• Published 5th Aug 2013
  • 10,453 Views, 615 Comments

The Legend of the Titans - Silent Bob

In the depths of the Everfree Forest, an artifact older than life itself activates, bringing forth five, resting heroes of old. Though they don't remember much, they still remember who they are. The question is, however, are they still needed?

  • ...

Chapter XV - Titans Together (Part IX - Final)

"S-Shut up!" Rainbow snapped. "G-Get away from me, you wierdo! Y-You don't need to do this!"

Ender quirked his head. "The two paths met neither until now, yet it is the most important meeting for either. One's path shall end, one's path shall continue. There is only us now... only us... and the void."

As Rainbow's pupils dilated, Ender silently launched his arrow.

"Yet still - from this day forward, I am legend."

The arrow zipped towards her - Rainbow desperately struggled to move...


The arrow never struck. Out of nowhere came a blinding beam of holy light. Ender calmly turned his head, gazing upon his new opponent.

"Perhaps you will be a legend," Princess Celestia said, as calmly as if she were reading cooking ingredients. She quickly marched up to the scene, her horn still glowing, two unicorn guards flanking her. "But not in the way you wish."

"P-Princess!" Rainbow cried. "T-Thank you so-" She then winced. "I mean um- I had this! Yeah - totally!"

"Don't worry," Celestia chuckled. "History is written by the victors, you know."

Rainbow raised an eyebrow, to which Celestia gave a blank look at.

"It means I'll say you kicked... 'flank'," Celestia sighed.

"Oooooh!" Rainbow said, sighing in relief.

Celestia then smiled to herself, before turning towards Ender. "Now then - why don't you give an old princess a break, as contradictory as that sounds, and come peacefully?"

Ender merely glared. "Just as the battle had reached climax, another came, flying above the other..."

Celestia furrowed her brow. "Just when you think you know all there is to this world..." She raised an eyebrow. "Or perhaps, beyond it..." Celestia glanced towards a distant horizon. "I know where you're from... I've seen your people before. You do not belong here - I will give you the offer to return you to the moon... but one offer only."

"This one's path stretches further behind him... as goes for the rest of his kind..."

Celestia squinted in confusion. "There are no other worlds... stars, perhaps, but not worlds..." Her eyes widened. "Unless..."

"There is another speck in infinity... and this one only has one way to return..." He then gave a vicious snarl. "And this one does not stand alone."

Celestia raised an eyebrow. "Hm?"

"Hey, your majesty!"

Celestia gasped, twirling about just in time to meet -


Two-hole filled hooves - aimed at her by a flying changeling. Celestia reeled back, stunned.

"Ouchie. That must have hurt," Silent Shadow smirked. She then morped her two frontal hooves into blades as she continued to hover above the ground. "But this... may hurt more. You know, Princess, I've been told not to kill any of your kind. I assume it's because without you around, it'd be a pain for anypony to raise the sun, right?" She then grinned wickedly. "Unfortunately for you, you happen to have a sister who can do your job as well as her own."

"Is this vengeance?" Celestia winced, rubbing a blackened eye. "For what transpired in Canterlot?"

"Pffft, vengeance?! This is for the money. There's plenty around who would want your head... maybe good ole Queen Chryssy? Who cares. Honestly, it'd be fun for me either way! HHHYAAAAAAAA!"

Suddenly, she rocketed forward, just as Celestia was recovering. Her two unicorn guards were ready for this, however. Thinking quickly, they created a shimmering shield of energy before them and-


The changeling had little time to slow down. She struck it, before falling to the ground. However, before the unicorn guards could drop the shield and attack, she had turned invisible again...

"Mmmm, and here I thought the guard was only good for catching pick pocketers. Guess I was wrong..." her voice chirped, dancing around them.

"You have no chance of beating me," Celestia said stoically. "Stand down now while you have the chance!"

"Mmmmmm.... nope," the changeling grunted. "Cus wanna know something funny? I don't even need to beat you to get a decent chunk of change..."

Suddenly, she turned visible, this time behind Celestia.

"I just need to keep you occupied!.!.!"

She shot forward, grinning, and another battle started.


At that, Ender turned to Rainbow, cocking his head as if to say 'now then, where were we?'

Rainbow gulped, now able to stand at least, but a pain like no other was shooting through her back.

"This one's path shall be blocked by you no longer, Rainbow Dash of Trinity."

He knocked another arrow, marching menacingly towards her.

"I shall carry your valiance to the homeworld. Kia Sala."

Rainbow merely gritted her teeth. "Give me your best shot..." She then winced. "Wait - can I redo that? I am not going to let my last words be a friggin' pun!"

Ender remained silent... he reeled his bow-string back, only for-


He quickly turned his head, and somehow managed to keep completely calm as a certain green falcon flew over his head.... followed by-


- Requiem's purple-green seeker magic.

Silently, Ender took the hit, falling to his side.

