• Published 18th Jul 2013
  • 15,713 Views, 4,420 Comments

The Captain of Mining - Raybony

Jordan (AKA CaptainSparklez) gets sent to Equestria after a weird incident with his modded survival. And the only way to get back is to find the missing elements of Harmony, scattered in different dimensions.

  • ...

Boss: Ancient Entity

Sparklez kept staring at the monster in front of him, still not believing what he was seeing even if he knew that Minecraft’s mobs were now there. He was so focused on the monster that he still wasn’t aware of the arm that was coming to smack him into the air.

In the last second, Twilight tackled Sparklez to the ground, barely missing the limb as it passed over their heads. Twilight looked at Sparklez with a look of worry, seeing how close that was from hitting both of them. “Sparklez, you ok?”

Sparklez shook his head, spitting some dirt from his mouth from having fallen to the ground on his face. “Yeah, but I’m gonna need some mouthwash after this, blergh!” Sparklez then looked behind him to be welcomed by a massive limb crashing down towards them. “Watch out!” Sparklez yelled as he quickly stood up, grabbing Twilight’s hoof and dragging her out of the way from the massive arm.

As soon as they cleared out, the arm of the Ancient Entity crashed into the ground, the shockwave was enough to send Twilight and Sparklez flying a couple of feet into the air, landing near a building where frightened ponies were hiding in.

With the Ancient Entity seeing it had missed his target, it swiftly turned towards where the two lay dazed from it’s attack. But it was quickly distracted from the force of several projectiles hitting him on the back in various places. While it didn’t hurt the entity, it was enough to gain it’s attention.

Looking over at the attacker the entity was assaulted by a pair of magic bolts, hitting it square in it’s single eye. The Ancient Entity screeched with agony and rage. Although the attack itself had not harmed the entity, it still made it’s eye feel like salt had been poured in it.

Celestia and Luna hovered above the creature, doing anything in their power to try to stop it from rampaging around the town and ultimately hurting anypony. “Sister, something is amiss,” Luna said. “This creature didn’t show any signs of being affected by our spells, and it’s seems more enraged than before.”

Celestia could see what she meant and she became more worried. Their spells were meant to drive this monster away to a more open terrain, but when the magic striked it seemed to just diffuse on contact. “I fear that we are facing something which Equestria has never seen before.” Celestia said in a rushed tone. This proved true, as even in the past, before other species were even known to exist, magic from her sister and herself were capable of affecting them, unlike now.

A blue blur interrupted her thoughts as she saw Rainbow Dash circle around the creature, doing quick, neat jabs with hoof every so often. Celestia then noticed Twilight and Sparklez, who seemed to be discussing something regarding the current situation.

Luna saw this too, thinking that maybe this human knew how to fight this creature. Deciding to find out some answers for herself, she swooped down towards the two, Celestia following as she saw her sister's intentions.

As they came closer, they could start hearing the two having a discussion about the creature that was right now terrorizing the town. “...You can’t defeat it?!” Luna heard an exasperated huff. “But you got rid of those things on the library before, how can you not do the same with this thing?” Twilight said with anxiety on her voice.

“I didn’t say that, I said that I can’t do it with what I have right now,” Sparklez explained. “This sword is damaged heavily and that thing has more health than I will be able to take out with the sword.” Sparklez said as he pulled out the same iron sword from before, showing it to Twilight as he gave his reasons.

“What are thou saying human?” Luna said, being the one most interested in the conversation .

“Princesses, Sparklez thinks he is the only one that can really kill that... thing. But it seems that he lacks the required equipment or something, you didn’t really tell me what you needed.” Twilight said as she turned her attention back to the human.

“It doesn’t matter,” Sparklez started “This thing seems to only be affected by objects from the ‘game’. I saw how those beams from the Princesses didn’t do anything to the Ancient Entity! Even you guys couldn’t do anything about it when you hit them.” Sparklez said with a frustrated tone. “All of this is because-”

“Uaarrrgh!” Came a yell from Rainbow Dash, as she was swatted out of the sky by one of the Ancient Entity’s arms. She landed with a small skip on the ground near the group, regaining her footing and glared at the beast.

