• Published 18th Jul 2013
  • 15,716 Views, 4,420 Comments

The Captain of Mining - Raybony

Jordan (AKA CaptainSparklez) gets sent to Equestria after a weird incident with his modded survival. And the only way to get back is to find the missing elements of Harmony, scattered in different dimensions.

  • ...

Minecraft Pony Party

It was past noon, and ponies were going around the town, checking to see what damage had the small town had sustained. Luckily it wasn’t too extensive and could be fixed with a couple days work. But those that had their homes too damaged to stay in, had to go and stay at friends or local inns.

The ponies were doing their best to clear up the town after the incident, but they stopped what they were doing when they saw the small group that consisted of four of the Element bearers plus the bipedal creature from the other day and two new individuals who they didn’t know about.

The residents looked at them with curiosity, they didn’t consider the presence of a new creature to come to the town. But seeing so many appear in such a short time made them wonder if there was more than they could see.

Their eyes fell mostly on the form of the blue human with wings, seeing as she resembled one of the Bearers, Rainbow Dash, but they decided not to question the coincidence as they had more important matters at hoof. Although most of them kept their sight on her, wondering if she was connected to Rainbow Dash.

The mare in question could feel the stares as she went hovered next to the group. She normally would appreciate the attention, but she didn’t like it under her circumstances. “I really want to turn back into a pony, I don’t like all this attention.” Rainbow said with a frown.

Applejack smirked at the pegasus from what she had said. “Well here ah thought ya liked to be the centre of attention.” Applejack snickered, finding it fun to mess around with the pompous mare. “After all, we all know ‘bout that incident with Mare do Well.”

Rainbow crossed her arms, not liking how her friend was making fun of her. “First, I really hate when you bring that up. And second, is not the same when you look like a total freak. No offence Sparklez.” Rainbow said as she gave an apologetic gesture.

“None taken.” Sparklez replied as he continued walking down the street, for the moment they were just mildly going around electing small talk, buying some time before the party was supposed to take place. Once in awhile, Twilight would ask a question about Sparklez’s world.

“So your world is ruled by a selected citizens from the land? You don’t have a set ruler that dictates any laws that may be apply?” Twilight asked as she walked along, really glad that she could have a better understanding of the human society, as she didn’t have enough time to research on the matter when she was in that other dimension.

“Pretty much, our system has been centred around a Democracy rather than a Monarchy, or was it an Aristocracy?” Sparklez said as he tried to remember what little knowledge of politics he had, he was never good at remembering politics.

“Actually it’s a Timocracy, Princess Celestia and Luna only hold power over Equestria. The other nations are ruled by their own set of nobles. But they all consider Celestia and Luna Monarchs of the world, due to their task on controlling the Sun and Moon” Twilight explained as she went to read the Encyclopedia that would allow them to understand this creatures and hopefully, Sparklez’s magic.

“Boring! Seriously Twi, can’t you give a lesson in politics when I’m not around?” Rainbow said irritably, really she rather go listen to that awful Beaver guy, his music sucks! (What? Is the truth!)

“Now darling, no need to be so harsh, Twilight was only explaining to Sparklez how our government works.” Rarity said as she gave the mare a small smile.

Sparklez decided to change the topic, seeing as Rainbow was started to get rather irritated at the current subject. “So Knievels, how are you doing at the moment?” Sparklez asked as he looked at the large golem, whose head had been reattached thanks to Sparklez new found ability, although he did put it on backwards at first.

The iron golem reached for his head, doing a small twist as if to pop his bones, which he lacked. “Better, still freaked from able to see back.” Knievel said, as he went to scan his body again, making sure that his body wasn’t too damaged and that he would be of use in a future fight.

“Don’t worry partner, all that matters is that y'all are fine and dandy.” Applejack said before thinking of something to ask to the big fella. “Say, how did you and Sparklez meet? Must been some tale if he was bustling around fighting who knows what.”

“Master made me on top of tall tree, and me liked view, wanted to see creatures like ants from high up.” Knievel said, remembering the day that he came to life, he still wondered how did a pumpkin managed to give him life.

“What? Hold on there, you mean to tell me that Sparklez made you? Do you mean like he raised you, or literally made you?” Rainbow asked, surprised by what this guy was saying.

“So that is the reason you always wanted to live on the edge? You have any idea how scared I was when you always leaned on the edge?” Sparklez said to Knievel. He had always tried to come up with a good reason as to why the iron golems would have the weirdest of path-findings.

Knievel seemed to frown a bit at the man’s response, seeing as he was just doing something he found enjoyable. “But Knievel likes high views.” He said as he hung his head down.

“Oh don’t worry. I’m sure we can find a nice place to watch the landscape.” Fluttershy said, wanting to cheer up the slightly down golem.

“Please don’t encourage him. He ended up falling off the tree from around a hundred metres to the ground. I consider him lucky to be alive.” Sparklez said as he recalled the memory, seeing him fall off all the way down, somehow inside the pen farm with Einstein.

“Oh...My” Fluttershy said as she pictured the event, she trembled at the idea of somepony having that happen to him.

“Oh please, you saw him handling that thing earlier, if anything this guy is tough, in more ways than one.” Rainbow said as she elbowed the side of the iron golem, who didn’t seemed to feel it in the slightest.

“Well, all of this chat seems good and all, but may I ask something of you Sparklez?” Rarity asked as she stopped on the road to face the man. “It’s nothing really, but I was wondering if I could get your measurements in the near future.”

“Measurements?” Sparklez asked as he questioned the pristine mare.

“Rare here is Ponyville’s top clothes designer, if not the only one.” Applejack said as she rolled her eyes upon the last statement.

