• Published 19th Jan 2014
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Sonic and Shadow in Equestria 2 The Return of Mephiles The Dark - Will Atkinson

It's been two years since Sonic and Shadow have been to Equestria and now they are on their way back to see their new friends but an old enamy awaits their return

  • ...

Sonic vs Rainbine

Sonic and Shadow in Equestria 2 The Return of Mephiles The Dark
By: Will Atkinson

Chapter 6


As Celestia's sun started to rise Fluttershy started to wake up from her energy lost thanks to Mephiles and Fluttershout.

*Groan* "Oh dear Celestia I feel so much better after that long sleep thanks to that awful hedgehog who turned me into that horrible monster," she said as she got up and started down the stairs where everybody and every pony was enjoying a nice hot breakfast that Spike made for them.

"Man once again Spike you have really out done yourself," said Sonic.

"Yeah that was the best pancakes I ever had," said Amy.

"Oh shucks guys it was nothing," he said blushing a bit.

Just then, they heard a voice behind them.

"Um good morning everyone and every pony."

As they turned around, they saw Fluttershy standing outside of the kitchen smiling.

"Auntie Fluttershy!!!!" Shouted Nyx, as she got up to her hooves and hugged the timed pegasus tightly.

"Oh auntie Fluttershy, I thought I was never going to see you again,"

As Nyx cried in Fluttershy's fur, Fluttershy smiled and in a soft voice said.

"Shhhh, it's ok Nyx everything is ok."

As Nyx continued to cry Rarity came over and gently took Nyx in her hooves.

"It's great to see that your ok darling," said Rarity.

"I'm just glad to be alive," said Fluttershy.

Just then Knuckles began to look around for Tails and found that he was nowhere to be seen.

"Uh say where's Tails at?" He asked.

"The last time I saw him he was heading outside, and I got to tell yea he didn't look so good," said Applejack.

"What do you mean he didn't look so good?" Asked Shadow.

"Well when I woke up this morning, I saw Tails in the reading area and he looked very sad. Then when I ask him what was wrong he just got up and went outside,"

As Applejack finished, Pinkie Pie spoke up.

"Oh poor kid, he must still feel sad on what happen yesterday," she said as her mane and tail went flat.

"Um I don't want to be rude, but what happened yesterday?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Well you see auntie Fluttershy, when you were fighting with your evil counter part, and ask Tails to kill you. Tails began to think of an old friend, who was named Cosmo, who he had to kill to save the galaxy," said Nyx as she got out of Rarity's hooves.

When Fluttershy heard this, she almost fainted.

"Oh, oh my the poor little fox," she said almost scared out of her wits.

"Yeah, but as mouths and years past, Tails began to be his old self again, until now," said Sonic.

Just then Shadow spoke up.

"Well this all fine and dandy, but I'm starting to worry about Tails."

"Shadow is right, I think one of us should go and look for him," said Knuckles.

When Knuckles said that, everyone and every pony agreed with him.

"Well um I'll go, if it's alright with you guys," said Fluttershy.

Everyone and every pony looked at the timed pegasus, and then they all nodded in agreement. With that Fluttershy left the library and set off to find Tails. Tails was on the barrage at the little stream, at the outskirts of Ponyville looking at his own reflection in the water.

*Sigh* "Oh Cosmo it was great to see you again after so many years, and now your gone again but if your listing I just wanted to say thank you and I love you," he said wiping away a tear from his eye.

Just then Tails heard a soft timed voice right beside him.

"Um Tails, are you alright?"

As Tails turned around he saw Fluttershy slowly coming toward him.

"Oh Fluttershy, I'm glad to see you are alright. How do you feel by the way," he smiled at the peguses.

"Oh I'm doing fine Tails, thanks to you."

Fluttershy noticed Tails turning his back away from her, and then she noticed him pulling out a picture of him and right beside him was some kind of plant like creature.

"Um Tails? If you don't mind me asking, but who's that in the picture with you," asked Fluttershy.

As soon as the timed said that, Tails turned back to her and said to her in a sad voice.

"Oh this is Cosmo, she is or should I say was my best friend."

"Wow so this Cosmo who Sonic and the others told me about," said Fluttershy as she looked at the picture.

When Tails heard what Fluttershy just said, he asked.

"So Sonic and the others did tell you and your pony friends about Cosmo and what happened to her huh?"