Rainbow Dash then took notice of the group, and saw how they weren’t doing anything to stop the monster at the moment. “Guys come on, we aren’t gonna beat this thing by standing there.” She sighed. “Twilight, come on, I need your help.”

Twilight shook her head at Rainbow Dash, a small frown on her face. “We can’t Rainbow, this thing seems to be only affected by Sparklez and his magic, I think-”

“No!” Rainbow said suddenly, cutting her friend’s explanation. “I’m not gonna let him be brought back into this. It was because of him that all of this started, the moment that he came here everything started to go wrong!”

When Sparklez heard that, something clicked inside him, a part of him that normally doesn’t show itself, and he was gonna let it out now. He twitched his eye and burst out, “Me?! This is all my fault?! Are you fucking stupid or something?!” Sparklez said as he glared at Rainbow Dash, she glared back in return.

“Everything is your fault! The Elements disappear and you appear, monsters start coming out of nowhere and attacking everypony, you summoned a talking cat, and now a giant monster is attacking the town because you called it with whatever that thing was!” Rainbow said, venom in her voice, pointing every incident out to the man.

The others present were about to interrupt the argument, but stopped when a shadow was cast on top of them. Looking up, they saw one of the arms of the beast descending down on top of them. Celestia was about to teleport them out when a pink object got on the way, stopping the arm on its tracks, ever so slowly.

Upon closer inspection, it looked like a normal cloud of which pegasi use for controlling the weather, but the scent of sugar made clear of what the cloud was. “Would you lot get out of the way already? My magic is limited if you remember.” Discord said from one side, holding out a claw as if holding something in the air.

Celestia, Luna and Twilight nodded and moved quickly out of the way. But Rainbow and Sparklez were still on their argument, unaware of everything that was happening around them. “I never wanted to summon this thing! It was you who made me drop the Mysterious Clock. If anything you are as responsible for this as I am!” Sparklez said, still glaring at the pegasus.

“So you admit it! You are responsible for this monsters appearing! I knew I shouldn’t have trusted you, now get rid of this thing!” Rainbow exclaimed, anger ever so present in her voice. As they kept arguing, Ancient Entity kept trying to bring its arm down, determined to squash the life out of these beings, especially the human.

“Guys, quit fighting each other!” Twilight yelled at them, trying to make them see of the danger that they were on. She was about to gallop towards them, until she saw something she didn’t expect.


“Quit being a bitch! You think I wanted to bring something like this into the town? And you think I can just call it away? How stupid are you?” Sparklez snarled, he had reached his limit taking Rainbows stubbornness and stupidity.

Rainbow just stood there, contemplating what just happened. “Did you...just hit me!?” If Rainbow wasn’t angered before, she was now. In one motion she tackled Sparklez to the ground, proceeding to hit him on the face.

Sparklez saw this coming, and caught the hoof on his hand, then delivered a hook to Rainbow’s face, sending her to the ground. He put away his sword, even though he was pissed off at Rainbow, he wasn’t going to kill her.

Rainbow quickly stood up, facing her opponent again. “You wanna do this the hard way? We’ll do this the hard way!” She launched herself forward smashing herself against Sparklez, sending them both a ways away from where they once had stood.

Discord, seeing that the two were out of danger, let the cotton cloud disappear into the air as the Ancient Entity’s arm hit the ground soon after. The Ancient Entity saw immediately that his target had moved and lumbered towards them, only to be stopped as a rope wrapped around his antennas.

“YEE-HAAA! Ride’em pardner!” Applejack shouted as she pulled on the rope, electing a screech of pain from Ancient Entity, as he reeled back on his hind legs.

“Oh, please Applejack, don’t be too hard on him!” Fluttershy said in a meek voice from her hiding spot, not liking seeing another creature in pain, even if said creature was causing utter chaos around the town.

“Fluttershy, darling, I know you don’t like seeing others get hurt, but if we don’t continue we may lose the town. Including my boutique!” Rarity said as she nearly fainted, thinking of losing her sanctuary of fashion.

