• Published 5th Aug 2013
  • 10,453 Views, 615 Comments

The Legend of the Titans - Silent Bob

In the depths of the Everfree Forest, an artifact older than life itself activates, bringing forth five, resting heroes of old. Though they don't remember much, they still remember who they are. The question is, however, are they still needed?

  • ...

Chapter IX: Titans Together (Part III)

Ponyville Hospital Emergency Ward
Twenty Minutes Later
12:42 Eventide

"Whelp Newbie, what do ya think?" a stern, brown pony grunted, a doctor as indicated by his white coat. He stood next to a bed-ridden Robin, currently dressed in a hospital gown.

He furrowed his brow. "Do you think tights like those would be uncomfortable in... certain areas?"

The brown pony gave a low groan. "That is assuming you have said 'certain areas', and right now: that question is still up in the air."

"But he's going to be alright, isn't he, Dr. Cox?" Twilight asked worriedly.

He twirled about, giving her a blank look. "Ya know: alicorn or not, asking me that over and over again isn't going to magically spur the answer out of me. For the third time: we have to wait for the lab results!"

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes. "Hey! Don't be so disrespectful towards Princess Twilight!"

Dr. Cox raised an eyebrow. "Must be fun having brown nosers already, huh?" he grinned.

"She's my friend!" Twilight cried.

"Yuh-huh," he grunted. "And Newbie here is secretly a professional wrestler."

The blue Earth Pony referred as Newbie smiled dreamily. "I would call myself 'The Masked Pirate'."

Dr. Cox suddenly whacked himself with a clipboard. "Please, for the love of Celestia, let those lab results get here so I can go kill myself already..."

"I told you he was a prick," Rainbow Dash muttered to Twilight.

"Honestly, I don't know how the heck this guy is still alive," Dr. Cox grunted. "His heart's barely beating, his brain is showing minimal activity - and no I'm not going to make the obvious joke - whatever you did, Zecora. it probably saved his life."

"I just gave him some time," Zecora said. "It is you who must make his recovery sublime."

Newbie cocked his head. "Have you ever considered freestyling?"

"Who said she doesn't, Dr. Adorable," Twilight smirked.

Zecora merely shrugged, smiling innocently.

"Dr. Cox, I have the results!" a new voice called. "Just ran them up from the lab!"

A yellow pony ran in and handed Dr. Cox a clipboard filled with medical information.

"Thank you, Dr. Gopher. Can you get me some coffee, next?" Dr. Cox said.

"You got it!" she called, and scurried off.

Dr. Cox sighed. "This is why I love being Chief Resident."

"Huh," Dr. Adorable, AKA Newbie blinked, glancing at the readings with a baffled look. "This... isn't looking good."

"Oh no," Twilight gulped.

"It appears that he's suffered severe internal trauma in the form of what appears to be a large electrical jolt," he continued in a low tone.

Dr. Cox lifted an eyebrow. "Couldn't explain the other damage... looks like he was affected by something else, too." He glanced at Zecora, baffled. "What the hell did you say attacked this guy, again? What sort of monster?"

"It's called The Shapeless," she whispered. "There's only one of its kind."

Dr. Cox gave a deep sigh. "I'm afraid that there's nothing we can do, then. Even if we somehow managed to net the thing, it'd take months to learn what it does when it attacks somepony."

The group sagged their heads.

"Poor guy," Rainbow said sadly. "He just gets here and boom - it's all over."

"I... I wish I had stayed with Fluttershy... maybe I have gone with them," Twilight whispered. "Instead - I just had to go study... damnit: I hate having these wings..."

Dr. Adorable closed his eyes. "If he has any family or friends - I'd recommend bringing them here... to say goodbye."

"You won't need to bring anybody," a stern voice grunted. "His family is right here."

The two Doctor's eyes widened, and the rest of the group twirled about, gasping in awe. There, along with Fluttershy, were the other four Titans.

"Robin!" Starfire cried, swooping to his side. "Nononono! Please, tell me - what happened to him?!"

"Ask her," Dr. Cox grunted, glancing at Zecora. Surprisingly, after a second of shock, he was pretty much acting like having four costumed heroes storm into the ER, including a half-cybernetic one, was normal business.

Zecora opened her mouth, but Fluttershy interrupted her. "I already explained everything to them. T-Thanks for getting him over here, Zecora. I-It was you, right?"

She nodded solemnly.

"I think what Starfire meant was what's it going to take to save him?" Cyborg said, narrowing his eyes.

