• Published 19th Jan 2014
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Sonic and Shadow in Equestria 2 The Return of Mephiles The Dark - Will Atkinson

It's been two years since Sonic and Shadow have been to Equestria and now they are on their way back to see their new friends but an old enamy awaits their return

  • ...

The Final Battle

Sonic and Shadow in Equestria 2 The Return Of Mephiles The Dark

By: Will Atkinson

Chapter 7: THE FINAL BATTLE!!!!

As Celestia's sun roses in the distance of the library Sonic woke up from his slumber.

*Grown* "Oh man that was a good night sleep," he said to himself.

Then Sonic turned around hoping that Rainbow Dash was there, but he saw that Rainbow Dash was no where to be seen.

"Now where in the world did that pegasus get to?" Sonic asked himself.

Just then he heard aloud boom outside of the house.

"Well I guess that answers my question," Said Sonic, as he shook his head knowing that Rainbow Dash was the only one besides him that could make a booming noise like that.

As Sonic got up and went down stairs he saw that the door of the library was wide open.

"Huh, it looks like the others heard it to," said Sonic.

As Sonic came outside, he saw his friends looking up at the sky, at the sonic rain boom that Rainbow Dash just made.

"Oh wow, so that's what a sonic rain boom looks like?" Asked Tails.

"That's right Tails," Said Pinkie Pie.

"It's beautiful isn't it surgarcube?" Asked Applejack.

"Yes, it is very nice Applejack," said Tails.

Just then Rainbow Dash landed on the ground.

"Oh yeah I'm still as awesome as ever," she said with a smirk on her face.

"Not to mention your still as stubborn, as ever," said Sonic, as he came into view.

After seeing Sonic, Rainbow Dash ran right at Sonic and knocked him down with a thud.

"Oh Sonic, I thought I was never going to see you again," she said with tears streaming down her face.

Sonic just smiled at his special some pony and said.

"Hey it's ok Rainbow, your here now and that's all that matters," said Sonic.

As Sonic and Rainbow Dash continued to hugged everybody and every pony awwwwed all excepted for Amy who was turning green with envy. Just then Sonic and Rainbow heard their friends singing.

"Sonic and Rainbow Dash sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes love, then comes Sonic with a baby carriage."

Then they all laughed with Sonic and Rainbow blushing hard. Suddenly Amy rushed at Rainbow Dash and tackled her off of Sonic.


"Amy what are you doing?" Asked Sonic, as he started to get up.

Amy looked at Sonic with flames coming out of her eyes.

"What dose it look like I'm doing Sonic? I'm getting this pony off of you, so I can have you."

Just then Rainbow Dash got up and glared at the pink hedgehog.

"What in the world is your problem?" Asked Dash.

Amy turned around at Dash and said.

"What is my problem? No I think the question is, what is your problem for stealing my hedgehog?"

"Your hedgehog? Why you...."

The arguing between Rainbow Dash and Amy Rose continued until Sonic broke it up.

"ALRIGHT, THAT IS ENOUGH!!!!" He shouted that made Rainbow Dash and Amy stop at their tracks and made the others look on in shock.

"Wow, I have never seen Sonic lose his temper before," said Shadow.

"Yeah, this is a first for me too," said Tails.

As Sonic's friends looked on, Sonic turned to Amy and said.

"Look Amy, I know how much you care about me but I just don't feel that way about you."

When Amy hear this, her eye shrunk into pinprick.

"I see," she said, as she started to walk away.

"Amy, where are you going?" Asked Tails.

Amy didn't say anything, she just kept on walking.

"Amy wait," Said Sonic, as he tried to stop her but was stopped by Rainbow Dash.

"No Sonic, just let her go," she said.

As Sonic watched Amy leave, he sighed and looked at Rainbow Dash.

"Alright, I'll just deal with her later. But right now we've got princesses to save," he said.

Rainbow smiled and hugged Sonic.

"Now then, let's go and save Celestia, Luna, and Twilight," Sonic said, as he looked at his friends.

"Yeah let's do it," they all said together.

"Wait, what about the elements?" Asked Shadow.