“Why yes, and me working on such an individual as you, is just an opportunity I can’t miss.” Rarity then made a frown as she remembered something. “Zecora didn’t give me the chance to work on a dress for her, the designs I had in mind.”

“Who?” Sparklez asked, starting to get confused by what Rarity was saying.

“Would you keep it down? I’m trying to get my nap here.” Kerry said from the back of Fluttershy, making herself comfortable as she recovered from her injuries.

“Oh sorry darling, I just got carried away again.” Rarity said as she turned around to face the rest of the group again. “But anyways, I just thought it would be a nice chance to extend my designer skills.” She then looked at Rainbow, bringing a hoof to her chin as she thought about something.

Rainbow saw the fashionist staring at her, which made her feel uncomfortable having past experience from being around her in this kind of situation. “What?” Rainbow asked as she crossed her arms, this really wasn’t her day.

“Oh just wondering that’s all, maybe I should make some clothes for you as well darling, see what I can come up with.” Rarity said as multiple designs went across her mind, all varying as to accentuate Rainbow’s new form.

“No thank you, no offense,but everything you make is too fru-fru for me.” She then motioned to her clothes as she wore a large grin. “These in the other hand are just cool, they make me look even cooler.” Rainbow said as she gave a proud smile.

Kerry looked at the blue mare, noting every detail of the body. “Yeah, and it also makes you have a large butt.” She snickered, finding her own joke too funny, enough that she had to hold in her laughter in fear that she may hurt herself even more.

Rainbows dropped her smile when she heard that, going to glare at the feline that said that. “What did you say?” Rainbow said in a low voice as she stared at the cat in the eye.

“Well, seeing as those shorts are hugging you tightly, I say you want to make everyone stare at the large rear that you have.” Kerry said as she held back more laughter, she had never had so much fun in her life.

“Rude. Kerry, apologize to her.” Sparklez said as she scolded the feline, he didn’t get why this two had such rivalry, even as friends.

Kerry just pouted, not liking that her fun was cut short. “Aww, but I was having fun. Fine, sorry for saying you have a big booty Rainbow.” Kerry said as she rested her head on her forelegs, staring at the space in front of her in boredom. “At least I didn’t make fun of her breasts.” She said that in a low tone that could barely be heard.

Sparklez just facepalmed, not believing how immature his friend could be. “Can we just change the topic?” Sparklez said as he rather not go into this type of conversation.

“Guys, you do realize that is nearly time for the party right?” Twilight said as she started going to the front, trying to make the group follow her as to where they believed the party was.

“Already?” Sparklez looked to the sky, seeing it that the sun was already going down, maybe an hour or two before sundown. “Did we really spend that much time talking?”

“Well, ya know the saying, times flies by when you are with friends.” Applejack as she went to follow the purple alicorn. The rest soon doing the same.

“Umm, isn’t time flies when you’re having fun?” Sparklez asked as he walked along the road, noting the similarity on the sayings.

“Well in here it has always been with friends, but I guess your version is right as well.” Twilight said as she continued walking, seeing as their destination was close, Sugarcube Corner.

“A gingerbread house? Well, not the strangest thing I have seen in this place, and maybe not the last.” Sparklez said as they approached the building, only that the rest of the girls stopped near the door, letting the man go first.

Reaching for the handle, Sparklez opened the door which lead to the inside of the really dark building, he couldn’t see very well inside as hard as he tried. “Ok, anyone know where the light switch is?” Sparklez asked as he tried to reach for something to turn the lights on. Unless they used something else as a way to light the place.

In a flash, the lights came on, taking Sparklez by surprise, he had to squint his eyes at the sudden change of lighting. “SURPRISE!” Came the roar of a room full of ponies as they all came out of hiding, behind different furniture. Although some of them were a bit hesitant when they saw who it was.

“Wait, what?” Sparklez asked as he tried to understand what just happened. Actually, he knew what happened, but rather, why?

“Pinkie, this isn’t a surprise party if Sparklez already knew about the party.” Rainbow said as she came inside, making some of the ponies look at her a bit surprise, recognising the mare’s voice but not believing how she looked.

“Nuh-uh. I said that there was a party that I would throw for Sparklez but never actually said that it was a surprise party, so that means that he wasn’t prepared for a surprise party if there was one, so because of this I managed to throw a surprise party for Sparklez making it a surprise surprise party.” Pinkie said in one big breath as she came bouncing to the group, stopping just in front of Sparklez. “Cupcake?” Pinkie said as she held out a small tray with the mentioned pastries.

Sparklez looked at the pink mare with a really confused face, trying to understand just what she just said and how she managed to say it. “What?” Was all he could say as he still found it too difficult to understand Pinkie’s logic.

“Knievel’s head hurt.” Knievel said from the other side of the door, due to his large body-build he was unable to enter the building.

“That’s Pinkie Pie for ya partner.” Applejack said as she gave a small chuckle, finding Sparklez’s expression fun to watch.

“Well what are you all waiting for? Let’s partay!” Pinkie yelled as she disappeared out of the screen. (Wait, screen? Now this is a show? Hmm, not gonna complain, so lets continue.) Pinkie appeared back again behind a set of turntables at the other side of the room, a white unicorn mare with an electric blue mane behind it as well, sporting a pair of purple shades that covered her eyes completely.

“Let’s spin this shit!”(Vinyl, Language!) The white mare shouted out into the crowd as she went and put a song to play for everyone. The beat going in from the start as ponies started to bang their heads to the rhythm.

Sparklez listened to the song for a bit, swearing he had heard it before somewhere. Well, he didn’t have time for that as a Pink hoof grabbed him by the shirt, pulling him straight onto the dance floor.