"Um," Dr. Adorable said, blinking rapidly at the sight of the half-metallic pony. "W-We currently don't have any means of diagnosing what exactly happened to him..."

"Allow me, then," Cyborg grunted.

"Woah!" Dr. Cox growled, standing before his patient. "He may be half-dead, but I'm not about to let somepony mess with him who may not have proper training!"

"Thanks Doc," Cyborg said. "But I've got some know-how you may not have... as well as some tech."

"Please - let him pass," Starfire whispered.


Dr. Cox glanced towards Twilight, as if waiting confirmation. "You're the princess, here..."

She glanced about, not liking being put on the spotlight. "I-I'd say let him do it. It couldn't hurt, right?"

"Well, yeah, it could," Dr. Cox snarked. "But it's your call."

With that, he moved out of the way, letting a grateful Cyborg pass. Immediately, to the awe of the entire group, his right hoof suddenly transformed into a strange, metallic device. He swung it over Robin, it emitting a quiet whirring sound, before he nodded to himself.

"Alright - here's the deal: he's been hit by a decent bit of radiation, some unknown even to me, as well as a severe electrical jolt: over three-hundred kilovolts. That's as much as a decent lightning strike."

"Radiation?" Rainbow Dash grunted. "What the heck is that?!"

"I've never heard of it, either," Twilight said, looking absolutely baffled. "And - and who the heck are you?! How do you know all of this?!"

Cyborg glanced at her, sternly. "We're the Teen Titans, and we're the closest thing Robin here has to a family."

Slowly, Twilight's eyes widened to the point where they seemed they would stretch out of her skull.

"T-The Titans?" she whispered.

"Duuuude!" Beast Boy grinned. "Even people in another universe know about us?!"

Twilight shook her head in disbelief. "B-Believe it or not... yes. I do, at least..." She squinted in absolute confusion, before saying in an almost whimsical tone:

"B-But - y-you shouldn't even exist... you're just legends."

"And the mystery thickens," Raven said, with a hint of a smirk.

"We'll have time for introductions later," Cyborg muttered. "Right now, we've got work to do."

"So you know how to save him?" Dr. Cox asked, glancing at him skeptically.


"Just tell us what to do, then," Dr. Adorable nodded, narrowing his eyes in determination.

Cyborg gave them a small, appreciative smile. "Alright, then. Let's get to work. First, we're going to need a few things. Does this hospital happen to carry Diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid? Pentetic acid, that is. It can be used to treat radiation sickness."

The duo shook their head.

Cyborg gave a deep sigh. "This is going to be a long two days, then."

"I will go create a few potions that should help him," Zecora nodded. "Hopefully this will be the Shapeless' last sin..."

"Woah!" Cyborg grunted. "None of that, now - we're not going to be treating him with-"

"Alchemy has legitimate medical use," Dr. Cox stated. "Look - I don't know how things work in robo-land, or wherever you're from - but here there are multiple techniques to treating patients: some include magic, while some include a mix of it and other practices. I trust Zecora."

"So do I," Dr. Adorable nodded, causing her to smile.

Cyborg glanced Fluttershy's way, raising an eyebrow. "What do you think, Fluttershy? Will it give him an edge?"

She quickly nodded. "Well um - I'm no expert, but Zecora certainly is..."

"I-I'll go contact Princess Celestia and Luna," Twilight said. "She needs to know about this - she won't just let a visitor from another-" She gave a baffled laugh. "- I can't believe I'm saying this, but another universe, die."

Cyborg gave a grunt, face-hoofing. "Well - alright. That's your goddess or whatever, right? Sounds like a good bet. If we do things my way we may run out of time. Zecora, um..."

"Call me Twilight," she said.

"Right, Twilight," he nodded.

"I'm glad these people don't know about the Twilight Saga," Beast Boy muttered. "She probably wouldn't be able to live with that name..."

Twilight threw him an offended look. "Excuse me?!"

"Um..." Beast Boy sweat-dropped.

"Sorry about that," Raven groaned. "The Twilight Saga was a series of poorly-written novels in our own universe. It's one of the few things Beast Boy and I can agree with when it comes to literature..."

"Oh, um-," Twilight chuckled sheepishly. "Sorry..."

"Come on Twilight, quit chatting with the foreigners and go send the letter!" Rainbow Dash snapped.

Starfire nodded, gulping as she continued to hover by Robin's side. "Please... if you could..."

"Er- Right," Twilight grunted. "Sorry - I'll make this quick." She gave her a smile. "And I assure you we'll do everything we can to help him."