"Don't worry Shadow I got them right here," said Spike, as he came up with the elements in his claws.

As Spike put the elements on the proper bearers necks they were ready to fight Mephiles.

"Alright every pony and everybody let's go," said Applejack.

Just then as they were getting ready to go they saw Nyx and Spike with them as well.

"Uh Spike, Nyx, what do you think you two are doing?" Asked Rarity.

Nyx and Spike looked up at the ponies, hedgehogs, and fox, and said.

"Well we want to come too," they said together.

"I don't think that is such a good idea you two," said Knuckles.

"Knuckles is right you two," said Tails.

"Yeah we wouldn't want you two to get hurt," said Pinkie Pie.

But then they got a sad look from Spike, and Nyx.

"But Twilight is my mother and I'm not just going to stay here and do nothing," said Nyx.

"Yeah and Twilight is like a sister to me and I'm not going to stay here and do nothing ether," said Spike.

Everybody and every pony looked at the two until Sonic spoke up.

"Ok you two you can come, but you must promise me that you do exactly what we say ok?"

With that Nyx and Spike smiled and said together.

"Yes sir."

With that Sonic turned back to Shadow and said.

"Alright Shadow let's go and save the princesses."

With that Shadow put one of the chaos emeralds up in the air and said.


As soon as he said those wards Sonic, Shadow, and their friends were teleported to Canterlot to face off agents Mephiles.

(Bowser's theme from Super Mario 64 starts to play)

Meanwhile at the castle Mephiles was walking down the halls when one of his spies stopped him.

"Um, I'm sorry to disturb you lord Mephiles, but Sonic, Shadow, and their friends are coming are way."

Hearing this Mephiles turned to his spy and said.

"Yes I know their coming our way. Now we can sent faze two of my plain into action."

Mephiles then set off to the thorn room to prepare for the arrival of Sonic, Shadow, and their friends. Meanwhile in the thorn room Twilight, Celestia, and Luna were discussing on how they were going to get out of their chains when Mephiles came in.

"Ah princesses, did you three sleep well?" He asked.

Twilight, Celestia, and Luna didn't say anything they just glared at Mephiles.

"Oh well, can't blame a villain for trying to be nice," he said, shrugging his shoulders.

Twilight glared at Mephiles and said.

"Spare us your sarcasm Mephiles."

"Well anyway I thought you would like to know that Sonic, Shadow, and the others are coming here to rescue you three," said Mephiles.

As soon as Mephiles said that Twilight, Celestia, and Luna started to laugh.

"Alright their on their to save us," said Celestia.

"Yeah and when they do your going down Mephiles," said Luna.

"Ha what ever, but don't forget I still have a plan that involves you Twilight," said Mephiles, as he looked at Twilight and kissed her.

"Oh how dare you," said Twilight, as she spit in Mephiles' face.

Then Mephiles walked to one of his possessed guards and said.

"I want you to take Celestia and Luna down stair as a trap for Sonic, Shadow, and their friends."

"Yes sir Lord Mephiles. But what about the other alicorn?" Asked the guard.

Mephiles looked at Twilight, then he looked at the guard and smiled.

"Leave her here for my plain I have for her."

The guard saluted and then him and the other guards unlashed Celestia and Luna and took theme down stairs to wait for Sonic, Shadow, and the others.

"Hey where are they taking them?" Asked Twilight.

Mephiles smiled evilly and went to sit down at Celestia's thorn.

"Don't worry about them Twilight, their just going to meet up with Sonic, Shadow, and the others."

"And what about me?" She asked.

"Don't worry you'll find out soon enough." Mephiles said, with a smile.

(Music ends)

Just then Sonic, Shadow, and their friends arrived at Canterlot.

"Ah Canterlot Castle, what a peaceful place," said Sonic.

"Yes, but there's no time for messing around," said Shadow.

"Wow this place is amazing," said Tails.

"Yes it is," said Knuckles.

"Well come on guys, let's go and save Twilight, Celestia, and Luna." Said Applejack.

"Yeah come on," said Nyx, as she ran toward the castle.

