• Published 18th Jul 2013
  • 15,716 Views, 4,420 Comments

The Captain of Mining - Raybony

Jordan (AKA CaptainSparklez) gets sent to Equestria after a weird incident with his modded survival. And the only way to get back is to find the missing elements of Harmony, scattered in different dimensions.

  • ...

First Night

The sun was setting, causing the sky to turn a fiery red as it sank behind the distant mountains. Ponies were starting to close their businesses down and going home, content with themselves for a profitable day.

But a few ponies stayed outside, wanting to do some nighttime activities to pass the time with friends. Those that stayed could see Fluttershy walking down the street with a strange creature that they’d never seen before.

But decided to pay it no mind seeing as one of the bearers of the Elements was with it. Besides, she had reformed the Spirit of Chaos, so there was probably no reason to panic.

Sparklez had been walking along with the yellow mare for quite some time now, neither of them saying anything to the other. Sparklez wasn’t one for keeping quiet, as he liked to talk as he did stuff, especially when on company of someone else.

“This is a really nice place you live in, seems like the perfect spot for settling down,” Sparklez said as he looked around, eyeing the buildings that he had managed to see through the window at the library, as he had found out.

“Oh, I guess so.” Fluttershy said as she kept her eyes averted from Sparklez.

Seeing as this didn’t really start a conversation, Sparklez decided to try and bring up something which she felt more comfortable with. As his mind raced across to bring a subject to mind, he spotted the tattoo on her flank, three pink butterflies. “So what’s with the mark on your, uh... butt?”

“Oh that? That’s my Cutie mark.” Fluttershy said to him, looking at Sparklez as she could see a confused face.

“Cutie what now?”Sparklez looked at her confused, never having heard anything like that before.

“Oh, I guess you don’t have them where you're from. Cutie Marks are symbols that represent our special talent in life, mine is talking to animals, and I just love it.” Fluttershy said as she pointed to her own Cutie Mark.

Sparklez eyed the tattoo on her side as he began wondering what he might get if he had something similar to it. “Hmmm, that sounds mighty interesting, Wonder what I would get for Computer Science as a Cutie Mark.”

Fluttershy stopped in her tracks, looking at the man with her face contorted in meek confusion. “Oh. Um... I’m sorry, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a computer...” she said, as the word was alien to her, but she could understand that it related with machinery to some level because of the science part.

“So you guys don’t have computers here? Then what do you have technology-wise? I mean, I saw that the library had electric lighting, so I’m pretty lost.” Sparklez said, motioning for Fluttershy to continue walking, since as he was lost in more ways than one.

“Well, I’m not sure, maybe Twilight can tell you more about it, sorry.” She said, hanging her head down a bit feeling a bit useless not being able to answer his question.

Sparklez seeing this, decided to try and cheer her up a bit, the only way he knew. “Don’t feel bad about it, in fact, I say you know way more than me about nature, and I tell you, I know quite a bit.” Of course, this was a lie, but just wanted to make Fluttershy perk up again.

The small compliment caused Fluttershy to blush a bit. “Oh, well, I wouldn’t say that, but I do know a bit about animals. After all, I live near the Everfree Forest.” She seemed to tremble at the mention of the name.

“Is something wrong? You seem a bit uneasy,” Sparklez said, having seen her trembling.

“Oh is nothing, it’s just... I live near a really scary forest,” She shook her head, trying to think of something else. “But don’t worry about it, I’ve gotten used to it.” She then had something pop-up in her head regarding the human. “Can I ask you something else, if that’s ok?”

“Sure you can, so shoot.” He said as he gave her a small smile.

She looked a bit confused at the use of words, but reasoned it must be a human term of some sorts. “Ok then. Is just that you seem very calm about all of this.”

“Sorry, I don’t follow.” Sparklez said, trying to have a better explanation from the shy mare.

“Well, it’s just that you have taken the whole being in another world very well. If it was me, I would be terrified of what would happen to me.” She said as she trembled a bit, picturing the event happening to her in her mind.