As Rainbow Dash laughed her flank off, Beast Boy transformed back into changeling form, grinned at her with a salute, and then turned to face Requiem.

"Can't us changelings just get along?" he grinned.

"Ooooh how I wish we could," she sighed.

Beast Boy raised an eyebrow.

"I never asked for this, you know," Requiem muttered. "Working for a mad man for the greater good. I never expected to be trying to kill a being of legend when I was younger. Yet fate's funny, isn't it? I bet you never expected to be a legend, did you?"

Beast Boy shook his head in disbelief. "Then why are you doing it? What are you trying to do?"

"If I told you I'd have to kill you," she grunted.

Beast Boy raised an eyebrow. "But aren't you trying to-"

"Don't think of me as a fool!" she hissed. "I'm not as arrogant as my so-called queen! I know very well I could lose this fight. And if I do... well, let's just say word travels like the wind..."


"I have no option, I'm sorry!" she growled, before signaling him forth. "Now then, from one honorable changeling to another, let's make this quick and clean? Winner take all, loser take oblivion. Come at me!"


Beast Boy took a deep breath. "Then I'm sorry, too..."

With that, the two locked eyes, and ripped towards each other, Beast Boy in the form of a cheetah.



Requiem's horn became a black magic firing gatling cannon, firing faster every second.

Beast Boy dodged, weeved, and rolled - before leaping into the air....

Requiem aimed upward, snarling.

Beast Boy transformed into a polar bear at the last second, absorbing a few hits before-


- Nearly crushing her. However, Requiem managed to roll out of the way in time. She leaped to her hooves.

"Your skills... are worthy of their legends!"

Requiem panted, rocketed into the air, lifted a nearby carriage with magic, and tossed it at the changeling.

Beast Boy grunted, transformed into a fly, and flew through both of its windows.


The carriage struck the ground, exploding into a million pieces of wood and splinters. Beast Boy then transformed into a pteranodon. With a few flaps of his wings, he flew straight at Requiem.

Rainbow simply watched the scene in awe.

"Holy... Celestia."

Requiem's eyes widened as the prehistoric beast snapped at her.


With a flash of green, she teleported to the other side of the creature, still flying, and fired a few bursts of magic....

Beast Boy swooped low, let out a terrific 'KAWWWWW!.!.!', and reaimed at her new position.

Requeim grunted, teleporting again.


She fired a new series of blasts, and then began repeating the same process over and over....





Beast Boy transformed and transformed, using his different forms to dodge different angles of shots. An eagle, a hawk, another flying dinosaur...

"How many forms can you transform into?!" she gasped, continuing to teleport and fire. "I was not lying earlier! Hell, you may just be the most powerful changeling I've ever seen!"

Beast Boy ignored her, continuing to dodge.

Finally, Requiem's horn began to crack and fizzle. With that, she snarled, and floated to the ground. Beast Boy landed before her, in changeling form.

"I know you don't know much about this world," Requiem explained to a panting Beast Boy, breathing heavily herself. "But the changelings... we aren't like the other races. It's hard for us to survive! And even harder when we have a tyrant for a queen!"

"I'm sorry to hear that, but this isn't the way to get a better one!" Beast Boy cried.

"Maybe it's not," Requiem gulped. "But I think there's another option!" She narrowed her eyes. "Come with me, Garfield Logan. That is your true name, right?"

Beast Boy gasped. "H-How did you..."

"Nevermind that!" Requiem growled. "You were a hero on your own world, and you plan to be a hero on this one as well don't you?! You fight for all that is right, correct? You fight for all that helps the whole?! We are one of the same! I may look scary, and if anyone asks, yes, I do use dark magic, but damnit, I HAVE TO! Sometimes you have to fight dark with dark! Ask your friend, Raven. She is a demon, correct? Well, damnit, if you can trust her, you can trust me! I'm trying to start something that will put my people on the map, and by all that is holy, I NEED YOUR HELP!.!.!"

Beast Boy stood silent, glancing at her with disbelief.

She swallowed hard. "Please... help me... help my people..." she pleaded, plopping down onto her flank with tears in her eyes. "Please... I can't beat you, and I doubt I'll get what I need now... together, we can save countless lives... just like you used to..." She narrowed her eyes. "Just like Terra used to."

"I-I..." Beast Boy whispered.


At that moment, Silent Shadow noticed what was happening: both Requiem and Ender were down for the count. She was slowly being overpowered by Celestia, and running out of energy.

"Oh hell, I did not expect the bloody water works," she snapped. "Requiem, get off your lazy flank and-"

"SHUT UP, YOU DAMNED COWARD!" Requiem roared, her horn powering up one last time, though barely. "You're lucky I'm giving you less than you deserve!"


Suddenly, as the entire group stared at Requiem wide-eyed, she let loose a beam of energy, and-


Stunned a shocked Silent Shadow into unconsciousness.

Requiem panted, gazing at Beast Boy desperately. "I j-just gave up my other option... stand by me if you'll come..."

