• Published 5th Aug 2013
  • 10,454 Views, 615 Comments

The Legend of the Titans - Silent Bob

In the depths of the Everfree Forest, an artifact older than life itself activates, bringing forth five, resting heroes of old. Though they don't remember much, they still remember who they are. The question is, however, are they still needed?

  • ...

Chapter XIII: Titans Together (Part VII)

Central Ponyville
Five Minutes Later

"Anything yet, Cyborg?" Raven groaned, a hint of desperation in her voice. All around them, ponies continued to gather in the streets at the commotion not only they were creating, but the princess herself was as well. She had taken to the streets, two unicorn guards protecting her flank.

"Na, nothing," Cyborg grunted, glancing at his motion sensors. "I've programmed my motion sensor to specifically filter out any visible entities, and still nothing. Whoever this assassin is, she probably flew the coup. She'd be hard pressed to take out the princess now..."

Raven gave an annoyed ear to her surroundings.

"Woah... who are those ponies?"

"Why's Pinkie with them? Is she an escort or something?"

"What's with all the guards..."

"Good, then we can go back to the hospital, then?" Raven moaned. "I'm not liking all of this attention..."

Cyborg gave a smirk. "Don't worry, we'll have to give the all-clear sometime today."

Raven rolled her eyes.

"Ooooo! I have an idea!" Pinkie giggled. Suddenly, to Raven and Cyborg's shock, she pulled out two life-sized, larger-proportioned costumes looking just like Princess Celestia.

Cyborg shook his head in disbelief. "Uh - Pinkie... where did you get those from?"

"Oh - I had them with me the whole time!" she bounced.


The two Titans sweat-dropped.

"I'm not even going to ask," Raven muttered. "Because I doubt that'll lead to any answers, anyway..."

"Ain't a bad plan, actually - if my hologram generator is still working," Cyborg mused. "Though I don't think it'll work in this type of situation..."

"Dawww," Pinkie frowned, stowing her two costumes... somewhere.

Cyborg winced in confusion. "Was that some sort of spell? I mean seriously, I thought only unicorns could do magic."

"Wah?" Pinkie said, blinking. "I didn't use any magic, silly! I just put them away!"

"But... where?" Raven asked.

"Duh! I put them away!" Pinkie giggled.


Raven shook her head in disbelief. "I'm just going to assume she put them into some sort of pocket dimension and be done with it." She winced in shame. "No pun intended... good god."

"Sounds good to me," Cyborg shrugged, before sighing heavily. "I'm about ready to ask Princess Celestia to call off the whole search. Besides - the assassin didn't kill Luna and Twilight, she only knocked them out. If there's another attack coming - one after us - she's probably just trying to level the playing field."

"I still don't understand who in this dimension would want to attack us..." Raven muttered.

"Beats the heck out of me," Cyborg said. "But honestly - if there is an attack coming, we shouldn't be luring ponies out onto the streets-"

Suddenly, there was a flash of light coming from behind them. There was a series of screams and commotion coming from the town ponies even before the trio had time to turn about. To their oddity, standing there was a strange duo to say for sure, a duo who had appeared out of nowhere. It consisted of both a strange, six foot tall dragon, purple with menacing, yellow eyes, and another being - like a dragon, but more: a mix between various creatures.

"Oh, come on!" Nyx shouted at the fleeing ponies. "Stereotyping much? Just cus I'm a draconequus means I'm here to cause chaos, huh?" She then tilted her head to the side. "Well - I am, but still!"

Cyborg, Raven, and Pinkie glanced at each other, raising eyebrows, before facing the duo yet again.


Cyborg's hoof was now an ion cannon - one pointing right at them.

"So I'm guessing you two are the attack?" Cyborg grunted.

"Wah," Nyx said, smiling innocently. "Attack? We're just here for the annual um- chaos festival! This is the right town, right?"

"Nope! Sorry!" Pinkie said, giggling as she bounced over to them. "But still - welcome to Ponyville! Wow - I've never seen a dragon your size... oooh, and a girl Discord! Wow!"

"Pffft- Discord ain't got nothing on me," Nyx winked. "I'm twice the ham, and twice the fun!"

"Awesome! Can you make it rain chocolate milk again?!" Pinkie grinned.

Cyborg and Raven glanced at each other.

"... This universe is weird," Raven grunted.

Nyx chuckled, shaking her head. "Unfortunately, no... not yet. I still have to reach level twenty-three draconequus powers!"

"Awww, that's a shame," Pinkie frowned.

"Yo, Pinkie!" Cyborg called, glancing at her with concern. "I don't know much about this place - but I'm really getting bad vibes from these two..."