Starfire smiled weakly. "I-"

Twilight suddenly teleported away with a flash of purple light.

"-Appreciated that..." she finished with a sigh.

"Hmmm," Raven said, glancing at the residual purple magic curiously. "Interesting magic - arcane I think."

"Enough distractions!" Cyborg shouted. "Come on, people! We have work to do. Zecora - go start brewin' up your healing stew."

"Right!" she nodded.

He glanced at the two doctor's name badges. "Dr. Cox. Dr. Adorable, can you show me to your lab? I'm going to need you with me, too - there's things about er, pony physiology I don't know about."

Dr. Cox nodded. "You bet."

"Glad to be of help," Dr. Adorable smiled.

Cyborg narrowed his eyes. "Alright, people - ponies - unicorns... bah, whatever! We've got a sick bird to heal! Let's do this! BOOYA!"

And the efforts to save Robin began.

Ponyville Hospital Lab

1:42 Eventide

Cyborg and his two doctor companions worked tirelessly, mixing various chemicals together and preparing a multitude of medicines for administration.

"Alright, Dr. Adorable... add two more milliliters of Nitric Oxide into the centrifuge... that should do it."

"Got it, Dr. Borg," he nodded.

He gave a terrific groan. "And please stop calling me that."

"Trust me, Cyborg, telling Newbie not to do something just encourages him," Dr. Cox grunted, preparing a batch of chemicals himself.

"It's whatever, really," Cyborg shrugged, as Dr. Adorable added the two drops to a rapidly rotating machine. "You know - what the heck is this thing powered on, anyway? I don't see any plug..."

"A type of electrical magic," Dr. Cox grunted, demonstrating with a surge of lightning-like magic from his horn. It quickly increased the machine's motion.

"Woah!" Cyborg cried. "Next time give me a warning, OK? That crap can fry my systems!"

"Whelp, now I know how to shut you down when the inevitable robot uprising occurs," Dr. Cox muttered.

Cyborg rolled his organic eye. "Ugh - just get back to work."

"Dr. Borg!" Dr. Adorable grinned, signaling Cyborg to look at the now-blue liquid in the centrifuge. "Looks like it worked!"

Cyborg gave him a nod of approval. "You two learn pretty fast."

Dr. Adorable gave him a hopeful look.

Cyborg grimaced. "And fine - you can call me Dr. Borg. Good job, people - er - ponies."

"What can I say - we're just that good," Dr. Cox grinned. "Well, at least I am."

Zecora's Hut

2:30 Eventide

"Wrath, did you get what I need?" Zecora called over her shoulder. "Our progress you can not impede!"

"I'm going as fast as I can, for god sake!" Wrath said, panting as he entered the hut. "I swear to god - I didn't like that little shit this much."

Zecora twirled about, glaring at him. "Tarak shea! Lemondi Tia!"

"OK, OK!" Wrath cried. "I was half-joking. I've got my whole pack on this shit, you know."

"But did you get what I need?" she grunted.

Wrath gave a sigh. "Yes... Slendermane got it for me. Here's your god damned coffee! Right from Starbuck. Friggin' puns."

Zecora sighed in relief as Wrath gave to her. "Though zebras can make a wicked stew, these ponies also have a love for the brew."

She then turned about, and began tending to her pot-boiling potion. "Now... let's see what if I can make some luck... Prideful as I am, I cannot allow myself to run amuck..."

Canterlot Castle

Luna's Quarters

3:23 Eventide


She gave a groan, as Princess Celestia continued to shake her.


She smacked her lips, slowly opening her eye-lids. "H-Huh... wah? But Tia... you were the one who ate the forbidden fruit..."

"Ugh... sister, wake up!" Celestia roared, shaking her more profusely.

At that, Luna suddenly let loose a gasp, fluttering in the air with widened, pure-white eyes. With her royal, built-in megaphone, she roared:


Princess Celestia gave her a blank look, before-


- Jolting her with a small bit of electrical magic.

Suddenly, she shook her head rapidly, blinking her eyes.

"Sister? You are not Captain Black..."

Celestia rolled her eyes. "Do I even want to know?"


"... No."

"Thought so," Celestia chuckled.

She then raised an eyebrow. "But why have you disturbed my slumber?"

"A message from Twilight," Celestia said, narrowing her eyes.

"Hmm?" Luna grumbled. "Ugh - I swear, I love her, but she needs to stop throwing questions about being a princess at us every five seconds. A bit neurotic, don't you think?"

"Like you weren't the same when you were first granted a position of authority," Celestia smirked.

