• Published 19th Jan 2014
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Sonic and Shadow in Equestria 2 The Return of Mephiles The Dark - Will Atkinson

It's been two years since Sonic and Shadow have been to Equestria and now they are on their way back to see their new friends but an old enamy awaits their return

  • ...

Amy vs. Pinkis Cupcake

Sonic and Shadow in Equestria 2 The Return of Mephiles The Dark
By: Will Atkinson

Chapter 2


Celestia's sun had risen over Equestria for the start of a new day but for Sonic, Shadow and their friends it was the day to fight another one of the bearers of the elements of harmony and one of their friends. Spike the little baby dragon noticed that Rarity was not in the room with him as he woke up so he decided to go and find her. As he went down stairs he saw the others were eating.

"Hey Spike how are you?" Asked Tails.

"I'm doing fine Tails thanks. Hey uh have you all seen Rarity anywhere?" Asked the young dragon.

"I saw her going outside a little while ago." Said Amy.

Hearing this the young dragon decided to go and see her.

"Thanks Amy."

And with that Spike set off outside to see his friend. Rarity was outside looking up at the sky thinking of what had happened to her.

"Oh that Mephiles the Dark making me a, a, a monster to hurt my friends including my niece Nyx."

Just then she heard a voice behind her.

"Rarity are you ok?"

Rarity turned around and saw Spike coming toward her.

"Oh Spike it's you."

Spike looked at Rarity and noticed that she had been crying.

"Rarity are you ok?" He asked.

"No Spike I'm not ok."

"Why? Is it because of that bad hedgehog?"

"Well actually that's half of it Spike."

"Really? Then what's the other half."

Rarity gulped.

"I'm sorry Spike but I have been leading you on for too long."

Now Spike was more confused then ever.

"Leading me on? What are you talking about Rarity?'

Just then Rarity started to cry again and hugged the young dragon.

"Oh Spike please forgive me for doing this to you but you see the truth is I knew you had a crush on me, but you see I just don't love you like that, and I hope you understand." She said as she let go of Spike.

After hearing this Spike looked at her and said.

"So what you're saying is that no matter what I would've done I never had a chance with you?"

Rarity slowly nodded and sadly said.

"Yes Spike. But I hope we could still be friends?"

After hearing that Spike looked into the blue eyes of Rarity and smiled.

"I would like that very much Rarity."

Just then the sky went dark and black smoke started to rise off in the distance. As Spike and Rarity looked on the smoke started to change into a face.


As soon as she said that Sonic, Shadow, and the others all came out of the library and looked at the smoke in shock.

"Oh no it's him, it's Mephiles." Said Sonic

(Bower's Castle theme from Super Mario World starts to play)

Just as soon as he said that the face in the smoke changed into the face of Mephiles the Dark.

"Why hello Sonic and friends long time no see. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

Sonic and the others all looked at the head of Memphis with anger in their eyes.

"What do you want Mephiles?" Asked Shadow.

"Oh nothing I just want to see how my old friends are doing."

"Ha we are not your friends Mephiles." Sonic said with a scowl on his face.

Just then Nyx flew right at Mephiles' face.

"Nyx What in the world of Equestria are you doing?" Asked Spike.

But Nyx didn't hear Spike and just stood there glaring at Mephiles and then said.

"Now you listen here you no excuse of a hedgehog you let my momma and the princesses go now or you'll be sorry."

Mephiles just stared at Nyx for a while and then he said.

"Oh really and who are you to make me?"

"My name is Nyx buster and I'll...."

But before she could finish Mephiles interrupted her.

"Hold on did you just say that your name is Nyx?" He asked.

"Um y....yes." Nyx said nervously.

"HA so your Nyx the mare I've....?"

"Just save it and tell me what have you done to my mommy and the princesses?"

Mephiles laughed.

"They're here with me."

Just then another cloud of smoke appeared right next to him and it slowly revealed Twilight in her cage and the princesses with collars around their necks. Nyx looked at the image before her with shock.

"MOMMY, CELESTIA, LUNA!!!!" She shouted.

Just then Sonic stepped forward and said.

"You let the princesses go right now Mephiles."

