• Published 19th Jan 2014
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Sonic and Shadow in Equestria 2 The Return of Mephiles The Dark - Will Atkinson

It's been two years since Sonic and Shadow have been to Equestria and now they are on their way back to see their new friends but an old enamy awaits their return

  • ...

Knuckles vs Applepills

Sonic and Shadow in Equestria 2 the return of Mephiles The Dark
By: Will Atkinson

Chapter 4


Shadow woke up and found himself on the Space Colony ARK.

"What the? Why am I on the Space Colony ARK?" Shadow asked himself.

Just then an alarm sounded and then a human girl came in the room where Shadow was.
"Shadow come quick some people have broke into the ARK." She said.

Shadow was looking at her in disbelief, the human girl was Maria, the girl who died on the ARK all those years ago. Shadow was just about to say something until they heard someone shouting.


As Shadow peered out the door he saw a human man in a swat suit running towards them. Just then Maria grabbed Shadow by the hand and then they started running.

"HEY YOU TWO GET BACK HERE!!!!" Shouted the man as he ran after them.

"Hurry Shadow he's gaining on us." Maria said.

Shadow was stunned of what he was seeing, this had to be a dream, a vision, or something. Suddenly Maria turned went into a room called the pod room. As they went in the room Maria shut the door and locked it, as she did so they could hear the man on the other side shouting.

"OPEN UP RIGHT NOW OR I WILL KNOCK THE DOOR DOWN!!!!" He said as he began to hit the door with his foot.

"This can't be happening, this can't be happening, this can't be happening." Shadow said to himself.

Just then Maria picked up Shadow and put him in one of the pods.

"There you go Shadow these pods will take us down to earth. But first I have to pull that lever for us to escape there." She said as she went to the lever to send her and Shadow to earth.

But just as she was about to pull the lever down to release the pods the door that the man was hitting on suddenly gave way and then he pointed his gun at Maria.


As Shadow looked on he started to bang on the pod trying to get out as the man was still trying to get Maria away from the machine that released the pods.


Just then Maria pulled down the lever and the man shot her which made Shadow's eye's open wide.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO MARIA!!!!" Shadow screamed as he broke out of the pod and rushed toward her.

But when he got to her and turned her over to see her face his eyes turned into pinpricks for when he turned Maria over he saw that he was looking at the dead body of Pinkie Pie.

"No, no, NOOOOOOOO!!!!" Shadow shouted as he woke up with a start.

Shadow looked around and saw that he was in Ponyville still under the tree where he was sleeping.

"Oh it was a dream, just a dream." Shadow said to himself as he was rubbing his head.

As Shadow got up and started to walk toward the library the door opened and there was Sonic.

"Hey Shadow are you ok? Because I heard you scream."

Shadow didn't say anything he just went past Sonic and sat down with the others along side Pinkie Pie who was starting to act like her old self again.


Rarity looked at her pink friend and said.

"Yup that's pretty much that whole story."

Just then Pinkie saw Shadow sitting at the table and looking glum.

"Shadow what's wrong?" She asked.

"Oh nothing Pinkie Pie, I'm fine." Shadow said.

Then he got up again and started to head outside.

"Hey Shadow now where are you going?" Asked Sonic.

"It's none of you business Sonic!!!!"

And with that Shadow stormed off out of the library leaving Sonic and the others lost for words.

"Man what's with him today?" Asked Knuckles.

"Yeah he has never acted this way before in a very long time." Said Tails.

"Well I'm going to find out why he is so down in the dumps." Said Pinkie Pie.

So before anyone or anypony could stop her Pinkie pie set off after Shadow.

"Well that proves that she is back to normal." Said Nyx.

After she said that they all started to laughed.

Meanwhile Pinkie Pie was looking for Shadow and it wasn't long when she found him by the lake holding a picture in his hand.

"Hey uh Shadow are you ok?" She asked.

After hearing Pinkie Pie's voice Shadow quickly put the picture of Maria away and turn to face the pink earth pony.

"Pinkie Pie? What are you doing out here?" He asked.