“To be honest, I was scared when I first got here.” Sparklez said as he recollected the events from his arrival. “First I was face to face with something totally alien to me, no offense, and then when I woke up after that, I found that I had transformed into this,” he said, motioning to his own body.

“You mean you didn’t look like this before? I don’t know if I could handle that.” Fluttershy said as her trembling increased with the new aspect of changing to something totally different.

“I didn’t really change that much, really, this is how a human normally looks like, it just my appearance that has changed.” Hopefully that should calm her down. Man, she really lives up to her name. Sparklez thought, as he saw her slowly calming herself.

“Oh, I see. Well, that would scare me, too... but I guess it can’t be that bad.”

“That’s the spirit. Personally, I’m trying to take advantage of this situation. After all, it’s not every day that you get to visit a new world.” He said as he patted her on the head, her responding as she lean her head into his hand.

“I guess you’re right, it would actually mean a chance for me to meet all kinds of new animals. Oh, I just love to do that!” She said with joy as she slightly hovered over the ground, before landing back down.

“I guess that’s one way of putting it.” He said with a chuckle, finding it easy to get along with this being. Looking back to the road ahead, he spotted a small cottage which sat next to a small river stream, nature enveloping the house as if it was one with it. “I’m guessing that’s your place there.” He said as he pointed to the house.

Looking up, Fluttershy spotted her house, not really thinking that they had covered that much distance in such a short time. “Oh we are.” She said as she and Sparklez started crossing the little bridge that passed on top of the stream.

They came right in front of the door, which suddenly opened as a white blur came out and to Sparklez face. Sparklez was taken by surprised that he started to run around in circles as he tried to dislodge the mass of fur, off his face.

“Arrgh, help me, I’m being attacked by a furry monster!” Sparklez said as he kept trying to get the mass of fur off of him, which it seemed to be hitting him with tiny paws.

“Angel, get off him now.” Fluttershy said in a soft stern voice, which was really different from her normal passively quiet voice..

As Fluttershy said those words, the grip of whatever had Sparklez was slowly released. In a quick move, Sparklez pulled the being off his face and looked it at its big black eyes. “A rabbit?” Sparklez said as he was expecting something else.

The animal in question seemed annoyed at being called a rabbit, as it proceeded to kick Sparklez to get free of his grip.

Fluttershy gave the rabbit an even stare as she proceeded to scold it. “Angel Bunny, that is no way to treat a guest. You know better than that! It’s rude, and you might hurt their feelings.” She then pointed a hoof towards Sparklez as she kept her eyes on the bunny. “Now go and apologise.”

Angel folded his arms in indignation, not wanting to apologise to such an strange creature. But not wanting to get on the wrong side of the mare, he proceeded to hop towards Sparklez, where he extended a paw in a sign of forgiveness.

Sparklez on his part, was a tad bit confused at the scene. Seeing Fluttershy act so, assertive, it was like she was someone else. He was brought back to reality from a small series of thugs from his trouser, looking down he saw the bunny as it had an arm stretched out as the other pulled the crease of his trousers.

“Um... apology accepted?” He said as he kneeled down and took hold of the small appendage, shaking it as he would normally do with a hand. When he let go the bunny proceeded to hop away, back inside the house.

“I’m really sorry about him, he doesn’t really get along with new ponies. And, well, there’s the thing with you being a new species, I’m sorry.” She said as she shied away, going back to her normal demeanour.

“No, it’s fine. I get what you mean.” God, she really looks cute when she’s like this. Resisting the urge to snuggle the mare, he walked towards the door, opening it wide for the mare to pass through. “Ladies first.”

Fluttershy smiled at the kind gesture as she passed through. “Thank you” She said in a low voice, with Sparklez coming behind her and closing the door.

Once inside, Sparklez looked around the room, at the far side, there was a couch which seemed to be big enough for two ponies to sit on, or three humans like himself. A lamp and an end table sat at the sides of it, giving it a more home feeling.

Around the room, he could spot different types of pet houses, from birdhouses to cat and dog beds on the floor, he could even see a pair of mouse holes, but wasn’t sure if it was from pests invading her house, or the homes of more of critters that she took care of.