"Oh I will but first you'll have to defeat my minions and then me." Mephiles said with a sly grin on his face.

"Oh and speaking of my minions I would like you to meet your next opponent Pinkis Cupcake."

Just then the images of the princesses vanished and appeared an image of a pony that looked like Pinkie Pie. Seeing the horrifying image of Pinkie Pie made Sonic and the others sick to their stomachs and made Nyx hide behind Rarity.

"Why you horrid hedgehog what have you done to her?" Asked Rarity with anger in her eyes.

Mephiles just looked at Rarity and laughed.

"Oh don't worry about her I just changed her happiness into insanity."

"Your, you're insane." Said Amy.

"Oh no my dear I'm not insane, I'm just evil. HAHAHAHAHAHA SEE YA LATER!!!!"

With that Mephiles vanished leaving Sonic and the others with angry looks on their faces.

(Music ends)

"Oh that Mephiles really makes my blood boil." Said Knuckles as he hit his fists together.

Just then Tails turned to Sonic.

"So Sonic what should we do now?"

Sonic looked at his friend and said.

"Well Tails I think that we should keep on playing his little game and see what happens."

"Sonic is right now we better get going to the next stage and that's where Pinkie Pie is and that's Surgarcube Corner." Said Shadow.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go and save auntie Pinkie Pie." Said Nyx.

"Alright gang let's go." Said Knuckles.

With that they set off to Surgarcube Corner to free Pinkie Pie from Mephiles' control. But unknown to them from Celestia's Castle in the throne room Mephiles the Dark with Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Twilight still his prisoners were watching them from smoky image that he made to see what would happen next. It wasn't long when Sonic, Shadow and their friends came to a house that looked like a cupcake.

"So this is Surgarcube Corner?" Asked Amy.

"Yes Amy this is the home of our friend Pinkie Pie." Said Spike.

"Alright guys remember Pinkie Pie is not Pinkie Pie anymore so we need to try to get her back." Said Shadow.

"And I'm just the hedgehog to do so." Said Amy.

Sonic and the others looked at the pink hedgehog with worry looks .

"Amy are you sure you want to do this?" Asked Tails.

Amy looked at Tails and said.

"Yes Tails I'm sure, if anyone is to bring back this Pinkie Pie I'm just the hedgehog to do so."

Everybody and everypony looked at each other and then nodded at Amy.

"Alright then if we are done here let's go and save Pinkie Pie."

So without another word Sonic put a hand on the door knob and opened it. When the door opened it was very dark in the house and everyone and everypony were kind of scared.

"Oh dear I don't like this, I don't like this at all." Said Nyx.

Rarity looked at Nyx and with a soft voice said.

"Don't worry Nyx everything will be ok I promise."

Nyx looked up at the white unicorn and smiled.

"Thanks Rarity."

Just then Sonic shouted.


No sooner has he said that than a big reddish pink smoke raised out of the ground and out from the smoke appeared Pinkis Cupcake.

(Welcome to Crocodile Isle from Donkey Kong Country 2 starts to play.)

"HAHAHAHA!!!! Well, well, well if it isn't my former friends, how you doing?" Pinkis Cupcake hissed.

"You are not our friend Pinkie Pie you monster." Said Shadow.

"Your right I'm not that crazy party pony Pinkie Pie, but I can assure you that I'm better than she is. Now if we are done I am hungry and I would love to have some hedgehog, dragon, and pony cupcakes." Pinkis Cupcake said with a crazy grin.

After she said this everybody and everypony looked at her with disgust.

"There is no way that I'm going to be a cupcake." Said Rarity as she was turning green.

Nyx went up to Sonic and held on tight to his leg and said.

"Mr. Sonic I don't want to be turned into a cupcake."

Sonic looked down at the scared young alicorn and said.

"Don't you worry Nyx we will not let that happen to you."

Just then they heard Pinkis cupcake laughing.

"Hey what's so funny?" Asked Knuckles.

"Oh nothing I'm just laughing at that young alicorn there. I'm sorry but you are going to be a cupcake just like my other victims."

As soon as she said this Talis was getting nervous.

"Uh other victims?" He asked.

"Why yes, you see fox boy after I make my cupcakes I use their remains as party favors, like this."