Pinkie Pie giggled.

"Heehee silly Shadow I'm just here to see if you are ok."

Shadow looked at her.

"I'm fine Pinkie Pie just fine."

Just then she saw the picture right beside Shadow.

"Hey Shadow what's this?" Pinkie asked as she snatched the picture out of Shadow's hand.

"Hey Pinkie don't just take stuff out of my hands." Shadow said trying to get the picture from Pinkie but she just put a hoof on Shadow's head as she looked at the picture of Maria.

"Who is this Shadow?" She asked.

Defeated Shadow sighed and said.

"Her name was Maria, she was my friend over fifty years ago."

When Pinkie Pie heard this her eyes opened wide."

"Wait hold on there Shadow. Did you just say over fifty years?"

"Yes I did." Shadow said.

"But if it's been over fifty years how come you looked the same Shadow?"

"Because Pinkie Pie I was in hibernation."

Pinkie Pie looked confused.

"Hibernation? What's that Shadow?"

"It's another name for a long sleep."

"Oh I see. So what ever happened to this Maria?"

With that Shadow took a deep breath and then he told his story.

"Well Pinkie when Maria and I were playing in one of the Space Colony ARK's rooms her grandfather Dr. Robotnik came in looking worried."

"Grandfather what's wrong?" Maria asked.

"There's no time to ask about that, there are some people here and we need to get out of here now." He said.

"Just then we heard someone shouting."

"There they are, hurry after them."

"As we poke our heads out into the hall we saw an army of men with weapons coming towards us."

"Come on you two we need to get out of here now." Robotnik said as he motion us to get to the escape pods at the end of the ship.

"As we ran me and Maria looked back to see that they were chasing us."

"Hurry up, don't let them get away!!" One of them shouted.

"Shadow, they're gaining on us." Maria said with terror in her eyes.

"I know Maria, but don't worry we'll be fine." I told her.

"As Maria, the doctor and I got to the pod room Robotnik turned to us and said."

"You two go and I'll give you time to escape."

"As soon as he said that Maria and I looked at him in shock."

"But grandfather." Maria tried to protest.

"There's no time to argue now go!!!!" Robotnik shouted as he pushed Maria and I in the room and locked it.

"Then we heard him say to the men that were after us."

"Hey I'm over here come and get me."

"We then heard him and the men run in a different direction away from the pod room until Maria screamed and one of the men heard her and came up to the door."

"Hey who's in there? You better open up right now." He said as he started to pound the door down.

"Maria looked at me and said."

"Shadow quickly get into one of the pods and I'll follow you just as soon as I activate the machine."

"I nodded and went into one of the pods but before Maria could activate the machine the door gave away and the man came in and pointed the gun at her and said."

"Step away from the lever now or I'll shoot."

"As I looked on I saw Maria hold on to the lever tightly in her hands then I heard the man say."

"I will not tell you again let go of that lever now or I'll shoot you."

"Just then Maria pulled the lever down and the man shot her."

"MARIA NO!!!!" I shouted.

"As I looked on Maria looked at me with tears in her eyes and with her last breath she said to me."

"S....Shadow, I beg of you, please do it for me....for a better future! For all people who live on that planet....p....please....give them a chance to be happy.... Let them live for their dreams. S....Shadow, I know you can do it. That's the reason why you were brought into this world. Sayonara S....Shadow the Hedgehog.

"As Maria fell down dead the pod dropped down to the planet with me in it, and that's all I could remember until the day I woke up and when I did wake up I almost broke her promise until Sonic's other friend named Chris reminded me of her promise."

When Shadow finished Pinkie noticed a small tear coming out of his eye and then suddenly Pinkie's mane and tail went flat.

"Oh Shadow I'm so sorry, I'm so very sorry."

Pinkie Pie then came closer to Shadow and then she kissed him. When she did Shadow just looked at her for a minute and then touched his cheek where Pinkie Pie had kissed him.

"P....Pinkie why did you kiss me?"

Pinkie Pie just smiled and said.

"I thought that you needed something to make you happy."