"Nyx wait." Rarity said, as she and the others chased after her.

As Nyx made it in the castle their was Celestia and Luna chained up near the said case.

"CELESTIA, LUNA!!!!" Nyx shouted.

Celestia and Luna heard Nyx's voice and looked to see her in the entrance. Then Sonic, Shadow, and the others came behind her.

"Nyx, Sonic, Shadow, you all have made it," said Celestia.

Just then Nyx ran toward them.

"Nyx stop." Said Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah, you could be walking right into a......"

Sonic never got done, for when Nyx touched the collor on Celestia's neck it shocked her and made her fly right back at Shadow.

"IT'S A TRAP!!!!" Shouted Shadow.

As soon, as Shadow said that all of the ponies who were under Mephiles' spell appeared in front of them.

"Aw great, just what we don't need," said Tails.

(Fight from Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers starts to play)

"Now my slaves destroy Sonic, Shadow, and their friends," said Mephiles.

"Yes master Mephiles," they said.

"Well then, you wanna fight? You got it," said Sonic but Rarity stopped him.

"Sonic wait, we can't fight them they are our friends," Said Rarity.

"I know Rarity, but they are not your friends anymore," said Sonic.

Just then Applejack came up to Rarity and said.

"Sonic is right Rarity, if we have any chance to save our pony friends we must fight them."

As soon as she said the Knuckles started to put on his metal knuckles on.

"Well then, let's do this,"

"Yeah and even if I have to fight my classmates, I will do what I must to save Equestria as well," said Nyx.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's do this," said Rainbow Dash.

With that Sonic, Shadow, and the others charged right at the Mephiles possessed ponies.

"Well what are you waiting for? Get them," said Mephiles.

With that, the Mephiles' possessed ponies charged right at Sonic, Shadow, and their friends.

"Alright guys, let's take them out once and for all," said Pinkie.

"Right, let's spred out you guys," said Shadow.

As the gang spred out Sonic and Tails took on Mephiles' possessed guards, Shadow, five of the main six, and Spike took on the Mephiles possessed ponies, and Nyx took on her classmates from school.

"Alright you possessed wannabes, let's see if you can handle this," said Sonic, as he powered up into his super form.

"You and that fox friend of yours shale never escape from lard Mephiles hedgehog," said one of Mephiles' possessed guards.

"Oh no? Well we will just have to fined out. Wont we? Asked Sonic as he and Tails charged at the guards full force.

At another part of the castle Shadow, five of the main six, and Spike were battling the ponies from Ponyville, and Canterlot.

"Man they are more powerful then before," said Knuckles.

"Yeah, you ain't kiden Knuckles," said Shadow.

"They mite be stronger then us. But we're smarter," said Applejack.

"Applejack is right, so let's show them what we can do," said Rarity.

"And I know just how to do it," said Pinkie Pie, as she took her party cannon out, from out of nowhere and fired it at the possessed ponies.

Meanwhile Nyx was having truble of her own with her possessed classmates.

"You should give up little filly," said a pony with a teara cutie mark, who was Diamond Teara.

"Yeah you should come and join master Mephiles," said the filly with tan fur, with a red mane and tail whose name was Applebloom.

After hearing this Nyx stand up and said with anger in her eyes.

"I would rather die then join that evil hedgehog."

As soon, as she said that all of her Mephiles possessed classmates laughed.

"Then so be it Nightmare Moon."

Suddenly as soon, as they said that there was a flash of light and out of that light Nyx transformed back into Nightmare Moon, and then she said.

"If you want Nightmare Moon, then you will get Nightmare Moon."

Then she changed right at her former classmates. Back with Sonic and Tails, they hit some of the gaurds with their spacial attack, when they did the guards hit the wall so hard that smoke started to come out of them. When Sonic and Tails saw this they shouted to their friends.


"Right," they all said together.

With that Shadow used his flame fist, Knuckles used his metal knuckles, Applejack used her hind legs to buck them, Rainbow Dash with help from fluttershy used their hurricane attack on them, Rarity used her magic, Spike used his magic fire, Pinkie Pie used her party cannon, and Nyx used her magic. When it was all over, all of the ponies that were controlled by Mephiles were free.