“Come on Sparklez, show us some moves.” Pinkie said as she proceeded to dance to the music, her body going with the song as her hooves went with the beat. If anything, she looked like a pony street dancer, good God she is only a party planner, and baker, and law breaker of all reality, who knows what would happen otherwise.

Sparklez looked around, not sure how he should feel about this. He normally likes this sort of social gatherings, but being thrown into the middle of things without warning? Not sure if he should be thrilled or shy at the whole thing.

Oh well. Sparklez thought to himself as he decided to just dance as he pleased, it wasn’t like the ponies were gonna judge him, seeing as they were a whole different species. Sparklez went ahead and started to dance around, trying his best to follow the beat as best as he could.

Twilight looked at the man, seeing that he was enjoying himself she smiled widely. “Well I’m glad he is having a good time, come on girls, no point in standing around.” Twilight said as she went to join the crowd.

“I’ll, just stay at the side, if you don’t mind.” Fluttershy said as she went to the refreshments table, not wanting to get too involve into the activities, especially since she had a patient with her at the moment.

“Oh man, I so want to party around. Damn those Stegosaurus, ruining my fun even in Tartarus.” Kerry said as she frowned, seeing as Sparklez and everyone else were having fun. Oh how she wished she had a potion of healing.

Applejack turned to the door, seeing the large golem unable to fit through the doorframe. “Sorry big fella, ‘fraid we can’t fit you in here, sorry.” Applejack said as she gave an apologetic smile.

Knievel just shrugged, not seeing it as a big problem. “Don’t mind, never liked crowded places.” Knievel said before looking up, he tilted his head as if thinking about something before he jumped into the air, grabbing hold of the edge of the roof and scaling it until he was on the top of the roof.

Applejack just looked at the action with confusion before shrugging it off. “Fella wasn’t lying ‘bout liking high places.” She said before disappearing into the large crowd of ponies.

As the hours passed, ponies chatted among one another having a great time. They started to feel more relaxed with Sparklez around, said man being in a wrestling competition with Applejack, and not doing too well unfortunately.

Sparklez was straining himself as he fought against the mare’s strong arm. “Ya ready to throw the towel partner? Ah can be here all day.” Applejack said as she gave the man a smirk.

“Never, Captain Sparklez doesn’t admit defeat that easily.” Sparklez said as he strained himself to not lose the match. Ponies around them encourage them as they went on with their game.

“Well sorry partner, but this match-” Applejack then brought her hoof down, the movement so quick and sudden that it sent Sparklez to the ground. “-It’s over.” She finished as she went to help the man up to his feet. “Gotta say, ya lasted longer than Ah expected. Normally Rainbow is the only one who really puts up a fight, but ya came close.” Applejack said as she nudged Sparklez on the side.

“Sure, tell that to my sore arm.” Sparklez said as he rubbed his arm, having been using it for too long had made the muscles ache. “Speaking of Dash, where is she?” He expected to spot the mare fairly easy, considering that she stood out among the crowd.

“Don’t know partner, last I saw her she was going out the back door, she may of went to get some fresh air.” Applejack said as she went back into the crowd, losing herself inside the multitude of ponies.

Sparklez decided to go check on the mare, seeing as she had barely shown any interaction around the ponies. He snaked his way through all of the guests, before reaching what appeared to be the entrance to the kitchen. Seeing as there was no other way in, he went in to find himself inside the kitchen area, which displayed various types of baking equipment.

Sparklez looked around and saw a door that led outside into the street, wide open as it let the light of the moon. Sparklez walked towards the door, having a good feeling he would find the mare in question just outside.

When he reached the doorway, he looked outside to find no one, which confused him as he was sure that Rainbow would be here. “Master, what you doing out here?” Came the voice of Knievel as he leaned to the edge.

Sparklez turned to see the iron golem, at bit surprised as he wasn’t expecting him to be able to get up there, then again, he did manage to somehow climb a two block high wall. “I’m looking for Dash, you seen her Knievel?” Sparklez asked as he looked around again, hoping to see the mare in question.

“Blue lady? She in the sky. Lucky her, Knievel wish he could fly.” Knievel answered back as he pointed to a cloud in the sky. At first, one couldn’t see anything, but looking at it long enough, one could see a small strand of rainbow appearing on the top.

Sparklez decided to walk towards the cloud, hopping that once he was close enough he could get the mares attention. “Hey Dash, what are you doing up there?” Sparklez shouted to the sky, not even questioning how was the mare even able to be on top of the clouds.

Rainbow heard the man and turned in the cloud, her head coming from one of the edges as she looked down. Once she noticed the man she took off the cloud, as she glided down to the man and landed right next to him. ”Hey there.” Rainbow said as she gave the man a small smile, although it seemed a bit forced.

Sparklez noticed this, knowing that something was bothering her, but decided not to question it yet. “Hi, so what brings you out here? The party is inside and you are missing it.” Sparklez said, giving her a warm smile.

Rainbow looked down a bit, her ears falling to the sides. “Yeah, I will be there just, needed some fresh air that’s all.” She said, not looking at Sparklez in the eye.

Sparklez now knew something was wrong, and the party was part of the reason behind it. “Hey you ok? Something on your mind?” Sparklez asked with a soft look, really wanting to help her out.

“It’s nothing, just have some things running in my mind right now.” Rainbow said, turning away from the man in the process.

“Hey, if the party is bothering you, you don’t need to go back in, I’m sure everyone will understand.” Sparklez tried to talk to the mare again, trying to see if he could find the reason to the mare’s problems.

Rainbow gave a sigh, turning to face the man again. “It’s not the party, it’s...Everypony.” She said as she looked down with a sad expression.