Pinkie winked at them. "Don't worry! For all we know, this could just be a coincidence!"

"Oh yes," Nyx giggled. "A huge coincidence. But you know - there is a way for me to... level up, so to speak..."

"How?!" Pinkie grinned.


A wicked smile slowly formed on Nyx's face. "Practice. HYYYAAAA!.!.!"


Suddenly, a number of things happened at once. Without warning, the dragon, Shadowmist, charged Cyborg. And at the same time, Nyx ignored Pinkie completely, firing forth a bright, yellow beam of energy from her palms at Raven.

Raven's eyes widened. With a grunt, she rolled to the side.


The blast struck the ground behind her, creating a thunderous bang. Raven only had a second to look at the outcome - which was not what she expected. There was not a crater in the ground - instead, it seemed to literally converted the soil into cotton candy.

"Ooooooo!" Pinkie said, gazing at it wide-eyed. "Thanks!"

Nyx raised an eyebrow at her, smirking. "You're pretty naive, kid." She then licked her lips. "But since you already look a bit like cotton candy..."

Suddenly, Pinkie gasped, realizing what was happening, as the draconequus aimed her palms at her.


But before she could strike, a blur of a figure shot out of nowhere, throwing a metallic wing towards Nyx's torso...


Nyx barely had time to meet the strike with a pair of glowing palms. She then procured a strange, shimmering sword of red energy out of nowhere. She managed to get a look at her attacker at that point: a strange-looking bat-pony with wings partially made of metal.

Shadow Streak had entered the battle.

"Hehe, well then - this is unexpected," Nyx winked. "Not that I'd turn 'Pinkie' here to cotton candy, but I'm glad it got someone's attention!"

"Could have fooled me, bitch," he grunted.

She then narrowed her eyes, backing away from him. "Unfortunately for you, it didn't." She cocked her head, grinning wickedly as she spun her laser-like sword. "Because the force is strong with this one! HYYYAAAA!.!.!"

The two roared towards each other.

"The... force?" Raven blinked in confusion. "How does she know about a human movie?"

In the meantime, Cyborg took aim at the dragon thundering towards him, glaring at him down the sights of his cannon.

"Take one more step, I dare ya!" Cyborg growled. "I double-dog dare ya!"

The dragon took another step.

Cyborg rolled his eyes. "They don't listen in either universe, I guess..."


A blue blast sailed from his cannon, but the dragon was too quick. Without a second thought, he launched himself into the air, twirled in a cannonball, and landed - the shot flew right under him.

Cyborg raised his eyebrows. "Nice hand-eye." He then smirked. "Too bad I have more than meets the eye..."


His other arm transformed. The dragon continued to charge.



A furry of blue streaks sailed from Cyborg. The dragon zig-zagged, leaped, twirled, rolled... anything to avoid them. It looked like he was about to be overpowered at one point, but that was right before...

"Oooooh crap!" Cyborg gulped.

The dragon crouched slightly, slid in the dirt, and then....


Spun in a one-eighty arc, striking Cyborg's legs with a large-spiny tail, and-


Knocking him to the ground.


The dragon roared, rose to his full height, and then -


Sent a fury of flames towards the downed Titan. Cyborg gasped, rolled to his robotic side, and allowed it to take the flames.

The dragon finished after a second, glancing at him coldly. He expected to see a pool of black ash as the smoke cleared... yet instead, all he saw was a raging hoof flying towards is jaw-


It struck with the force of a giant into it, sending him reeling backward.

"Not the first time I've dealt with dragons, punk," Cyborg spat.

To his surprise, however, as the dragon recovered, he merely let loose am amused laugh.

"My - you are full of surprises, Mr. Titan," he said, wiping away a bit of blood on his scales. "Strange weaponry hidden in your very being - a fist of a stone golem. For a second, I thought I wouldn't be getting a real fight." He cracked his knuckles. "But fortunately, it seems I was wrong."

Cyborg furrowed his brow. "Glad that I didn't disappoint. But seriously - who the hell are you? Why are you and your buddy attacking us?"

The dragon raised an eyebrow. "Don't you know, Mr. Titan? You and your friends are legends. And when given the choice, who would not take the chance to fight a legend...?" He then furrowed his brow. "And even if I were to lose, if the battle were great enough... wouldn't fighting a legend alone make me a legend?"

"Look bud," Cyborg grunted. "If you want to spar - then how about we take it out of town? You know - where there aren't innocent ponies around that could get hurt?"