(Song ends)

"Alright we did it," cheered Pinkie Pie.

"Yes way to go everyone and everypony," said Shadow.

Just then they heard Mephiles' voice.

"Well done, now come up to the throne room and face me you brats."

"Hey, we're not brats," said Rainbow Dash said as she changed up the stairs, but was stopped by Applejack.

"Woah there Dash, we can't go up there yet until we free Celestia and Luna."

With that Rainbow landed back on the ground and said.

"Oh, oh ok."

As Sonic, Shadow, and the others freed Celestia and Luna, Nyx looked at them and asked.

"Celestia, Luna, where is mommy?"

Celestia and Luna looked at the little filly and finally Luna said.

"Nyx, Twilight is up in the throne room with Mephiles."

"Yeah and he said, he had plans for her," said Celestia.

As Celestia said that Nyx's eyes went wide and then she ran right passed Celestia and Luna as fast, as her legs could carry her.

"Nyx wait," Sonic shouted, as he, Shadow, and the others ran after her.

As Nyx continued to climb up the stairs in her mind she was saying.

("If that jerk hurts my mother he'll never see the light of day ever again.")

When she made it to the doors to the throne room, she was about to enter until she was stopped by Celestia.

"Hey let me go, mommy needs me," Nyx shouted, as she tried to escape from Celestia's hold on her.

"Nyx please calm down," said Celestia, as she tried to calm the young alicorn down.

As Nyx finally got out of Celestia's grasp she shouted at her.

"How can you be so calm Celestia? Don't forget that mommy is like a daughter to you."

"I know Nyx, but you can't just go and run in there."

"Celestia is right Nyx, what if you just ran in there and Mephiles captured you?" Asked Rarity.

Nyx looked at her friends and family, then she lowered her head.

"Oh your right Rarity, I just don't know what came over me."

Just then Tails came up to the little filly and said.

"Oh don't worry Nyx, if it makes you feel better I would have done the same thing."

Nyx looked at the young fox and smiled.

"Thanks Tails," She said.

Just then Knuckles spoke up.

"Ok this is all fine and well, but I think its time to go and save Twilight now."

"Knuckles is right guys, so lets go and save our friend," said Sonic.

"Yeah lets do it," they all said together, as they bust though the doors of the throne room.

When they broke though the door, they saw Twilight still in the cage and unconcuse with Mephiles beside her.

(Mephiles theme from Sonic The Hedgehog 06 starts to play)

"Ah Sonic and friends, how wonderful that you all could make it," Mephiles said with a sinister smile.

"Save your breath Mephiles, and let go of princess Twilight right now," said Shadow.

"Yeah you big mean, meanie pants," said Pinkie pie.

"Ha if you all think that I'm going to do that then you all are out of your mind," said Mephiles.

"What are you planning on doing to her Mephiles?" Asked Luna.

Mephiles looked at Luna and said.

"Its simple my dear Luna, I'm planning on taking control of Twilight's body with my own. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

When Mephiles said that everyone and every pony gasped.

"You will not do such thing Mephiles," said Rainbow Dash as she charged right at him.

But before Rainbow could strike at him, Mephiles used his powers to sent Rainbow right back toward her friends.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! You all are fools thinking you could stop me, now prepare to meet the one and only MEPHILES TWILIGHT THE DARK SPARKLE!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

Just then Mephiles turned himself into smoke and went inside Twilight's body.

"Oh no this is it everyone and every pony get ready for a fight," said Sonic.

"Right," they all said together.

(music ends and Cell's theme from Dragonball Z starts to play)

When the smoke cleared they saw Twilight, only now Twilight was different, her fur was gray, her wings, mane, and tail were crystalized, and her eyes were green and shaped like dragons eyes, what made it more scary Twilight sounded like her and Mephiles put together.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I feel so much powerful then before."

When Nyx saw her mother like this she was mad.

"What have you done to my mother you monster," she shouted.

"Nothing, I'm your mother now little one so come and give me a hug," Mephiles Twilight said.