"Hmph," Luna huffed.

"But that's not what it is," Celestia said, narrowing her eyes.

"Then what is it?" Luna asked, raising an eyebrow.

Celestia took a deep breath. "Do you remember the old stories? The ones we've been hearing for thousands of years? The Legend of the Titans?"

Luna smiled nostalgically. "They were quite intriguing: very creative. But what of them?"

Celestia slowly put on a smirk. "Well, the legends have come to life."

Ponyville Hospital

4:15 Eventide

"Azarath... Metrion... Zinthos..." Raven droned, her eyes closed as she lay on the floor of the hospital's waiting room. "Azarath... Metrion... Zinthos..."

"What's she doing?" Twilight whispered to Beast Boy.

Beast Boy chuckled. "Don't ask me: I think it has to do with keeping her powers under control."

She gave an annoyed grunt, startling Beast Boy slightly. "It's just meditation, Beast Boy," she muttered, her eyes still closed. "It helps keep me calm... that is what keeps my powers under control."

"Powers?" Twilight said. "By that you mean magic, right?"

"In a way," Raven said, annoyed. "Could you please stop asking me questions, though? I need to concentrate..."

"O-Oh, sorry," Twilight shuddered.

Raven sighed. "It's alright... I can appreciate someone who's inquisitive, but I still have to figure out how to use my powers in this new body... I have certain spells that may be able to help Robin."

"It's true," Beast Boy nodded. "She healed my leg once in like - a split-second. It was pretty cool."

"Interesting," Twilight blinked.

Raven ignored her, continuing her meditation. "Silence... please..."

"Right!" Twilight said.

"Sure," Beast Boy whispered.


Raven took a deep breath. "Azarath... Metrion... Zinthos..."

Suddenly, the sound of hoof-steps approaching could be heard... as well as a high-pitched giggle.

Twilight's eyes widened in horror. "This is not good..."

Beast Boy raised an eyebrow. "What's not good-"

"HEEEEEEEY EVERYPONY!" Pinkie squealed, galloping into the room with a massive cake tied to her back. "GUESS WHO'S GOT CAKE?!

Beast Boy gulped. Twilight grimaced.


Nearly every light-bulb in the room shattered into a million pieces.

Raven stood up, twirling towards the trio with a twitching, demonic, red eye, a vein on her head throbbing like no tomorrow. "Alright, who wants to be the first to die?!" she snarled.

The group merely froze in horror.



Then, Beast Boy pointed at Twilight, smiling innocently.


Ponyville Hospital

11:00 Eventide

There was a bit of commotion in the hallways before Princess Celestia and Luna entered the waiting room. A snoozing Beast Boy, and a still meditating Raven ignored their entrance. However, Twilight immediately gave them two, warm hugs.

"Princesses, it's good to see you!" she whispered, trying not to disturb the two Titans.

"Indeed," Celestia nodded. "We came as soon as we could."

Twilight smirked at Luna. "Lose a little sleep?"

"About six hours," she groaned, before forcing a smile. "But worth it to see them in person. Do you know the legends of them?"

"The Legend of the Titans?" Twilight whispered. "Yes - I once read a book about them... I thought it was just an old pony's tale, though."

"Indeed," Celestia chuckled, gazing at the two curiously. "It is strange to see them in person. I've heard of their tale since I was very young..."

"Great warriors from another universe," Luna grinned, clapping her hooves in excitement. "I knew they were real! The legends said they would one day arrive here, too. And there they are: right in front of us." She then smiled nostalgically, glancing over at Raven. "I-Is that Raven?"

"Azarath... Metrion... Zinthos..."

"Mhmm," Twilight nodded.

"Eeeep!" Luna grinned, clapping her hooves. "She was always my favorite!"

"Beast Boy was mine!" Celestia said with an almost fangirl-like tone.

Luna and Celestia then glanced at each other, gulping.

"Huh? W-What's wrong?" Twilight asked.

"Twilight - we have a favor to ask of you," Luna said.

Twilight furrowed her brow. "What kind of favor could I do for you?"

"It's very important," Celestia said, raising a hoof.

"Well - sure, whatever you need," Twilight shrugged.

They each took deep breaths.

"No matter what happens, no matter how grand they are-," Luna said.

Celestia closed her eyes. "- You have to keep us from embarrassing ourselves around them. They literally were our foalhood superheroes."

Twilight giggled. "So even the two of you are susceptible to hero worship?"

They nodded shamefully.

"Well, no worries, I'll try my best," Twilight smiled.