"Well they did tell my friends about Cosmo, but they only told me bits and pieces," said Fluttershy.

"I see, well do you want me to tell you what happened to her," asked Tails.

"Are you sure Tails? I mean you don't have to, if you don't want to," said Fluttershy.

*Sigh* "No Fluttershy, you deserve to know what happed to Cosmo," said Tails.

With that Tails took a deep breath and began his story.

"Well you see Fluttershy, my story of what happen to Cosmo began when Sonic and Shadow were inside the Sonic power canon, waiting for me to fire them right at the Metarex planet and at Cosmo."


Tails was ready to fire the canon at the Metarex planet and at Cosmo, then he heard Dr. Eggman on the intercom.

"Alright Tails, it's time. Sonic. Power. Canon. Fire!!!!"

When Tails heard that he lifted up he covering on the switch that reviled a red button, then he shouted.


But before Tails could fire, he stopped, then he screamed and banged his head on the control panel, and said in a hurt voice.

(Hikaru Michi from the Japanese version of Sonic X starts to play.)

"I....I can't do it, no....I can't hurt Cosmo. Wasn't it a promise? When all of this was over, YOU SAID, YOU COME LIVE WITH US ON OUR PLANET!!!!"

"Tails....Do you want her sacrifice to be useless," asked Dr. Eggman over the intercom.

"Impossible I can't shoot Cosmo," said Tails, with tears streaming down his face.

"Do you know what kind of feeling she's having right now? You traveled that far with her, of course you understand, said Eggman.

"Sure I know....Still....I don't want to," said Tails.

Just then, Tails heard Cosmo's voice coming from the Metarex planet.

"Tails? Until the end, for all the problems I brought to you, excuse me."

"What? But Cosmo, you never caused me problems, I've always been happy to help you," said Tails.

"I....Tails shoot at me," said Cosmo.

*Gasp* "But your my friend Cosmo, I'm sorry but I just can't do it," cried Tails.

"I know but trust me Tails, you have to fire. It's the only way to save all of us," said Cosmo.

"I trust you, but you mean a lot to me, I don't want to lose you Cosmo," said Tails.

"You won't Tails, you will defeat the Metarex and spred the seeds of my plant through the galaxy," said Cosmo.

"I, I just can't do it....Because....Cosmo....I, I LOVE YOU," Tails shouted.

"I love you too Tails, but please believe me this is the only way," said Cosmo.

"I....I believe in you Cosmo, your friendship has meant a lot to me, I wish that we could spend more time together. But I understand this is the only way to save the galaxy, and bring your clan back. So good luck Cosmo, and goodbye," said Tails.

With that he pushed the red button on the control panel and it launched Sonic and Shadow, out of the power canon right at the Metarex planet and at Cosmo. Just then As the beam of energy hit the planet, it exploded into millions of pieces, in the distance Tails could hear Cosmo's last words.

"Thank you Tails, I'll never forget you."

(Present time)

"After that I never saw Cosmo again, until yesterday," said Tails as he turned to Fluttershy and started to cry in her soft yellow fur.

"Shhhh it's ok Tails, it's ok," Said Fluttershy as she tried to calm the young fox down.


Fluttershy continued to stroke tails' fur and then she said.

"It's just like you said Tails, it was the only way to bring her clan back, and I know for a fact that she's watching you right this minute and she is very proud of you."

Tails didn't say anything, he just looked up at Fluttershy as she continue to talk to him.

"Now come on and dry those eyes Tails, and let's get back to the others so we can save my friend Rainbow Dash ok?"

Tails then nodded, and then him and Fluttershy went back to the library. When they arrived at the library they saw Sonic, Shadow, and the others waiting for them.

(Music ends.)

"Tails there you are," said Sonic.

"Yeah we were worried about you darling," said Rarity.

"It's ok guys, I'm ok, " said Tails.

"Ok guys I think it's time that we went and save Rainbow Dash," said Shadow.

"Shadow is right, if we are to defeat this Mephiles guy we will need auntie Rainbow Dash," said Nyx.

"Well then what are we waiting for? Come on every pony and everybody let's go and save Rainbow Dash," said Applejack.

But before they could go Fluttershy stopped them.

"Um hold on guys."

"Why? What's wrong Fluttershy?" Asked Knuckles.