A flight of stairs sat at the side which lead to the second floor, where he assumed was where Fluttershy slept at, seeing as it wasn’t that big of a cottage. A doorway to the left leaded to a kitchen, where he could see a few more animal houses, as well as pet food. In the far right of the room was another doorway, but couldn’t see what was in the other room from the position where he was.

When the door to the house fully closed, a swarm of different animals starting coming out as to welcome back their take-carer, but stopped halfway when they saw the tall human next to the yellow mare.

“It’s okay little ones, he is a friend of mine, he won’t hurt you, won’t you?” Fluttershy asked the last bit directed to Sparklez, who was a bit entranced at the large number of animals that were in the room.

“What? Oh sorry, no I won’t, so don’t worry.” This felt a bit awkward, seeing as the animals could understand everything that he was saying, which showed a level of intelligence of sapient level, which wasn’t what he was use to in his world.

Once Fluttershy had finished greeting her little animal friends and attended for their needs, she turned towards Sparklez with a gentle smile. “It is getting late, if you want you can use my bed if you want, I wouldn’t want you to feel uncomfortable.” She said as she scratched the floor with her hoof shyly.

Sparklez had to appreciate the hospitality and her kindness, but he couldn’t just take her bed for his own needs. “Don’t worry about it, the couch over there is plenty enough for me.” He said with a chuckle as he proceeded to walk towards said couch.

Fluttershy was a bit sad at having her offer denied, but was content on him appreciating her gesture. “Ok then, if you need anything you can call me, if you really want to that is.”

Saying their goodnights, Sparklez watched as the yellow mare ascended the stairs, where she would rest for the night. He went over to the couch, where he proceeded to lay on top of it, while it wasn’t the best mattress to sleep on, it would have to suffice for now.

As he lay there, he started thinking about the events of today. Starting a livestream, which ended up with me being transported to some colourful land and with me looking like my Minecraft character, making a few acquaintances and having a place to sleep? Not too shabby I should say.

He then started wondering about his change of body, why did this happen and what did it have to do with this whole game or whatever it was that it was being talked about? He couldn’t make heads or tails of the situation, maybe a nice night of rest would clear his mind enough so he could grasp all of what was happening better.

Letting his eyes slowly close, he let himself drift off to slumber, as the sound of the night resounded on his ears.

In the dark edge of the forest, the darkness shifted around as the presence of sentient life was near, unguarded and unprepared. Wisp of darkness started to move about out of the forest, joining together as they became bigger beings of evil.

The wisps, now a mist, started to move about as it made a shape of sorts, a bipedal creature of sorts which seemed to be moving at a slower pace than one would expect for its size.

The dark mist started to part way, as it revealed a green appendage which seemed to be rotting as it had bits which had fallen off from the rest of the being. Its body now visible, showed that it wore a ragged water blue shirt, stained with what appeared was old dried blood.

It had a pair of dark sapphire blue pants, which like the shirt, were ragged and stained with blood. As it wore dark grey shoes, which seemed to be on the verge of breaking apart, as it softly dragged across the ground.

The head was the final bit to be revealed, as the head seemed to be gashed on different places as it had rotted with time, or during a fight. The mouth having practically lost its lips, exposing the teeth as they hunger for flesh, and its eyes were as black as coal, the only proof of it being able to see was the faint red glow that emanated from the black holes.

“Hrrrgrh,” It gurgled as it moved away from the forest, and closer to the source of life that had made him being summon. Soon, multiple more of the creatures started appearing as well as the first, all with the single task of feasting on the flesh of the being.

Sparklez was sleeping soundly on the couch, once in awhile moving around as he tried to find his comfort spot again. He was dreaming peacefully with past memories that he had experienced with his friends.


He stirred a bit, being disturbed from the sudden sound, but remained asleep all the while.

‘Thud, Thud’

He groaned this time, the sound starting to annoy him as he was slowly being waken up.

‘Thud. Thud. Thud. CRASH!’