“Rares, this ain’t the time to worry about those things, now help me hold the varmint off for Pinkie to do… whatever it is she’s scheming.” Applejack said as she kept pulling on the rope every so often, making sure not to let hold go of the beast.

Meanwhile the Ancient Entity was fighting back the excruciating pain, as his antennas were the most fragile part of him. Applejack saw this and pulled harder, but both of their attention was drawn away from the situation as they saw a pink pony hovering in front of the entity, on a machine that resembled an aircraft.

“Hi there mister monster! How you doing?” Pinkie greeted as she waved and smiled at the Ancient Entity. The monster in question looked at her for a moment with confusion, but shoved it away as he felt that same presence that resembled the human.

The Ancient Entity raised an arm into the air, aiming to squash this pony. He quickly brought it downwards, bringing it ever so close to the pony who seemed unaware of the danger that was quickly approaching her.

At the last second, Pinkie Pie made the aircraft shoot into the air, quickly enough that the arm of Ancient Entity missed her, but it continued to travel until


The arm of Ancient Entity connected with his eye, which sent him back a few yards. It blinked rapidly, trying to get rid of the stinging sensation off its eye.

“That wasn’t very nice.” Pinkie said from the top of Ancient Entity heads.

Back with Rainbow and Sparklez, the man was right now blocking hooves left to right, each hit felt like a normal punch, which seemed odd considering she had hooves, not hands.

Rainbow was delivering a barrage of punches, trying to wear out the man from her non stop onslaught. “Give up! You can’t beat me.” Rainbow said as she attempted knock the man of his feet.

Sparklez reacted quickly by doing an on spot backflip, staggering a bit because he hasn’t done that movement for some time. Good thing I used to do gymnastics in high-school. Sparklez then reached to grab an arm/leg of the pegasus, he then brought all his weight across and flung the mare over his shoulder, making impact against the wall of a house.

Rainbow groaned in response, bringing a hoof to her wing to hold it still. Sparklez saw this and worried about her, he wasn’t sure if wings were as fragile as that of birds for pegasus, and he didn’t want to fracture one of her wings.

Lowering his guard, he approached the mare. “Hey are you ok? Didn’t mean to hurt you like that.” Sparklez said as he went to inspect the appendage. Rainbow had a look of pain, but soon changed into a smirk.

Rainbow quickly turned, as she brought her rear legs back and performed a hard buck to the man’s chest, sending him flying back to the ground away from her. “Ha, can’t believe you fell for that.” Rainbow said as she quickly flew towards the fallen man.

Sparklez laid there as he saw the mare coming to him, when she was close enough he kicked off the ground with his legs, at the same time his foot made connection with the mare’s jaw, sending her reeling back.

Sparklez used the momentum to ungracefully rise back to his feet. “Can we stop with this stupid fight already?! There is a monster trying to kill us all, and fighting me isn’t gonna help!” Sparklez shouted at her, trying to bring some reason into the mare.

Rainbow messed with her jaw, making the pain from the kick go away as he glared to Sparklez. “You think I’m gonna listen to you? Fat chance, you aren’t gonna sweet talk me into liking you.” She intensified her glare, as if by doing so she would disintegrate her opponent. “And the only monster I see right now, is you!” She exclaimed one final time, before dashing at Sparklez once again, leaving a trail of Rainbow behind her.

Sparklez shook his head, not really believing how stubborn this girl was. You are giving me a freaking migraine. He thought to himself as he got ready for the fight once again.

While that was transpiring, the others tried to keep the Ancient Entity under control. Applejack and Rarity were pulling at the rope every so often, making the Ancient Entity trash around. While Pinkie was... trying to talk to the beast, but instead making it hit itself? Meh, works for me.

“I don’t know how long we’re gonna be able to hold on to its horns.” Applejack said as she pulled once again at the rope, making Ancient Entity reel back, but this was starting to be less and less effective as it went on.

“And this sort of labour isn’t doing wonders for me either, just look at my mane!” Rarity exclaimed, which made Applejack roll her eyes. Even in dire situations like this, the mare cared more about her mane than anything, ah mean come on! Applejack thought.