"Thank you, Twilight," Luna sighed. "I'm glad you understand.

Raven suddenly made a grunt, causing the trio to bounce into the air in shock.

"You do realize I can hear you three, right?"

Twilight winced, as the two princesses looked as they were about to feint.

Ponyville Hospital

6:15 Eventide - Two Days Later

Robin's Room

The Final Stretch

Beeep... beeep.... beeep....

A vital signs indicator did its job.

"De X'Hal, klora schel..." Starfire whispered, grasping her hooves together in prayer.

"Alright, now - Nurse España - give him one hundred milligrams of 'enchanted pentetic acid', stat!" Dr. Cox grunted.

A nurse with curly, brown hair quickly nodded. "Applying..."

At that, a glowing, blue liquid began to seep through through an IV tube and into the Boy Wonder...

"I hope my spell worked," Luna gulped. "Its been a long time since I've performed it."

"Mine as well," Celestia said.

"Let's just pray it does, Princess," Cyborg grunted. He then nodded towards Raven. "Alright, Raven... begin stabilizing his heart..."

She nodded, closing her eyes. "Here goes nothing... Azarath... Metrion... Zinthos..."

Her horn merely crackled slightly before fizzling out.

"Damnit," she growled. "If only I had more time..."

"It's cool - you did your best," Cyborg said, before throwing her a smirk. "Nurse Raven."

She gave him a glare.

Cyborg giggled.

"Hey! Quit screwing around and concentrate, jackass!" Dr. Cox barked.

"Yeah," Cyborg winced. "Sorry..." He then cleared his throat. "Alright, Zecora... let's hope your potion is enough to keep his heart stable..."

She nodded. "It should start effecting him.... now."

Suddenly, the vital sign's monitor began to bleep more rapidly. Panic immediately gripped the room.

"It's not working!" Dr. Adorable called.

Dr. Cox grunted. "Looks like I'm going to have to give him a jolt," he said, his horn powering up.

"But that kind of medical magic is still experimental!" Nurse España objected. "You could kill him right there!"

"We don't have a choice! Do it!" Cyborg called.

Dr. Cox nodded, but before his horn could charge any further, Zecora cried:

"Wait! Let the potion do its work..."

"It's obviously not working, though!" Starfire shouted. "Just do it!"


Dr. Cox shivered. "I trust you, Zecora... don't let me down."

His horn powered down. The group stood frozen.


Starfire bit her lip. Outside the hospital room, Beast Boy's teeth chattered... as Pinkie threw a comforting hoof around him... and shoved a piece of cake in his mouth that he quickly chewed and swallowed.

Twilight raised an eyebrow.


"Alright - time's up, if you don't do it, I will!" Luna growled. "Robin was my second favorite!"

"Wait!" Princess Celestia shouted.

Suddenly, to the group's awe, his vital-signs stabilized.


And the group burst into cheers.

"Woooo yeah!" Cyborg cheered. "Booya!"

"Oh-hohoho my- I'm a genius!" Dr. Cox grinned.

Luna gave a sigh of relief, shaking her head in awe. "I can't believe that worked..."

Zecora gave her a look, though it was quickly squelched as Starfire gripped her in a hug, tears in her eyes. "I'm so sorry for doubting you."

"It is alright, my dear," Zecora smiled, returning the hug. "I can't blame you for your fears."

"Alright, as much as I'd like to cheer on my own ego, this isn't over yet," Dr. Cox growled.

Cyborg nodded. "Right - we've got a lot more to do. We've got a treatment for his radiation sickness going - we just gotta make sure we can see him through it. Hands - er, hooves in people!"

At that, the group gave a smile. Dr. Cox, Dr. Adorable, Nurse España, Zecora, Cyborg, and both Princess' (Luna somewhat shyly) grouped their hooves together in a circle.

"Raven, you get in here too," Cyborg barked.

She blinked. "But... I didn't do-"

"Robin would appreciate the effort," Cyborg said sternly.


"... Fine," she grumbled, throwing her hoof in.

"Alright, boys and girls - on three: say 'Booya'!"

Luna glanced at him strangely. "Please - what does that word mean?"

"Just say it," Raven muttered.

"I've heard you say it multiple times," Princess Celestia chuckled. "That's pretty much your go-to word, isn't it? I like it!"

Cyborg grinned, sticking his tongue out at Raven. "See, this princess knows where it's at! Ready?! One. Two. Three..."


Author's Note:

Yes, yes why I do love random crossovers. Why ever would you ask that? :)