• Published 5th Aug 2013
  • 10,453 Views, 615 Comments

The Legend of the Titans - Silent Bob

In the depths of the Everfree Forest, an artifact older than life itself activates, bringing forth five, resting heroes of old. Though they don't remember much, they still remember who they are. The question is, however, are they still needed?

  • ...

Chapter VI: Over the Rainbow (Part IV - Final)

The Caverns of Eternity
Deep Beneath the Everfree Forest

Robin had never run - or galloped in this case - faster in his life. The moment he had heard Cyborg's call, he was off, through a twisting tunnel leading to the cave's main cavern. It wouldn't be too hard to find him, despite the echo of his voice: there were only two tunnels that split from the main, one leading to the artifact, and one leading to the unknown.

"Robin, wait!" Fluttershy cried, gasping as she caught up to him. "Something seems wrong. I-I can sense Wrath near the entrance... and whatever he was chasing early is gone!"

"Then that's why we need to speed up! Cyborg can handle himself, but he doesn't know who he's up against!"

"B-But I don't understand why I can't sense him..." Fluttershy squeaked.

Robin furrowed his brow. "Well - he is half-metal. Maybe that has something to do with it. It could be messing with your senses: maybe turning his um... signature... on and off."

"Maybe," Fluttershy whispered.

"I can't wait to see him, though," Robin grinned. "Wrath or no Wrath - it feels like it's been forever!"

"I'll say..."

Robin nodded to himself. "But if anyone can figure out how to work with the artifact, it's-"

"Yo Robin! Hurry it up, man! I don't know what, but I'm picking up something else on my motion sensors... it seems like it's stalkin' me or something!"

"We're coming, Cyborg!" Robin called, before chuckling slightly. "He seems to have gotten used to being uh... in equine form, pretty easily." He then grumbled slightly. "Or at least I hope he is... I'm never going to hear the end of it otherwise."

"Huh?" Fluttershy said, quirking her head.

"Erm - nevermind," Robin fumed. "But yeah - I just hope that Wrath hasn't caught up with him yet..."

He was forced to halt at the clanking of oh-so-familiar... hooves, and then: a just as familiar, cheesy grin.

"Wrath? Man - are you stereotyping or something? Now all black people have anger issues!"

Robin grinned like a maniac. "Cyborg!" he called.

"Long time no see, Robbie," he smiled.

Robin couldn't help but chuckling. Standing before him was the same old android he had known... just a bit more ponified. His coat was brown on one side, by the other was laced with strange, rune-covered metal.

"Yeah yeah," Cyborg grunted. "Nice fur coloring yourself, though. The red really matches your outfit." He then nodded towards Fluttershy, smiling slightly. "And aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?"

"Oh yeah -" Robin said. "Um, Fluttershy - Cyborg - Cyborg - Fluttershy."

"H-Hi," Fluttershy squeaked, glancing away from him shyly.

Cyborg sighed. "I guess even in pony form I weird people out..."

"She's shy towards everyone," Robin pointed out. "Don't take it personally.

"Oh, well shoot," he grunted. "Sorry..."

There was a moment of awkward silence, before Cyborg finally gave a wide grin. "But it's whatever! Damn, Robin, it feels like it's been forever! Come here, bird boy!"

He stood on his hind hooves and opened his arms... obviously looking for a hug.

Robin glanced at him strangely. "Heh - OK..."

It wasn't like him to be so... sensitive. Nonetheless, Robin trotted closer...

"Come on - don't be shy!" he grinned. "Give old Cyborg some lovin'!"

Robin paused, once again glancing at him with apprehension. Something was starting to seem... off about him. Why had he not made fun of Robin more for his pony form? Why was he not picked up by Fluttershy's senses one second but was another? Why was he not even weirded out by the sight of a pegasus? Had he had gone into town? No... Robin would have known about that...


Robin's mask widened. Snarling out of the Darkness came Wrath, only illuminated by the strange, glowing runes on the cavern walls.

"Don't bucking touch that thing!"

"Jesus!" Cyborg coughed. "I've been called a lot of things, but now it's just thing?! And by a wolf of all things..."

Robin quickly drew his staff, glaring at him. "Not an inch closer! Cyborg's a friend!"

"I don't know who the buck Cyborg is," Wrath snarled, grinding to a halt. "But whoever that thing is to you - it's not what it seems!"

"But Wrath - I can see him, too," Fluttershy called.

"For bucks sake, sister," Wrath said, nearly face-clawing. "You can see him because he's bucking reading Bird Shit's mind! He's making an illusion for you based on his thoughts!"

"What are you talking about?! Have you gone even crazier?!" Robin hissed.