Ancient Entity was starting to get annoyed, the constant pulling and the annoying ball of pink fur was making him mad! He just wanted to get rid of these beings and be done with them.

“Hey, hey, listen to me, hey, come on, don’t ignore me.” Pinkie said as she rested upside down on one of the antennas of the monster, flinging herself around on the limb.

That was it! Ancient Entity had never felt more humiliated in his immortal life. Bringing all of his weight, he made the rope tense, the sudden force surprised the mares on the other end, as they soon were flung into the air, still holding on to the rope for dear live.

“Whooooaaaa!” Applejack exclaimed while the fashionista unicorn screamed in a high pitch. Fluttershy who was next to them looked in terror as her friends flew threw the air.

“Hey! That looks like fun!” Pinkie exclaimed, as she flung herself off the antenna and, somehow grabbed on the rope which her friends were holding on to, as it flung around the Ancient Entity’s head.

When suddenly the sound of flesh being torn was heard, the source was the Ancient Entity’s antenna. Ancient Entity felt the pain for a moment, but the anger and annoyance made him able to ignore it.

The ponies that were on the rope, flew through the air, falling quickly to the hard ground. Before they could reach it however, a set of auras enveloped them, slowly lowering them to the ground. “Heh, thank you kindly Twilight, Princesses.” Applejack said as she smiled at the ponies in question.

Twilight was about to respond before she noticed where the monster was walking towards. “Oh no. Dash, Sparklez!” She screamed as she galloped quickly to where the individuals were, panic set in as she feared for their safety.

Sparklez had just avoided another swipe of the prismatic mare as she dived at him every few seconds. “What’s the matter, can’t keep up?” Rainbow taunted as she came around for another attempt at hitting the man.

“Well for one, you can fly, which I see as unfair. And second, you are just leaving yourself open by doing this repeatedly.” Sparklez said as he turned sideways, making the mare miss, yet again.

Rainbow looked a bit confused at what he said, not getting what he meant. “Either you are stupid, or you are just admitting defeat.” She said as she came back around, this time using the fact that he wasn’t facing her to her advantage.

“Nope,” He said as he turned around quickly, just as he avoided Rainbow, but this time he took hold of her, flipping her about until he managed to get her into a lock, with his arms going under her forelegs and his hands pressing the back of her head. Which took the pegasus by surprise. “But are you admitting yours?” He said with a small smirk, holding her tight as she squirmed around is his hold.

“You bucking flankhole, I’m gonna get you.” She fought against his hold, trying to hit him with the back of her head, but he just dodged them each time. “I won’t let you harm my friends, you hear me?!”

Sparklez at this point was confused, not getting what she meant by that. He was about to question her when he noticed a shadow looming over them. Looking up he noticed the arm of Ancient Entity coming down on top of them.

Looking at how close it was, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to clear the area with Rainbow, not in the position that they were in. “...Crap!” In a flash, Sparklez shoved the mare out of his hold, just in time as the arm of the Ancient Entity came down, rockin the ground with the impact.

Twilight stopped on her tracks, seeing what just happened to one of her friends shocked her with fear and horror. “N-no!!”

Rainbow shook her head, standing up again to look at where her opponent...was? In front of her stood the appendage of the monster that she was originally fighting. It then clicked to her what happened, but kept a straight face as she saw the limb move again. What she saw, shocked her.

Right where the limb rested a moment ago, lay the body of Sparklez, he remained still for a few more seconds before he tried to raise himself up. Sparklez looked towards where Rainbow was, he shook a bit as he tried to stand up, and managed to give her a smile before he collapsed, unconscious on the ground.

Rainbow looked at Sparklez, uncertained of what to do, as her brain was fighting with itself at thinking of what to do. Come on, help him out, he is hurt. No, this may be a trick to convince you that he is not dangerous! She then saw as the monster raise its arm high into the air, right above Sparklez. You have to help him! But maybe he has a way to escape from this, in case we don’t save him. And if he doesn’t? Ancient Entity started to bring his arm down again, for one final blow. “Come on you doofus, wake up!” She said more to herself than to Sparklez, fear starting to creep to her, fear that she may be wrong about him, that he could be just a victim to all this too and she just made it worse for him.