"Never, you are not my mother and you'll never will," said Nyx, as she transformed back into her Nightmare Moon self.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! If you think that will stop me you are dead wrong," said Mephiles Twilight.

Just then Nyx charged right at Mephiles Twilight only to be stopped by the magic of Mephiles Twilight's horn, and then he though her right back at her friends.

"Oh man, his much stronger now that his inside Twilight," said Applejack.

"Yeah it looks like me and Sonic need to transform into Shadic to stop him," said Shadow.

"Yeah but without Twilight we can't activate the elements of harmony," said Fluttershy.

"Don't worry Fluttershy will take care of him without them," said Sonic.

But before Sonic and Shadow could transform Mephiles Twilight made a force filed around Shadow and the others leaving Sonic to fight him alone.

"Hey what is this?" Asked Shadow.

"It appears to be some kind of force filled," said Knuckles.

"Hey Sonic, could you try to get us out," said Tails.

"I'll try buddy."

But before he could Mephiles Twilight stopped him.

"That will not work Sonic, the only way to break the force filled is ether defeat me or if I take it off myself."

"Very well Mephiles Twilight, lets do this," said Sonic, as he changed into his hyper form and then charged right at Mephiles Twilight.

(music ends and Shadow queen final boss theme from Paper Mario and the thousand year door starts to play)

"Your rain of evil ends now Mephiles," said Sonic, as he fired a powerful energy blast right at him, but Mephiles Twilight just blocked it.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! If you think that, that is going to work then think again."

"Alright if energy blast won't destroy you then I'll just have to beat you the old fashion way," said Sonic.

As Sonic and Mephiles Twilight continued their battle Shadow and the others looked on trying to escape from the force filled that Mephiles Twilight put over them.

"Man how in the world are we going to destroy this force filled?" Asked Tails.

"I don't know Tails, but we need to do something," said Shadow.

"Oh everyone and every pony look," said Fluttershy.

As everyone and every pony looked at where Fluttershy was pointing at Sonic got blasted by a powerful magical blast my Mephiles Twilight.

"Oh no Sonic are you ok?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

Sonic slowly got up and spit a little bit of blood out of his mouth.

"Don't worry about me Rainbow, I can handel this."

Just then another blast came out of Mephiles Twilight's horn and hit Sonic with so much powerful force, that it made him fly backwards and hit the palace wall ten feet away.

"SONIC NO!!!!" Shouted Rainbow.

"SONIC!!" Shouted Tails.

When the beam of light disappeared Sonic's friends saw him laying on the floor with his eyes closed.

"Yes I've done it, I've finally defeated Sonic the hedgehog. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Cheered Mephiles Twilight.

"You, you murderer," said Celestia angrily.

"Oh why thank you Celestia, now that I took care of that hedgehog. Who would like to go next?" Asked Mephiles Twilight.

Just then Nyx, who was still in her Nightmare Moon form stepped forward.

"I will be your next opponent Mephiles Twilight."

"Then so be it young one, prepare to die," said Mephiles Twilight, as he brought Nyx out of the force filled.

(Music ends)

As Sonic, opened his eyes he saw nothing but darkness.

"Wha....where am I?" He asked himself.

As Sonic, got up and started to walk in the darkness he saw Rainbow and the others laying in a pool of their own blood.

"Oh no Rainbow Dash," Sonic shouted, as he ran up to her and started to stroke her mane.

"Rainbow wake up, please Rainbow wake up." Sonic continued to try, to wake Rainbow up but to no avail and Sonic began to cry.

As Sonic cried over the lose over his friends and his mare friend a voice rang out.

"Don't worry young hedgehog, they are not dead."

Sonic raised his head up and looked for the owner of the voice, just then a pony he didn't know stepped out of the shadows.

"Who are you, stay away from us," said Sonic, as he stood up and prepare to attack the pony.

"WHOA!!!! hold on there I'm not going to hurt you Sonic the hedgehog," said the pony.

When he heard the pony say his name he was shocked.

"Wait a minute how do you know my name?" Asked Sonic.

"Because my friend I've been watching you ever since you defeated Discord," said the mysterious pony.