With that she stamped her hooves down on the ground and as if by magic the lights of Surgarcube Corner came on and what they saw made them sick to their stomachs. There were pony parts everywhere blood all over the floor it was the most horrible site that they had ever seen.

"You, you are really sick lady." Said Shadow who was on the verge of throwing up.

When he said that Pinkis Cupcake shook his head.

"AWWWW you don't like my place that I made here?" She asked making a fake sad face.

"No we don't in fact we don't like it at all." Amy said as she walked towards the insane pony.

"Now are you going to fight or not? She asked revealing her hammer ready to strike at the pony.

Pinkis Cupcake just looked at the pink hedgehog for a minute and then she laughed.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!!! You fight me? Oh that's a laugh."

Just then Amy looked at the insane pony with rage in her eyes and then she hit the ground with her hammer with a loud thump that shook the place all around Amy and Pinkis Cupcake.

"Now you listen here you insane pony you have made us sick with your decorations here, threaten us on making us into cupcakes, and now you're saying you don't want to fight a girl when you're a girl yourself or are you just chicken to fight me?"

"A chicken am I now? Well then let's see how you like it when I turn you into a cupcake first pink hedgehog."

With that Pinkis Cupcake took a knife from a near by table and then she charged at Amy with the knife in her mouth.

(Music ends and King K. Rool theme from Donkey Kong Country 2 starts to play)

As Pinkis Cupcake charged at Amy, she quickly dodged out of the way from her and almost got impaled by the knife that Pinkis Cupcake had in her mouth.

"Amy be carful she means business." Said Tails.

"I know Talis, I know." Said Amy as she continued to eye the insane former party pony.

Just then Pinkis Cupcake got up and put the knife back in her mouth.

"Why don't you just sand still? I mean it will only hurt for a second pink hedgehog."

Amy just glared at Pinkis Cupcake and said.

"No way you insane pony, if you think that I'm going to stand still, let you kill me, and turn me into a cupcake you've got another thing coming."

This made Pinkis Cupcake mad.

"Ok then prepare yourself to die."

With that Pinkis Cupcake started charging again towards Amy. She could dodge it from this distance though; she jumped out of the way, avoiding Pinkis Cupcake again.

“GAH” She cried out as a searing pain sailed across her right leg. She stumbled away as she looked at Pinkis Cupcake, who was giggling, blood dripping from the end of the butcher’s knife. Pinkis Cupcake had tilted her head and changed her direction when she had dodged. The knife had cut deeply into her leg; she could feel the blood trickling down her leg. Just then with a playful hoof stomp, Pinkis Cupcake broke into another charge straight for her. She mustered all her strength to jump away again.

“GAAAAH” Amy let out another painful cry as a gash cut down on her other leg, causing her to trip and collapse on the ground and made her hammer out of arms reach. Her leg twitched in pain as the gash reached diagonally down half her leg. She was severely bleeding now; and Pinkis Cupcake was able to maneuver too well for her to dodge. The attacks had all but immobilized her movement now.

"AMY!!!!" Cried Nyx as she rushed to her aid but was stopped by Shadow.

"Let me go Shadow, Amy needs help." She cried as she tried to get free from shadows grasp.

"No Nyx, if you try to interfere there's a good chance that Pinkis Cupcake will kill you too."

Just then Pinkis Cupcake slowly walked towards Amy and said.

“You know I give you an A for the effort, but a C for the execution. That gives you a good round B!” Pinkis Cupcake cheered happily for her.

“I do hope you won’t completely give up once you lose your legs though! I know it’ll be tough, but keep on fighting!” The twisted words sounded so cheerful it sickened Amy in the stomach so much that she wanted to throw up.

She turned her head to watch Pinkis Cupcake put the knife back in her mouth. She had come up to her from behind and was raising her head now. She was going to bring the knife down, bring down right into her leg. Nyx couldn't watch this any more, she closed her eyes and vanished out of Shadow's arms.

"Hey what happen to Nyx?" Asked Talis.

"I don't know, I had her in my arms." Said Shadow.

As Pinkis Cupcake Charged at Amy there was a bright light that made her close her eyes, as the light dimed she opened her eyes to see Nyx standing right in front of Amy.