Beast Boy shivered, but held his ground. "I'm sorry... I wish I could, but..." He sighed deeply. "I belong with my team. They're my family. I-I'll try to find a way to help you though, I promise..."

At that, Requiem closed her eyes, and slowly nodded.


"I'll be waiting," she whispered. "Until we meet again, Garfield Logan."

And with a flash of green light, she was gone.

The area became silent. Even the wind held its breath.


Dragon and cybernetic hooves slammed into adjacent bodies. Cyborg and Shadowmist were having the fight of the century.


Shadow flung a fist.

Cyborg blocked with a metallic arm.


Cyborg launched a furious counter attack consisting of his other hoof. It hit his draconic opponent square into the chest, causing him to gasp for air.


Shadowmist recovered quickly and leaped into the air just as Cyborg swung again. He came down with two clawed feet atop the robotic Titan - literally, on his head, sent him careening downward...


Shadowmist held him there, and began to grind his head into the muck.

"I thought I'd get a better fight than this out of you, friend," Shadowmist sighed. "And here I thought you were called 'Titans'. Is it just a name, or do you live up to it?"

Cyborg gave a fierce, muffled growl, before....


Suddenly activating the built-in rocket boosters within his rear-hooves. They sailed upwards in an arc, before-


- Cracking into Shadowmist's skull. He stumbled back, howling in pain.

Cyborg smirked at him. "Man - I missed this. Cocky bad guy talks smack - cocky bad guy gets smacked down. Booya."

"That's right, give me your all!" he cackled. "Give me the fight I've dreamed of!"

Cyborg rolled his human eye. "You're done, man. I'd say it was a good fight, but I do not want to encourage you once you get out of prison..."



He transformed both of his arms into sonic cannons and aimed them at the wheezing dragon.

"Now... do you wanna go back to your dreams?"

The dragon narrowed his eyes. "No! I did not mean this! I will not go out by the trigger of a-"


A sonic cannon blast struck him in the chest. He stumbled back, still wheezing.

"Y-You..." the dragon said, shaking his head in disbelief. "I..."


He then took a deep breath. "Good fight."

And he collapsed to the ground.

Cyborg shot him a look of pity. "Man, someone needs to get you a copy of Mortal Kombat or something if you're this obsessed with brawling. Or maybe there's an underground Fight Club like in-" Cyborg then giggled to himself. "Whoops, forgot the first rule. Brad Pitt, I'm sorry - wherever you are. Rest in peace, man."

Cyborg then furrowed his brow, gazing at his surroundings. Across the town center, Raven, Shadowstreak, and Pinkie were locked in battle with Nyx the draconequus. The metallic Titan raised an eyebrow. "Guess Raven hasn't got her magic back yet." He then shrugged, grinning. "Ah well - score two for me!"


"Mannnn," Nyx beamed, glancing over at a fallen Shadowstreak. "My paycheck is going to be threw the roof! I'm going to buy Ying some gourmet bird food after this!"

Raven raised an eyebrow. "Who?"

"My pet birdie," Nyx giggled, before looking at Raven deviously. "Hmmmm..."

Her palms began to glow, a wicked grin coming across her face. "Your name is Raven, too. That's perfect! Why don't I transform you into a birdie? You can be my second pet!"


Raven raised an eyebrow. "... That would be kind of weird."

Nyx thought a moment, before wincing in acknowledgement. "Yeah, your right. I think I'll just rip out your lungs like I was ordered to."

"Ewwwww!" Pinkie gagged.

"You mean you were specifically ordered to rip out my lungs?" Raven groaned.

"Well, no..." Nyx admitted. "But that's a bit too cruel for me. Alright, let's settle with just a neck snap. Sound cool?"

Suddenly, with a flick of her strange, yellow hand, she lifted Raven from the ground... specifically, from her neck.

Shadow and Pinkie gasped, charging her from two sides...

"You two are getting old," she groaned, blasting them both away with bursts of yellow energy.



Nyx then took a deep breath, glancing back at Raven. "Yeah, sorry... but I've gotten tired of just playing around. It's not like they were helping you much, anyway." She then rolled her eyes at Shadowmist. "Boy can I relate."

Raven merely gagged, struggling in her grip.

"You know, Raven... I really wish I had gotten to see your magic first-hoof," Nyx sighed. "I've heard the legends of it. You were once the most powerful of Titans, weren't you? Born of a bastard father for a demon? Yet a small bit of humanity in you allowed you to overcome your destiny. Still, I bet the hardest thing was getting over the demon within, wasn't it?" She then gave a grunt. "I had a demon for a father too, you know. Not a literal one like you, but you get the picture." She then cocked her head. "Have you ever heard of Klarion the Witch-'Boy'?"

Raven's gazed at her in disbelief.