Sparklez looked at her confused as he tried to make heads of what she meant by that. “Everyone? Not sure what you mean by that Dash.” Sparklez really needed a better explanation if he was to help her.

“I’m a freak Sparklez, and everypony thinks so too.” Rainbow said as her tone turned to a harsh one.

Sparklez was taken by surprise at Rainbow’s statement, not expecting her to turn this rash towards others, well actually, he could, but still. “Whoa there, why do you think that everyone sees you as a freak, you look normal to me.” Sparklez said as she tried to cheer the mare a bit.

“Well of course you would see me as normal, I look a human, not a pony. And everypony thinks of me as a freak because of it.” Rainbow said as she crossed her arms, like in hopes that any hate would be locked away.

This didn’t seem right, Rainbow was basically saying that everyone hates her because she was different. Sparklez didn’t believe that racism existed in this land, or at least this strong where people, or ponies in this case, would exile one of their own for a small difference.

“And why do you think they would hate you Dash, even by something like this?” Sparklez said as he looked at the mare with straight face. “And in my opinion, things could have been worse.”

Rainbow looked at him with a frown as he said that, not seeing how this could have been any worse. “Oh yeah, how?” Rainbow said as she prepared for anything that Sparklez may tell her.

“From what I have seen, you could have lost your wings.” Sparklez said as he kept that straight face.

Rainbow’s eyes widened at hearing that, the idea of losing her ability to fly has always been a deep fear in her mind. Rainbow looked at the man again with as much seriousness as she could, not wanting to let him see her scare from what he said. “What do you mean by that?”

“You may not know, but humans don’t really have wings, or magic like unicorns. And I think you should consider yourself lucky that you didn’t turn into a complete human. Heck, we don’t even have this kind of eccentric hair colour or skin tone, not to mention no tail.” Sparklez said as he motioned to the differences between him and the mare.

“Really? Twilight told us that humans looked like us, but different, having different colour manes and skin. You mean to tell me that humans are not as diverse?” Rainbow asked, wanting to see better what Sparklez was trying to tell her about her situation not being as bad as she thought.

“No we aren’t, but I’m not sure where Twilight got her knowledge of humans.” Sparklez said as he thought about it, before shaking his head to get the idea out of his mind. “Look, the point is that you can’t just make assumptions like that, you have known most, if not all of these ponies for even longer than I have, what is to say that they will think any less of you because you look a bit different.”

Rainbow looked down, thinking about what Sparklez was saying. She had gained the trust of the ponies before, and they respected her both as a friend and somepony to rely on. She could see where Sparklez was going, and he was right. “Heh, guess you have a point there.”

Sparklez gave a smile, glad that he could help a friend out. “Alright, one for the boy in town, zero to the silly mare.” Sparklez said in a joking manner as he stood up in a victorious pose.

Rainbow rolled her eyes at the joke. “The only one being silly is you, so point for me.” Rainbow said as she had a small smile growing on her face.

“Oh whatever, so you ready to go back inside?” Sparklez said as he started walking to the bakery, but stopped to wait for the mares response.

“Sure.” Rainbow grinned as she spread her wings wide. “Race you there.” She said as she took off, going straight for Sugarcube Corner.

“Hey no fair. I can’t fly.” Sparklez shouted after the mare as he started sprinting after her, the dirt under him picking up from the vortex that he created.

“I’m going easy on you, try to keep up.” She called out as she kept flying until she reached the door, where she waited for the man to catch up.

Sparklez soon caught up to Rainbow, seeing that she was waiting at the door with a smug face. “Oh laugh it up, next time we have a race it better be on fair ground.” Sparklez said as he went to go inside, until he heard a loud scream.

“ARRRGH! Monsters!” Came the yell of somepony from inside the building.

Sparklez and Rainbow looked at each other for a moment, before they both nodded knowing that there was trouble and they needed to act fast. In a quick move they went inside the building preparing themselves for whatever may lie inside.

“Oh come on!” Knievel yelled as he saw the two individuals go inside suddenly. And here he was hoping to see them actually show some sign of affection to each other. Damn monster always ruin everything.

(Knievel, what is with you and romance?)

5 minutes prior

Everypony was enjoying themselves, listening to the music as it played. Well, except for Fluttershy, who was seated to one side as she just cared for the injured feline. “I’m really sorry you couldn’t enjoy yourself Kerry.” Fluttershy said as she softly pets the cat, earning a few purrs in return.

“Oh its alright, most likely I would have made everyone jealous of my dancing.” Kerry said with a small laugh, still enjoying the petting that Fluttershy was giving her.

“I’m just glad you are doing ok.” Fluttershy said as she gave a small smile. She looked around and noticed the lack of presence of a certain human. “Where is Sparklez?” Fluttershy asked as she looked around the room, hoping to catch a glimpse of the man.

“Hey Fluttershy. How are you doing?” Twilight asked as she came out from the crowd of ponies, making the yellow pegasus to stop her search for the human. “Seems that you are enjoying yourself with some company.”

“Oh, hi Twilight, I’m fine thanks. I was just wondering where Sparklez was, he seems to be missing from the party.” Fluttershy said as she looked around once more before looking back at her friends. “But you know, he can leave if he wants to.”

“Oh I’m sure he is around here somewhere, I saw him having a hoof wrestling competition, or would that be hand wrestling for Sparklez?” Twilight asked as she pondered on the idea for a bit. “Anyways, he may just be having a rest, with all of the dancing and meeting new ponies I’m surprised he hasn’t just called it a day.”

Fluttershy was about to say something until a certain pink pony appeared between them, from the roof? “Isn’t this the best girls? I never thought I would throw a Welcome to Ponyville Welcome to Equestria Welcome to a new world Be the first human in Equestria Thanks for saving the town and for making a new word! Oh, this is just so much fun!” Pinkie said as she bounced on the spot, a big grin plastered on her face.

