• Published 29th Jun 2013
  • 1,634 Views, 232 Comments

Dashaloo Days: Wonderbolt Flight Training - RGLloyd

Twiligeddon is coming... but the only pony who can save us all is cluelessly being tossed around by the whims of fate, and she can't even fly yet!

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Confessions and Understanding

Author's Note:

Don't forget I also updated 'Pink Tears in a Blue Blanket'

Twilight opened her eyes slowly. Her world was soft and dark. The heady scent of honeysuckle gently overpowered her senses. Celestia... Twilight listened for a response. Either she turned off the mind reading spell, or she's asleep. Twilight listened to her mentors breathing with a grateful sigh. She glanced up, night had fallen. Celestia had insisted on staying in bed all day, and not worrying about solutions until morning. She had left briefly to end the day, drawing a crowd of onlookers as she stepped out onto Twilight's balcony to lower the sun into it's cradle.

Twilight leaned back, gingerly she stretched up to get a better look at Celestia as she slept, her mane flowing in graceful waves along the contours of the bed, and across her shoulder. A pang of sadness stabbed at her.

In the morning it will all be different. One day she's my Princess, my ruler and mentor. Then briefly she, when I need her most, becomes my…mother? The question was one Twilight had asked a thousand times, yet she had no answer. The relationship between her and Celestia was forever confounding. She treats me as a student, warmly, yet distant. I know she cares, but the fear of her power is still there. I'm so confused. In all the years I've lived with her, I still don't fully understand. Twilight smiled, despite her confusion. She snuggled down. For as long as Celestia was in her exceedingly rare mother-mode, Twilight was determined to take advantage of it. I don't want to waste it!

Celestia giggled ever so slightly. Twilight froze. After a few seconds of intent listening she let out a careful breath. Celestia? No answer. Twilight put a hoof to Celestia's chest. Celestia, you aren't breathing. Obviously you are awake.

Awww...I was having fun! She shifted her head down so she could look at Twilight. So you still refer to this as mother-mode?

Twilight turned beat red. I knew it! It's never safe to think around you!

Well, there's not much else to do, it just becomes habit. Reading thought's tends to be the only form of entertainment I have anymore. Do you have any idea how boring the royal routine becomes after two thousand years? Celestia tossed out a pouty lip, followed by an impish tongue.

Twilight pursed her lips, and glared back like a defiant child. "Mmmm..." She whined.

Celestia giggled, and hugged Twilight. "You make it so much fun! I can always count on you falling into filly-mode." Twilight took a deep breath, and let it out slowly, working up the nerve to ask a silly question. "Oh, it's not that silly Twilight. It's actually a very good question, and one I think you are entitled to an answer."

Twilight froze in embarrassment, then tapped Celestia’s horn with a hoof to interrupt the spell.

Celestia giggled harder. Twilight could sense the shift in Celestia's magical aura as the spell fizzled. "That better?"

"Yes, much..." She deadpanned. "So?"

Celestia paused, having to readjust to guessing at what a pony means rather than just reading their mind was more than a little shift. "I… well… uhm." Celestia looked confused. "Does it really need a label? You are my student. I want to be there for you. Though it does go beyond that. I really don't have a definition readily available for it."

Twilight cut in. "With such busy lives at the castle and so much responsibility it is nearly impossible to work on personal relationships. In all our years together, I wonder if I have ever seen you form any new friendships, date, or grow closer to anypony." Twilight snapped out of her train of thought, her eyes picking up the hurt in Celestia's.

Celestia took a deep breath. "I never knew you cared about such things. Being buried in your books you always seemed rather cold to relationships in general."

Twilight smiled nervously. "Well, I didn't pursue relationships. However, I did notice when certain relationships around me were happening, or the lack of..."

Celestia deadpanned at Twilight, but inwardly sighed with relief at the temporary distraction. "Really? You? The pony who didn't even notice her own brother was dating her foal sitter?"

"Hay! It's not like they were dating back when I lived at the castle..." Celestia's glare bit into Twilight. "They weren't! No way. I could not have missed that!" Twilight growled, giving way underneath Celestia's stare. "How long?"

"Five years."

"Aw come on!"

Celestia burst out into laughter. Oh it feels good to just be able to laugh. Impulsively, she leaned down and nuzzled Twilight on the nose. "You are just so cute!"

Twilight stopped moving. Her brain churned. Celestia froze, realizing too late the implication of her action. Do I see Twilight as my daughter? Her eyes widened, Wait! Do I still see her as a little filly? The questions hit Celestia hard. In all her years of experience she had been through countless scenarios. Too many to remember. She tried in vain to recount any scenario to mind that would explain what just happened. The closest wisdom she could pull was over five hundred years old, no where near this exact scenario, and well faded from memory.

Twilight stared up at Celestia, her eyes wavering. "What is our relationship? Who am I to you?"

Awkwardly the two princesses stared at one another. Celestia feared the rise of hope in Twilight's eyes that she wasn't sure she could fulfill. "My little Light… does our relationship really need definition?" Even as she asked the question, considering who she was speaking to, she knew the answer. Perhaps, I have been careless... Suddenly, as anger boiled in Twilight's eyes, Celestia had the desire to return home, and deal with simpleton whiny politicians.

Spike busied himself with dusting off tombs and bookshelves as he balanced on the library ladder. Flour snored on the couch behind him. Being a night worker had taken it's toll on the young guard as the day drug on. Twilight's friends had all left to attend to their lives.

