• Published 18th Jul 2013
  • 15,716 Views, 4,420 Comments

The Captain of Mining - Raybony

Jordan (AKA CaptainSparklez) gets sent to Equestria after a weird incident with his modded survival. And the only way to get back is to find the missing elements of Harmony, scattered in different dimensions.

  • ...

Game On

Sparklez dove to the side and landed on the ground, trying to avoid the blast of deadly music. Only for Cinn to stand his ground and block the blast again, causing him to get pushed back farther away, sending him farther away from the group.

Rainbow went and helped Sparklez up, her sword at the ready as she faced the opponents. “Just where did she get that!? She is actually using her music as a weapon!” She said, looking at Sparklez in hopes for an answer.

“I have no idea! This isn’t something that was in the game before!” Sparklez said as he looked at the damage that had been done. The rays of music bouncing up from the blades from the swordstallion, landing on the ground as it sent bits of ground into the air, as if bullets were striking the ground.

Soon, Vinyl stopped her attack, examining the damage that she had done against the brown stallion. “Well, he is going to be a problem.” She glanced to Octavia, giving the classy mare a smirk. “I guess you got yourself a nice stallion Octy.”

Octavia moved her head in the fashion one would do when rolling their eyes, looking at the brown stallion, judging him from a distance. “Shouldn’t be too much trouble, he should be easy to beat.” She said, flipping her bows as she got ready.

“E, play her theme music.” Vinyl said grinning, Octavia giving a small groan, still remaining in her battle ready stance.

“On it.” The burgundy mare said with a small smirk of her own, flipping through some controls on one of the gauntlets, before a tune started playing all around the battlefield.

The group of Sparklez looked confused as they heard the music playing, making some of them feel a bit uneasy. “I don’t like this.” Said Twilight as she took a careful step back. Before they could react, Octavia dashed forward, passing them as she went and collided her bows to the swords of Cinn, both weapons grinding against each other.

“How is that possiPHOFF!” Flash was saying, before he got punched across the face by a dubstep powered fist from the burgundy pegasus. He was sent flying and smashed against a tree, his helmet showing a large dent, and miraculously, not crushing his skull.

“Holy crap!” Sparklez yelled, having not seen the mare fly at the poor guard. He turned around and caught sight of Vinyl as she started charging another shot from her rifle, aiming at them. “Everyone, scatter!” Sparklez shouted as he and the rest of the group managed to move away, in the next second another beam of pure music energy hit where they stood before, kicking up the dirt into the air.

“I got her, you go help the guard Sparklez.” Rainbow Dash said, not taking a moment to fly off towards the musician unicorn. Sparklez saw her charge and Twilight as well, probably to assist the pegasus if need be.

Sparklez then turned to see a terrified Fluttershy shivering and crying. “Fluttershy, get somewhere safe, it’s way too dangerous for you here.” Sparklez said, earning no response from the frightened mare.

Sparklez was going to shake her for some kind of response, but a certain feline stepped in his way as she looked at Sparklez with a worried look. “She is too scared Sparklez, we need to get her out of here ourselves.”

The man cursed a bit inwardly, knowing that he needed to get her out of danger for now. He quickly picked her up, wasting no time as he ran away, to find a good spot away from the fight and out of view as he set her down.

“Fluttershy, stay here for now, don’t come out until things have calmed down.” Sparklez said, earning a slow nod from the mare as she still looked terrified. “Kerry, you look out for her, please, she needs protection while we deal with this.” This earned a hesitant nod as Kerry didn’t want to let Sparklez fight by himself, but knew someone had to stay with the terrified pegasus in case anything happened. Sparklez nodded as he went back to where the fight was taking place.

The man turned to see E.try and punch Sentry, but the stallion managed to roll away, standing up quickly and retrieved his sword from his sheath, extending his wings and getting into a combat position.

The mare simply whipped her arm out, a whip of energy appearing from the gauntlets as it crackled with the energy that was used to create it. Flash took flight at that instant, expecting the mare to strike him.

Only for the whip to be sent towards a surprised Sparklez, the energy weapon wrapping around him as it sent small charges of electricity across his body, before being lifted off the ground with great force.

Sparklez managed to see as he was sent towards Flash Sentry, before smashing against the stallion, sending his world spinning about as he was disoriented. The whip was released from around him, letting him stand on his hands and knees as he tried to stand up.

Sparklez managed to stand as he faced the mare, who was glaring at them with an even stare. Sparklez looked to his right as Sentry managed to take his helmet off, the piece of metal armour starting to give him a headache.

“Man, this is bad, how are we suppose to beat these three?” Flash asked as he stood his ground, waiting for the mare to make her next move. Sparklez looked around him, Rainbow was swooping down to attack Vinyl, but the DJ simply moved out of the way with ease, before firing a less powerful shot from her rifle, attempting to take the pegasus down. Only for Twilight to intervene, erecting a shield and shooting some spells at her direction, making Vinyl miss her shot.

At another section of the battlefield, he could see the brown stallion clashing swords with the cello player, her bows not breaking at the force and managing to even push the blades back, as if they were made of steel.

Sparklez was starting to wonder as well how they were going to beat these guys. He didn’t get any more time to ponder about their possible demise, as the pegasus dashed right at them, Sparklez started to move out of the way but still got punched by the mare. The dubstep powered gloves smacking him with great force, as he was sent skidding across the ground.

Flash Sentry flinched back a bit at the mare’s speed, but snapped out of it as he took the chance to attack her while she was distracted.

The pegasus glanced to Flash as she heard him growl at her, seeing him go in for a swipe at her. She reacted quickly, catching his hoof in her hand, before tossing him to the ground as if he was some kind of flail, before throwing him to the side.

Sparklez stood up slowly, shaking the daze from being smacked around like a ragdoll, seeing the mare crack her knuckles. “I don’t think we are gonna like this.” He said, before managing to dodge her, as she tried to beat him to a pulp.

While the fight continued, with Sparklez and Flash trying to survive against their opponent, as well as Twilight and Rainbow holding on against Vinyl. Cinn was fighting against the cello player, the match looking even.

“You know, I was expecting you to be easier to fight here.” Cinn said as he parried an attack from the mare. “But I’m glad that’s not the case.”

Octavia seemed to frown as he pushed the stallion away, getting into a defensive stance. “Do I know you?” She asked, before she deflected an attack from the stallion, punishing him as she smacked his head and sent him reeling back.

“Not really, but I don’t think you want to hear my story either way, do you?” He said, standing up again as he got ready for anything she could throw at her.

“No, not really.” She said, as she adopted a new position. “But I got to say you fight well, I’m sure our master would be interested to have you with us.” She said before dashing across the field, nearly striking the stallion but was stopped by two of his katanas in the way.

“Nah, I’m ok where I am. Also, Mikudasu. or !

Octavia looked confused as she tried to translate the words. ‘Look down?’ at that, the air left her lungs as Cinn took the small moment of distraction and kicked her in the gut, making her reel back as she caught her breath.

“I’ll say it again Octy, don’t let other things distract you.” He said, getting a faint smug look.

Octavia stood back up, an irritated look on her face at hearing the nickname that Vinyl had giving her, before she calmed down, relaxing her posture a bit. “So you do know me, then I guess you know how I fight.”

Cinn just shrugged as he relaxed a bit as well. “Kind of, still trying to figure out how you move in this body, plus you are nowhere near as strong as I’m used to, shame.”