Shadow just looked at Pinkie and smiled.

"Thanks Pinkie, I really appreciate it, now let's go back to the others so we can save the rest of your friends."

Just a he said that Pinkies mane and tail popped backed to it's poofy form.

"Alright Shadow let's go."

With that they set off unaware that they where being watched by Mephiles again with the three princesses still chained up. Meanwhile back at the library Sonic and the others were waiting for Pinkie Pie to bring back Shadow.

"Do you think Shadow is ok?" Asked Spike.

"I sure hope so Spike because we need him to help free the others from Mephiles' control." Said Sonic.

Just then Rarity saw something coming towards them.

"Hey look here they come now." She said.

Sure enough there off in the distance was Shadow and Pinkie Pie walking together hand and hoof.

"Hey uh Shadow are you ok buddy?" Sonic asked.

"Yes Sonic I'm fine now lets go and continue rescuing our pony friends."

"So Sonic where do we go next?" Asked Knuckles.

Sonic thought for a moment and then he said.

"Well I think we should go to the Sweet Apple Acers farm and find Applejack next."

"Well then what are we waiting for lets go." Said Amy as she started to walk ahead of the others.

"Hey wait for us Amy you don't know the way to the farm." Said Pinkie hopping after her.

With that they all set off toward Sweet Apple Acers farm as they were walking Mephiles along with the princesses who were still chained up were watching them to see what would happen to them now.

"This time Sonic and Shadow, you two and your friends will have more then you bargain for." Mephiles said.

Sometime later Sonic, Shadow and their friends finally made it to Sweet Apple Acers but something was off.

"Hey what has happened to the farm?" Asked Nyx.

When they looked at the farm everything was in bad shape the apple trees were bare, there were no fruits and vegetables growing from the ground, and the farm house looked as if it was ready to fall down but the one building that looked in tacked was the barn.

"Oh this is awful, this is just terrible." Said Rarity.

"Yeah I mean look at this everything here is dead." Said Tails.

"Come on guys we got to find Applejack and save her from Mephiles' control, and only then we can restore the farm to it's original form." Said Sonic.

"Sonic is right come on lets check out the barn over there." Said Shadow.

As they came up to the barn door they saw it open by itself.

"It looks like something or someone was expecting us to come here." Said Amy.

"Alright everyone and everypony let's look around and if you find anything out of the ordinary yell out." Said Sonic.

No sooner had he said that when Pinkie yelled out.


"What? What did you find auntie Pinkie?" Asked Nyx.

"It looks like an empty bottle of medication pills." Pinkie Pie said.

Just then they heard Knuckles say.

"Hey guys I find one over here.

"I found some more pill bottles over her too." Said Rarity.

Suddenly the lights of the barn came on and what they saw was unbelievable.

"What the? There is empty pill bottles all over in this barn." Said Spike.

"Wonderful isn't it?" Asked a demonic voice.

Everyone and everypony looked around for the owner of the voice but came up with nothing.

"Where are you, you cowared? show yourself." Said Shadow.

"Heehee very well since you asked so nicely. AH PILLS.!!" The voice said.

(Koopa bros. fortress theme from Paper Mario starts to play)

Just then an orange cloud appeared in front of Sonic, Shadow, and their friends until it transformed into Applejack but when they saw her, they couldn't believe their eyes. For her fur was a grayish orange, her mane and tail was black, and her eyes were like pinpricks.

"Ah Sonic and Shadow it's so nice to see you again. AH PILLS!!!!"

"Be silent you and tell us your name." Said Sonic.

"Very well if you all want to know my name, it's Applepills."

When Applepills told them her name they started to laugh, all except for Shadow.

"HAHAHAHA!!!! Applepills, that's your name? Asked Spike.

"Why yes it is and I'm very proud of it." Said Applepills.

"Oh we're so scared. What are you gonna do make us eat pills?" Asked Rarity.

"Oh, oh or maybe your gonna make us play hide and seek?" Asked Pink Pie.

"Grrrr stop making fun of me or you all will be sorry." Said Applepills with an angry look on her muzzle.