“New word? What are you talking about?” Twilight asked as she looked at her energetic friend. She could understand the other stuff, and Pinkie always tried to have an excuse to throw a party, but what did she mean by a new word?

“Well duh, Shenanigans isn’t it fun just to say it? ShenanigansShenanigansShenanigansShenanigansShenanigansShenan- Ow, I beith mah thound.” (Translation, I bit my tongue. Wait, what? Is that even possible?)

Twilight rolled her eyes, typical Pinkie doing random things. Although she did wonder what that word meant, maybe it was a cultural word to express one's self state of mind, or maybe it was a word to describe a certain object or event.

“Oh, my Pinkie sense is tingling.” Pinkie suddenly spoke out of the blue, her whole body starting to shake as she remained in place. “A-a-a-a-nd i-i-i-i-i-it’s-s-s-s a-a-a-a d-o-o-o-o-z-z-z-z-z-y-y-y.” Pinkie Pie said in mid shake, making her speech broken up.

“Wait what?” Twilight said as she scanned the room quickly, seeing if anything was happening or may show a sign to something bigger. “Please tell me you are not being serious.” Twilight said in a pleading tone, not wanting to cause another panic after what happened today.

“Um Twilight?” Fluttershy said as she pointed with a hoof towards a section in the crowd.

Twilight turned around, seeing a purple mist of particles starting to form in the air. The spectacle making most of the ponies stop what they were doing as they witnessed the event happening.

The particles started forming around quickly as they made some kind of shape, the light coming from it making it hard to make out. But as soon as it formed it vanished to leave...two very weird things.

One of them was a tall dark bipedal creature, it resembled a human to some extent, but its skin looked like it was made of some kind of thin layer of scales, opposed to the the smooth skin that it was know about.

It had long thin arms, which widened as they reached the hands, three finger instead of five, the thumb being as big as the fingers. It’s legs resembled hooves, but lacked the hard texture that said limbs possesed.

It’s head seemed to lack any kind noticeable features, all except for a pair of thin purple eyes, which seemed to have a glow of its own, like it shone with the life that the being had. And it seemed like said creature was wearing a piece of a suit of sorts, having a purple bowtie which held it in place.

The second creature looked more like a human, only that it’s skin colour was a sickly green, part of said skin seemed to have fallen over, making it look a bit disturbing, but not enough that it would put off anyone just by looking.

It seemed to have a set of clothes that had been slightly torn, but seemed to be still wearable. It had a pair of blue trousers which were complemented by the white buttoned shirt, as well as a pair of brown shoes.

Its face resembled that of a human as well, but the eyes were missing, instead they were replaced by black sockets which had a dark blue light in them, like a flame radiating in a dark cave.

It seemed like the smaller one was looking a piece of paper, holding a round metallic object on the other hand, which had a needle that seemed to a certain point all the time. Perhaps a compass of sorts.

“Mrrrgh.” The smaller being said in a moan, scratching its head with a free hand as he looked at the piece of paper. The taller one was looking around with a look of slight confusion, really not expecting to appear in a building filled with animals.

The tall one nudged the other to get its attention, giving some kind of groan/moan. The other creature turned to look at the black one, giving it a look like in questioning. “Hmmrrrrgh?” It growled this time as he faced the tall creature.

The creature in question gestured with its head to the crowd, giving a short moan like before. The green creature looked around, now noticing the room filled with pastel coloured equines, he had a confused look from the bizarre situation.

Twilight looked at the creatures, inspecting their descriptions as she tried to recall any knowledge regarding them. She reached with her magic to the encyclopedia that she had left to one side when she joined the crowd, flipping through the pages as she found two different entries fitting the description of the creatures. “A zombie and an Enderman?” Twilight asked in a low whisper, not wanting to alarm the whole room.

The zombie looked around a bit longer, before having a big grin as he waved to the guests in the room. “BRWAAAAAR.” It groaned out loud, which sounded more like a threatening growl, instead of a greeting like it had intended. The Enderman facepalmed, knowing the mistake that its friend had made.

“ARRRGH! Monsters!” One of the members of the crowd screamed as it tried to scramble away from the creatures. Soon the rest of the crowd started to panic, having a good idea that these creatures could be related to the one that attacked them earlier.

Their moment of panic was silenced as Sparklez barged out the kitchen entrance, the Sandslash out and ready. Rainbow came right behind him, readying herself as she saw the monsters that stood on the centre of the room, she was about to charge at them when Sparklez extended an arm out, making her look in confusion at the man. “Sparklez, what are you doing?” Rainbow asked as she glared at the monsters again.

Sparklez looked at the mobs that stood in the middle, still not quite getting how it was possible that they were here. He could expect any of the mobs that he has made in the past on his own videos, seeing as Knievel and Kerry were here. But these two?

He was about to say something, as to say that everything was alright and avoid any more panic, that is until Pinkie starting shouting out loud. “Oh my gosh! Code Red, Code Red. We got a Code red here ponies.” Pinkie said as she talked into an old style radio transponder. (The one that looks like a brick, that one.)

In an instant multiple Pinkies emerged from different locations within the building, ranging from potted plants to the inside of lamps. All of them sporting a set of riot armour matching their colour scheme, as they carried what appeared to be a miniature version of the Party Cannon. All of them repeating the same ‘Code Red’ as they moved into different positions around the building.

Switching to Knievels point of view

Outside, was even crazier. Knievel was confused when he heard the loud commotion that seemed to be made of the same pink pony, but it soon got crazier as he heard a loud set of horns in the distance.