"That's right, Raven," she said, smirking slightly. "We come from the same cradle... the cradle that is now a mass grave. Everything and everyone we've ever known are now gone... yet they are now within us, too." She let loose a manic giggle. "Isn't it funny? And people like to think there is order to the universe. Hah! Bullcrap. Everything is arbitrary. Everything is chaos. What makes a universe is pure chance. What matter is arranged in which ways before the board is cleared. Entropy is the true ruler." She smiled wickedly. "So, I ask you, why am I so bad? I am merely a servant of it. Why not? It's not like these... these crude bits of matter we're composed of mean anything, anyway, do they?"

She then closed her eyes. "Yet... despite all my logic and reasoning, I'm still having trouble cracking your neck, and I'm not sure why I'm procrastinating. Is it fear? I'm not sure... perhaps even a draconequus is just programmed to defy entropy. To defy decay... I don't know."

She then actually smiled. "Heh. Remember that one song?"

Raven stopped struggling at this point.

And Softly she began to sing:

"I can't decide

Whether you should live or die

Oh, you'll probably go to heaven

Please don't hang your head and cry..."


Suddenly, she paused.

Her pupils dilated... and she collapsed to the ground.

Cyborg stood behind where she was, holding forth a smoking sonic cannon.

At that, Raven gasped, panted, and collapsed to the ground as well. She spent a second heaving, before glancing at her downed opponent.

"Hey, you OK, Rae?" Cyborg asked. "She almost had you there..."


Raven furrowed her brow in confusion. "I-I'm not sure if she did..."

And silently, she continued the song for her:

"No wonder why
My heart feels dead inside
It's cold and hard and petrified
Lock the doors and close the blinds
We're going for a ride...."

Ponyville 'Loving Heart' Hospital
Five hours later...

Beep... beep... beep...

Robin's vital signs remained steady.

Starfire sat by his side, her wing now splinted. Yet still, she didn't pay it any mind. Robin had her full attention... the gaze of two affectionate eyes.

"Hey," a voice called, its origin clanking into the room.

Starfire didn't turn to it. "Hello, Cyborg. What is the up?"

"We uh," Cyborg coughed. "Everyone's swept the town for that little goblin fellah. I dunno how he managed to slip away - but I think he did."

"That's unfortunate..." she sighed. "How many villains did we manage to... 'round down.'"

Cyborg chuckled slightly. "It's round-up, Star. And we got five out of seven. Only the goblin and this... this weird changeling called Requiem managed to get away... I dunno why, but Beast Boy's feelin' down about that."

"That's nice..." Starfire whispered. "Now, if you wouldn't mind, I could use a second alone..."

Cyborg rubbed a hoof to the back of his head. "Oh, right... my bad, Star. Didn't mean to interru-"

"It's fine," she smiled.

"... Right," Cyborg nodded, beginning to walk out. "Heh - it's just weird, you know. With all that's been happening, it's now that it's just starting to sink in. This new world... the old one..." He shook his head, wincing. "Well... maybe. Princess Celestia says that that- Doctor guy might pop up again. Yeah, I know he's supposed to be dead, but time travel is pretty weird. Maybe he could help us get back home. Who knows?"

He then coughed. "Anyway, yeah- alone time. Right."

At that, he quietly exited the room...


Starfire double-checked to make sure nopony else was coming...


She then smiled wickedly, glancing down at Robin.

"Hehe... the Boy Wonder," Starfire said, but not in her voice. It was hoarse... sinful...


"The Titan with no abilities aside from the one to kick ass. Admirable, I guess. He who took them all on at one time... and nearly won."

Starfire procured a knife.

"And he who will be taken down by just lil ole me... and a bit of hallucinogenic gas..."

On the floor sat a familiar-looking grenade, silently spilling out an invisible compound.

"I'm still surprised it tricked the robot. I guess I'm just that good, huh?"

He brought the knife to the Boy Wonder's neck and narrowed his eyes.

"I'd say 'any last words'," Gnarl grunted. "But that's not only cliche, but... well, cat's got your tongue, anyway."

Still, almost to contradict him, the voiceless body suddenly gave a grunt... then a moan.

Gnarl raised an eyebrow. "Or not."

"Mmmph...." Robin wheezed. "S-Starfire?"

Gnarl sighed.

"Fraid she isn't here, darin'. She's talking with Fluttershy at the moment... something about 'arranging a deal with a janitor'."

Robin groaned yet again. "Can you... get her?"

Gnarl shook his head. "No, but I can bring you to her."

He then let loose a giggle.

"Just kidding, there's no such thing as heaven. Just the void..."

He brought the knife closer.

"A shame really... the threat of hell may have prevented me from getting blood on my claws.. but us goblin's know better. I'll kill you, get payed, and live wealthy for the rest of my life. There's absolutely nothing holding me back, and the only thing that could punish me is a guilty conscience." He then narrowed his eyes. "But that's something I've learned to live with for quite a while..."

The knife touched his neck... Gnarl closed his eyes - perhaps with a hint of remorse, or perhaps because he was squeamish. Only he knew.