"Hey did you hear that guys? It looks like we're making her mad." Said Tails.


Suddenly the whole place began to shake.

"What the? What's going on here?" Asked Knuckles.

"Well it looks like we're about to find out." Said Sonic who was looking at Applepills.

Just then Applepills opened her mouth and then pink smoke started to come out and started to engulf her.

"What in the world of Equestria is happening now?" Asked Spike.

"I don't know Spike but I don't like it." Said Shadow.

Suddenly the pink smoke started to change into a monster like form of Applepills.

"Uh oh this doesn't look good." Said Rarity.

"Oh bad, oh bad, oh bad, bad, bad." Said Pinkie Pie as Applepills finished her transformation.

"Ah at last my transformation is complete. Now which one of you will I have to fight?" Asked Applepills.

"Me Applepills, I'm the one who you will be fighting." Knuckles said as he walked up to the smoke monster form of Applepills.

"Hey Knuckles you be careful." Said Sonic.

Knuckles looked at Sonic and said.

"Don't worry about a thing Sonic I'll be careful."

"Well now if you are ready then let's get this party started." Said Applepills.

"Very well then let's do this you monster." Said Knuckles as he charged at Applepills.

(Song ends and the final boss theme from Mario and Luigi Super Saga starts to play)

"Alright Applepills let's see if you can dodge my attacks." Said Knuckles as he tried to punch her, but then he found that he went right through her.

"WHAT THE?!!!!" Knuckles said in disbelief.

"Huh what the? Knuckles went right though her." Said Shadow.

"Yeah and that's not good." Said Sonic.

"HAHAHAHA!! If you think that Brut force can stop me then your sadly mistaking." Applepills said.

"Grrrr fine if my fist can't stop you then what about this?" Knuckles asked as he started to power up.

As Knuckles started to power up everyone and everypony was watching him with suspense.

"Alright, come on Knuckles. Show that pony monster why you're the strongest Echidna in our world." Said Sonic.

"You got it Sonic, now Applepills take this." Said Knuckles as he completed his power up.

"Ha do what you like but you can't stop me. Ah pills." Said Applepills.

Just then Knuckles fist begain to glow.

"Alright Applepills ready or not here I come." Knuckles said as he charged at Applepills again.

"Alright then let's do this." Said Applepills as she also charged at Knuckles.

As the two charged at each other Knuckles then shot an energy blast from his fist and it was heading towards Applepills. But before the energy blast could hit her, her smoke form vanished making the blast miss and then she reappeared again and struck Knuckles hard. When she did Knuckles went flying until he hit the barn wall a few feet away.

"Hey Knuckles are you ok?" Sonic asked.

"I'm ok Sonic but she is tougher then she looks."

Then Shadow turned to Tails.

"Tails check your watch and see if you can locate a weakness in Applepills."

"Right away Shadow."

So Tails activated his watch and checked to see if he could find a weakness in Applepills smoke form. Just then Tails watch beeped saying it found a weakness in Applepills.

"Hey guys I think I found a weak point in Applepills." Tails Said.

"Really? Where is it Tails?" Knuckles asked.

"Its her chest, you have to hit her chest."

"Alright, you got it Tails." Knuckles said as he charged at Applepills again.

As Applepills saw Knuckles charging at her again she laughed.

"On please you tried this already you fool. PILLS!!!!"

As Applepills was getting ready to strike at Knuckles again he had vanished.

"Hey where did you go?" Applepills asked as she looked around to see if she could find him but couldn't.

Just then Knuckles reappeared in front of her and then he hit her right in the chest. As he did so Applepills coughed and held her chest, suddenly everybody and everypony saw something appear on Applepills' chest.

"What in the world is that?" Asked Spike.

"I don't know darling but whatever it is its gross." Said Rarity.

"It looks like to be a heart or something." Said Sonic.

"Ew that's just gross." Said Pinkie Pie.

Just then Tails looked at Shadow.

"Shadow if you destroy that thing you will break Applejack free from Applepills."

With that he jumped up and shouted.