The sudden noise of wood being splintered was enough to make him sit up straight on the couch, looking around in the dark, he spotted the silhouettes of three people, who seemed to be limping towards him... menacingly.

“Oauugh” Came the moan from the shadows, as they came closer to the human. Sparklez started to feel a bit scared...okay, terrified. Oh, shenanigans, please tell me it’s not what I think it is... He reached for the lamp that was next to the couch, when he turned it on, he got his answer.

“Whaaarrgh! Zoumbies!” Sparklez said, for some reason in a mock matter. Just as one was about to bring his arms down on him, he jumped to the side as he avoided the sweep. Now he knew what the message meant by playing, he was somehow in Minecraft, or Minecraft was here.

Seeing as their prey was running, the zombies turned towards Sparklez, this time they seemed to have gained a bit more motoric ability, as they were now walking towards him, instead of limping.

Sparklez backed away from the mobs, not sure how he could defend himself given the fact that he didn’t have a weapon, and he doubted that he could keep them at bay with just his fists like in the game.

He heard more of the mobs come through the door, making his breathing space even smaller as they came closer to him. But he then noticed a few of the mobs were ignoring him as they started approaching the stairs, leading to where Fluttershy was sleeping.

Seeing this, Sparklez knew that he need it to stop them, as the mare was still sleeping as he didn’t see her coming down the stairs upon the destruction of her front door.

He kept backing away from the mobs, until his back hit the small cooker that was on the living room, he didn’t have anywhere else to go, as the zombies kept closing in on him. But his hand soon touched the handle of something; looking back he saw that he now had a frying pan in hand, and that it now appeared on his HUD hotbar.

Somehow this seems so cliché, but I’ll take anything right now! taking a tight grip on the pan, he charged at the mob of...mobs? Either way, he shouted as he brought the pan. “Get Wrecked son!”

Smashing the pan on the face of the closest Zombie, he saw as black wasps moved out of the body before going back in, not paying attention to it, he continued to smash zombies with the pan, making a bit more breathing room.

“Ha, I always like my Zombies scrambled” That was a terrible joke, I think I may be losing my A game He started to get a bit overwhelmed, as a few of the zombies managed to scratch his side, tearing a few holes on his clothes. “Get away from me, I don’t want to play with you” He said as he smashed another zombie.

When the zombie hit the ground, the wisps started to come out rapidly, as the whole body seemed to disintegrate out of existence, leaving two pieces of flesh on its place. That wasn’t what I expected, oh whelp.

He continued to smack the rest of the zombies, each one falling to the same fate as the last one. “Oh yeah boy, that’s how it’s done.” He then remembered about the zombies that had slipped past and had gone upstairs. Wasting no time, he dashed for the stairs, hoping it wasn’t too late.

Upstairs, a group of zombies was slowly walking in the dark, following the scent of one of the being who had made them come forth. They edge closer as the sounds of their brothers could be heard faintly downstairs, the creature starting to attack them in an effort to get rid of them.

They were now in front of the bed, where the other being rested. The group parted way, as another one came forth, this one wearing a helmet of sorts that faintly shined with the moon’s light.

He came right to the edge of the bed, where it could see the shape of a creature that resembled one of the animals of the wild, but he knew better, as he could smell the scent emanating off from the creature.

Raising an arm, he wielded a long pole that was edged at the sides, as it rested on a hilt from where the zombie could hold it: a sword. He was ready to strike, eager to end the life of this creature that polluted their lands.

His decayed muscles tensed, as he was about to bring the blade down, ending the life of this creature... one of many to come.

“Get away from her!”

The new voice made every zombie on the room turn around, only to be suddenly shoved by the creature from downstairs, as it shoved them all out the window, Sparklez included.

The noise of the window breaking, plus the shout from before, awoke Fluttershy. She was quite startled by the noise. Looking towards the window, she noticed the fragments of glass that littered her floor, and did what she should logically do in that situation:

“Oh, my... I hope none of the animals cut their paws on all this glass.”