Looking into that direction he spotted even more of the pink ponies, who seemed to be carrying some sort of large compilation of instruments, ranging from a tuba, a drum, trombones and even a harmonica.

“Come on fillies, follow me!” The one who seemed to be the head in command there announced, as the whole group started moving in formation, playing their instruments in a sort of parade way.

Knievel was a bit shocked by the spectacle, and it soon got worse as he saw something in the corner of his eye, coming from the other direction. Looking at it, he saw, more of pink ponies?!

“Cavalry, away!” Another of the pink ponies shouted as she rode another of herself, all of them sporting iron swords at the ready as if they were gonna charge a large number of mobs.

Knievel heard something in the air, it sounded like the hiss of a creeper, but more high pitched and a bit metallic. Looking up he saw, some kind of strange metallic bird, which the side of it was wide open.

Soon, more pink ponies?! Oh Notch, more of them appeared as they started to jump out from the side screaming. “For Equestria!” “For Ponyville!” “For Parties!” Then something came out of the side, it seemed like some sort of iron golem, but it was far slender and it was pink, and the eyes where a light blue, and on the chest was an emblem of three balloons.

“For Cybertron” It said in the same voice as the rest of the pink ponies, as it jumped out, and soon it started changing form, as part of the body joined together before it all made the form of the pink pony.

Knievel had had it, this was too much to handle as it just did not make sense, not even after seeing it could he believe it. Knievel just dropped onto his back as his brain overloaded from the amount of craziness that he just witnessed.

Back inside, it was pretty much chaos with Pinkies going around everywhere. Every single Pinkie was going around, still shouting that same line. They started to take position around the individuals, the zombie and enderman, and were aiming directly at them, ready to strike them down at any sudden move.

“Do not try to move or we’ll be shooting ourselves.” One of the countless Pinkies said as the zombie and enderman looked around, a really confused and a bit on the verge of craziness expression on their faces.


Oh great, there goes the fifth wall. Thanks Pinkie, you just had to go around and do something like this. Le sigh, at least the sixth wall is-


-Broken...damn you Pinkie.

Sparklez just looked ahead with a mouth wide open, the amount of craziness and impossibility was starting working over his mind. “Is this, normal in here?” Sparklez asked to the blue mare to his side, not looking away from the strange scene.

Rainbow remained silent as she looked at the large amount of Pinkies, this was like that whole Pinkie incident with the mirror pool, but this could be considered worse. “This, actually happened once before. It wasn’t really pretty either.” Rainbow said as she looked around the room, seeing multiple faces of ponies who were holding in their despair as the worst day that they had ever experienced was on the verge of happening again.

Sparklez moved forward as he tried to reach the real Pinkie, how he knew that I’m not sure. “Pinkie, can you stop this?” Sparklez said as he was squished between the multiple mares on riot armour.

“No worry Sparky, no way we are letting these meany mean pants monsters, ruin your party.” Pinkie said as she aimed carefully between the eyes of the enderman, who looked to the side as he really was feeling less and less comfortable surrounded by the ponies.

Sparklez really didn’t want any chaos to get set loose, and especially if it involved an enderman. Who knew how much tougher they were when they’re not part of a game? “Pinkie, their my...friends.” Sparklez said, not sure if the last statement could be considered the truth as he never really had an encounter with this characters in any way on the past, only with their creator.

The multitude of Pinkies blinked in a bit of surprise and confusion as they heard that, Pinkie lowered her guard as she came back onto her hooves. “Stand down fillies, stream them if you have to.” Pinkie said as the rest crossed their hooves into the form of a cross, before a screen of smoke appeared, hiding them from view.

Once the smoke cleared, there was only one Pinkie standing, bare of any armour whatsoever like she never had it at all. She trotted towards the two mobs, a serious expression on her face all the way. “So let me see, you are friends of Sparky here, and, also monsters?” She then stood up on her hind legs, as she took hold of both creatures neck collars. “Well I just have one question!” Pinkie said with a really low voice, almost sinister.

Everyone looked at the scene with interest as they never saw the pink party pony like this before, not even when she was really down. The mob duo looked at each other for a moment, before shrugging in a way that could be translated into a What?

Suddenly Pinkie appeared on the other side of the mobs, sporting an outfit of the type that waiters would use. “Will you be having the Cake or the Apple Pie?” Pinkie said in a really mock french accent, even going to wearing a fake moustache.

The crowd erupted into fits of groans, seeing the silly act that Pinkie Pie had just pulled.

Sparklez looked at the strange display for a bit before going forward and pushing the mare away, seeing as the mobs were really confused out of their mind after that little event. “Heh, sorry about that, she can be a bit hard to hang around with. So what brings you two around here?” He actually did wonder about it, as he was starting to wonder if more creatures like them were in this world.

“Blearrgh, aurgh, aargh, mearrh.” The zombie groaned as he waved around the map and the compass, trying to tell the human about what he and his friend were doing. The enderman facepalmed again, seeing as his friend forgot that only one person could understand them, and who knew where he was right now.

“Umm, sorry can’t understand what you’re saying.” Sparklez said as he gave an apologetic smile. This was starting to turn awkward the more he stood in front of the mobs.

“Oh, so you can’t find the mob tavern? Never heard of that place, but it sounds super duper cool.” Pinkie said as she appeared on top of Sparklez, the man just now noticed the overwhelming weight of the pony as it brought him to the ground.

The enderman looked at the pink pony with wide eyes, which was something unusual as he normally had thin eyes which made him look like he was staring intently at something or someone. But he was actually surprised at the fact that the pink pony understood what his friend just said.

“Pinkie, you understand them?” Sparklez asked as he stood up again, cleaning himself up after being squashed by Pinkie.