That made the cellist frown, tightening her grip on her bows. “That so? Then I guess I misjudged you.” She say flipping one bow so it faced away from her. “You are more than a simple sword stallion.”

Cinn frowned at the comment, not liking her words about him. “Then I guess I should start being serious about tOOFPH!” He was interrupted as he didn’t see her dash to him, too fast as she punched him on the gut.

Before he could recover, she whipped around as she used one of her bows to lock one of the stallion’s swords as she simultaneously kicked him away, forcing him to let go of the blade.

She immediately acted as she dashed to him again, landing a few hits on him and scar? him a bit, before locking his other sword on her other bow, and doing the same as before. This time kicking away and smashing him against a tree, making it creak in protest.

Cinn groaned in pain as he stood back slowly, seeing Octavia flick her bows and making the swords fly behind her, away from him to be able to pick them up and use them again. “Ok, that was good.”

Octavia didn’t respond as she readied herself again, seeing the one remaining sword on the stallion as it remained on his back.

Cinn frowned at her, knowing she was waiting for him to make a move. “So we aren’t playing around anymore, that’s good.” He said, trying to figure out what to do next, and he had one choice. “Let’s see who ends up winning, ‘Fiddles’”

Octavia tensed up at the word, as if he had said some kind of dark secret of her. “Where did you get that name?” She said, growling a bit as she got ready for anything from him.

“Oh I don’t know, maybe it’s the name of somepony I know, somepony with a yellow coat, blue mane and eyes.” He smirked a bit as he saw her body tense up. “Maybe somepony who wouldn’t want their name get spread around Canterlot.”

That was the last drop, as Octavia charged him to slice him. “You will do no such thing!” She yelled as she swung at the pony, only to miss as he ducked in time.

“Got ya.’” Cinn said as he knocked her back, delivering a well placed kick to her chest, taking the opportunity to take his last sword out as she recovered mid air.

Octavia was frustrated at the stallion, she charged at him again, wanting to get rid of him in one move. What she didn’t notice however, was that he got into a position different than his previous ones, as he muttered under his breath.

“...Yakkodori!” Cinn exclaimed as he swung his sword, creating a wave of compressed air towards Octavia. The mare’s eyes widened as she sees the attack coming, taking no time to jump into the air avoiding the attack.

“Game Over.” Octavia hears the stallion say, right above her before feeling a set of hooves smash her in the head, sending her rocketing down to earth as she creates an imprint of herself in the ground, knocked out cold.

Cinn lands next to her, resting on four hooves before patting her on the head. “Good duel, I’m sure you’ll get better in the future.” He says with a chuckle, before being brought back to reality as a rumbling was felt coming from another section of the field. “Right, there are two others.” He said, going to retrieve his swords and join back in the fight.

“Oh for pete's sake! Stop using that stupid thing!” Rainbow shouted as she dodged another of the blast from Vinyl’s rifle.

“Hmm, nah.” The Dj mare said as she took aim at Twilight again. “I rather enjoy blasting wubs.” She said, firing again as Twilight teleported away.

Rainbow landed near where Twilight teleported, as she tried to talk to her quickly. “Any idea how we can stop her from using that thing?” Rainbow asked, evading another shot as she took Twilight in her grasp, wanting for her to keep next to her.

“Apart from taking it away from her, I only managed to see that she feeds it with her own magic. But I’m surprised she hasn’t started to get drained from using so much in such a short period of time.” Twilight said, feeling herself starting to get tired.

“Well, can’t you do something about it? I can’t exactly knock that thing away from her, she just tries to cut me with that freaky sword.” Rainbow exclaimed as she and Twilight avoided another blast from Vinyl.

“I tried, but that weapon has something that stops me from surrounding it in my own magic. I think it has some recognition spell that only allows her magic to pick it up with her own magic if needed.” Twilight said as she had to fly away from another of Vinyl’s attacks.

“Then how are we supposed to-” She was interrupted as something smashed into her, this being a very hurt Flash Sentry who seemed to be withering in pain. “Ow.” Rainbow said as she pushed the guard off her.

Only to be replaced by Sparklez as both of their heads smashed into each other, making both of them groan in pain. “Owww.” Sparklez moaned as he slowly stood up, rubbing his head as he glanced at Rainbow. “Sorry for smashing into you, had no choice.”

Rainbow shook her head as she sit up and shook her head. “I can imagine.” She stood up, while the guard tried to stand up as well, muttering something about not being able to have kids now.

They all turned to Vinyl, who was soon joined by the other mare as the DJ smirked. “Well, it seems like we are making short work of them, plus I had my fun as well.” The white mare glanced to the burgundy one, her smirk increasing. “We should end it now, don’t you think?”

The mare looked at her partner giving her a raised eyebrow. “You sure? Wouldn’t it be a bit overkill?”

“Nah, I had my fun, and I rather finish this already so we could then relax for the rest of the day.” She said as she aimed her weapon to the group. “Plus we can help Octy with her fight so we can end that stallion quicker.”

The mare seemed to consider this for a second before responding. “When you put it that way, it does make sense. Alright, we’ll finish it now.” She said, spreading her wings open and bringing them a bit forward to her body.

“Uh, Twi? What are they doing?” Rainbow said as she got a bit nervous at the way they were speaking.

“I don’t know, but I think we better stop them before they-” Whatever she was going to say, was halted as the burgundy mare brought a fist down to the floor, sending a wave through the ground that made the others wobble a bit, before they were shocked in surprise at what happened.

In just a second, lights poured out from the ground, piercing all of them like needles, but they only grunted a bit from the feeling, before realizing something dreadful. “I-I can’t move.” Sparklez said as he tried to move his arms, his limbs refusing to move as he got more worried by the second.

“That should hold them for a few seconds. Shall we?” The mare said to the DJ as she brought the speakers placed on her wings near her gauntlets, waves of energy gathering as they formed a ball similar to a miniature sun.

“Oh buck yeah.” Vinyl said grinning as the mare placed the orb in front of her rifle, before pulling the trigger as it quickly changed from yellow to white, shining intensely as even more energy gathered into it.

“We got to move now!” Flash yelled with a bit of panic as he struggled more to get his body moving, the rays of light dulling slightly, but still holding their bodies in place.

“Say bye bye losers.” Vinyl said, before releasing the trigger, as the orb of energy was released, wubs of music resonating in the air as the orb turned into some sort of supernova, going directly to the frozen group.

“Buuuuuck!” Rainbow screamed as she saw the ball of fiery death approach quickly, just barely able to move her body, but knew it would be too late.

That is, until something came in the path of the blast, and suddenly caused it to slow down.

“What the!?” Vinyl exclaimed in surprise as she saw her masterpiece of musical destruction being slowed down by something. A few more long seconds passed before the orb changed directions drastically, going up into the sky, before exploding high into the air.

Everyone looked in surprise, as they saw a panting Cinn standing in the place where the blast had been slowed down, before he fell to his haunches as he breathed heavily. “Too close, that nearly broke my swords.” The stallion said as he whipped a bit of sweat of his forehead.

The lights had vanished by now, as the group came to the side of the stallion. “What did you do!? Dude, that was like the awesomest thing I have seen yet!” Rainbow exclaimed, in awe at seeing such display of power.

“Not now, we still got those two to deal with.” Cinn said as he stood back on all fours. “And I fear I won’t be able to deflect another of those things, my katanas are starting to reach their limit.”