She saw the arm about 2 metres away, with no response from Sparklez. Time seemed to slow down, as she saw the limb now just one metre, and nothing. NOOOOOOO! As quickly as she could, she dashed forward, making herself as small as possible so she could to fit through the arm and the ground, as she reached to grab Sparklez.


“NOOOO!” Twilight cried out, seeing Rainbow and Sparklez get stomped by the creatures limb, dust getting lifted into the air in the process. She let herself fall to the ground, the whole thing too much for her to handle. She didn’t just lose one friend, she lost two! “Why Dash? Why?” She asked to herself, none of this would’ve happened if Rainbow hadn’t been the way she was with Sparklez.

As the dust cleared, Twilight saw something through it, when it finally settled down, she was filled with joy, as she saw the shapes of Rainbow and Sparklez lying on the ground.

Ancient Entity saw the shapes of the beings laying next to him, annoyed that he had failed to end them with his last attempt. He brought his arm back, this time aiming to send them in the air, and let gravity do the rest. Until…...

“NOT HURT MASTER!” A rough heavy voice said, followed by the Ancient Entity feeling himself being pushed back, sending him back a lot. Looking back at his attacker, he frowned, recognizing this creature.

Rainbow looked up to the figure that had managed to push the Ancient Entity back. From her position, it seemed like some kind of gorilla, from what Fluttershy told her. But it didn’t have any fur, and the skin looked to be made of something hard, like a changelings chitin. It stood on two short legs, which incredibly managed to carry its whole weight, specially as it had large, no, giant arms.

The thing looked back at the mare, which showed that it had a large nose, which went over a bit where its mouth would be, and two rubies shined with the light, which served as its eyes.

It then turned back to the Ancient Entity, giving a frown with its metallic eyebrows. “Evel Knievel protect master!” He screamed as he charged forward, bringing a giant hand back for a punch.

The Ancient Entity saw the Golem coming, so he brought an arm up, stopping the attack in the process. He then brought his other arm and went to hit the Golem out of the way. Knievil saw this and raised his other arm, Knievel caught it, but it still was strong enough to push him a bit into the ground, fighting the strenght of Ancient Entity.

“Not like...look of this.” Evil Knievel said as he was pushed by the great force of Ancient Entity.

Meanwhile with the others, Rainbow had taken her attention off the Golem and back to the unconscious form of Sparklez, with a sorrowful look. “I’m sorry.” She said as she brushed a hoof on the man’s face.

“Rainbow Dash!” Came the voice of Twilight as she galloped towards the duo. Rainbow had a small smile at seeing her, but was soon changed when she received a smack across the face from Twilight.

“How could you do something like this Rainbow?” Twilight said as she glared her eyes at Rainbow. “Because of your distrust, Sparklez could die. And now we won’t be able to get rid of this monster!” She glared harder at Rainbow at that. “But now I wonder who the real monster is.”

Rainbow felt even more depressed at that, sounding just like what she said to Sparklez before. She then saw the rest of her friends coming from behind, and the princesses. All having a mix of expressions on them.

Fluttershy was the first to react, dashing forward to go to Sparklez side. Worry for the well being of the man after what happened. “Oh no, please be alright Sparklez.” She said with a few tears on her eyes, truly worrying for Sparklez.

“Now what in tarnations drove you to start fightin’ the guy like that Rainbow?” Applejack said as she gave her a frown, but was more worried about Sparklez at the moment than Rainbow explaining herself. She always did stuff like this.

Rarity just gave a look to Rainbow before facing away from her. Not believing a friend of hers would start fighting another pony for no reason. It was so barbaric!

Pinkie looked at Rainbow with a sad expression, not liking what happened between the man and the pegasus one bit. “Why were you so mean to him Dashie?” She said, as her hair seemed to deflate a bit.