“Well duh, is not like he is saying nonsense.” Pinkie said as she turned around to face to the mobs again. “Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie, but my friends just call me Pinkie. What’s yours?” Pinkie said as she extended a hoof to the bizarre visitors.

The zombie took hold of the hoof, showing a rather creepy but simple grin. He responded with more of his grunts and moans, which Pinkie seemed to be understanding perfectly. (At this point, nothing surprises me anymore from this mare. I hope)

“Dave, that’s a funny name, well not as funny as Bart, mind if I call you Bartty?” Pinkie asked looking at the Enderman, before turning back at Dave. “Oh, do you like parties? Because you look like you like them, do you do you do you?” Pinkie asked as she was inches from the face of Dave.

Dave just stood there with a face like saying, ‘you serious?’ before reaching from behind him and taking out a pair of dark shades and a vinyl record. He put on the glasses and then threw the disc over his shoulder towards the DJ Booth.

Vinyl saw the disc coming and caught it on her magic before it could get damaged. “Hey, what’s the big idea?” Vinyl shouted towards Dave who motioned for her to place the disc on the turntables. She looked at the disk with a raised eyebrow as it didn’t show any sort of writing that could tell her the artist of the disc, but then shrugged as she figured she may as well do it, no point in keeping the ponies waiting for more wubs.

As soon as the record started playing, Dave went into a low pose, letting the intro of the song play. Everyone else just looked a bit confused, all except for Bart, Sparklez and Pinkie. The formers because they knew what was to happen and Pinkie because she was excited.

As soon as the drop came, Dave went into a striking pose, just in time to start dancing to the music as he showed off his moves, which is something considering he is a zombie.

Everyone looked a bit longer at the scene, still trying to figure out if they should do something else completely, but soon enough a few of the crowd started tapping their hooves to the beat, starting to find the scene less bizarre than it once started.

Pinkie was now joining in with Dave, making the same routing but slightly different as she had to dance on four hooves. Well, she could do it on two, but she felt that she might as well show everypony how to do it normally.

Vinyl started banging her head, feeling the beat play as she felt the music play out through the room. This beat still doesn’t cut it, time to ramp up the sound! Vinyl thought to herself as she used her magic to increased the volume, making the whole place shake with the music.

Inside the home of a certain donkey, Cranky Doodle was trying to desperately have some shut eye. But the loud thumping sound of music coming from Sugarcube Corner was making the task impossible as he could only stare at the ceiling.

“Pinkie...Pie.” Was all that Cranky could say as he just wished for some shut eye.

Back on the party, Dave and Pinkie were taking over the dance floor, showing off moves that one would say should not be possible, still they did. Sparklez looked at Bart, motioning with his head if he wanted to leave them be for now.

Bart nodded, moving away from the scene and let his friend have his fun. Sparklez led the Enderman through the crowd of partying ponies, as they tried to find Sparklez’s friends.

“Sparklez.” Came the voice of Applejack as she waved from another part of the crowd, motioning to join her. Next to her stood the rest of their friends, Twilight looking like she just had a major recomposure after what must have been a total trainwreck for her brain.

“Hey there cowgirl, bet you were a bit surprised when that happened.” Sparklez said in a joking matter, electing a small laugh from the mare.

“Well we sure did, but ah think Twilight didn’t take it too well.” Applejack said as she motioned to the alicorn. “Still, what surprised me the most, was ya’ll being friends.” Applejack said as she motioned to Bart, who just looked at the mare with his thin purple eyes.

“Well, I kind of know them, I just know the guy that hangs with them most of the time, although I’m not sure how they got here.” Sparklez said as he looked back at the enderman, still felt strange being able to look at one in the eyes without fear of it trying to kill you.

“And the fact that they are looking for a tavern doesn’t help either, I mean, The Mob Tavern? What kind of place is called like that?” Rainbow said as she looked at Bart, while she didn’t feel threatened by him, she still felt weird around him.

“I heard of the place” Came the voice of a certain feline, who seemed to be watching the Enderman with a certain look. “Although if I remember, it was suppose to be in another Overworld

“Another wha?’” Applejack said as she raised an eyebrow.

“Is fancy talk for the normal world, like the one we are in.” Sparklez said, easing up any confusion that Kerry may have risen.

“Yeah, which means that these guys, aren’t exactly from around here.” Kerry said as she gave Bart a deep stare, which the Enderman returned back. “I don’t care if you are friends with Sparklez, I’m watching you buddy.” She emphasized this by moving her paw to the front of her eyes, then to Bart and then back at her.

“Ok then, no need to be mean to each other.” Twilight started as she came between the two mobs. “This is a party after all, and I don’t think this is the best place to...Oh wow.” Twilight trailed off as she looked back at the dance floor.

Dave was just doing a combination of a slalom dance with a moonwalk, making his moves stand out even more. As the music started to die down, Dave and Pinkie started to throw it all, moving left to right as the song ended with a last drop, both of them making a sort of victory pose.

Ponies all around them started cheering, forgetting completely about what had transpired a couple minutes back and just enjoying themselves. Pinkie and Dave soon moved away from the dance floor, having decided they had used it enough.

“That was so duper fun! Go Davey, go Davey, go Davey, show me the moves!” Pinkie cried out as she moved through the crowd, going towards the group of friends. “Oh, you have to meet my friends, I just know you will love them.”

Dave just gave his usual groans for a reply, his slight rotten face showing a smile of sorts. “Oh I’m sure you will get along fine, besides, you are already friends with Sparky. And he is the funniest guy around.” Pinkie said as she continued walking.

“Well there partner, ya had the floor hotter than a fresh apple pie out the oven.” Applejack said as she greeted the duo. “Gotta admit, didn’t expect moves like that, especially coming from a, you know.” Applejack said the last part in a low voice, not wanting to make yet another panic if she mentioned that Dave was an actual zombie.