“Ok, so what do we do? Because they sure aren’t easy to beat.” Sparklez said, still feeling sore from the beating he had being through.

“I can agree on that, to be honest, they are as strong as I am. The only reason I beat Octy was because I knew how she fought, and she didn’t know me.” Cinn said, noticing the angry looks from both ponies.

“Then how can we beat them? I don’t know if you can tell, but we are pretty worn out, and you look a bit tired as well. But they look fine!” Flash exclaimed, pointing to their opponents. “And I do not want to get beaten anymore by-” He got a hoof shoved into his mouth by Cinn.

“I’ll deal with him, you deal with Vinyl.” Cinn said as he stood up, while some of the group looked a bit confused at him.

“Him? He does know that they are both-”

“Hey you! You better stop right now, or I’m gonna mess you up pretty bad, filly!” Cinn exclaimed as he pointed a sword to their opponents.

“Hah! Like I could care what you can do-” She got interrupted as Cinn spoke.

“I wasn’t talking to you Vinyl.” Cinn said, locking eyes with the burgundy mare.

The pony’s eye twitched as she got spoke to, before a glare started forming. “What, did you call me?” She asked, seeming to be staring daggers at the stallion.

“You heard me right, filly. Or do I need to repeat myself?” He said, before taking a stance.

“...Not” In a flash, she was in front of Cinn. “A” She quickly sent a punch to the stallion’s face, who managed to block it, but it was still so strong that it sent him flying away. “MARE!” She exclaimed as she gave chase to the stallion.

The rest of the group, blinked dumbly, trying to understand what they heard. “Uhh, did she say she wasn’t a mare?” Rainbow asked, unsure if her ears were failing her.

“I….believe so.” Twilight said, confuse as everyone else. “But she is way too feminine to be a stallion, her whole body didn’t show any signs of masculinity.” She said, her gears turning. “But, how?”

“Uh guys? I think we got bigger problems.” Sparklez said as everyone turned to look at the DJ, clenching her fist as she seemed to be glaring at the group.

“Well this is just great, just when I thought we were done with all of you.” Vinyl says, aiming her weapon to the group, as it charged. “Now I got to finish you the hard way!” She exclaimed, releasing another strong charge of her weapon, making the group scatter.

“I’ve had it with that thing! Distract her so I can kick it away from her!” Rainbow exclaimed as she soared into the air, drawing the shots from Vinyl.

Sparklez stood up, glancing at his nearly busted wooden sword, he wasn’t sure he could stop a blow from anything. As he looked at his sword, he saw the weapon of Flash, still in somewhat good condition as the stallion tried to hold it in his mouth.

“Hey, think I can borrow that?” Sparklez asked as he pointed to the weapon.

Flash looked at Sparklez, before spitting the sword into his hoof. “Oh sure, and then I’m left defenceless. I didn’t bring a spear when I took this assignment.” Flash said as he looked back to the fight.

“Look, we don’t have time for this. I’ve got an idea as to how to beat her, but I need you not to be fighting, can you trust me?” Sparklez asked, hoping that the heat of the moment wouldn’t let Flash think too much in his poorly made plan.

“Fine, but this better work, you hear?”

Meanwhile, Twilight was casting a spell to make the ground shift under Vinyl, as it made her aiming falter, yet she was still able to keep Rainbow away and shoot shots to force Twilight to move.

“This was fun before, but now it’s getting boring. Just die already!” Vinyl screamed as she shot multiple blasts towards Rainbow, the pegasus barely able to dodge them as some singed her tail.

“Ya just need to chill out girl, ya are crazier’ than a zombie on fire.” Gary said from Rainbow’s mane, before hiding himself again as a beam nearly took his head off.

“Gary, I think you shouldn’t taunt her, she is firing at me even more now!” Rainbow said, weaving and zipping more as she tried to dodge every shot sent her way.

“Aaargh! I’m sick of this! You aren’t even worth the trouble!” Vinyl exclaimed as she charged another shot, but her ear perked up as she heard someone come from behind her, spinning around, she parried a strike from Sparklez with her own blade.

“I disagree.” Sparklez said, as he made her blade move to one side before trying to strike himself, but the mare saw it coming as she moved from the attack, before raising her rifle and doing a quick shot, sending Sparklez reeling back.

“And I beg to differ.” She said, seeing Sparklez gasping for air as he got his wind knocked out of him. “Can’t even stand a light pulse from my V-Rifle, what good are you?”

Sparklez stood up again, holding a hand against his chest as he tried to get his breathing back. “Maybe I’m….not good all the time, but if you think I will stand, and do nothing.” He says, getting a stance, more suited for combat, if mediocre, as he faced Vinyl. “Then you are mistaken.”

Vinyl smirked a bit as she twirled her blade expertly. “Well at least you can change the beat for this fight then, was getting tired of shooting at those two anyways.” She said, before raising her rifle and charging a shot. “Let’s see you dance then.” She said, firing a large shot at Sparklez.

Sparklez instinctively jumped to the side, avoiding the blast as it blew up the ground he had stood on. He immediately got up and saw Vinyl shooting at him, making him duck and weave as the shoots passed around him.

He saw one of the projectiles coming towards him, and raised his sword in hopes to protect himself. As it made contact, it dispersed around it, but still felt as if someone had punched the blade hard, making Sparklez stumble a bit before regaining his footing. Not even gonna wonder how this sword didn’t break.

Vinyl seeing the man continue to run, charged a more powerful shot, and sent it towards Sparklez path. The man saw the projectile coming, scared from it as he raised his blade. He lucked out as the blade deflected the projectile enough to miss him, but the force behind it enough to send him rolling to the ground as the blast blew up behind him.

Vinyl grinned as she charged another shot towards Sparklez as he recovered, but had to move as she saw Rainbow coming from the corner of her eye, making her miss the man as she deflected a strike from the pegasus.

“Don’t forget you are fighting us as well!” Rainbow shouted as she hovered away from Vinyl, with Twilight back on the ground as she had her horn glowing in preparation.

“Oh please, you three combined can’t even so much as touch me. What good are you against me?” She said boastfully, before hearing the man chuckling as she turned to him with a glare. “What’s so funny?”

“Oh, it’s just that I think you counted badly, that’s all.” Sparklez said, making the DJ raise an eyebrow confused, before hearing someone shout from on top of her. She only had enough to look up, as she saw the orange hoof of the guard strike her face.

Taking the moment, Rainbow shot forward, scooping the now dropped rifle from Vinyl as she came back to Twilight. “All yours egghead.” Rainbow said, tossing it to Twilight as the mare caught it with a hoof, as her magic could not grasp it.

“Thanks Rainbow.” Twilight said half smugly as she looked at the device, before breaking the energy transformers, which allowed the wielder cast their magic to power the weapon, as it’s hum dulled to nothing as it remained powerless.

Flash was about to fly to Sparklez’s side, before he felt a hand grab him by the neck, raising him from the ground as he flapped his wings, trying to get away.

“You will pay for that idiot!” Vinyl snarled, one of the glasses from her shades broken to reveal the white orbs she had. Before bringing her leg back, and kicking the stallion right between his legs, earning a high pitch scream of pain.

Sparklez saw the pegasus fly towards him, as he caught him, making him fall to the ground from the force and weight of the pony. “W-w-w-wh-y-y-y-y, m-m-me-e-e-e-e!?” Flash said in a very pained, and high pitch voice, holding his region as he withered in pain.