"Sleep well, legend. Better that then a vegetable, I guess...."




Starfire panted heavily, standing at the door to the hospital room, her eyes smoking.

Gnarl blinked in surprise, looking down at his clawed hand.

The knife was gone.


He at where it was, blankly... stoically.

"Was I wrong?" he whispered, furrowing his brow in disbelief.


A roaring fist slammed into him. He twirled about, teeth flying from his mouth, before he struck the ground - bleeding, yet still breathing.

Starfire shot him a death-glare. "If Robin was not in the room..."


With one swift hoof, she crushed his grenade. Fortunately, the gas was already gone.

She then 'eeped,' and rushed to Robin's side, quickly giving him a check-over.

"The goblin was wrong," Starfire whispered. "I know little about you, my friend... but I know whoever you lost in the past, whoever made you become who you are: they are watching over you..."

Robin gave another groan, nearly startling Starfire into a jump.

"H-Heh. Y-You know... never believed in heaven..." He gulped. "But I do believe in guardian angels."

"R-Robin?!" she cried, kneeling over him.

Beep. Beep. Beep...

His vital signs became a bit quicker, but stabilized on a normal level.

"Tara X'Hal!" Starfire squeaked. "X'Hal, tara sn'orl! Thank you!" She glanced towards the ceiling. "Thank you, X'Hal!" And back at Robin. "Robin- Robin, can you hear me?"

Robin actually managed a chuckle.

"Yeah..." he chuckled painfully. "Sorry for the cheesiness a second ago."

"Oh my goodness! It is so wonderful that you are alright!"

She had to resist with all her might to grapple the injured Boy Wonder in a hug.

"Heh... yeah..."

He then coughed.

"But um... Starfire... weird question, but do I look like a pony to you?"

Starfire coughed. "W-Well... yes."

"Ah. Was kind of hoping..."

"I wish it were, so..." Starfire whispered. "But Robin - there are so many wonderful things on this-"

"I know."

Slowly, he opened his eyes, glancing over at her. He smirked.

"Huh.... so, wings, huh? Man - I'm kind of jealous..."

"Hehehe," Starfire cooed. "I'm sure they're strong enough for the both of us when needed!" She then clapped her hooves. "Plus - if we weren't ponies, I wouldn't get to see you so adorable!"

Robin rolled his eyes behind the mask, before smirking. "I see you left my mask on - thanks for that."

"It was my request," Starfire nodded.

Robin chuckled hoarsely. "Always got my back... even long after we should be gone..."

He then smiled brightly.

"But I should have known I wouldn't be facing this... this new world alone."

Starfire beamed at him, before hugging him softly. "As I've said before, Robin. You are never... ever... alone."

"Damned right he isn't!" Cyborg grinned, clanking into the room.

"Cyborg!" Robin glanced at him, smirking. "Soooo.... nice build there, stallion."

"Robin - don't make me regret saving your butt," Cyborg grunted.

Robin chuckled at that.

"Hey, what about me!" Beast Boy cried, galloping into the room.

"Heh - hey Beast Boy..." Robin raised his eyebrows. "Wait - what exactly are you supposed to be?"

"Well duh, I'm a Swiss Pony!" he grinned, glancing down at his hole-filled legs.

Crickets chirped.

"It's the holes," Raven droned. "Get it? Swiss Cheese. Haw... haw... haw..."

"Hey - nice horn, Raven," Robin smirked.

She glared at him. "It's pretty sharp, you know..."

Robin gulped. "It's um... very nice?"

"Mmmmm... I still can't get it to work, though," she grunted. "Otherwise I could have made a... medical 'accident' happen when I had the chance."

Robin rolled his eyes. "Love you too, Raven."

"Oh please - let's give credit where credit is due!" Dr. Cox smirked, walking in with a leg covered in a cast. "Now then - who was the one who let Zecora keep her potion in Boy Tights here? Raise your hooves, everyone..."

Nopony raised a hoof...

... Save for Dr. Cox, who slowly raised it into the air, a smile made purely of egotism on his lips.

"Ohohoh, that's right, IT WAS ME! The greatest doctor in all of Equestria strikes again!"

"Do not forget who made the brew," Zecora coughed, walking in as well. "Good as you are, you always forget to give credit where credit is due..."


"Fine," Dr. Cox mumbled. "Newbie and Zecora may have helped."

"Mmmph, I believe Princess Celestia and I made a contribution, as well," Princess Luna grunted, her, Twilight, and Princess Celestia walking into the room. Luna immediately blushed upon seeing Robin. "A-And um, might I say... your voice sounds um... very handsome..."

The room chortled at her, save for Starfire, who gave him a threatening glare...

"I say this in a purely platonic fashion!" Luna cried.

"Uh... heh - thanks," Robin chuckled. "I don't think we've been introduced, though..."