"You leave Amy alone right now you monster." Nyx said as she glared at Pinkis Cupcake.

Pinkis Cupcake just looked at the young alicorn and said.

"Very well I'll kill you first."

As Pinkis Cupcake charged at her Nyx powered up her horn and blasted Pinkis Cupcake off her hooves then she hit a wall twelve feet away.

"Wow now that is what I call a powerful energy blast." Said Sonic.

"Yeah no kidding." Said Knuckles.

"Oh no, Pinkis Cupcake is getting back up." Said Rarity.

As everyone and everypony looked at where Rarity was pointing at Pinkis Cupcake started to get back up, but when she did she started to feel strange.

"Wha....what's happing to me?" She asked.

Just then before she could say anything else she disappeared in a shade of pink light.

"Wha....what's going on now?" Asked Knuckles.

Just as he said that the pink light dimmed and their was Pinkie Pie back to her old self and floating above her was a pinkish black smoke witch was Pinkis Cupcake.

"It looks like Pinkie is back to her old self but we still have Pinkis' spirit to deal with." Said Sonic as he looked at the pinkish black smoke still floating above Pinkie Pie.

"Don't worry I'll take care of her, just like I took care of Rarifruit." Said Shadow as he jumped in the air and shouted.


When Shadow said those wards flames appeared around his fist and shot out and hit Pinkis Cupcake's spirit and then she vanished.

(Music ends.)

As Pinkis Cupcake spirit vanished Pinkie Pie started to wake up.

"Oh my head what, what happen to me.?" She asked weakly.

Just then she saw a black alicorn smiling down at her.

"Oh hey Nyxie." Said Pinkie.

"Hey auntie Pinkie, how are you feeling?" Asked Nyx.

The pink pony tried to get up but thanks to the lack of energy that Pinkis Cupcake took from her she collapsed again.

"Well it looks like I'm not doing well as a mater of fact I think I should rest."

With that Pinkie Pie closed her eyes and started to snore.

"Hey Nyx? Will she be alright?" Asked Tails.

Nyx looked at the yellow fox and smiled.

"Yes Tails, I'm sure that she will be alright, because you don't know Pinkie Pie like me, Spike, Rarity do. But now I think we should focus on Amy's injuries." She said as she walked toward the injured pink hedgehog.

Amy was being looked over by Knuckles when Nyx walked up.

"Hey Knuckles is Amy going to alright?" She asked.

Knuckles looked at the black alicorn and smiled.

"Yes Nyx she will be just fine."

As soon as he said this then a green orb of light came out of Knuckles hands and started to appear around Amy's legs. Then in no time at all Amy's legs where good as new.

"Hey Amy are you ok?" Asked Sonic.

Amy looked at the blue hedgehog and nodded, then she looked at the unconscious pink pony.

"How's Pinkie Pie? Is she alright?" She asked.

"Don't worry Amy she's just fine." Nyx said with a smile.

Just then Spike spoke up.

"Come on guys I think it's time to get out of this slaughter...."

He stopped what he was going to say and then said.

"Hey what happen to all of the pony parts and blood?" He asked dumb founded.

As soon as he said this everybody and everypony looked around, sure enough the room that was covered in pony parts and blood all over the place was gone.

"But how?" Tails asked still shocked about this whole thing until Shadow spoke up.

"I think I know why? It must have been an allusion." He said.

"You mean somepony put this house under a spell?" Asked Rarity.

"Yes and I think that somepony uh I mean somebody would be Mephiles." Shadow said clinching his fist.

Just then Spike spoke up again.

"Well anyway lets go back to the library and have Pinkie Pie recover from her ordeal."

"Spikes right guys come on lets go." Said Sonic.

With that Sonic picked up the pink pony and then they set off back to the library.

(Bowser theme from Super Mario 64 starts to play.)

"No, no, no, not again those metaling fools have beaten Pinkis Cupcake." Said Mephiles as he blasted a hole in the wall of the throne room.

"Ha it looks like your not doing so well with your elements of insanity Mephiles." Twilight said.

After hearing this Mephiles glared at the alicorn and said.

"Now you listen to me Princess Sparkle I will have my revenge and when I do you and the other princesses will be my slaves."