Spike sighed, deep in thought. What could cause Twilight to go into such an emotional overload like that? He shook his head. Magic aside, I just don't get it. Twilight is one of the most powerful magic users in all Equestria, how could she possibly be overtaken by a spell she deemed foals play?

Twilight's door slammed open. Spike forcefully snapped out of his reflections, and hugged the ladder as he nearly toppled off his precarious perch. Flour, flailing as he rolled off his makeshift bed, slammed face first into the floor.

"I am not being unreasonable! There is nothing wrong with needing definitive answers!" Twilight whined as she stumbled down the stairs.

Celestia's concerned and oddly apologetic tone caught both the eavesdroppers off guard. "I meant nothing of the sort. You are entitled to definitive answers. I just believe I need more time before providing them."

Twilight spun around, facing off with Celestia who backpedaled up the stairs. "More time? More time? You've had my entire life to decide the meaning. Are you telling me you never put much thought into it? I thought about it every day! Every day as a foal, as a young filly, and as a teen! I still think about it! I finally get up the nerve to ask you and..." Twilight trailed off, tears streaming down her cheeks as she sniffled. "...and you need more time." Celestia backpedaled another step, the situation so foreign and emotionally charged it scrambled her wisdom. "I have devoted everything to you. My childhood! My loyalty! My future..."

Her mind, recoiling from the emotional outburst, and screamed for her to regain control of the situation. "Twilight, please remember that you are emotionally compromised by the after effects of the spell. Furthermore, I am the ruler of Equestria! I have heard countless devote their lives to me, and in much more respectful tones! Tell me, then, Twilight Sparkle what am I to you? What definition would you have put to our relationship?" She doesn't have an answer. She will logically conclude that her outburst is a direct effect of the spell, and we can sit down to discuss this rationally. She watched uncomfortably as Twilight stared silently through her. She's confused! I can diffuse the situation easily from this point, and calm her down. Celestia breathed an inward sigh of relief at Twilight’s hesitation. "It's okay, Twilight. I understand..."

"You understand?" Twilight cut her off. The anger in her eyes turning to forlorn pain, a halting breath on her lips. "Do you understand that I am just, Twilight? The definition of student? Do you understand that I would have accepted any other definition from you? Be it friend, or I dare hoped sister. Yet in absence of my family in all the cold night's I spent hiding from nightmares in your bed, the precious hours we spent reading together, tea on the veranda, meals we shared in the gardens, or the gestures of love you rarely let slip through. All of which defy my definition as student." She took a step forward, her cheeks soaked and matted as she met Celestia's gaze nose to nose. "I feared to say it my whole life, because I know who you are, and how important your position is, but despite it all, I would have called you mother."

Celestia's jaw dropped, unable to respond. I knew... this isn't surprising. I always knew. Her lip quivered. Talk! Apologize! Say something! She recoiled in silence, averting her eyes. I was complacent. I thought she would grow out of it. Yet I fueled her feelings by humoring her… no that's not right. I needed that contact as much as she did. I took that love, reveled in it, and gave just enough back to keep her satisfied without committing. Celestia winced at her inner monologue. Wisdom is… painful...

She looked up to meet Twilight's sadness, but found a look of shock and horror. "Twilight?"

"Princess Celestia..." Her voice was haunted and distant. "I am… so so sorry… I can't believe… I really am emotionally compromised. The spell has completely destroyed my rationality! I don't know what came over me."

Celestia felt the magic long before the flash. She lurched forward, trying to catch Twilight, but the teleportation spell had already whisked her away. "Twilight! No!" Celestia's muzzle wrinkled, her lips pulled back over her teeth in a pained grin. "Forgive me..." She whispered as the sensation of tears flowed down her nose to drip on the stairs. A sensation long forgotten by an ancient jaded princess. “I’m such a fool…”

Twilight flashed into Scootaloo's hospital room with a zap. Nurse Redheart nearly jumping out of her fur. "Aiiee! Uhm, Princess! I didn't know..."

Twilight cut her off. "Get out..."

"What? Are you feeling okay?" Nurse Redheart's ears fell flat, a concerned look in her eyes. "Are you doing better? This morning..." The nurse stammered confusedly.

"Please… leave us alone." Twilight looked up, her face matted and puffy from crying. Her ears hung limply to the sides. Nurse Redheart nodded and backed out the door. Twilight could hear her racing down the hall. She could guess, but didn't care to know why. The only certainty was that she had a few minutes at best before many ponies, and most likely, the princess would come disturbing her.

Scootaloo lay unconscious in her coma. A pang squeezed at Twilight's chest. Dash's emotions welled up inside as she gritted her teeth. The urge to hold Scootaloo, to love and protect her. To be there for her every day cherishing every moment.

"Hey Scootaloo." She put a hoof over the filly's. "I think I understand now." She sniffled, wiping the tears away with her foreleg. "All those feelings that Dash has for you. All that love." Tears defiantly streamed down her cheeks pooling on the floor. "That feeling she has where she just want's to hold you..." Her voice cracked as her throat constricted. "...and nuzzle your mane..." She squeaked. "...and be there every day to see your smile." She sobbed, panting through the exhausting emotions searing through her chest. "Cherish them. Cherish that love. Hold onto it and never let it go!" Her legs crumpled as she fell over Scootaloo, screaming into the bed as the sobs wracked through her.

"Please!" She cried out desperately. "Cherish it for me!"