On the ground outside, Sparklez was starting to get back to his feet, having fallen quite a bit. “Boy, that wasn’t my best moment.” He said as he looked towards the pile of mobs, some of them dissipating into the same mist as before.

“Grrrhrrg” Sparklez heard as one of the zombies started to stand up again, looking at him with its glowing red eyes, the rest soon following as they got ready to swarm the human.

“You guys really are persistence, can’t ever have a minute to breath.” He said as he went to grab the pan, only he couldn’t find it anymore, but still appeared as in his inventory, on his front pocket somehow, and didn’t know how to get something that was impossible in size to fit in there. “Oh shenanigans.” He said as he looked at the mob of zombies with a sheepish smile.

The zombies, seeing him as he was scared again, proceeded to walk towards him again, now eager to tear this being apart.

Sparklez wasn’t sure what to do anymore, he couldn’t just run away and live Fluttershy alone, and more zombies may come and try to get her. And he didn’t have any sort of weapon that he had access to.

He backed away a bit more, but tripped over something which made him fall to the ground. Looking at the object, he saw the same sword from the zombie, as well as a piece of rotten meat.

“Ho boy.” Sparklez said as he grabbed the sword, the object appearing on his hotbar as he did so. “You guys are so going down!” He said in a mussed tone as he faced the zombies, but was replaced by fear when he heard a familiar sound from behind him.


Sparklez didn’t have time to react, as a blast push him forward towards the zombies, the momentum that he had enough to make the zombies turn into the black mist as they hit the wall. Sparklez struggled to sit back up, as the blast had really done a number for him, seeing as he was close to the source.

Sparklez managed to look up, seeing on the ground where he was, a large crater that had managed to reach the stone layer under the dirt. Looking into the darkness, he could see a pair of glowing red eyes, which slowly approached towards him.

As it got closer, the shape of the being became clearer, it had a set of four claws like feet, which grasped the ground with each step that it took. The body was a mass of green flesh which showed the veins run through it as it pulsated. And the head was like looking at death itself, its face showing a set of razor sharp teeth which made it skull like flesh head even more scary, as the eyes glowed brightly on the inside of where eyes used to be.

Sparklez knew what this creature was, seeing countless of them on the past as he played, as well as making a music parody song based on them. A creeper.

sparklez knew that he wouldn’t survive another blast from this creature, but the explosion from the last had done more damaged than he thought, not being able to even raise himself a bit of the ground.

The creeper came closer and closer, its mouth seemed to spill saliva as in anticipation of the impending kill of the wounded creature. He could almost taste the fear that it let out, as it knew its end was near.

Sparklez saw as it was just about to come within reach for it to start its detonation sequence. At this point he had lost any hope that he could get out of this alive, as he couldn’t move, and he wouldn’t be able to kill the creeper in time before it exploded if he managed to use his sword. All was lost.


Sparklez looked up again, that sound not resembling the one of a creeper, what he saw surprised him. A small siamese cat stood its ground on front of the creeper, hissing at it threatening, in response the creeper started backing away, scared to its core of the cat.

The cat leaped at the creeper, prompting it to start running away from the area, as it didn’t want to get killed by the cat. When the creeper had left the area, the cat turn around, giving a smile at Sparklez.

Sparklez was really glad at having been saved from certain doom, but when he was about to thank the cat, he noticed a small collar on its neck, the name tag shining on the light as the name was clearly visible. “Kerry?”

“Sparklez!” The cat said as it jumps to the lap of its owner, happy to be reunited back once again.

Sparklez was at a lost of words here, nothing seemed to make sense, not even the fact that the cat was talking! All that he could say at the moment like this was. “Whuat?”

Author's Note:

Wait what?! KERRY?! How, what, why, who, when...huh?
Sparklez now has a new companion with him, he has discovered that minecraft is actually related where he is, and he has earn the achivement Monster hunter.
What awaits him as he now faces a new threat where he is, and will he find Jerry!? Maybe.

Again, tell me of any grammar or spelling errors that you spot, and feel free to give me any tips on how to write Jordan's personality better, it is quite hard.