This made Twilight sick to her stomach and then she spit in the face of Mephiles. After that he longed at the cage and grabbed Twilight by the throat with his magic, in his right hand.

"Mephiles you let Twilight go right now." Celestia said struggling with the collar that hold her and her sister.

Just then he turned and with his other hand he snapped his fingers and then electricity flowed though the collars electrocuting Celestia and Luna.

"Now where was I before I was so rudely interrupted?" He asked, then he turned to Twilight.

"Oh yeah now I remember. Now you listen here Princess Sparkle you, Celestia, and Luna will have no choice to be my slaves once my next element of insanity pony finishes off Sonic, Shadow, and their friends along with your daughter and your three fiends." Mephiles said letting go of Twilight's neck."

"Who....who is....the next.....next insanity pony?" Twilight asked gasping for breath.

"Well 'll show you and your fellow princesses." He said as he shouted.


As soon as Mephiles said those words bouncing with a crazy grin on her muzzle towards him was Applepills.

"HEHE yes master? What can I do you for? Pills." She said in her insane demonic voice.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle meet your former friend Applejack or should I say Applepills." Said Mephiles.

Twilight along with Celestia and Luna who just recovered from being electrocuted looked at Applepills in shock until Luna broke the silence.

"Uh Applepills?" She asked.

"Heh that's my name don't you wear it out." Said Applepills.

Then Luna started to laugh.


She laughed and laughed until Melphiles spoke up.

"Her name might sound stupid but behold of what she can do."

With that he nodded his head and then Applepills started to glow, her eyes started to go to the back of her head, and then pink smoke came out of her mouth and started to manifest into her with claws as hooves and with sharp teeth like that of a vampires. Mephiles looked at the three princesses and smiled.

"You like it? He asked.

"Wha....what kind of monstrosity is this Mephiles?" Asked Celestia.

"Now I know she may not look that scary but check out her power."

As soon as he said that the pink smoke image of Applepills' mouth opened and then fire erupted out of her and burned a hole into the palace wall. After that the smoke image of Applepills went back into her body.

"That was good Applepills now go and get ready for tomorrow when you have to fight Sonic, Shadow and his friends." Said Mephiles with a smile on his face.

With that Applepills bowed and then bounced out of the throne room, and then Mephiles left the room as well leaving the princesses in shock and lost for words of what they had just seen from the former element of honesty.

(Music ends)

Meanwhile back at the library Shadow just put Pinkie pie in Twilight's bed and then he headed downstairs where the others were waiting.

"Well two elements of insanity down." Said Sonic.

"And three more to go." Yawned Rarity.

"Yeah and after all of this is done we can be able to get to the castle and defeat Melphiles once and for all." Said Amy as she laid down and started to fall asleep.

Then in no time at all everyone and everypony were fast asleep all except for Sonic and Shadow.

"How's Pinkie doing Shadow?" Asked Sonic.

"She's resting comfortably." He said, and then he started out of the library.

"Hey Shadow where are you going?" Sonic asked.

Shadow, looked at Sonic, and said.

"Oh I'm just going to sleep outside tonight Sonic."

"What for, Shadow?"

"It's none of your business Sonic now please leave me alone."

With that Shadow stormed off out of the library leaving Sonic lost for words.

"Ugh that Sonic I don't know why I asked him if I could be his friend."

Shadow then found a tree that looked good for him to sleep under so he sat down and relaxed underneath it. Then he pulled a picture out of his fur that had a human girl in it.

"Oh Maria how I missed those days when we were together on the Space Colony ARK and then you got killed by those army soldiers. I souldn't feel so alone since I have friends but now I don't know why but some how Pinkie Pie just some how reminds me of you."

Then Shadow took a deep breath, put the picture of Maria back in his fur, and finally laid down on the ground underneath the tree and said.

"Goodnight Maria I miss you and I love you."

With those final words he fell fast asleep with a little smile on his face.

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed chapter 3 of my Sonic and Shadow in Equestria 2 and stay tuned for chapter 4 where Knuckles will face off against Applepills and the fight will have a Mario and Luigi super saga final boss battle theme in it oh and Shadow's past is about to catch up to him.