"Well remember about Rainbow's home?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah she lives in a city called Cloudsdale, so what," said Amy.

Just then Spike spoke up.

"What Fluttershy is trying to say Amy, is that only pegasus and alicorns can go up to Cloudsdale."

"But what about that spell Twilight used on Rarity?" Asked Applejack.

"Oh no we are not using that spell," said Rarity.

"We wouldn't be able to use it anyway because Twilight's the only one who can do the spell, said Spike.

"Hay wait a minute guys, have you forgotten about mine and Shadow's superformes?" Asked Sonic.

"Sonic is right, with our superformes we can get to Cloudsdale," said Shadow.

"You know that could actually work," said Pinkie Pie.

"Yeah good thing Sonic," said Rarity.

"Alright then, Tails give us the emeralds," said Sonic.

"Alright Sonic, I'll be right back," said Tails.

It wasn't long before Tails came back with the seven emeralds.

"Here you go Sonic and Shadow," said Tails as he handed the emeralds to Sonic and Shadow.

"Ok all of you stand back," said Shadow.

As they did Sonic and Shadow closed their eyes and crossed their arms.

"Um auntie Rarity? What are they doing?" Asked Nyx.

Rarity looked at the young alicorn and said.

"Just watch darling, just watch."

As Nyx continued to watch Sonic and Shadow, she saw the emeralds rise up and start to spin around Sonic and Shadow. Just then Sonic and Shadow opened up their eyes and stretched out their arms out and roared. As they did so the whole library started to shake.

"Hey what's happening?" Asked Nyx.

"Sonic and Shadow are transforming surgarcube," said Applejack.

As soon as she said that, Nyx turned back and saw Sonic and Shadow's spikes, spike up, their fur then turn yellow, and finally their eyes turned red.


"We're glad you like it Nyx," said Shadow.

"Alright then, let's go and save Rainbow Dash Shadow," said Sonic.

"Right, let's do It," said Shadow.

But before they could go Spike stopped them.

"Wait a minute guys."

"What is it Spike?" Asked Sonic.

"Do you know the way to Cloudsdale?" He asked.

"Oh he's right Sonic, we didn't know the way to Cloudsdale," said Shadow.

"Then let us show you the way," said Fluttershy.

"That's a good idea, come on you guys let's go," said Shadow.

With that Sonic and Shadow flew off with their friends to save Rainbow Dash. But unknown to them Amy stayed behind.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Screamed Amy.

"That rainbow colored pegasus will pay for taking my Sonic away from me."

Just then, just outside of the library the dark blue cloud continued to watch her.

"Yes she is definitely the one who will be my new body and then I will have my revenge on Celestia, Luna, and the barrors of the elements of harmony. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!"

At Canterlot Castle Mephiles along with the captured princesses saw Sonic, Shadow, and the gang heading towards Cloudsdale.

"Rainbine? Can you hear me?" Asked Mephiles.

"Yes master, what is it?"

"Sonic, Shadow, and their friends are coming," he said.

"Don't worry master I will be ready for them, and then I will destroy them," said Rainbine.

Meanwhile Sonic, Shadow, and their friends made it to Cloudsdale.

"So that's Cloudsdale?" Asked Knuckles.

"Yep, that's it surgarcube," said Applejack.

"Alright, me and Shadow will go in and bring Rainbow Dash back and you guys stay here," said Sonic.

"Ok Sonic but please be carful," said Tails.

Sonic then looked at his old friend and smiled.

"Don't worry Tails old buddy, I'll be alright."

With that Sonic and Shadow went in Cloudsdale. Once in Sonic and Shadow looked all around the place.

"Sonic do you see anything?" Asked Shadow.

"No, do you?"

"No, nothing," said Shadow.

"Well keep looking she has to be around here somewhere," said Sonic.

As they continue to find Rainbow Dash, Shadow tripped over something.

"Hey Sonic I found something."

"What did you find Shadow?" Asked Sonic, as he came up to Shadow.

"I don't know, it looks like a pony," said Shadow.

As they turned the thing over they jumped back, for it was the dead body of a pony with it's color gone.

"Oh man it is a pony," said Sonic.

"Yeah and it looks like it's been drained of it's color," said Shadow.

Just then the lights came on and they saw that the whole place was covered in pony bodies.

"Aw man, the poor ponies," said Sonic.