Dave responded with a few groans, which again, no one understood. “Oh, he is saying that he gets that a lot.” Pinkie quickly translated to the relief of others.

“But I still like to know why did you two appear out of the blue?” Twilight asked as she looked back into the encyclopedia, wanting to make sure she didn’t miss anything about the two individuals.

Bart was the one to answer this time, although it creeped out a few of them as his moans sounded even more sinister in nature. “Hmm, Bartty says that they were suppose to appear right next to the cave entrance to this tavern of theirs, and that Davey here was trying to find it on the map.” Pinkie translated for them, although Bart had an annoyed look whenever Pinkie called him Bartty.

Sparklez had a good idea why this was, and he hated to break it to them. “Guys, I’m sorry to say this, but we aren’t exactly in your world anymore.” Sparklez said as he watched the duo of mobs.

Bart responded back, Pinkie translating as he went. “Oh what gave it away genius? Hey that’s mean.” Pinkie said as she frown a bit at the Enderman.

“Hey, watch it tall guy. Or I’ll rip a permanent mouth in your face.” Kerry said as she extended her claws, as a way to intimidate the Enderman.

Bart just glared at the cat, his face slowly opening as it made a mouth, but is was like it lead to nothing, just showing what appeared to be a few sets of teeth. Plus a static sound that started sounding in the air.

“That’s enough guys.” Sparklez intervene, really seeing the dislike between hostiles and companion mob. “Can we not try to kill each other here?”

“He started it, I was just defending you, like I’m suppose to.” Kerry complained as she settled back on Fluttershy’s back, keeping a hard glare on the Enderman.

“Guys, this is getting us nowhere. Look, we are all tired from this party, which by the way Pinkie, its nearly midnight.” Twilight said as she rubbed her forehead, just below her horn.

“So? This isn’t my first late night partay Twilight, you Silly Billy.” Pinkie said as she gave a wide smile to her friend.

“Urgh, not the point Pinkie. I think we can sort this out better in the morning, what with the giant monster and my studies on this whole thing, it really has worn me down.” Twilight said as she soon let out a small yawn.

“Awww, but we just made new friends, I wanted to extend the party to welcome them too.” Pinkie said as she pouted a bit. Dave decided to pet her in hopes to cheer her up.

“Sorry Pinks, but I’m going with the egghead here, I am beat” Rainbow said as she started stretching a bit, experimenting to see what worked better with her new body, luckily it wasn’t that much different from what she was normally used to, only a slight change to fit her new body layout.

“And I do need my beauty sleep, after all, one must take care of themselves to keep looking fabulous.” Rarity said as she played with her mane, making sure it was still in order.

Applejack rolled her eyes at the mares actions. “Whatever ya say Rares.” Applejack said as she gave her own yawn to the tired group, well, most of them.

Bart spoke again, nudging Dave by the shoulder. “What do you mean you have to go? But you just got here.” Pinkie said as she gave a sad look to the Enderman.

Bart gave another of his moans, before motioning Dave to go next to him. “Oh, I see. But will you still hang around?” Pinkie asked, giving them a pair of puppy eyes.

Bart rolled his eyes before giving a final grunt. “Yay!” Pinkie exclaimed as she waved the two mobs. Soon, a small set of purple particles surrounded the two creatures, before they disappeared out of view, residue of the same particles lingering in the air where they once stood.

“What was that about?” Sparklez asked, really wanting to know what were the two talking about.

“Oh Davey has a skin condition and needs to stay in dark places to avoid the sun, just like a vampony!” Pinkie said as she gave a small oooh, in the manner of a ghost.

“Well, he is a zombie, and zombies burn in the sunlight.” Twilight muttered to herself, recalling that bit of the entry on the encyclopedia about zombies. “Well guys, we better leave. You sure you will be safe at Futtershy’s again?” Twilight asked to the man, a small worry expression on her face.

“Well for now I will, not gonna leave one of my friends alone in the chance that more monsters try to attack. But don’t worry, I’m prepared now, plus I got Knievels to help me. Speaking of him, where is he?” Sparklez said as he finally left the building and lookied up to the roof to try and see the iron golem.

Rainbow Dash flew up to the roof, checking if the golem was still there. “Umm, Sparklez?” Rainbow called out as she looked to a spot on the roof.

“Yes Dash?” Sparklez called out back, he was wondering why didn’t she just get the golem to come down.

“I think you are gonna pay for some property damages.” Rainbow said as she viewed the large hole that Sugarcube Corner now sported, which seemed to lead to a certain Pink ponies room.

“Hey, what are you doing in here?” Pinkie said as she looked at the form of Knievel laying on the floor.

Knievel had an eye twitching, which seemed to twitch more violently as he looked at Pinkie Pie. “Help! Take away crazy pony! She makes no sense!”

Author's Note:

I’M NOT DEAD! In case you were wondering. :twilightsmile:

Wow, I think I may have overdone this a tiny bit :twilightsheepish:
“A bit? Are you loco in the coco?”
Ok, ok. This was like puking a rainbow of randomness
“Not the words I would have used, but it works”

If you managed to read all this chapter, and still make sense of it. Then I give you the Pinkie Badge, for making sense of total randomness. :pinkiehappy:

Dave and Bart are owned by Slamacow, I don’t really know why I added them, apart from the fact that Jordan seems to like to work with the guy, but I regret nothing. And seeing as they may prove to be helpful in future chapters, what with being hostile mobs, they are bound to be able to offer some knowledge to the group. :trixieshiftright:

Well, that’s all I have to say really, until next time, Peace!