Sparklez grimaced sympathetically at the stallion, seeing as it was his plan that put him in this much pain. “Sorry.”Was Sparklez only response, as he set the stallion on the ground, as he stood up.

Vinyl looked to the now useless weapon as it laid in front of Twilight, gritting her teeth as she knew she would need to work on that defect later. “Oh now you did it! You mess with the bull, you get the horns!” Vinyl said, as she adjusted something on her blade as it shined brighter.

Before the guys could react, she sunk the blade into the ground, before a wave of energy resonated through it, making the ground shift impossibly as if it was some kind of wave, making the ones who were ground bound get tossed around on it.

Rainbow seeing this, called out as she flew to help Sparklez, wondering why Twilight hadn’t just flew yet. “Don’t worry guys! I- Woah!” Rainbow had to deviate from her course, as a wave of energy traveled in her direction. Seeing the source, she saw Vinyl, swinging her sword in the air towards her, as blades of energy traveled her direction. “Are you kidding me!?” She said, dogging yet again as more projectiles came her way.

Meanwhile, Sparklez and company tried to get a grip of the ground they stood on, or rather laid on. “Please tell me this is not supposed to happen!” Sparklez shouted as he had a firm hold of Flash, who continued to whimper.

“What the hay makes you think that!?” Was Twilight’s response as she tried to use her magic to figure out a way to make the ground stop moving, too busy on it and scared to realize she could fly at the moment.

“Forget I asked!” Sparklez yelled, finding it very difficult to dig his fingers into the ground. But that changed when the ground suddenly stopped moving, making the group sigh in gratitude.

Vinyl turned to face her opponents as she paid no mind to Rainbow for now. “Don’t think I forgot about you, glasses!” Vinyl exclaimed as she got into a stance, before charging towards Sparklez.

The man seeing this, raised his sword in desperation, just in time to block Vinyl’s attack, but still sending him back from the force. Sparklez hissed in pain as he felt the sting from the hit traveling through his hands, nearly dropping his weapon, but refusing as he knew it would mean his death.

Vinyl immediately went for another strike, but was stopped as Rainbow finally managed to come back and crash into the mare. “Leave Sparklez alone!” Rainbow exclaimed as she went to land one of her strikes on the mare, but was swiftly stopped as Vinyl grabbed Rainbow’s wrist, quickly twisting it as she made the chromatic mare drop her weapon from the pain.

“You annoy me.” Vinyl said through gritted teeth as she kicked the mare off her. “Seriously, why do you guys even try to stop us? It’s clear you are gonna lose.” She said, picking up Rainbow’s weapon as she twirled it around in her hand. “You don’t even know how to fight.”

Rainbow grunted as she got back up to her hooves, rubbing her wrist as it still stings from getting it twisted. “I’m doing very well if you can’t still beat us” Rainbow said, taunting her a bit as she tried to recover.

Vinyl growled at that, as she pointed her blade towards Rainbow. “Then I’m gonna have to just beat you then, you stupid maAAAAARGH!” Vinyl suddenly exclaimed in pain as she grasped her hand which had been holding Rainbow’s sword.

Rainbow looked confused at this, but caught sight of something that gave her an idea. “Sparklez!”

The man in question was attending the injured Flash Sentry, making sure he wasn’t too hurt. “What is it?” He asked, as he took his sword, thinking that Vinyl was coming for him.

“I need you to distract her for a bit, fight her.”

“Are you crazy!? She will kill me with that thing!” Sparklez said, pointing at the sword which Vinyl still held as she shook her head.

“Trust me.” That’s all she said before taking flight and going high up.

Sparklez saw the mare disappear by a group of clouds before he looked back to the DJ, who now had regained her senses and was looking for Rainbow. “Well this is great.” Sparklez said, really not looking forward to this. “Hey, I’m right here!” He said, charging at her as he went to attack her.

Vinyl turned to see the man approaching her, before she raised her blade a casually blocked his attack. “You again. Might as well finish you right now.” Vinyl said, as she pushed Sparklez back before trying to swing at him, only for the man to move to the side in time.

Sparklez quickly tried to counter with a jab, but was unsuccessful as Vinyl moved his blade to the side with her own. “Really?” She asked, punching Sparklez as he staggered back, holding his face.

Vinyl was about to strike Sparklez, but a blow from behind made her stop as she turned around, seeing a angry Twilight as she had her horn charged. “Forget about me?” She said, before launching another spell. This time Vinyl deflecting it as she glanced to both opponents.

“Grr, how long does it take E to beat one guy? I want to end this.” Vinyl said preparing for combat again. Seeing Sparklez and Twilight standing at each end from her.

Sparklez decided to act first as he charged at her, but Vinyl countered it as she deflected the sword, letting Sparklez pass by her as she used the moment to deflect a spell from Twilight.

Sparklez turned around as quick as possible, looking at Vinyl with a frown as he tried to see any type of opening. “Damn it, I don’t know how long I can keep this up.” Sparklez said, noticing now his heavy breathing as he felt every bit of his body tired from the constant combat.

“Just give up already, that way we don’t have to kill you so painfully and we don’t get to kill anypony that doesn’t need to.” Vinyl said, her sword resting against her shoulder as she glared at the two opponents.

Twilight glared deeply at Vinyl as she charged her horn. “We will never let someone like you take over Equestria!” She said, releasing a large charge of magic.

Vinyl seeing this, brought her sword forward, stopping the attack from hitting her, but it pushed her back a bit, leaving a trail as her hooves dug to the ground, finally holding in place as Twilight kept pouring her magic to try and throw her off balance or make her fall.

Soon, the spell lost its power as Twilight panted from using so much of her magic trying to maintain it, making Vinyl smirk as she looked at her. “Was that the best you had? Man you guys are weaker than I thought, I don’t even think you are worth it for the, what the!?” Vinyl suddenly exclaimed, feeling as someone grabbed her from behind.

“You really underestimate us.” Rainbow said with a grin on her face, holding Vinyl in a lock as she made sure to hold her arms in place, While she held her element in one hand. “You lose.” She said, pressing the stone against the mare.

“What the hay are you AAAARRGH!” Vinyl let out an agonizing scream, the element stone starting to shine brighter as it was held against her, trying to break free as she let go of her weapon.

Sparklez saw this, and could actually see the eye of Vinyl flicker between a magenta color and the white void. But seeing as Rainbow was starting to struggle, he quickly sprung forward as he quickly took hold of Vinyl, keeping her more restrained as she started trashing more.

“Let, me, ARRRRRGH!” Vinyl yelled out as she snapped her neck back, giving something of a blood curdling cry before she started gagging, whipping her head forward, making Sparklez let go of her as she nearly hit him.

The DJ started gagging more violently as she seemed to be choking, Rainbow having to find a new position to hold her so she didn’t find the whole thing uncomfortable, while still holding the gem against her.

Soon, Vinyl could be heard spitting something, as Sparklez looked at her, he spotted the distinctive black goop he had seen before when Rainbow had been infected, and most likely the same would have been for Spike.

Vinyl kept spitting out the vile goop as Rainbow slowly let her rest down. Soon, the mare started to slow down before stopping altogether, as the goop finally set itself on the ground, squirming as if it was alive a bit before it ceased movement altogether.