The Princesses just gave a look of disappointment at the prismatic mare. Even Luna wouldn’t have acted so irrational, even if she still had her doubts about the human. Celestia then turned to Twilight, who was right now casting a spell on the human, most likely to help his wounds. “Will he be alright Twilight?” Celestia asked with a worried tone in her voice.

Twilight shook her head turning towards Celestia. “I’m not sure Princess, I was able to cast a healing ward around him, but when I try to see if there is anything wrong internally, I just can’t do anything.” She turned her face back to Sparklez, a sad expression adorning her face. ”It seems even he has a bit of immunity to our magic.”

Luna was next to talk, deciding to change the subject from the injured man. “We are sure we will settle this issue as time comes, but we need to focus on the bigger problem at hoof.” She said as she motioned to the two beasts fighting in the background. Knievel just got sent into the air and smashed back into the ground, forming a crater in the process.

“It seems that the only option that we right now is to evacuate the town, Sparklez was the only one who was able to harm the beast, according to Twilight, but we faced complications.” Celestia said the last part, giving a frown at Rainbow Dash, who in turn lowered her head in shame.

“Maybe not.” Twilight said, getting the attention of everyone.

“What d’ya mean Twi?” Applejack asked, an eyebrow raised in confusion at the mare’s statement.

“You remember back at the library when I…” She stopped there, not wanting to remember the experience of turning a human again. “...I used Sparklez Glasses?”

“Yeah, you put them on and then WOOSH you changed, then you went like, ‘I don’t like this’ and then you went like a statue and then-” Pinkie was silenced when Twilight put a hoof on her mouth, muffling everything that she tried to say.

“Yes Pinkie, that’s what I mean. When I put them on, I managed to see what Sparklez had described before, or something similar.” She said as she brought a hoof to her chin, trying to remember what she saw before.

“What does this have to do with the crisis at hoof darling?” Rarity asked as she was interested in what Twilight was saying.

“This is just a theory, but maybe when we use those glasses, I think we are like Sparklez.” Twilight said, looking back at everyone in the group as she started to levitate the glasses off the man’s face.

“We saw how you changed into this, human, but how is that gonna aid us?” Luna asked, still not getting what the young alicorn was implying.

“Not just that, but I think we also have access to his magic, or close to it.” Twilight said, as she brought the glasses closer to her, but was stopped by Celestia putting a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder.

“I can see what you are trying to do, but it is a great risk to take, we still don’t know how this magic works and doing this may do more harm than good.” She was worried, but the reason she said this was to stop Twilight from getting into any unnecessary danger.

Twilight remained silent for a few seconds, letting Celestia’s words sink in before giving a sigh. “I guess you are right Princess, then we have to get everypony ou-” She was cut off when she felt a rush of wind pass her, at the same time her grip on the glasses was abruptly cut off. Looking up she saw Rainbow flying towards the two creatures who were still fighting, and she managed to catch a glimpse of the glasses on Rainbow’s hoof. “Rainbow, wait!”

Ancient Entity was having a fun time at the moment, tossing this excuse of a Golem was making him feel better from the previous event regarding the ponies, especially the pink one. He tossed the Iron Golem back again, seeing it crash against a wall of a building.

“Not...feel...good” Evel Knievel said as he tried to stand up again, his whole body was full of cracks and dents, his iron body taking a beating from the colossal creature.

Ancient Entity advanced once again, ready to get rid of this weak creature and go back to trying to kill the human. He stopped when a flying blue pony flew in front of his single eye. They have flying ones too?! Give me a break Herobrine!

Rainbow Dash looked at the eye of the monster before looking down at the glasses that belonged to Sparklez. “This better work.” She quickly put on the glasses, the same white mist started to surround her as the magic of the glasses took effect.

Ancient Entity was taken by surprise when he saw the pegasus being enveloped by the white mist, before it gave way to a whole new thing. In front of him hovered a blue skinned human who had the same coloured hair as the pegasus. It wore a white and blue sports sweater with a zipper running down the middle. She had a pair of black shorts that hugged her thighs firmly, but still allowed her to move freely, maybe made of latex. And she had some bandages wrapped around her upper arms, not sure why. But he could recognise a pair of glasses that rested on her face, the pair belonging to the human that had slain him a while back.