"Yes," Cyborg grunted, narrowing his eyes. "He has."


He stood on his hind legs, transforming his right hoof into his usual sonic cannon.

"Cyborg! Wait!" Robin cried.

"Not again," Fluttershy squeaked.


A blue pulse roared out of it, sailing towards Wrath. It struck him with a clap of thunder, sending him careening back into the darkness.

"Hooya!" Cyborg smirked.


Robin again glanced at him strangely. "Hooya?"

Cyborg then charged forward. "Come on, Robin! It's wolf hunting season!"


Robin shook his head, wincing. "H-Hunting? But... you've always been against wolf hunting..."

"It's just a joke, come on!" Cyborg growled.

Robin glanced at him a second more, before cautiously, the duo followed.

"Something's wrong..." Robin said, shaking his head. "Something's very wrong..."

"That's what I'm saying," Fluttershy whispered.

"Maybe it's just the artifact," Robin grunted. "It could have toyed with his head a little..." He then squinted an eyebrow. "But he has backups of his memories and such... stored in his computer parts. He updates it every day: just in case."

Fluttershy blinked.

"Um... basically, he has a second brain he can use when he needs."

"Ooooooh," she said, nodding slowly.

By the time they had caught up with Cyborg, he had already halted, pointing his sonic cannon down at Wrath, smoldering once again and struggling to stand up.

"God damnit, you bucking idiots!" Wrath hissed. "This isn't Bird Shit's friend! It's-"


Another blast, and Wrath struck the floor, unconscious or worse...

"You talk wayyyy too much, buddy," he grunted.

"Cyborg! He was down, already!" Robin cried. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"Nothings wrong with me," Cyborg said quietly. "Just getting rid of the bad guy... like we always have."

"We don't hit people when they're down!" Robin called.


Finally, Cyborg turned about, giving Robin a peculiar smirk. "Things change, buddy... now... how about that hug?"

"No, stay away from me!" Robin growled. "We may be in new bodies, but I'm the same as I've always been. I'd expect the same from you!"

"I AM Cyborg!" he snarled.

Robin merely stood motionless, gazing at him with disbelief as Fluttershy began to shiver.

He then gave a wicked grin. "Don't you... remember me?"

At that, there was a flash of blinding light, and it was as if a million memories were being forced at him at once.



He stood upon a ruined street, an alien ship staring down at him as an alien army surged forward after their prize...

"You're still going after her, aren't you?"

"That's the plan."

He looked at him as if he were nuts... but slowly smiled, nonetheless.

"Need a hand?"


"Can you rewire that into some sort of weapon?!"

"I can try!"


They stood upon Jump City's lonely island, basking in the glory of the future.

"You know... someone aughta build a house out here..."


"The Titans, huh?" Cyborg smirked.

"Why not?" Robin shrugged. "It's perfect. The Titans' were said to have ruled over the Earth during a golden age in Greek mythology, before being defeated by Zeus and the younger gods."

"But we're not rulers," Raven groaned. "Nor are we gods. Don't you think it makes us sound a bit... egotistical?"

"The name's still kind of cool, though," Beast Boy said. "Well - if you don't get all book wormy into it."

"I think it is a most joyous name!" Starfire beamed. "One that represents true strength!"

"But we're just teenagers..." Raven pointed out. "Why don't we just go with 'Young Justice' like Cyborg suggested..."

Both Robin and Cyborg turned to her, though-struck.

"... What?"

"Hehehe," Cyborg said, smiling slightly. "I think you're onto something."

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Robin smiled.

He nodded. "Damned straight."

And together they beamed: "TEEN TITANS, GO!"


The rest of the Titans raised their eyebrows.

"Uhhh... dudes," Beast Boy coughed. "I mean - it sounds cool, but if you say it like that, even I think it's corny."

"I can't believe I'm saying it - but Beast Boy is right..." Raven muttered.

"It is... um - interesting?" Starfire blinked.


"Alright, alright," Robin moaned. "It's not like we're going to say it before every battle or something..."

"Nawww, now that would be lame!" Cyborg chuckled. "But the name itself is cool, right?"

The rest of the Titans nodded eagerly, even Raven.

"Well then, that's it!" Cyborg grinned. "We've finally completed step one: get a name! Now for step two!"

"Take down some bad guys?!" Beast Boy said enthusiastically, swinging two fake punches.

"No, step two is waffles."

Beast Boy frowned slightly. "Daw...."

Cyborg smirked. "Cus how are you supposed to fight bad guys without a good, healthy breakfast?! BOOYA!"


"Who. Is. Slade?"