Just then Shadow remembered something.

"Wait a minute Sonic."

"What? What is it Shadow?" Asked Sonic.

"Well remember Surgarcube Corner and Sweet Apple Acres?" Shadow asked.

"Yes I do," said Sonic.

Then it hit him.

"Wait are you saying that this is an allusion Shadow?" He asked.

"Yes Sonic, that is what I'm saying."

Just then they heard laughing.

"Vary clever hedgehog, your not as dumb as I though you were."

Sonic knew that voice.

"R....Rainbow Dash? Is that you?" He asked.

Just then the pony came into the light and there stood Rainbine.

(Mimi the Copycat theme from Super Paper Mario starts to play.)

"Well not anymore, now I'm Rainbine."

Sonic and Shadow looked at the former rainbow colored pegasus in disbelieve.

"Aw man Rainbow, what has Mephiles done to you?" Asked Sonic.

"Oh nothing much excepted he made me twenty percent cooler, I even got guns."

Just as Rainbine said this then a machine gun appeared on her right hoof.

"Here, why don't you check it out," she said as she started to fire the gun right at Sonic and Shadow.

"Aw man, look out Shadow," said Sonic, as he and Shadow tried to doge Rainbine's gun blast's.

"Man this is insane," said Shadow.

Just then Rainbine stopped her blast's.

"You know what? Maybe I should kill you the old fashion way," said Rainbine.

"Oh, and what would that be." Asked Sonic.

"I'll just beat you and your friend to death," said Rainbine.

"Ok then, but I think that you should fight me first," said Sonic.

"Fine cause I was thinking of fighting you first anyway," said Rainbine.

"Then let's rumble you monster," said Sonic, as he charged at his former friend.

(Music ends and Rainbow factory theme remix starts to play.)

As Sonic ran full speed at Rainbine, she suddenly disappeared.

"Hey, where in the world did she go?" Asked Sonic.

Just then Shadow looked up and saw her above Sonic.

"Sonic, she's above you."

Sonic then looked up and saw Rainbine with her machine gun on her right hoof.

"Uh oh," said Sonic, as he raced off.

"Hey, you get get back here, you rat," said Rainbine, as she fired her gun at Sonic.

"Hey, I'm a hedgehog, not a rat, and I thought you said you weren't going to use your gun," Sonic said as he continued to doge Rainbine's gun blast's.

"Well guess what Sonic? I lied," said Rainbine.

As Shadow looked on at the battle between Sonic and Rainbine, he suddenly got an idea.

"Hey Sonic, bring her over here," he said.

"Alright, here I come Shadow," said Sonic, as he turn around and flew right for him with Rainbine right behind him.

"If you think you can escape from me, you are died wrong," said Rainbine, as she continued to fire her gun at Sonic.

As Sonic flew past Shadow, he shouted.


With that Shadow powered up his fist and shouted.


With that a big ball of flames shot out of his fist and made contact with Rainbine.

"Wow, good job Shadow," said Sonic.

"Thanks, now let's get Rainbow Dash back to normal," said Shadow.

But then an energy blast came out from the smoke where Rainbine got hit with Shadow's flame fist and hit him.

"SHADOW!!!!" Shouted Sonic.

Just then, another blast of energy came out of the smoke and hit Sonic. As Sonic struggled to get up, Rainbine came out of the smoke.

"Well that was fun, now how about we finish this fight of ours Sonic," Rainbine said.

"R....Rainbow Dash, you have got to stop this please," said Sonic, trying to get through to the rainbow color peguses, but Rainbine just laugh.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!!! You pitiful hedgehog, still think that I can get out of your friend so easy? Well think again," said Rainbine as she changed at Sonic.

"RAINBOW DASH!!!!" Screamed Sonic as he closed his eyes and braced himself to be killed by the one he loved so much.

But just as Rainbine was about to blast Sonic with her gun, she stopped which made Sonic open his eyes.

("What the? What is she doing?") Sonic asked himself.

"N....NO I, I can't do it, not to my Sonic," Rainbine said with Rainbow Dash's voice.

Just then Sonic remember when Tails was fighting Fluttershout.

"R....Rainbow Dash?" Asked Sonic.

"S....Sonic," said Rainbow Dash.

Suddenly Sonic saw Rainbine starting to leave Rainbow Dash's body.