“Is she ok?” Twilight asked as she went towards the two individuals, both Rainbow and Sparklez looking at her as she stopped in front of Vinyl’s form, looking at the mare in a bit of worry, both from fear she might be hurt, and her waking up and attacking again.

“I think so, she just seems to be unconscious now.” Sparklez said as he gently shaked Vinyl, with no response. “Seems like curing them knocks them out. Maybe she will wake up in a bit.” Sparklez said as he looked at Rainbow. “How did you know it would cure her?”

Rainbow crossed her arms as she looked at Sparklez with an unimpressed look. “When she grabbed my element she reacted to it, and I saw her eyes going to normal for a split second. I’m surprised you didn’t see it.”

Sparklez gave her level stare at that as he crossed his own arms in response. “Well sorry, but I was kind of fighting for my life back there, sorry if I couldn’t see something so ‘obvious’.” The man said as he stared at Rainbow.

“Anyways.” Twilight stepped in. “This is great news, it means we have a way to cure any future cases. I actually feared that Sparklez’s little incident was the only way.”

At the mention of that, Sparklez seemed to darken a bit in his mood, as he was given the reminder of what he did the other day. “We should get her out of here.” Twilight broke his train of thoughts as she went to use her magic around Vinyl. “We still got that other pony to deal wiAAAHHHH!”

Sparklez looked in surprise and shock at Twilight’s yelp, before seeing the cause of it, as the previously seemingly dead dark goop was now attaching itself to Twilight’s hoof and climbing towards her head.

“Oh no you don’t!” Rainbow said as she grabbed her friends arm and rested her elemen near where the goop was, seeing it back away before Rainbow moved the element on top of it.

Immediately the goop let go of Twilight as it gave a horrible shriek, its body smoking as if it was being set on fire. “Die you monster!” Rainbow exclaimed as her element changed into her sword form, as she quickly stabbed the goop with it.

The dark vile goop started shrieking more as its body started convulsing and smoking from being in contact with the blade. its dying screams of pain feeling the air as it seemed to evaporate. Soon, the mass of goop turned into nothing as its shrieks died with it, Rainbow taking back her element.

“Well Ah’ll be.” Gary spoke as his poked out of Rainbow’s mane. “Never heard a creature die that horrible. And Ah know some nasty ones.”

“I’m sure you do Gary.” Sparklez said as he went to Twilight to check on her. “You ok?”

Twilight gave a nod as she composed herself. “Yes, I’m good. But at least we know we need to destroy those things as well.” Twilight said, before glancing to some other area of the field. “Cinnamon said he took care of that other mare, but unless we cure her, she will come back here and cause trouble again.”

Rainbow immediately opened her wings as she started to hover in the air. “I get you, I’ll go make sure that doesn’t happen.” With that, she took off towards where Octavia and Cinnamon had last gone.

“Sparklez, we need to restrain that last pony if Cinnamon got her, or ‘him’ beaten.” Twilight said as she looked towards where the two ponies had gone off to. “If we don’t, we could risk more ponies getting hurt because of it.”

It was at that they felt a small explosion rocket the ground, followed by a distant scream that grew louder by the second. As the two turned to the source of the scream, they immediately had to dive to the sides as the form of Cinnamon came crashing down near where the two stood previously.

“What the hell was that!?” Sparklez exclaimed as he looked to the small crater that the stallion had formed. Sparklez knew what happened, he just didn’t know how.

“Had enough yet!?” A new voice exclaimed as the last member of the group that they had been fighting came back, a few bruises here and there, but otherwise seemed fine.

Cinnamon groaned as he slowly rose from the crater he had formed, having far more bruises and cuts across his body as he glared at the pegasus. “D-Damn, I always hated fighting you.” He said as he went into a fighting stance, albeit more strained.

The pegasus glared at the stallion before its gaze shifted to something else, something that sent a shiver down his spine. “No.” He said below a whisper before rage erupted in his features, as he dived bomb towards where Vinyl’s body laid.

As he impacted the ground, he sent a shockwave of sound energy that quickly pushed Sparklez and the others away, while Vinyl remained undisturbed. The feminine stallion slowly looked at the unconscious Vinyl.

"No!" The pegasus stallion shouted as he smashed a fist to the ground, making a dent on the dirt as bitter tears formed at the corners of his eyes, before looking up and giving a hard glare at the ones responsible for taking Vinyl away from him.

"Ow, what is up with those weapons of theirs? Is there something they can't do to kick our ass?" Sparklez asked as he and the others started to stand up.

"If they are anything like what I'm used to, then no, pretty much they can if you're not prepared." Cinnamon said, trying to adjust his stance as he faced the burgundy feminine stallion.
“Where is Rainbow?”

“She went to cure that other mare. She should be back soon.” Twilight said, lighting up her horn as she frowned at the pegasus facing them, dreading for what would happen next.

Cinnamon glanced behind him, an eyebrow raised as he looked at the mare. “Cure?” He didn’t get to have his answer, as the roar of aggression from their stallion opponent drew his attention back.

E immediately stretched his wings, the devices strapped to them powering up before they released their energy on a torrent of energy projectiles. The others had to dodge to the sides as the beams landed on the ground where they once stood, riddling it with holes and scorch marks from intense heat.

As soon as the group moved, he summoned back the whip of energy as he went for the nearest victim, this being Twilight as she got wrapped around one of her legs, immediately getting pulled towards the burgundy pegasus. But before he could try and deliver a powered punch at the mare, he got tackled from the side by Sparklez, making him lose concentration as he made his whip go away, releasing Twilight as he and Sparklez tussled for a second before both pulled away, with E standing on one knee quickly as Sparklez tried to stand up as quickly as possible.

E didn’t give him the chance as he smashed his hands to the ground, sending the same energy through the ground as before as the same lights from before bursted from the ground, going through the man’s body as it froze him in place.

“You will all pay for taking her away!” E yelled as he brought his wings in front of him near his gauntlets, as he channeled energy into his hands as the same ball of energy formed, as the stallion gave Sparklez a hard glare. “Starting with you!” He said before launching the mini sun at Sparklez.

The man prepared for the worst as he closed his eyes hard, as if hopping it would protect him. He felt the heat from the ball of energy, but never felt it hit as he suddenly felt being raised into the air by a pair of arms, making him open them to see he was up in the air, being carried by a smirking Rainbow. “Just in time huh?” She said, followed by a small explosion happening from the side, as a new crater was made in the field.

Below, E growled in anger as he missed his target, but was not about to let it end there as he charged more of the balls of energy, one on each of his hands as he put them near his wings, before hurling them towards Rainbow and Sparklez.

Rainbow saw the balls of energy, making her have to try and dodge them with Sparklez still in her arms. “I’m getting sick of avoiding things, we need to take this guy down now.” Rainbow said as she went low, dropping Sparklez off before going back up, drawing the attention of E to her.

Sparklez looked as Rainbow distracted the burgundy stallion for a bit, but caught sight of Twilight coming towards him, Cinnamon following close as he carried a stilled pained Flash Sentry. “Sparklez, are you ok? You could have been killed back there.”

“Yeah, but this is getting out of hand, if we don’t stop this guy soon, he could destroy this whole place, or worse, move the fight to the town.” Sparklez said with a frown as he dreaded the possibility that this guy would cause more destruction at the town.