"Robin, meet Princess Luna and my teacher, Princess Celestia, immortal raisers of the moon and sun, and..."

The two began whispering to each other, giggling as they periodically glanced at the Titans.

Twilight closed her eyes in disbelief. "Total Teen Titans fangirls, it seems."

Robin nodded slowly. "Er... right... somebody- er somepony's going to really give me a run-down on uh... this world's mechanics. Fluttershy told me a lot but.... yeah. Where is she, anyway?"

"Um - hi," Fluttershy squeaked, walking into the room.

"Hey there," Robin smiled, raising an eyebrow at her multiple bruises. "Woah - what happened to you?"

"Heh, sorry to concern you," she smiled sheepishly. "It's been an... eventful afternoon."

"I'll say." Robin shook his head. "Ugh... I hate when I've been out of the loop."

"No problem!" Rainbow Dash grinned, her and the rest of the Elements, along with Dr. Adorable, Stitch, Dr. Espanol, a new blondish doctor, and an older doctor crammed into the room as well. "I can tell you all about how I kicked some alien butt!"

"Uh... does this room have a weight limit?" Beast Boy gulped. "Cus I could turn into a fly or something..."

"Hmmm, I wonder where they keep the swatter?" Raven smiled.

"You wouldn't!"

Raven shrugged, still smiling.

"W-Would you?"

"Ugh - what the hell are you doing here, Budgetron?" Dr. Cox growled, glaring at the older looking doctor.

"I'm just here to look after one of the hospital's soon-to-be most famous patients," he smiled.

"And um - I'm just here for an autograph," the blonde doctor, who seemed to be significantly similar to a Barbie Doll said sheepishly. "H-Hi!"

"Ugh, I knew you'd use this as a publicity stunt!" Dr. Cox shouted.

Dr. Budget Cut merely turned away. "Well, let's not forget who helped get all the chemicals and medicine needed to keep our tough little fighter alive..."

"Yeah yeah yeah," Rainbow Dash grunted. "So when are you going to have try outs for the Teen Titans? I mean, you guys are like fifteen-sixteen in your homeworld's years, right? That's equivalent to about one point five pony years, right Twilight?"

"Well... from what I've been told," Twilight coughed. "Give or take a few decimals."

"Whatever - bottom line is, I'm technically a teenager!" Rainbow Dash grinned. "And I can totally be a Titan! At least, a temporary one - the Wonderbolts are still mah thang. But you should have seen me take on Ender earlier!"

"Dearest, you were... incapacitated by him..." Rarity coughed.

"Yeah, but at least I did more than you!" Rainbow shouted.

"Easy there, girls," Robin chuckled. "I'm uh... not sure about new members right now, to be honest-"

"B-But I want to be a Titan, too!" Dr. Adorable cried.

"Same!" Dr. Stitch grinned. "And guess what? We totally came up with our heroic alaises!"

At the same time, the two shouted: "The Wonder Twins!"

Robin raised his eyebrows. "But your not..."

"Don't. Argue," Raven muttered. "They won't shut up. I still don't know how I managed to make Pinkie... settle down..."

Twilight gave her a look, before whispering to Robin. "She tricked her into drinking an anti-anxiety potion..."

Raven smirked to herself.

"Mmmmm," Pinkie said. "Anyone ever notice how beautiful hospitals look during the night? Mmmm.... soooo dreamy."

"Uh... yeah," Robin coughed. "But um... anyway, I'm sorry I can't answer your questions right now, but um - I'm not even sure there's going to be any Titans..."

The room broke out into mutters of disapproval.

Applejack glanced at him in concern. "B-But... you guys kick so much flank..."

"We do?" Robin said, glancing at the Titans curiously.

"Heh, long story," Cyborg grinned. "Short version - baddies attacked. We stopped them. Booya."

"So... we might be needed after all?" Robin said, raising a hopeful eyebrow. "B-But still... we don't have a base of operations, we don't know the lay of the land... we're so over our heads here-"

"Hey, we're the Titans, dude! We're always over our heads!" Beast Boy smirked.

Raven nodded. "And from what I've seen and studied, thanks to Twilight here, though this country... this world - can hold its own, they might need an extra hand once and awhile..."

"Hoof," Cyborg smirked.


"Nope. Not saying that," Raven grunted. "Ever. It's Robin here who should be happy about living in a world where he can make puns in casual conversation."

He groaned. "My puns are a psychological tactic..."

"Uh-uh," The Titans all chuckled at once. Even Fluttershy cracked a smirk.

"Oh god damnit - er, darnit. Well..." Robin coughed. "I mean... we were a little spoiled with the tower before. Majorly spoiled... we could make do with whatever, really."

"As long as we aren't sleeping in tents, dude!" Beast Boy chirped.

"Though I'm cool with camping," Cyborg mused.

At that, Princess Luna and Celestia turned towards each other, smiled, then turned back to Robin.

"But where's there's trouble, we need to know where to call!" Luna grinned, bouncing slightly.