"You have?" Asked Sonic.

The pony nodded his head and then Sonic looked back down at the lifeless bodies of his friends.

"What about my friends and my girlfriend here?" Sonic asked.

"Never fear my young friend, they are still alive these are only shadows of what will happen if you don't wake up and stop Mephiles Twilight right now," said the pony.

Sonic was confused.

"Wake up? You mean I'm asleep?" He asked.

"No you where knocked out by Mephiles Twilight, and he and the others think your died," said the pony.

"Well that's all fine and dandy but how am I going to stop Mephiles Twilight?" Asked Sonic.

"The only way to defeat this monster Sonic, is if you use the elements of harmony agents him," said the pony.

"But with out Twilight my pony friends can't use them," said Sonic.

"I know that young hedgehog, that is why you are going to use the elements to defeat Mephiles Twilight," the pony said.

When Sonic hear this he was shocked.

"But I can't use the elements. Only Twilight and her friends can use them," said Sonic.

"Yes i know that. But you can Sonic, if you touch my horn you shill be able use the elements of harmony just like the ponies use them," said the pony.

At first Sonic was skeptic but he soon reached out and touched the pony's horn. Just then with a big bright light Sonic felt power he had never felt before, when the light faded Sonic let go of the pony's horn.

"WOW!! What in the world was that?" He asked.

The pony chuckled.

"Don't worry Sonic, I just gave you the power to control the elements of harmony, now you have received a power greater then ever before," said the pony.

After that the pony started to fade away.

"Wait what's your name?" Asked Sonic, but the pony just said.

"Don't worry Sonic, you will know my name in do time, but now wake up and save Equestria again,"

With that the pony disappeared into the darkness. Meanwhile Nyx was laying in a pool of her own blood with Mephiles Twilight looking down at her.

"Well my dear this has been fun but I think it's time to end this," Mephiles Twilight said, as he started to power up his horn.

"No don't," Shouted Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

"She's helpless," Shouted Rarity and Pinkie Pie.

"Oh I can't look," said Fluttershy, as she closed her eyes.

"NYX!!!!" Shouted Celestia and Luna.

"Stop this Mephiles," Shouted Knuckles and Shadow.

But just as Mephiles Twilight was about to finish off Nyx, a voice rang out.

"Hey Mephiles Twilight."

As Mephiles Twilight and the others looked they saw Sonic whipping off the blood on his mouth.

"It's you, your still alive," Said Mephiles Twilight in disbelieve.

"Yep and I'm ready to stop you once and for all Mephiles Twilight," Said Sonic.

"Alright Sonic, we're glad to see that your ok," Said Spike.

"Yeah, welcome back bro," Said Tails.

Sonic nodded at Tails, and then he looked at Nyx, who was back to her filly self.

"Nyx? are you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, I am now," she said with a weak smile.

Sonic smiled at Nyx and said.

"I'm glad to see that you are alright Nyx, now you rest while I take care of Mephiles Twilight,"

With that Sonic looked at Mephiles Twilight and said.

"Mephiles Twilight? Your rain of evil ends now."

"I don't think so Sonic, I'm more powerful then your hyper form and with out Shadow you cannot merge with him to form Shadic ether, so why don't you give up now?" Mephiles Twilight demanded.

"I will never give up Mephiles Twilight, and it just so happens that I have something to show you." Sonic said.

"Oh yeah and what is that?" Mephiles Twilight asked.

"Why do you see for yourself," said Sonic.

(Super saiyan 3 theme from Dragonball Z starts to play)

With that Sonic closed his eyes and crossed his arms.

"What is Sonic doing?" Asked Rarity.

"I don't know but what ever he's doing better help us win this battle or all is lost," said Knuckles.

Suddenly Rainbow Dash saw her element started to glow.

"Guys, my element is glowing," she said.

As soon as she said that the others looked at their elements and they where also glowing including Twilight's element of magic witch Spike was holding in his hands.

"What in Equestria is going on here Celestia?" Asked Spike.

"I'm not sure Spike, I've never seen a power like this before," Said Celestia.