"You alright? I know how you are when Slade's on your mind...

Robin glanced away. "I'm fine."


"I know what I saw! I have to stop him! I'm the only one who can!" He drew a bird-a-rang, glaring at his friends. "And I'll take down anyone who gets in my way!"

Cyborg shook his head, looking upon him with pleading eyes. "Robin! Come on, man... There are no generators, there is no Slade!"


He was in a strange, unfamiliar stone room, a swirling vortex of lights in the center, as Starfire and Slade performed a deadly dance with starbolts and laser blasts...

Robin shook his head. “We are not letting Slade get away! I’ll gladly take the ‘life-boat’ if it means he’s finally brought to justice!”

“Robin – listen to yourself!” Cyborg growled. “Wherever there’s a Slade, there will be Titans. Doesn’t matter what universe he’s in! I know he seriously pissed you off in the past – screwed us all over time after time, but you gotta let it go! Think of our city!”

Cyborg took a deep breath.

"Think of your friends."


"Think of your friends."


"Think of your friend-"



Robin panted. Robin gasped. Robin was on his frontal knees.

"W-What?!" he gasped, before once again, glancing towards 'Cyborg'.

However, he was no longer there.

"Something wrong, Robin?" a humanoid version of Starfire said soothingly, a strange, Cheshire-like smile on her face. "Don't worry... I can make it all better..."

Slowly... she etched towards him, though he found himself barely able to move.

"Y-You're... not... Starfire," he barely managed to say.

"Maybe not," she cooed. "But I can be... just give me a chance..."

Then, joining in once again, a third voice made its presence known.


The two froze.



A vine ripped forward from a determined Fluttershy, striking 'Starfire's' right and sending her careening into-


A second vine waiting for her.


She struck the cavern walls, causing the entire place to literrally shudder, before she was sent spiraling, crashing into the rocky floor.

"You're just a cheap imitation of the real thing..." Robin groaned, slowly rising to his hooves, glaring at her. "The real Stafire could have taken that..." He then gave Fluttershy a thankful nod. "I wish you could have met her..."

She slowly nodded, still shivering slightly.

"W-Well holy shit, you finally figured it out!" Wrath hissed, rising to his feet as well. "Why doesn't anyone listen to me anymore... er - or ever for that matter?!" He then blinked, shrugging. "Oh, that's right, cus I'm a troll. But still!"

As he spoke, Robin's eye was caught by 'Starfire' again, only calling her 'Starfire' wouldn't apply anymore. She was slowly melting into a pool of black, shapeless goo...

"What the hell is that thing?!" Robin snapped.

"It's called The Shapeless," Wrath explained. "As you can see: it has no shape. I like names that don't lie to me..."

Fluttershy's eyes widened. "T-That's The Shapeless?!"

"Scarier in person, isn't it?" Wrath grunted, before glancing back at Robin. "Bucking thing's a freak of nature, even more than Fluttershy and I. Two thousand years or so ago it came out of the artifact. I managed to chase it off... but every time the artifact comes back to life it comes back to feed on its energies. I guess it's the only way baby gets its milk."

"But what does it want with me?!" Robin asked.

"I dunno," Wrath shrugged. "But I'd guess that since you've been exposed to its energies, too, you have some residue on you. Consider yourself an appetizer."

"I should have known!" Robin spat. "I knew it was too good to be true - that Cyborg was here... I let my hopes get the best of me."

"Dawwww, cry me a god damned river," Wrath hissed. "We've got bigger problems right now - you can cut your wrists later!"

"Shut the hell up!" Robin snapped. "If you actually knew what a friend was, you'd-"

His ear perked. The sound of what could best be described as bubbling tar was echoing from the pool...

"Muuuust..... feeeeeeeeed....."

Wrath gave him a blank look. "That your friend?" He then gave a sigh. "Look, I've chased this stupid thing off before, but every time it comes back it gets stronger. Together we might be able to kick its flank, but whatever you do - don't let it get into your-"

Robin stood stunned, awe-struck.

The epitome of the night itself, Batman, was now glancing right at him.

"When you formed the Titans, you said that you cared more for them than anything in your life, " he spoke. "That's why I gave them my acceptance." He then narrowed his eyes. "Yet here you are, so far away from them that you couldn't even fathom it - alone. You abandoned them, Robin. And now you'll never see them agai-"


A claw ripped into its form, nearly splitting it in two.

Robin did a double take, blinking rapidly as Wrath finished his stroke.

"Fluttershy, keep this idiot from zoning out again! I don't want this goo getting more carbs from him!"