"And if you slept in tents, how would you see it all?" Celestia smiled.


Luna winked at him. "My dearest, Robin... the Titans are legends in this world. And legends need certain... accommodations..." She then cleared her throat. "As well as certain contacts."

With that, another pony, again, one who Robin hadn't seen before, a pegasus with wings that were half-metal, walked in.

"Robin, this is Commander Shadow ," Luna stated. "He's the leader of the Ponyville Town Guard."

"That's right," Shadow Streak said in a gruff tone. "I apologize if I sound pissed. Damned hospital won't allow me to smoke any cigars."

He gave Dr. Adorable a glare. He simpered.

"It's alright," Robin nodded.

"Good, because this is actually my normal tone," Shadow said tersely. "I don't beat around the bush, son: not with anyone. So, I won't waste your time and make this brief." He took a deep breath. "The princesses' here have just pushed for a new law involving vigilante activities. As soon as it's passed, which it god damned better be, you'll be allowed to assist law enforcement efforts independently and cooperatively with any guard unit in Equestria. I'll be your primary contact for when shit hits the fan, and trust me: I know every damned guard commander in the nation. You will never be off the line."

Robin raised his eyebrows. "T-That's... that's great! But no offense, but I think it'd be best if we made camp in whatever city has the highest-"

"That won't be needed," he interrupted. "You probably haven't had a chance to look at a map since you arrived, but Ponyville is right smack in the middle of four of the largest cities in Equestria: Cloudsdale and Canterlot are to the North East and West, Manehattan is to the South East, and Fillydelphia is right next to it. Each city is only about fifty to two-hundred miles from here, and Canterlot, the capital, is only twenty. Equestria is a pretty close-knit country. If you set up shop here, you'll be able to cover four cities. And trust me: there's plenty of crime in all four cities for five teams of Titans."

Robin raised his eyebrows. "Well... we've never covered that large of an area before, but... I guess we're doing a lot of things new, aren't we?"

"Good," he grunted. "Cus there's one other reason you'll be staying here..."

"What's that?" Robin asked.

"This is the best place to build a T-Shaped tower," Luna smiled.

The Titans' jaws nearly hit the ground.

"Y-Yes," Pinkie said. "YES!"

"Oh hell," Raven grunted.

It seemed not even the anti-anxiety meds could keep her hyperactivity at bay.


"A mass suicide?" Raven groaned.

"No, silly!" she giggled. "TITANS PARTY AT LOVING HEART!"

"BOOYA!" Cyborg grinned. "God I love this girl!"

"Streamers?! We need streamers!" Beast Boy said.

Pinkie giggled, swinging an arm around Beast Boy. "I'm Party Commander Pinkie, and this is my favorite changeling in Ponyville!"

"Wooo yeah! I'm feelin' the love!" He cried, before raising an eyebrow. "And uh... I suddenly feel very full. Eh, whatever. BUT YEAH! CYBORG! GET US HALO 4 GOING!"

"Pffft - Call of Duty is where it's at, green boy!"


"I don't know what they're doing," Dr. Cox grinned to Dr. Budget Cut. "But I bet I could kick your old, furry flank at it."

"Wisdom over youth, Coxer," he snarled. "It's time to get schooled."

Twilight coughed. "Umm... I sort of have some studying to do."

"And I have some seppuku to do..." Raven groaned.

Twilight sweat-dropped. "How about you come to the library instead?"


"Mph - have any tea?"

"Of course!"

"Isn't this awesome, JD! We're going to be Titans!" Dr. Stitch grinned.

"Pfffft - yeah right!" Rainbow Dash smirked. "You two have no chance against me!"

"Bring it!" Dr. Adorable smirked. "Super Doctor to the rescue!"

"Um..." Robin said, trying to raise a hoof. "I never said we were taking new members..."

The three scurried out.

"I um..." Fluttershy squeaked. "Mind if I head to the library with you two?"

Raven smiled at her. "Sure. At least you know the meaning of the word, 'quiet'."

"It's what I'm best at," she smiled.

"Alright, let's get going!" Twilight beamed. "I've just gotten a complete new copy of The Poets of Ponyville."

Raven practically began to drool.

"I... I think I may be able to tolerate this place..."

The three began leaving, as Starfire gave Fluttershy a knowing look. She merely shook her head. "I've made a deal with the Janitor. It's safe."

Starfire beamed at her. "Have fun then, my adorable, dearest new friend!"


With that, nearly everypony had evacuated the room, off to party with the Titans, save for Starfire, Shadow Streak, and Robin.

"Finally," Shadow Streak grumbled. "I thought I'd never have a route out of here. I don't know how they managed to surround me when I was the last in."

He walked to the door, giving Robin a nod.

"I expect you to hold up to your name after all of this effort. Don't let me down, son."

"We won't," Robin nodded.


And he was gone as well.

At that, both Starfire and Robin took deep breaths.