“Then we are gonna have to knock him out our injure him enough so we can cure him as you say. Even without the gear he has, he is pretty strong.” Cinnamon said as he let Flash get off him, even if he didn’t like the stallion he wasn’t gonna let him die back there.

“Then how the hay do you expect us to take him down!? We can’t get close enough without risking some kind of attack that could send us away or worse. And he has range on top of that!” Flash said, still in pain but knowing he needed to voice what he saw.

Sparklez saw as the ponies continued arguing at to what to do, while he saw Rainbow starting to struggle to keep the blasts from hitting her, now having to rely on her sword at times. He turned to the burgundy stallion who was still in a fit of rage, launching attack after attack, he groaned a bit in annoyance as it seemed like this guy would never end.

“Enough!” The sudden shout from Twilight made both stallions and Sparklez stop what they were doing as they turned to look at Twilight. “The longer we stay here arguing, the more Rainbow has to distract that guy alone.” This made the two stallions nod as they looked towards the fight, deciding quickly what to do.

“Ok, Cinnamon, you are the only one who clearly has a chance against him at the moment, so you have to go in and distract him and beat him. Me and Sentry will try to support you where we can, while you Sparklez, I need you to be ready with Rainbow to try and cure him if we get the chance. Got it?” Twilight finished explaining, as everyone present nodded their heads in understanding. “Then lets go.” She said, immediately taking flight as she went to quickly assist Rainbow.

As soon as Twilight had taken off, all three of the guys took off to do their job, albeit Flash a bit slower since he still tried to get the feeling back between his legs. This soon got the attention of E as he turned to try and attack one of his opponents, but had to go on the defensive as Cinn managed to come close to him as he stopped the blades of the stallion using his gauntlets, before trying to use his wings to launch another attack but the stallion simply jumped back to avoid it. “You think I can’t handle you?!”

Cinn glared at the stallion as he went for another attack. “Oh I’m sure you can, if you weren’t easy to distract.” He said, making E open his eyes in shock as he tried to push back Cinn to counter whatever was coming his way. But was too late as a blast of magic hit him from the side, making him fall to the ground.

“Grrrrrr, not going down that easy!” E yelled as he quickly stood up, just in time to see Cinn coming towards him as he sidestepped and let Cinn pass him by, but not before sending his own attack as he powered his wings and launching a torrent of energy projectiles. Cinn himself had to quickly jumped to one side as some of the projectiles managed to singed his tail.

“Could use some help here!” Cinn exclaimed as he hid behind a small rock, the energy projectiles slowly eating away at his cover as he wasn’t sure how to get out of the situation. E smirked a bit at the situation, before he heard wings flapping behind him, making him turn around just to receive a hit from both Rainbow and Flash, making him recoil in pain before recovering, seeing them come for another attack.

“Oh no you don’t.” E said as he summoned he suddenly extended his arms out, as energy waves were launched out of his gauntlets, making both pegasus have to dodge as to not get hit, but this was no problem for E as he moved his hands to follow their movements. However, he was stopped as Sparklez smacked into his side, making him turn to face at the man.

“Just stop already, you are outnumbered, just give up so we can help you.” Sparklez said as he tried to make the stallion stop fighting, avoiding any more conflict which could lead to something they could all regret. This was thrown away from possible as E ent to try and punch the man, Sparklez barely able to dodge it as he stepped aside.

“You think I’m going to just give myself up!? After taking away Vinyl I will end you first!” E screamed out as he channeled energy into his wings before flapping them, the wave of energy, while harmless, was powerful enough to send Sparklez flying away, only to be caught by rainbow. As soon as Sparklez was sent away, E brought his wings forward again, creating his orb of energy, only he kept pouring into it, the orb growing in size until it was about three times its original size, looking like the size of a beach ball. “You shall all pay with your life!” He said before launching the orb of death towards Rainbow and Sparklez.

Both the man and the pegasus opened their eyes in shock, before Rainbow grabbed hold of the man, launching both themselves into the air, as they barely dodged the attack. Rainbow was about to say something to the stallion below, but halted as she heard the explosion of the orb hit, followed by a dreadful sound.

“Aaaaaaaah!” Came the scream from two very recognizable voices, making everyone in the field turn to look to confirm their fears.

“Fluttershy!” Everyone screamed as they saw the pegasus on the ground, bruises on her body as well as a cut in her forehead, a small trail of blood clearly visible. Sparklez himself turned to at Kerry herself, in a similar state as Fluttershy as she tried to stand up, her body emanating wisps of fog once in a while. “Kerry!”

Everyone almost immediately forgot about the fight, as they went rushing to the mare and cat’s side, while E stood still, before smirking a bit as he now had them all together, ready to take one attack. He prepared himself to charge his previous move, but stopped as he caught sight of a brown blur, making him react on time as he stopped the blades of a certain swordstallion.

“No pony, hurts, Fluttershy!” Cinn screamed in pure anger as he made E break his guard before nearly impaling him with one of his swords, only for the burgundy stallion to back away in time, glaring at the stallion as he stopped him from ending nearly all of them in one shot.

“Then I guess that’s who I’ll end first, make you feel what I did.” E said with a growl as he readied his wings to launch an attack, only to stop move to one side and Cinn had dashed forward, this time E saw a small cut appear on his T-shirt, blood but it still showed how close he was. “So then, this got a lot harder.”

Cinn turned around, now that he stood still, E could see the air around the stallion wave as if from heat, seeing the stallion glare at him intensely. “By the end of this, nothing of you will remain.” He said as he took a new pose of combat. “Oniii” E took a ready pose, as he prepared for anything. “Giri!” And then Cinn and E seemed to disappear in an instant.

Meanwhile, the group were checking on Fluttershy and Kerry, trying to tend to their wounds as best as they could, with Fluttershy getting a small gauze wrapped around her forehead. “Oww, it still hurts.” Fluttershy softly replied as Twilight finished applying the gauze.

“Its ok Fluttershy, you’ll get better soon enough.” Twilight said as she gave Fluttershy a reassuring smile, before turning to the others with a small frown. “This has gotten out of control, we need to cure that stallion now or else things could get worse.”

“But we also need to get Fluttershy out of here, we can’t risk her getting hurt again.” Sparklez added in as he looked to Fluttershy and Kerry, worried for their current safety.

“Then I’ll get her out of here.” Kerry said as she tried to stand up. “I’m in charge of her, so I got to aaagh!” Kerry exclaimed in pain as she dropped down again, her body once again letting whiffs of fog come out of her body.

Sparklez frowned a bit as he picked up Kerry softly, setting her gently on Fluttershy’s back. “No you can’t Kerry, you got to get out of here too, you two need some medical attention as soon as possible.”

“Then I’ll go.” Flash Sentry stepped in as he had recovered almost fully from his previous experiences. “Besides, I’m pretty useless at the moment here, I’ll take Miss Fluttershy and the feline out of here, I trust you will be able to take this guy down.”

Rainbow glanced from Fluttershy to where E had been before, only to snap her eyes open at what she sees. “Umm guys? Maybe we should move this along quicker, things are getting way out of hoof.” At the mention of this, all present look to what Rainbow is saying, only to react in a similar manner.