As he said those words flames appeared around his fist and then it shot out and hit Applepills right in the chest. When it did Applepills screamed and then she vanished, when she did Applejack was free.

(Song ends)

"Alright another element of insanity pony is gone." Said Sonic.

"Yeah way to go Knuckles." Said Nyx.

"Thanks Nyx but I couldn't do it without Tails and Shadow." Said Knuckles.

"Oh it was nothing Knuckles." Said Tails.

Just then they saw Applejack starting to wake up.

"Hey guys Applejack is starting to wake up." Pinkie Pie said.

Sure enough Applejack's eyes slowly opened.

"Oh my head, what, what happened?" Applejack asked weakly.

"APPLEJACK!!!!" Said Sonic, Shadow, Spike, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Nyx together as they came up to her.

"Hey Sonic, Shadow welcome back." Applejack said.

Then she saw Tails, Amy, and Knuckles.

"Who are you guys?" Applejack asked.

"My name is Tails."

"My name is Amy Rose."

"And my name is Knuckles."

"It's nice to meet you three." Said Applejack.

Just then Applejack closed her eyes.

"Oh the poor dear must be exhausted." Said Rarity.

"Come on guys let's get her back to the library." Said Sonic.

With that Knuckles put Applejack on his back and they all started back to the library.

(Browser's theme from Mario 64 starts to play)

Back at the palace Mephiles was furious that Applepills was defeated.

"No, I can't believe that those brats beat Applepills."

"To bad Mephiles you lose again." Said Twilight.

Just then Mephiles turned to Twilight's cage and looked at her with daggers in his eyes.

"Don't you forget princess Sparkle I still have your other friends under my control."

Just then he snapped his fingers and then out of the darkness appeared Fluttershout.

"Hello master, what is thy bidding?" She asked.

Twilight, Celestia, and Luna looked at Fluttershout in disbelief.

"Fl....Fluttershy?" Asked Twilight.

Fluttershout looked at Twilight and said.

"Fluttershy? My name is Fluttershout and to prove it."

Just then Fluttershout opened her mouth and screamed so loud that Twilight, Celestia, Luna, and Mephiles had to cover their ears.
When she finished Mephiles smiled evilly as for the Princesses they looked at Fluttershout in disgust.

"Very good my servant."

"Your twisted Mephiles. It takes somepony insane as you to create such a monstrosity." Said Luna.

After hearing that Mephiles put his hand over Fluttershout's ears and said in a hurt voice.

"Don't say that you'll hurt her feelings. You may not know it but behind that insanity lies a very sensitive pony."

Just then he looked at Fluttershout and said.

"Now Fluttershout go and wait for Sonic, Shadow, and their friends, when they do come kill them."

With that Fluttershout bowed and disappeared into the darkness, after Fluttershout left Mephiles turned to the princesses.

"Well my dear princesses I'll see you all tomorrow so we can all see Fluttershout destroy Sonic, Shadow, and their friends."

With that he left the room.

"Oh Celestia I wish that we could warn Sonic, Shadow, and their friends." Luna said.

"Have faith in Sonic, Shadow, and their friends dear sister they will save us you just wait and see." Said Celestia.

"Celestia is right Luna we can't give up on Sonic, Shadow, and the others because if we do then it's all over." Said Twilight.

Luna then smiled at her sister and to Twilight.

"You two are rght and I'm sorry."

With that the three princesses went to sleep thinking of what tomorrow would bring.

(Music ends)

Meanwhile back at the library Knuckles had just put Applejack into bed and went down stairs where the others were waiting for him.

"So Knuckles how is a auntie Applejack doing?" Asked Nyx.

"Well she is resting comfortably." He said to the little alicorn.

"Oh well that's good news." Said Shadow.

Just then Amy pulled out a marker and crossed out a picture of Applepills.

"Well three elements of insanity down and only two more to go." She said.

"Yeah and I know who is next that we have to face." Said Sonic.

"Fluttershy?" Asked Spike.

"Yep Fluttershy."

With that everybody and everypony went to bed to prepare themselves for the battle against Fluttershout.