Just then Sonic opened his eyes and when he did they where white and then the elements broke through the force filled and started to cercal around Sonic.

"What the, what is this?" Asked Mephiles Twilight, as he looked at the glowing elements and then looked at Sonic with his glowing white eyes.

"This Mephiles Twilight is my new power, now watch as I become SUPER RAINBOW SONIC!!!!"

Just as soon as he said that, the elements and Sonic roused up and vanished in big bright light of energy.

"WHAT IS THAT BRIGHT LIGHT?! Asked Rainbow Dash.


Even Shadow couldn't believe the power coming from Sonic.


Suddenly the light dimed and their was Sonic but now he was deferent colors of the rainbow, he was now Super Rainbow Sonic.

"This, this is not possible, how could you use the elements of harmony I thought that only the ponies could unlock their power?" Asked Mephiles Twilight.

"Well you thought wrong Mephiles, and now I will free Twilight, and you Mephiles will be destroyed," said Sonic.

"HA if you think you can get Twilight, out of me you are sadly mistaken," said Mephiles Twilight.

"Then lets settle this once and for all Mephiles Twilight," said Sonic, as he charged right at Mephiles Twilight.

"Yeah lets," said Mephiles Twilight.

(Music ends and Reach For The Elements Of Harmony Sonic Colors X MLP Friendship Is Magic Final Boss Remix Starts To Play)

"As soon, as I destroy you Sonic, I will take over Equestria and then every pony will bow down to me HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Said Mephiles Twilight.

"No Mephiles it is you who is going down and I will free Twilight from your control and bring harmony back to Equestria," said Sonic.

As Sonic and Mephiles Twilight rouse up from the ground Sonic made his move.

"Alright take this Mephiles Twilight. Super Rainbow Sonic Wind."

Just then a streak of multi color energy was headed right for Mephiles Twilight, only for it to be blocked by his new found powers.

"What? Oh no Twilight's alicorn magic is more powerful then I thought," said Sonic.

"That's right Sonic and as long as I have Twilight as my new body you will never defeat me even if you have this new power of yours," said Mephiles Twilight.

Just then Mephiles Twilight summoned up a big dark energy ball an said.

"Now Sonic lets see if you can handle this. CHAOS DEATH BALL!!"

Then he released the death ball and it engulfed Sonic.

"Oh no Sonic is in trouble," Said Tails.

"Don't count him out yet Tails, Sonic can do it," said Shadow.

"Come on Sonic," said Luna.

"Sonic we're with you all the way," said Nyx.

"SONIC!!!!" Said the rest of Sonic's friends.

Just then Sonic's eyes opened up to revile them white again and then he burst out of the death ball.

"What? No way," said Mephiles Twilight.

"Mephiles Twilight? It ends now!!" Said Sonic.

Just then a voice rang out

"Sonic use the Rainbow Beam."

When Sonic heard the voice he knew it was the pony.

"Alright Mephiles Twilight, lets see you stop this."

With that Sonic lifted his two fingers up in the air and shouted.


Just as soon as he said that he pointed his fingers at Mephiles Twilight and then a rainbow energy beam fired right at him.

"If you think that's goanna stop me, think again," said Mephiles Twilight, as he also fired a beam of magic out of his horn.

As the two beams of energy collided they were evenly matched.

"So your stronger then I thought Sonic," said Mephiles Twilight.

"Yes but now its time to end this Mephiles Twilight," said Sonic.

"What do you mean? Are powers are evenly matched," said Mephiles Twilight.

"Yeah your right but don't forget I have the power of the elements of harmony," said Sonic.


"So that means they have unlimited power and what that means Mephiles Twilight, is that you lose," said Sonic.

"WHAT?!" Shouted Mephiles Twilight.

Just then Sonic burst into a powerful beam of rainbow color and then it burst out of him and headed right for Mephiles Twilight.

"THIS, THIS CAN'T BE. HOW CAN HE HAVE THIS POWER?!" Asked Mephiles Twilight.

"NOW MEPHILES TWILIGHT ITS OVER!!!!" Shouted Sonic, as Mephiles Twilight was engulfed by the beam of rainbow energy.