"R-Right," she shivered, before facing Robin. "R-Robin. I know this is a-lot of me to ask, but please... help us drive him off. You said you were a hero on your home world... be a hero on ours, too."

"I haven't been a solo fighter for so long," Robin said sorrowfully. "My team is part of me... I don't know what to do without them..."

He slumped his head downward, only to feel a vine lift his chin.

"Even if they may be gone... in Equestria, good ponies are never alone," she smiled.


Robin gazed towards the floor yet again, contemplating her words, as The Shapeless began to reform itself...



Wrath charged it again, clawing and tearing at it every chance he could get.

"Just buck off already! Go back to where you came!"


Before Wrath could react, a pulsating battle-ax suddenly morphed out of it, being held by a single, thick tendril...

"Rest.... forever... rest...."

Wrath's eyes widened in horror.

"Oh crap."

The ax swung towards his neck...




Before it could strike, however, the tendril holding it was severed. The goo of it twisted into its normal, harmless self before plopping the floor.


Robin grabbed his bird-a-rang, narrowing his eyes.

"Sorry, but I've seen better lullabies."

Wrath managed a cackle. "Oh, son of a bitch! You and your god damned puns!"

"How about a thank you?" Robin grunted.

He gave a tremendous sigh. "Fine, alright... not bad..." He then smirked slghtly. "... For a tight wearing fairy."

Still... the blubbering mass of black that was The Shapeless was not done yet. The black goo that was its weapon and arm slowly morphed into it...

"Will not... go back..." it said, in an almost sorrowful tone. "Only oblivion awaits... only torture... endless time... endless beginnings and ends..."

"Then stand down!" Robin shouted. "There has to be a way for you to get food! It doesn't have to be through eating people!"

"You are... nothing. Existence... fleeting. Against infinity? You may as well... not exist at all..."

"I'm giving you one last chance," Robin said firmly. "Wrath said you can feed on the artifact? Then you can take a small sip... but you're not hurting anyone else!"

"I wouldn't let him do that," Wrath grunted. "If your friends are in there, who knows what this thing could do to them? Not that I care or anything..."


"Robin?" Fluttershy said.

He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. "If this is a new universe, one that came after my own... my friends are probably long dead..." He then smiled in determination. "They'd want me to find a peaceful solution."

"Are you sure?!" Wrath growled. "God damnit - just help me kill this thing - it could seriously buck shit up if it gets any stronger! I've seen people pop out of the damned artifact... people who knew each other, but at different times. Are you sure you didn't all enter together?!"


The Shapeless remained motionless...

Robin gazed at its suspiciously. "Wait a minute... what was that I saw earlier?"

His mask suddenly widened.


Robin shook his head. “We are not letting Slade get away! I’ll gladly take the ‘life-boat’ if it means he’s finally brought to justice!”

“Robin – listen to yourself!” Cyborg growled. “Wherever there’s a Slade, there will be Titans. Doesn’t matter what universe he’s in! I know he seriously pissed you off in the past – screwed us all over time after time, but you gotta let it go! Think of our city!”


Robin squinted, gritting his teeth. It was as if he was slowly, painfully, unlocking doors to memories lost...


"I must admit, I said the same thing at first," Slade mused. "Yet I suppose that it's comforting to know that even I can still be humbled by things. Whoever, or whatever created this entity knew what they were doing. They knew that all universes would someday whither and die, eventually forming new ones, some possibly much different than our own: perhaps even uninhabitable to life as we know it. Yet they figured a way to work around this small issue..."


“No, nonono!” Robin grunted. “You have to figure out a way to shut off the artifact. If it activates, Slade gets a free pass to the next universe!”

“Yeah, and if it does, so do we!” Cyborg argued.


"S-Shut up!" Robin spat. "I don't need you! I'll be happy when everybody like you is fucking DEAD!" He then gritted his teeth, glancing towards Cyborg. "Cyborg, did you get that thing-"

His mask widened. Cyborg was gone. In his place was an expanding ball of energy...

"Fortunate. The artifact has already claimed its first entry," Slade chirped.


"... What do you think the next universe will be like?" Robin whispered.

"Peaceful, I believe," Slade said softly. "From what I can ascertain from the artifact. Oh sure, there might be a few sources of evil in it... but not as much as in this one. Perhaps that's why the artifact wants me so much: to stabilize the balance."

"Then why does it need us?" Robin asked.

Slade shrugged. "I'm not sure. Perhaps I'm wrong... or perhaps I tip the balance too far. We'll likely never know."


Another few seconds passed, before he slowly glared at him. "When we get there..."

"Naturally, Robin," he chuckled, before sighing heavily.