The dragon chuckled, glancing about at vacant surroundings. "I would agree, but it seems those of this town were wary of the danger..." He then smirked. "Therefore - the two of us shall fight right here - right now."

Cyborg raised an eyebrow. "Look - we don't need to do this, man! I can tell already you don't want to hurt anyone... why are you doing this? Were you forced into it?"

Shadowmist glanced at him curiously. "Perhaps a hoof has guided me this way, but it does not matter. You always have a choice in things, Mr. Titan. Even if they are the most minor... I picked you because I wished to test myself. And test myself I shall, Cyborg, Guardian of Jump City - Hero of Old..."

Cyborg gasped at this, as the dragon ripped towards him again.

"Do not hold back!" Shadowmist snarled. "I am ready to die if you are ready to kill!"


The dragon threw two claws towards Cyborg, only for the Titan to block them, standing on two hooves. However, the dragon was not done with him. With a ferociously strong grip, he took hold of the two arms, and the two entered a wrestling match...

"Learn by doing, my teacher taught me!" Shadowmist hissed. "And learn by doing I shall! RAUUUUUUUUUUGH!.!.!"

As the two continued their struggle, Shadow Streak and Nyx were locked in a furious spar, the former on the defensive.



Shadow found right away that her 'sword' was no regular sword. Like a knife through butter, it cut through part of his artificial wings, before carving through the ground a bit.

"Hmph," Nyx blinked, digging it out. "Cool wings you have there- but only fifty percent flesh... ready for a bigger augmentation?"

As Shadow gasped, looking at his wing that was now only three-fourths the size, but feeling no pain, Nyx swung down at him again- aiming at the fleshy bits of it...

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to seer the wound shut for you - wouldn't want you bleeding out before becoming so awesome-looking!" she grinned maniacally. "Nighty night, night guard- OOOF!"

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Raven struck her with her horn, her cloak flapping in the breeze. Nyx fell to her side, reeling in pain, as she turned two, furious red eyes towards her.

"Finally, you decided to grow a pair," she snapped. "Good - now I'll have the pleasure of castrating you!"

"Ewwwww," Pinkie gagged, wincing.

Raven merely glared at her, trying desperately to make her magic work...

With that, Nyx composed herself, grinning wickedly at Raven as she raised her sword, only for-




As both Raven and Shadow Streak gasped in awe, Pinkie had procured a strange, cartoonish cannon out of nowhere - and used it to immediately blast weaponized confetti at the draconeequs. The force of it literally tossed her into the air, before-


- Slamming her into the side of Sugar Cube Corner.

At that, Pinkie cracked her neck, before saying in a mock, cowboyish tone, "There ain't room enough in this town for two crazies, ya hear?" She then bounced slightly. "Hehehe - this is kind of fun!"

Shadow Streak and Raven glanced at her, baffled, before the trio lined up next to each other, ready to take on a recovering opponent.

"Uggggh..." Nyx moaned, rising to her feet. "If that wasn't sort of hilarious, I'd be super-pissed right now..." She then cracked her neck. "Unfortunately, this party is just getting started. And since you brought the decorations, how about I bring the LIFE!? HYYYYAAAAA!.!.!"

Without warning, she raised her palms, and-


Across town, Beast Boy and his group paused, an ear perked downtown - a massive explosion rocking from it.

"Oooooh shoot!" Beast Boy gulped, before putting on a mock-look of confidence. "I mean uh- Looks like it's game time. Hah - good thing I brought the dice!"

Rarity, Rainbow, and Steelfur glanced at him with bemused looks.

"I just wanted to look cool for once, jeez!" Beast Boy grunted. "It's a new universe - a chance to start all over again and look totally awesome!"

Rarity chuckled slightly. "Dear, I know it's a cliche, but you seem like you're trying far too hard to impress when you don't really need to."

"Yea yeah yeah, save the pep talks," Rainbow grunted. "Someone's messing with Ponyville - it's time we messed with them-"

Suddenly, she gasped - her ears barely picking up the sound of an arrow as it whizzed towards her. She ducked it in the nick of time.


The arrow struck the side of a nearby, cylindrical like shop - one with a carousel sitting atop it.


Before anyone could react further, a blast of strange, black-and-purple energy flew from nowhere, striking Beast Boy's guard, Steelfur.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCKKKK!.!.!" she roared, as her body began to twitch and convulse in pain, before collapsing to the ground.

"Duuuuude!" Beast Boy shouted, his eyes wide in horror.

"Oh no!" Rarity cried, kneeling down by her side and checking her pulse. She sighed in relief, but her look of shock didn't cease. "Dearest - dearest are you alright?"