"N....No I can't leave this body now, I was so close on finally getting rid of Sonic for my master," Rainbine said, as she left Rainbow's body and was in smoke form.

"Oh wow now I see, Rainbow must have known that she was about to kill me and then she regain control of her own body again," said Sonic.

But then he looked up in the sky and saw Rainbine.

"Oh I almost forgot, we still need to destroy Rainbine," said Sonic.

"Then get out of my way so I can finish her off," said a voice from behind Sonic.

As Sonic turns around there stood Shadow.

"Hey, I'm glad to see your alright Shadow," said Sonic.

"Yes I know," Shadow said, as he looked up at Rainbine's smoke form.

"Now let's finish this fight with this dreaded robot pony," he said.

Just as Shadow said that he jumped up in the air and shouted.


With that, the flames of energy shot out of Shadow's fist again and made contact with a loud boom.

"Is, is that it now?" Asked Sonic to Shadow.

Then as Sonic said that, the smoke cleared and there was no sign of Rainbine, she was finally no more and Rainbow Dash was saved.

(Music ends)

As the smoke form of Rainbine disappeared the bodies of the dead ponies started to fade away.

"Hey Shadow look," said Sonic.

"Yeah I see it, another allusion is no more."

Just then Sonic saw that Rainbow Dash was waking up.

"Shadow? Rainbow Dash is waking up."

As Rainbow slowly opened her eyes she saw Sonic and Shadow smelling down at her.

"S....Sonic, S....Shadow, I knew you two would save me," said Rainbow weakly.

Sonic then put a hand through Rainbow's mane.

"I'm just glad that your alright Dash," he said.

"Yeah, me too," said Shadow.

Then Rainbow Dash closed her eyes.

"Sleep well Dash, we'll be home soon," said Sonic quietly, then he turned to Shadow.

"Well come on Shadow, let's get back to the others.

Shadow nodded and then he and Sonic left to join up with the others.

(Bowser's theme from Super Mario 64 starts to play)

At Celestia's castle, Mephiles lost it as he saw his last element of insanity pony defeated by Sonic and Shadow.

"GRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! I CAN'T BELEVE THAT RAINBINE LOST!!!!" Shouted Mephiles, as he destroyed part of the castle.

As Mephiles continue to loose it Celestia, Luna, and Twilight started to laugh.

"Well, well, well Mephiles, it looks like your starting to loose it. Now that your elements of insanity ponies are gone, Sonic, Shadow, and the others are coming here next to stop you," said Celestia.

Just then they hear Mephiles laughing.

"Hey, what's so funny?" Asked Twilight.

Mephiles then turn to the three princesses and said.

"What's funny is that my plan is in full swing now," he said.

"What? But we thought that the elements of insanity ponies were your plan," said Luna.

Just the Mephiles started to laugh again.

"Oh that was just a tip of the iceberg, now my real plan begins, AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!"

"What do you have plained this time Mephiles?" Asked Twilight.

"Ha you'll see princess, you'll see."

With that Mephiles stormed off leaving the three princesses in shock.

(Music ends)

Meanwhile Sonic, Shadow, and the others had just got back from Cloudsdale as the sun was setting on the horizon.

"Well Rainbow Dash is resting comfortably," said Sonic, as he came down the stairs.

"So that's it for the elements of insanity?" Asked Spike.

"Yes it is but it's not over yet surgarcube," said Applejack.

"Yeah, we still have that big meanie Mephiles the dark," said Pinkie Pie.

"Well when we get to the castle we are going to show that creep to not mess with us," said Nyx.

And everybody and everypony agreed.

"Well come on guys let's go and hit the hay, we have a big day tomorrow," said Shadow.

But as everybody and everypony went to bed Sonic staied up and looked at the stars in the sky.

"Mephiles you have gone too far, at the end of tomorrow one shill stand and one shill fall, and that one is going to be you, I promise you that."

With that Sonic went back inside and saw Nyx and the other ponies in bed but he heard his old friends with Spike in the other room. As he walked in he heard his friend Tails say.

"Alright Spike, I think it's time to tell us about Nyx,"

"Tails is right Spike, we've told you about Cosmo and now I think it's only far that you tell us about Nyx," said Sonic.

Spike looked at his new friends and said.

"Alright, I do think it's time for you guys to find out the true story about Nyx and how she was created."