Back in the field, Cinn and E are seen clashing weapons against each other, sparks flying from metal grinding against metal, with Cinn attacking with a flurry of moves, while E is able to either block them or dodge them. This course of combat is soon changed as E dodges one attack to one side, before grabbing Cinn’s arm as he uses the momentum to hurdle the stallion away from him, not missing a beat as he powers his wings and launches his projectiles of energy towards the stallion. But Cinn manages to righten himself mid-air as he lands on the ground before using his blades to quickly deflect most of the projectiles away, with only a few gracing his coat as he stands to stare at the burgundy pegasus.

In a flash, Cinn launches himself towards E, as the stallion spins mid motion as he tries to cut the pegasus with his blades, but E is ready as he crouches under the blades at the last moment, and proceeds to uppercut the unicorn with a powered punch, sending the stallion flying high, taking chase as he takes flight and catches with the stallion, ready to deliver an aerial attack, but just as he tries to delivers the punch, Cinn moves to one side, catching the pegasus off guard as he delivers an axe kick, sending the pegasus directly to the ground, the stallion impacting the ground hard enough to make it shake as a cloud of dust rises up.

E slowly rises from the small crater that he created, looking up for the unicorn as he sees him dive bombing towards him, using this chance, he powers up his gauntlets as he launches a stream of energy to the stallion, only for Cinn to put his blades up as he quickly starts spinning. “Bureijinguburēdosupin!” As if in command, his body seem to slowly be covered in fire, before long he becomes a vortex of flames and inferno, making contact with E’s attack as it repels it around him.

Seeing this, E quickly cuts out his attack as he manages to jump away from where Cinn lands, the blast that follows making the nearby surroundings catch fire as the attack of the stallion ends, while E glares at his opponent, seeing him standing there with a similar glare, his body now seemingly glowing in a thin red aura, as the air around him waves from either the fire or some other intense heat.

“Awesome!” Rainbow squeals a bit as she sees the display, while the others look a bit afraid and stunned at what has been happening.

“Flash, take Fluttershy away, now!” Twilight nearly screams as she looks at the guard pony with urgency, the orange pegasus nodding a bit quickly as he picks up Fluttershy and puts her on his back, not wasting time as he takes off, flying away from the chaos.

“The hell happened to him!?” Sparklez basically shouts in disbelief as he sees both stallions fighting again, this time Cinn gaining an advantage on E as he sends him flying across the clearing and taking chase.

“This is so bad, we got to stop Cinnamon!” Twilight shouts urgently as she is ready to take flight, but Sparklez halts her as he looks at her in confusion.

“Hang on, what do you mean? He is beating that guy isn’t he?” Sparklez asks as he is confused as to Twilight now worrying about the unicorn rather than the pegasus that is actually trying to kill them.

“You don’t understand!” Twilight says as she looks at Sparklez with a look of worry and anxiety. “He is currently creating raw magic and letting it go through his body!” This only earned a confused look from both Sparklez and Rainbow. “If he keeps doing that, his body won’t be able to handle that much magic inside and slowly destroy his body!”

This was enough to earn a look of shock and realization from Sparklez and Rainbow, as they both looked to see Cinn being thrown away from E as his body hits the ground, the momentum on him creating a ditch almost as long as the clearing they were on. “Then any ideas how to get this over with!? Because I don’t think we would last in that fight!” Rainbow yelled, uncertain they could even stop something like this.

“We defeated Nightmare Moon, Discord and even helped stop an army of changelings, do you think us two can’t face this?” Twilight said, uncertain herself but was hopping that Rainbow’s daring side would help her be optimistic.

“Heh, yeah we did, alright egghead, what do you have in mind?” Rainbow said, her boastful side back as she looked at Twilight for a plan, Sparklez doing the same as he wanted to help the stallion before anything bad could happen.

“Ok, we need to try and cure that guy when he is distracted, or too busy to even react to us. Rainbow, you will have to distract him if he goes flying, Sparklez you will try to distract him when he is grounded, I’ll assist Cinnamon where I can, but do not try to fight him straight on, we just need an opening to-” She didn’t to finish as something came crashing down on them, that being a bruised up Cinnamon as he tried to slowly stand up, the aura surrounding him now even brighter, the intensity reflected as he wore an intense look of anger directed to E.

The burgundy pegasus looked as hurt as Cinn, sporting thin cuts in some parts of his body as well as bruises, if he were to have pupils, one could guess they would be pinpricks at the anger he was displaying. “I’ve got you right where I want you !” He yelled as he wasted no time, putting his hands on the ground as the beams of light soon erupted with more intensity around the group, trapping them once again.

“Oh come on! Not again!” Rainbow exclaimed as she tried to move herself to break free from her prison of light, everyone doing the same as they desperately tried to break free.

“Now to end this!” E said as he quickly took flight, once he reached a point in the sky he started to form the orb of energy once again, feeding it with more energy every second as he glared down at the source of his headaches.

Everyone tried to desperately break free of their prison, as they saw the orb of energy grow even bigger than last time as he raised it over his head, making it seem more like a miniature sun as it surged with energy and heat. “No no no!” Twilight said as she tried to use her magic in assisting to break themselves out, but proved to little effect, the only progress was Cinn as some of his pillars of light started to beak, but still rendered him immobile as he tried to break more.

E looked down at the group of ponies and human as his attack reached a size he was content with, as big as a two story house as he readied to launch his attack. “Burn in Tartarus!” E yelled in anger as he brought his arm down, sending the sun of energy down to earth and to the group.

“Arrrrrgh!” Twilight screamed in terror, as well as the others as they awaited their inevitable demise, they expected extreme heat and pain to heat them, but suddenly heard the sound of metal grinding against itself as well as feeling the air around them get hotter. After a second of waiting, they dared to open their eyes, only to be greeted with quite a surprise.

Cinn stood there, arms free from the light prison as he held the orb of energy back using only his katanas, straining himself and his blades as they clanked with each other, everyone present with him fearing for the stallion or the blades to give in and end them. E looked surprise at first, but soon changed to a look of annoyance as he pointed his hands forward. “Just die already!” He said, sending more energy into the miniature sun, making Cinn slowly take a knee as he had to take more of the weight that was the ball of energy.

Sparklez and company, seeing this immediately struggled again in their binds of light, slowly breaking away from them as they grew weaker from not being constantly feed from E, before managing to break free from them. “Come on guys, lets end this.” Rainbow said as she went and swung her sword to the orb of, joining the stallion in trying to push the ball of death away. Sparklez seeing this took his sword as well, swinging it as he started to push himself, the ball of death slowly moving away as Cinn slowly managed to stand back up, still straining himself to keep the sphere from crashing into them. Now it was the turn for Twilight to join, as she casted her own type of barrier spell, surrounding the bottom of the orb as she slowly push it upwards.

E started to growl in annoyance as he saw their progress, making him stop flapping his wings as he added the energy from the devices in his wings in hopes to overpower them. “Just bucking die!” He exclaimed as he put all the energy he could.

Cinn slowly started to stand straighter, looking up as if seeing E straight in the face, as he took a tighter grip on his swords. “Have a load of this you bucker!” Cinn exclaimed with a mighty grunt, as he suddenly launches the sphere away from him and the others.

E snapped his eyes open in surprise, not expecting it to actually come back towards him, not having enough time to actually get out of the way from the massive attack, he brought his wings forward, as a green shield of energy formed up, before the attack impacted him and engulfed the whole area and himself in fire and explosions, with Twilight quickly bringing up a bubble shield around herself and the others, protecting them from the intense heat.

