhaan't, it hasn't happened yet!" she took a deep halting breath. "And… and… it's just too sad!" She face planted back into Dash's chest and resumed bawling.

Dash completely lost, fought against the panic chilling up her spine. Looking around frantically for any reprieve she could grasp at, she replied with the first thought that came to mind. "Pinkie I don't care how sad it is, anything is better than you losing your smile. If you can't smile then who else can?"

Applejack's jaw dropped. RD! That's the sweetest thing I ever heard you say! She leaned in closer to the door, her cheek bumping it. The door creaked slightly with an audible click as it bypassed the latch. Horse-apples! It wasn't shut all the way. She peered in making eye contact with a very nervous looking Dash and whispered soundlessly, 'What happened?'

Dash shrugged and mouthed out soundlessly. 'No. Idea!' Her lips over exaggerating the silent words in the hopes Applejack would read her loud and clear.

'I was gone ten minutes!' Applejack held up a hoof to her forehead, and flung it off to the side, symbolizing her exasperation.

'Hay! You saying this was MY fault!' Dash's glare spoke for her.

"Stop fighting!" Pinkie muffle-screamed into Dash's chest. Dash and Applejack froze like two foals accidentally waking up mom.

Applejack stepped further into the room, coming up to sit behind Pinkie. "Hay, sugarcube, you don't have to worry about telling Dash anything, okay?" She stroked a soothing hoof through Pinkies mane. "You let me n' Rarity handle that. Why don't you let go of Dash an sit over here..."

"No!" Pinkie barked. "I'm not letting go! I let go of Twilight, and she..." Pinkie broke down again, bawling into Dash's chest even louder than before. "I'm not letting go this time!"

"Oh, sugarcube, it's not your fault." Applejack wrapped her foreleg around Pinkie, adding to Dash's hug. The other foreleg wrapped around Dash, Applejack's hoof squeezing her shoulder. Dash looked up in surprise, and was met by Applejack's somber gaze. "It's nopony's fault."

The conviction in Applejack's voice sent a wave of chills down Dash's back. "Applejack," Dash's voice was haunted, and jittered nervously, "what the hay do you mean by that?"

Applejack dodged Dash's eyes, opting to stare at Pinkies mane. "We'll wait for the others to arrive." She sighed. "It's better that way."

Fluttershy trotted swiftly, trying to keep up with Rarity's hasty steps. "Fluttershy, how much does Rainbow Dash know?"

"Well, I wouldn't think she knows much, but I really wouldn't know. She seemed like she just got out of the hospital. She was so sad when everypony was giving her those angry stares." Fluttershy pouted, her eyes full of worry. "She really is in a lot of pain right now. Maybe this isn't the best time to tell her."

"Nonsense, there is never a good time to inform ones friends of horrible news." Rarity's glare fixed straight ahead, a detrimental warning to anypony who should be unlucky enough to step in her way. "Rainbow Dash is a tough mare, I am sure she can handle it."

"Rainbow Dash?" A loud excited voice caught the two mares off guard. Fluttershy squeaked and bolted to Rarity's side. "I have a letter for her!"

Rarity let out an exasperated sigh. "It's Ditzy Doo, Fluttershy dear, not the untimely calling of your doom."

Fluttershy flitted over. "Oh, Ditzy. You startled me."

"Hah, yeah, I forget that's really easy to do. Sorry, Fluttershy." Ditzy's pupils rolled, switching their wall-eyed position's as she hoofed over a letter. "I overheard you were going to see Dash. Would you mind giving this to her? I'm not allowed in the hospital anymore."

Fluttershy nodded. "Oh, of course. That's no trouble at all. We are meeting her at Sugarcube Corner." A worried frown tugged at the corners of Fluttershy's mouth. "She still doesn't know about Twilight."

Derpy blanched. "Oooh… that's going to be a painful conversation. Are you going to tell her about Pinkies predictions?"

Rarity balked. "Wha-wha-wait… excuse me!? How do you know about..." She lowered her voice. "...Pinkie's predictions?" She glared at Fluttershy who flinched, and hid behind her mane. "It was supposed to be a secret."

"I was sad, and Ditzy was so kind to come over to help me with the gardening. We started talking." Fluttershy rubbed her hoof along a foreleg. "I've just been so worried..." She trailed off, her voice edged near tears.

Ditzy stepped forward. "I promised not to tell anypony, and I won't. The secrets safe with me, but..." She lowered her voice conspiratorially as she leaned in. "...if you need any help finding her, any at all, just ask. I have a knack for running into pony's I'm looking for."

Rarity mentally face hoofed at the quite literal meaning of Ditzy's claim. "We will Ditzy, darling. Thank you for keeping our trust in this. Now if you please, it is imperative we reach Dash immediately." A look of worry crossed Rarity's pristine features. "I fear Pinkie may have already assaulted her with any number of ill-timed revelations that should be tactfully imparted gently."

Mrs. Cake caught Fluttershy and Rarity as they wandered around the bustling Sugarcube Corner dining area. 'Upstairs,' she mouthed out silently, not wanting to rudely scream across the room. Rarity bowed gracefully in thanks, and headed for the stairs with a nervous jittery Fluttershy behind her.

Once safely up the stairs though, Fluttershy visibly relaxed with a dainty sigh. "Oh, I am so glad we aren't staying down stairs. There were just too ma..."

"Shhh..." Rarity held up a hoof as they approached Pinkie's room. Her ears perked up, listening intently.

Fluttershy whispered in her ear. "I don't hear anything."

"Exactly, dear." She looked sideways at Fluttershy, whose eyes widened in understanding. Rarity peered into the room, and was relieved to find their friends still waiting for them. She trotted in. "Why it's just so quiet in here, I was worried we'd missed..."

Applejack held up a shushing hoof, glancing back at Rarity with a look of concern and… wonder? Rarity thought, briefly pausing to glanced around the room. In a rare show of shock, she nearly stumbled over her own hooves.

Pinkie lay cradled in Dash's forelegs, her hooves locked firmly around Dash's mid as she snored peacefully. Dash leaned against Pinkie's bed, her head lolled to the side against a pillow as she also slept soundly.

Rarity whispered. "Applejack, dear, I believe this situation may need a little explaining. Would you care to enlighten us?"

Applejack shrugged. "They were hugging when I got 'ere. RD was trying to comfort Pinkie. Kept pettin' her mane, and rockin' her back and forth." She paused in thought. "Like a big sister kinda. Then, when Pinkie refused to let go, RD pulled her up, cradled her like a foal, and told her to go to sleep for awhile. Promised she'd still be there when she woke up."

Rarity gasped. "She did all that? With you in the room?" Her mouth hung open, not quite sure she was comprehending the situation. "You are sure about all this?"

"I was sittin' right here the whole time..." Applejack hoofed over at the two sleeping mares. "You ain't the only one in shock."

Fluttershy gasped. "If those emotions were enough to change Dash this much..." She faltered, looking to Rarity for answers, but it was Applejack who finished her thought.

"Then Twilight's in a whole heap'a trouble."