With that everybody and every pony sat down and listened as Spike begain his story about Nyx.

(Daily Agony starts to play)

"Well for starters," he began.

"I didn't even noticed her on Twilight's back, but she introduced me to her the next morning. Nyx was very kind, she even started helping me with the chores. She became great friends with Applejack's sister Applebloom, Rarity's sister Sweetie Bell, and Rainbow Dash's adopted sister Scootaloo. As time went on for all of us we were having a wonderful time, until a pony corrupted by the remains of Nightmare Moon tricked Celestia into taking Nyx away from Twilight to see if she really was Nightmare Moon. When Celestia found out that she had been tricked it was too late, the evil pony and the children of nightmare had turned Nyx into Nightmare Moon. After that Twilight was heart broken, she was so heart broken that she went to the castle where Nyx made in Ponyville with her magic and tried to reason with her, but instead she locked Twilight up into the dungeon. But before that Spell Nexus, the one who tricked Celestia and the one who lead the children of the night to transform Nyx into Nightmare Moon wanted to kill her, but she decided agented him witched meant that there was still good left in her, but she didn't show it, for after she locked Twilight in the dungeon she went to Canterlot Castle and banished Celestia and Luna to the sun and moon. Then as more time passed Applebloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo sneaked into the castle to try to resin with her to stop hurting every pony, when they got into the castle they stooled away into Nyx's food tray and started to eat the food in it. When Nyx saw them underneath the food tray she was shocked, so they talked for a good while until Spell Nexus came into Nyx's room and found the fillies and called on the guards to arrest them. When Nyx asked Spell Nexus what to do with the fillies he said to execute them, when he said that it made Nyx mad and she told him that she will not execute them in a loud voice, and told him to put them in the dungeon with Twilight. As the fillies were taken away she had tears coming out of her eyes, as time went on Nyx continue to struggle with what she was she did something that made Twilight proud and Nexus outraged, she put Applebloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo in a box wrapped it up like a birthday present and asked the guards to give it to Twist who was another friend of Nyx, Applebloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo. After that Spell Nexus went into Twilight's cell and scolded her until he blest her with a little bit of Nightmare Moon and turned her into a member of the children of nightmare, then when Nyx came into the cell to talk, to Twilight, Twilight attacked her. After that Twilight was sentenced to be hanged and we couldn't do anything about it but before she could die Nyx swooped in and saved her, witch made her good again but it was not over for after talking to the posseted Twilight she used her mane to free Twilight from the spell that Nexus had put her on. When that was over she started to undo everything that Spell Nexus did including taking the blessing out of him as well, after that we all thought it was over but unfortionitly it wasn't for every monster came out of the everfree forest and started to attack every pony. When Nyx heard about this she came to Ponyville and helped us to take care of them, but Nyx nearly died from her injuries but we helped her to get better then Nyx freed Celestia and Luna from the sun and moon. After that Luna and Celestia past judgment on Nyx and Luna took Nyx powers that Nexus gave her away, when it was all over Nyx was allowed to come home and that's when we found that she got her cutie mark of a shield with a moon on it."

As Spike finished with his story about Nyx everybody all looked at the young dragon.

"Wow that's some story," said Knuckles.

"Yeah I mean poor Nyx, the way that she has to live with all of the stuff that she did and it wasn't even her fault, said Tails.

"Tell me about it, I mean even the other ponies still have their doubts about her even some said that she should be banished to the moon," said Spike.

After hearing that Sonic, Shadow, and the others were shocked.

"How could they think of such a thing after what she has done" Asked Shadow, with a little hatetred in his voice.

"I don't know Shadow, but Nyx has helped us with everything now and I think that she would make a great edition to the Sonic heroes," said Sonic.

Now everybody looked at Sonic.

"Sonic are you sure you want to do this?" Asked Knuckles.

"Yes Knuckles, she deserves it." Sonic said.

(Music ends)

Just then Tails let out a yawn.

"Well I'm off to bed guys see ya all tomorrow," he said, as he went to sleep.

"Yeah it's been a long day for all of us," said Spike.

With that they all went to sleep. As for Sonic, he went up stairs where Rainbow Dash was and fell asleep right next to her with a smile on his face.

Author's Note:

Well guys we are almost done, the only thing left is the final battle and the epilogue so I hope you stay tuned for the last two chapters.