"Well then," Robin said.


Starfire raised an eyebrow.

"Heh - not sure what to say, really..." he chuckled. "Except maybe... as cheesy as it sounds... no matter who we are on the outside, I guess we're always them same inside..."

"Quite true, my adorable little Earth Pony," Starfire giggled, before kissing him on the cheek.

"Ugh," Robin blushed.

"Hmmm?" Starfire giggled. "Are you afraid of getting cooties from me now?"

"Na, was just hoping you'd aim a little to the left," he winked.

Starfire smirked. "That was, as Earthlings say, 'the plan'."

And for now, all was well.






Rarity walked into the room, her eyes widening.

Robin and Starfire lurched away from one another.

"Oh um-"

"H-Hello," Starfire said, scratching the back of her head.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" she squeaked. "But... well, Robin, though your costume is very nice, I um - I'm a bit of a fashion designer and..."

"It's alright," Robin shrugged. "Did you make us some casuals or something? We'd definitely appreciate that... we're uh - not used to going around naked..."

"Oh no, dear, something even better," Rarity winked...

"Ooooo!" Starfire beamed. "I can't wait to see what sort of adorable pony wear you have crafted dearest Robin! I swear - it took me forever on how to make a titanium, magic-resistant cape, but Zecora was most helpful with the alchemy involved!"

"H-Huh?" Robin said.

With that... she pulled out of a very large bag a costume that closely resembled Robin's.... though one a bit... edgier. It was nearly completely red and black, with a badass looking hood and cape. And it seemed to be much more comfortable looking too.

Robin did a double-take. "It's..."



The two of them were looking at it as if it were a shining holy grail.

A tear nearly came to Robin's eyes as he said, in a very familiar, Rainbow Dash sort of way,

"So. Awesome!.!.!"


Gnarl suddenly gave a groan.

The trio looked at him, awe-struck.

Robin blinked. "Um... was he in the room the whole time?"

"Whoopsie," Starfire squeaked.

















A thousand miles away...

In a frozen land of ice and snow, the Crystal Empire the only light in the darkness...


An immortal entity awoke, his eyes still black and misty. It took him a second to realize where he was: the same place he had been left. Chained to the wall of an ancient, pitch-black mine. He struggled against his restraints out of instinct, but soon relaxed himself.

Suddenly, his eyes flicked to the side, noticing a tiny, green light moving towards him from the darkness...

"Mmmmm... this better be a booty call," he groaned. "Because otherwise, I want you to get the hell out of here, right now."

"I'm not an enemy. Do you wish me to be?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Depends on who the guest is. I'll have to apologize though, I don't get many visitors... and that's for the best. Who knows who I may just trick into releasing me..."

The light grew brighter...

"Who says trickery may be needed?"

Black narrowed his eyes. "Don't you dare draw closer. If you cut a dog's chain, he may still bite." He then gave a promiscuous little chuckle. "But since we're making small talk: what's your name, beautiful? You sound like a changeling..."

"That's because I am, Captain Black."

And at that, Requiem stepped out of the shadows.

"And I need a favor from you."

"What the hell do you want?!" he growled. "I don't even know you. And while you know my name, do you have any idea who the hell I am?! I KILLED THE DOCTOR, GOD DAMNIT!"

He struggled fiercely against the chains.

"Yet you chained yourself up," she said. "A hint of remorse got through all that hate - all of that darkness, didn't it?"

He calmed himself. "And..."

Requiem narrowed her eyes. "Slade knows that you took the Black Orb. An artifact so powerful it can turn the balance of morals on its head. Gone - from right under his nose. He's been searching for you for hundreds of years. He'll want to know where you are to get it back. He has plans for it."

"I won't tell him anything," Black spat. "Just like I won't tell you jack shit, either. That thing deserves to be thrown into the deepest crack of the ocean... into space - wherever it can't buck up anyone else..."

Requiem narrowed her eyes. "The device is just a tool. With a strong mind anyone could use it for both sides of the fence. If you can resist it, what about someone who's practiced dark magic all of her life? With it - I can lead my people to a better era."

"I can barely resist it," he hissed. "All I want to do right now is kill you... these chains are the only thing holding me back. And this is after TWO THOUSAND YEARS of practice."

"Where there's a will, there's a way..." she said softly.

"You're insane," Black snapped. "And that's saying something, coming from me."

"They say that about all visionaries," Requiem shrugged.

She then drew close enough to him where he could feel the air pouring from her snout.

"And I need you to tell me where to look."

Author's Note:

END OF ARC MOTHER FUCKING TWO. And god damn, I'm a little proud of this one, I don't mind admitting. Hope you all enjoyed. It might be a few days until the next chapter. I have some brainstorming to do.

Annnnd I got the last two Scrubs characters in, and the story is now rollin' dirty!

Budget Cut - Dr. Kelso, naturally.
The Blonde Doctor - Elliot.

Robin's costume (imagine it in pony form):