Rainbow staggered in mid air a bit, feeling her whole center of gravity shift from what she was normally used to. Looking at herself she was surprised, seeing that her whole body had changed so drastically, although she seemed to have kept some parts of her body. She looked at herself and saw that she still had a tail, sprouting out of her back, her muzzle seemed the same to her, and she could feel her hind legs as hooves, unlike her forelegs.

Twilight was right about one thing, having….. “hands” was really creepy. She experimented by twirling her fingers about, the odd sensation sending shivers down her spine. Really glad I didn’t go through the mirror that time. She thought to herself as she looked back at Ancient Entity.

Ancient Entity looked at the new being for a second longer before deciding to go back to what he was originally doing. But was stopped when the pegasus human took off and rammed him right in the eye.That, hurt? He thought, still a bit shocked.

Rainbow was surprised when she made connection with the monster. Unlike before, when she hit it, it didn’t feel like it was made of stone or some kind of hard material, but rather like normal flesh, like hitting another pony in the face. She grinned at this, seeing as she now had a way to harm this thing. Guess that theory was right.

Rainbow Dash then turned mid flight, although she did a bit faster than she intended from having a totally different body build, making her spin a bit on the air. “Ok, note to self, humans are lighter than they look.” She said as she shook the small dizziness that she got from the spin.

Ancient Entity tried to hit the human bird out of the sky with one of his arms, but Rainbow Dash was too fast for him, going around the arm and delivering a series of punches across his body. Each attack felt like an Iron Golem’s fist, and it was coming at a very fast rate.

Everyone looked on, seeing the display of power that Rainbow Dash now had. “W-we don’t believe it. She actually seems to be able to harm the beast!” Luna exclaimed, seeing as each time Rainbow Dash hit the Ancient Entity, it would show an expression of pain, and she could see as small dark mist seeping out of its body with each hit, which made her wonder.

“It seems you were right my dear Twilight, but maybe we should take this chance to help other ponies get away from the town and the danger.” Celestia said, her gaze still fixed on the battle as Rainbow smashed against the back of the monster, making it go down to its knees.

“We already took care of that Princess.” Applejack said. “We knew that it would be way too dangerous fer ponies with that varmint here.”

“Then thank you.” She then turned to Fluttershy and Twilight, who were still treating Sparklez as best as they could. “How is he doing now girls?”

Twilight looked back to the royal monarch, giving an unsure look. “We aren’t too sure yet, he seems stable, but we don’t know if he could be in a coma, or suffered internal bleeding. There is just so much we don’t know.” She hung her head, saddened that she couldn’t do very much to help her friend.

“Don’t worry sugarcube, Ah’m sure that he will pull through this like it was nothin’.” Applejack said trying to reassure her friend.

Twilight was about to say something until a loud roar was heard, making them cover their ears at the sudden noise, all around them windows shattered from the noise, unable to withstand the force of it.

Rainbow was covering her ears while she kept her eyes shut, just when she was about to strike Ancient Entity’s eye again, the creature let out the roar that she was trying to suppress at the moment. When the roar finally stopped, she opened her eyes, just in time to see both arms of Ancient Entity smacking her up in the air.

Rainbow soared in the air, the pain from the hit making it too hard to even move, she even heard bones cracking at the hit. Da-damn it, I can’t feel my wings. Ugh, too much pain can’t. She stopped there, not wanting to say the words. No! I won’t give up, even if it kills me I will destroy that thing...destroy.

The word kept repeating inside her head, all other thoughts and reasoning starting to fade away, even the sensation of pain as the word kept repeating on her head, like something was taking over. Destroy all, destroy everything, destroy EVERYONE! She let out a cry of war, her eyes starting to bleach out, making her have a soulless look.

She bolted in mid air, as she was now about a mile away from the ground, but she didn’t care for this, she just cared about destroying the monster that was right before her. Quicker than one would think it was possible, she dashed downwards at break necking speed, a small cone of sound forming at the front of her.

“She can’t really be thinking in trying to do that!” Twilight said as she watched the form of Rainbow descending at an alarming rate.