"NOOOOOO!!!! THIS CAN'T BE I WAS SO CLOSE!!!! OH COURSE YOU SONIC THE HEADGEHOG!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Shouted Mephiles Twilight as he vanished into nothingness.

When Mephiles Twilight vanished the ponies who were controlled by him turned back to normal and the force filled that contained Sonic's friends, the main six, the princesses, and Spike also vanished.

(Music ends)

"Sonic did it," said Celestia.

Just then Nyx looked around.

"Wait where's mom?" She asked.

"Nyx look," said Fluttershy.

As Nyx looked to where Fluttershy was looking at she saw Sonic with an unconscious Twilight in his arms. When Sonic put Twilight down she opened her eyes.

"Hey Sonic, welcome back," she said.

"Thanks Twilight," said Sonic.

"Mom you are alright," said Nyx, as she came up to Twilight and snuggled up to her.

"And I'm glad to see that you are alright Nyx," said Twilight.

Just then Rainbow Dash came up to Sonic and hugged him.

"Sonic, you did it."

"Yeah I did, didn't I," said Sonic.

"Yeah and thanks to your friends dear we were all saved," said Rarity.

"Come on every pony, three cheers for Sonic and his friends, for saving us and getting rid of that mean evil hedgehog," Said Pinkie Pie.

"Hip, hip."


"Hip, hip."


"Hip, hip."


They all cheered and congrats Sonic, Shadow and their friends, then Celestia spoke up.

"Well I think that this calls for a celebration for tomarrow, so I'll gather up all the ponies to Canterlot Castle, so we can welcome Sonic, Shadow, and their friends into our family."

When everyone and every pony heard this they were speechless.

"That would be a great honor princess," said Shadow.

"Then come on and lets get this ready then," said Luna.

With that they all set off to invite every pony to Canterlot. Meanwhile in to everfree forest Amy Rose was crying over losing Sonic to Rainbow Dash.

"Oh that Sonic, how could he do this to me after all we have been though? Oh how I wish some body could get rid of that pegasus, so me and Sonic could be together just the way it spouse to be."

As Amy continued to cry a voice rang out.

"Oh poor child, in love but gets shut down by the one she loves."

Amy turned around to see who the owner of the voice was.

"Who, whose there?" She asked.

Just then a ghost of a dark alicorn appeared in front of Amy.

"What? Who are you?" Amy asked, as she pulled out her hammer.

"Now, now young hedgehog, I'm not going to hurt you I just want to talk," said the dark alicorn.

"Alright then talk," said Amy, as she put her hammer away.

"I heard that your up set that your boyfriend dumped you for a pegasus," said the alicorn.

After hearing that Amy broke down and cried.

"Yes, stupide Sonic dumped me for a pegasus by the name of Rainbow Dash."

When the alicorn heard that name, the alicorns eyes turned into pinpricks.

"Did you just say Rainbow Dash?" Asked the alicorn.

"Yes, why do you know her?" Asked Amy.

"I do including her friends, even the one who took my role as queen of Equestria away, Twilight Sparkle," said the alicorn.

Amy looked at the alicorn with sorrow in her eyes.

"I'm sorry that happened to you miss."

"Please call me Nightmare Moon."

"Very well Nightmare Moon, so what shill we do in are situation?" Asked Amy.

"Well you want you hedgehog and I want my throne back. So how do you feel if we join together to form one being?" Asked Nightmare Moon.

After hearing that Amy looked at Nightmare Moon and said.

"I'll do anything to get my Sonic back."

Then with those words Nightmare Moon smiled and then she turned into her smock form and the went in Amy Rose's body witch made Amy pass out. When Amy opened her eyes she had on a black dress, she was holding a scythe, and her voice was just like Nightmare Moon.

"Oh yes I'm finally back, now everybody will fear Nightmare Moon, no not Nightmare Moon, but Nightmare Amy HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

(The Moon Rises starts to play)

(Music ends)

Author's Note:

Uh oh it looks like Amy has finally embraced the nightmare I wonder what's going to happen to her now? Well see you guys in the last Chapter of this story