And at that, the two of them, as well as the rest of the Titans, were enveloped by the blinding light of the artifact. When it finally dissipated: it was if nobody had ever been in the room at all.




Robin slowly sighed. "My friends... are still in there."

"H-Huh?" Fluttershy peeped.

He smiled at her. "You were right, Fluttershy. The good are never alone."

"Oh for the love of-" Wrath grunted. "Are you sure you aren't the living embodiment of the forest's cheesy side?!"

"Hush, Wrath!" Fluttershy growled.

Robin then glared back at The Shapeless. "You... you knew it could hurt them if you fed off of it, didn't you?"


"You talk about us like we're insects - like we're nothing. Just a food source for you, really." He took a menacing step forward. "Tell me - how many are trapped inside that thing?"



Robin narrowed his mask. "And how many have you hurt by feeding off of it? Is it harmless... or is it not?! Answer the question or I'm just going to assume the answer is 'no!'"




"Many have... went... because of me..."

"Then answer this: is there any way you could feed without touching the artifact?"

"Could... enter it... not stay here... not the same as feeding off the... object... or...."


It seemed to pause in contemplation.

"Feed off... your residue... filling enough..."

"Why can't you re-enter it?" Wrath hissed.

"Would be... more torture..."

Robin slowly nodded, before closing his eyes. "Then don't do it."

The rest of the party stood motionless.

"You would... do alternative?"

"I would."

"R-Robin?!" Fluttershy squeaked.

Wrath gritted his teeth. "Don't do it, you idiot! It'll bucking kill you!"

Robin faced the monster. "Will it?" he asked..


"Mooost.... likely..."


Robin closed his eyes.

"Then... for the sake of my friends, go ahead. Do it."

"God damnit, kid! We can still fight it!" Wrath growled. "Fight it and win! If you let it feed off of you, it'll just get stronger! He'll just say 'buck it' and go get more noms!"

Robin glanced at The Shapeless curiously. "I want to believe you. You say going back... 'home' would torture you? Well, you don't deserve to suffer anymore than anyone else does. That's why I'm letting you do this instead of just fighting you... but when its over, can I have you word you will leave here? And that you won't go after my friends when they come through?"


"Will... not... touch artifact..."

Fluttershy glanced at it curiously. "I think it's telling the truth..."

"You've to be kidding me!" Wrath cried. "Kindness - have you lost it?! Don't let that thing get inside your-"

"It's not inside my head, Wrath," Kindness whispered. "Let down your hate for a second... and maybe you'll sense it, too."

Wrath paused, taking a few deep breaths, and for the first time, Robin saw an uncertain look come to his face.

Robin nodded towards the creature. "Then that's good enough for me." Slowly, he gave Futtershy a warm smile. "Thank you, Fluttershy, or Kindness, whatever you prefer... you really do remind me of Starfire in a few ways. When my friends come out... I hope you'll be around to welcome them."

"C-Count on it," she squeaked, a few tears forming in her eyes. "It's... it's been v-very nice meeting you. I... I wish I had more time to get to know you..."

"Likewise," Robin smiled, before slowly walking towards the creature. He gave Wrath a nod on the way. "Wrath... be nicer to your sister, will you?"

He gave a slow nod. "I'll try..." He gave a slight smile. "Ya little shit."

Robin rolled his eyes, before pausing, standing stoically, before the mass of black goo.

"Are you... ready?" it asked.

"I am."

"Then... it begins... and it... ends..."


Slowly, a series of black tendrils wrapped around him...

Fluttershy gulped.

Wrath merely stood stoically.


And as Robin felt himself slipping into the dark, the creature spoke with him one last time.

"... Thank... you...." it whispered. "I was... wrong. You are all... more than... nothing... in the end..."

"We are," Robin said, his words slurring out.


"Fare.... well....










































Author's Note:

Whelp, that's the end of Arc I. A cool little thing to get started so I'm not just rushing into things, I thought. Also, I was happy to bring back the character of Wrath and Fluttershy's Kindness form. Both are pretty fun to write, especially the former.

Oh and yeah, Robin has totally been watching Star Trek lately. Learned a few things from Captain Picard ;D. There be alternatives to fighting.

One last thing, The Shapeless was a user-created villain. Credit goes to GloomyFace for him.

Look for the next chapter within a day or so. I'm still not sure what's going to happen next!

Oh, and for funsies, here's a list of all the characters and villains in this (minor spoilers), including user-created villains. I accept most of them, so if yours isn't there, it's likely I overlooked it.

Also, user-villians will be used as an as-needed basis. I'll try to fit them in when I can, but only if I need one of them, though I'll still try to fit as as many as I can ;).