“She is sugarcube, and there no stoppin’ her now.” Applejack said as she watched with dread at the dive bombing pegasus.

The Ancient Entity looked up, readying to smash another hit to the blue human as she descended to the ground...a bit quicker than he thought too. In a blink a burst of light occurs right on top of him followed by a spiral of rainbow, as he saw the woman coming out from the centre of it. He didn’t have time to react as Rainbow mashed right on top of him, with so much force that the ground itself lifted, followed by a gush of dust that traveled around, covering most of the town.

Everyone in the group covered themselves as the dust wind rushed past them, making them unable to see what was going on. “What was Rainbow thinking? She could have cause a lot of damaged with that stunt of hers.” Twilight said as she used one of her wings to shield her face.

Soon the dust started to disperse, revealing the state of the surrounding area. Houses were torn in some places, sections of the wall had fallen off from the tremor caused by the impact, some rooftops had been cleaved off the structures, and the ground near the impact zone stood up as it was moved around.

Soon the dust cleared itself enough that they could see the shape of Rainbow Dash standing in front of the Ancient Entity, as its body was surrounded by the dark mist, making its body go away.

Rainbow walked forward to where the monster once lay. She leaned down, picking up an object in her hand. Twilight looked at Rainbows actions as she tried to get a glance of what she took, when Rainbow brought it to eye level Twilight was dumbfounded at the sight.

Rainbow was holding a red gem which was carved into the shape of a lighting bolt, but this was no simple gem it was. “The Element of Loyalty? What happened to it?” Twilight asked out loud, which made all the others present look towards Dash with curiosity.

“Oh my gosh Rainbow, you got your Element back, well, a piece of it, where is the necklace bit?” Pinkie asked as she hopped on the spot, glad that something good came out of this.

Rainbow Dash tighten her hand around the Gem of Loyalty. “My job is not done yet.” Rainbow spoked in a low voice, her tone monotone.

“Job? What are ya talking about sugarcube?” Applejack asked, confused at the words of her friend and her behaviour.

“This land is tainted with too much life, and I’m gonna purge it.” Rainbow said, her hand which held the Gem of Loyalty started glowing, an object starting forming.

“Darling, are you feeling well?” Rarity asked, she was worry for her friend, but what she just said made her feel uneasy.

“And everything will be destroyed in my path.” The object on Rainbow’s hand finally took shape, letting it show that it was a ruby colored blade, which seemed to resemble a lighting bolt as it curved out.

“R-rainbow?” Fluttershy asked timidly, the demeanor of her friend was starting to scare her, never seeing her like this before.

Finally Rainbow turned around, which made everyone gasp in shock as they saw her eyes. White as snow, void from any feeling at all, but still felt her gaze on them. “And I will start with all of you!” She launched herself forward, bringing her arm back to deliver a deadly slash at all of them. When she was a metre away she swung her arm, aiming to cleave Twilight’s head.


Rainbow looked surprised for a moment when her sword struck a blade of iron. She looked to see the holder and received a smack in the face, making her reel back.

The group were surprised to see Sparklez standing in front of them, his iron sword held ready as he stared at Rainbow Dash. “Not, happening.” He said as he dashed forward to face Rainbow Dash on a second round.


Author's Note:

And now all of you are like.

But I'll be like.

But onto more serious stuff. WTF! What happened here? Sparklez is hurt, Evil Kenevil shows up, Rainbow stops being a big bitch, epic battle between Ancient Entity and Dash, they get a piece of an Element and now Rainbow is going homicidal?! Yep, my brained stopped working.

But that’s how I am, totally random with awesome events, even if they tend to be a big mess. This chapter is the longest I’ve written so far, and I had a hard time trying to come up with it, it is really hard to balance out the action of a fight with the interaction of characters at the same time, so I can expect it to be a bit difficult to read.

And finally, Rainbow gets it! Bitch had it coming, well except for the last bit, but that is for a later time. Her human form, again, is based off ss2sonic art work

Thanks to K_Kyle_K and Roarbox, for helping me with this chapter, you guys are awesome. Until next time. Peace!