In the meantime, Beast Boy and Rainbow glared towards the direction it came. To their surprise, standing there were two silent entities: a changeling, black unlike Beast Boy, with strange wisps of purple and green smoke emanating from her eyes, as well as a strange, nearly five-foot tall bipedal lizard like creature holding a knocked bow.

"Woah," Rainbow said, shaking her head in disbelief at the lizard in particular. "What the hell is that thing?!"

"And is that changeling... using dark magic?" Rarity gulped, giving a glance.

"Heh - strangers in a strange land, huh?" Beast Boy chuckled sheepishly. "Huh - I guess I should make an inspiring speech right now to my awesome squad or something - before we fight them, ya know?"


Beast Boy blinked. "Whelp, I can't think of anything, so.... ALPHA-BETA-SUPER SQUAD, GO!"

Suddenly, to the surprise of Rainbow and Rarity, Beast Boy morphed into a beast they had never seen before - a velociraptor, before charging the two opponents.

Rainbow shook off the wierdness of the situation, before grinning, flapping her wings in a fury, and zipping towards the lizard.

"I've got the lizard archer guy!" Rainbow called.

Beast Boy nodded towards the changeling.

"Gotcha - you get Ms. Glowy Eyes!" Rainbow nodded.

"And I'll provide moral support!" Rarity chirped.

"Thanks, Rarity," Rainbow muttered, the wind now searing through her fur as she ripped towards an eerily calm Ender...


The two continued to charge...


Ender and Requiem continued to stand calmly.

Rainbow smirked.

"Hehe, look at this, we have ourselves a couple of badasses!" she laughed.

The velociraptor gave a throaty chortle.

The two raised eyebrows, nodded towards each other.

Ender stowed his bow, and procured a heavy, wooden staff.

Requiem's eyes flashed a bright white....


Sailing from her horn came a literal wall of black magic, heading right towards Beast Boy...

However, Beast Boy had anticipated a ranged attack. Still in dino-mode, he leaped into the air, twirled, and became a humming bird, flying over the wall of magic.

"Smarter than he looks," Requiem mused. "If only more changelings were that way..." She then shrugged. "No matter, though..."


Suddenly, she fired another blast of dark magic, though this time in the form of a missile-like entity. Beast Boy swerved to avoid it, but found the missile tracking him...

The humming bird gulped, dodging it initially... before changing back into changeling mode.

"Hah! I still got it, baby!" he grinned, ripping towards her.

"Oh, you got it alright," Requiem winked, before gesturing behind him.

"Huh? EEEEP!"

The missile was coming back around..

"Crap crap crap crap crap!"

In the meantime, Rainbow prepared to plow into Ender, soaring at least at thirty miles-per-hour now.

"Batter up!" Rainbow grinned, closing in...


... Ender seemed to take this as a challenge. With the claw-eye coordination of a god, the lizard swung vertically with his staff, striking Rainbow to the ground at his feet.


"Ugggh... buck," she groaned, a pain like no before searing through her back. "Way to gave a gal a chance, huh?"

Ender merely cocked his head curiously at her, before his eyes suddenly flashed a bright yellow. Suddenly, a whisper sailed threw her mind...

"Ta'ak she-da to-niba ka?"

"W-Wah?" Rainbow gasped. "A-Are you psychic or something?"

The lizard looked annoyed. "Maka... toda sane... Rain-bow... Dash?"

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "Sorry - me no speaky wierdenese..."

The beast grunted, before suddenly grabbing her wing, lifting in to his face, and snarling (telekinetically) at her:

"There once was a pony who galloped down a winding road - when she met a fork in it. Glancing at the two curiously, she decided to take the road less travelled... and was it all the better?"

"W-What?!" Rainbow gasped.

Ender hissed, before fling her by her wings into the side of a nearby house.


Menacingly, Ender stomped towards her, drawing and knocking his bow. He aimed at her...

"Did this one do the same? Was it for the best? Perhaps... for later, the two met on a path that neither could circle around one-another... each refused to change directions..."

Rainbow gasped in horror, her entire body aching.

"Does the solar wind call this one's name? Does beyond the path lies salvation? A doomed existence ready to cease? Or only oblivion? This one seeks to find out..."

"S-Shut up!" Rainbow snapped. "G-Get away from me, you wierdo! Y-You don't need to do this!"

Ender quirked his head. "The two paths met neither until now, yet it is the most important meeting for either. One's path shall end, one's path shall continue. There is only us now... only us... and the void."

As Rainbow's pupils dilated, Ender silently launched his arrow.

"Yet still - from this day forward, I am legend."