Sparklez felt as if the shield would give away before the torrent of flames would ever end, seeing tiny cracks on the their wall of defense start appearing, as Twilight seemed to strain herself more every moment the explosion kept going, but that ceased to be as the fire started to die away, leaving smoke and scorch marks around the whole area, the grass long dead as it was just ash, but amidst all the chaos and destruction, stood a lone pegasus, a pained look and glare visible on its face as it looked at the group.

“Are you kidding me!? What is this guy made of!?” Rainbow exclaimed in exasperation and annoyance, all of them readying themselves for another battle, that is, until they saw the pegasus start wobbling a bit in place, finding it hard to even stand as he seemed to try and advance at them.

“D-Damn.” Was all that he spoke before fainting, the damage and pain on his body too much to handle as he let himself go, landing on the charred ground with a thud. Leaving an eerie silence, everyone looking at the down body as if it would rise again to surprise them, but eventually let out a sigh of relief as that soon turned to not be the case.

Cinn himself seemed to just mildly glare at the down pegasus before scoffing. “Serves you…….right.” He droned out the last part as he inadvertently fell to his side, causing the others to look at him in surprise as they came to check on him.

“Hey, buddy, come on don’t give up on us now.” Sparklez said in a bit of worry as he feared the stallion may have hurt himself more than it seemed.

“We need to get him and the others back to town, I don’t know how hurt they really are, but we need to be sure.” Twilight explained as she took flight. “I’ll look for the other two, you guys get that stallion and Cinnamon back to Ponyville.” She said, earning a nod from both Sparklez and Rainbow, and the man picked the down unicorn and Rainbow the pegasus.

“Is it over?” Came the meek voice of a certain bat, popping out from the mane of Rainbow Dash.

Sparklez glanced at the bat, trying to get the stallion on his back in a better position. “Yeah, it’s over, but I have no idea how long until we have to deal with something like this again.” Sparklez said, before a thought occurred to him. “Say, how were you able to stay in there all this time?”

The little bat seemed to shrug a bit as he got more comfortable on the mare’s mane. “Don’t know, but Ah think it’s better than being in this here sun.” He said, earning a couple of eye rolls from both friends.

“Sure it was little guy, now let’s go, I rather not carry this guy forever, he may look like a mare, but he heavier than he looks.” Rainbow commented as she and Sparklez started their journey back to Ponyville, soon to be joined by Twilight as she had the other two unconscious mares in her magic.

As all the chaos and aftermath happened, up in the clouds stood a lone recognizable figure, her trade jacket and jeans making her stand out on the white fluffy clouds of the sky. “Shame, those guys could have been able to beat them.” Silent Paw said to herself as she stretched a bit, turning around in the cloud. “Still managed to get rid of that extra piece, even if for only a while.” She said as a dark portal appeared before her, smirking a bit as she went through. “Wouldn’t want this game to be too easy.” She said with an evil mirth,disappearing into the dark void before it disappeared behind her, leaving no trace of her presence.

Author's Note:

Author’s note:

…..Well, umm, I can explain? *An axe is thrown at him, getting embedded in the wall.* Oh come on! It’s not like I wanted to stop writing! At first it was writer’s block, but then it turned to having too much school work to manage, then it was of moving issues, then internet, then school work again, and then…...well, it then turned to laziness. *Now spears and arrows are accompanied by the axes.* I’m sorry!

I really want to apologize for not updating for this long, I know I used to update nearly every few days or week, but that was when I had plenty of time and didn’t need to worry about stuff. Now, I have to deal with University lessons and soon find a job, so don’t expect me to start updating like I did before, hopefully this time it won’t take a year!

Now to a serious question. In this chapter I went and tried to go over the top, or my definition of over the top in the fight scenes. And I feel this may have ruined the flow of the story a bit, but I want to know from you guys. Did you enjoy this crazy madness that was a fight? Or would you rather enjoy a more calmer approach like I did in previous chapters? Please comment down below.

And now, a word from one of my editors, Roarbox:

You honestly have no clue how hard it is to edit for this guy! Between trying to figure out what he's going for in a scene and then trying to reword it so that it makes sense, not to mention english not being his first language, so there are so many things to try and find to make sense out of as well as the many other spell errors or words that don't belong! Not to mention him trying to keep things a ‘mystery’ for the readers, thus making it more confusing for me to edit as well. -3- It's not entirely my fault if you still find any errors here people, just point them out so he can fix them please. Same goes for any future chapters as well, this guy is really frustrating to work with……. -3-

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, even if it took forever to come. And until next time. Peace!

Comments ( 28 )

*searches for more medieval weapons to throw*
"OK, serious answer: The fight seemed more focused on Cinn than anyone else, Flash was basically useless (taking Spike's job), and the earthquake attacks were a bit rediculous. Honestly I'm just happy that the chapter was finally released.

O-Oh!!! FIRST!!!! :pinkiehappy:



Captain sparkles! Jordan. I knew that, without even reading the thing. But maybe I will read it.

*pulls out rail gun* I LOVE IT!


*Shoots railgun so powerful, it shatters from the shot and each fragment explodes*

omg yes finally !!

Dammit people stop posting vids in the comments (im viewing this on the PS4) yall are crashing my PS4. The RAM requirement is Super high according to Firefox

All of my old favourites are returning it seems. Epic Rap battles of MLP, TCTC, and now the Captain of mining. Welcome back, Ray! As for your question: I really liked the way you wrote this scene. And, if you ever need another character to help/fight the heroes: I'd be glad to let the Captain lend a hoof. Aye, should be fun.

YES!!! It's alive!

woooooooooooooow it time celebration. the story is back. it be great if ''Lady Ianite'' and give him ''The Bow of Balance'' http://mianite.wikia.com/wiki/Bow_of_Balance

As long as we get to see more of Sparklez being a badass I'm happy

6378001 I will not run. For today is the that that I will stand my ground against the Golden Horde!
...I guess that's why they say budder. The Mongols already used "golden".

uhhhh...... here i have a feeling your gonna need this *hands a shield to author*

*takes out crossbow* YOUR LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6378811 dude, that necromancy

is antvenom gonna show up somehow? cause that seems likely.

Wow this chapter was just wow. Also side note are you wanting any OCs to go in the story? because you could use mine if you want.

6389146 Not sure. I'll see if I'll eventually need to start accepting OCs or not. This chapter featured two because one, Cinn is mine, and two, E is the OC of a friend of mine, you may know him as EnigmaMystere. Either way, what was your opinion on the flow of the fight? Do you like this type of fight or do you prefer more fights like in previous chapters?

Well.... I was thinking somewhat along the lines of using my minecraft character as a crazy thaumaturge, like another person found the easter egg also and got sent to equestria. My personal preference when playing minecraft is modded with thaumcraft if you want to use my minecraft name and stuff I would be ok with that. Also I enjoyed it. I kinda read it before rereading the rest lol. Anyways great chapter.

QUICK! Take my shield! *Tosses shield*

This was a little to crazily action-packed for my taste, but that's just me.
You need not listen to me. Not many people do, really.

6899058 noooooooooooo I'm lactose intolerant!!! what ever shall I dooo

Dude..............this story is so magnificent................ and you haven't updated it WHY HAVEN.T YOU UPDATED HIS MAGNIFICENT STORY:flutterrage:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So what going to happen now?

Is this dead?

the stories ye but himself isn't

Villager noises

Damn, the story is dead. Oh well, was fun while it lasted.

Just like Cap himself.

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