• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 4,899 Views, 80 Comments

Steel Shoes - Sir Hat

Corey has a very simple job, make, fit, and maintain horseshoes. business is good, but unfortuately for him his customers find these great chances to chat and gossip.

  • ...

Metal fever day three

"AHURG!!!!....WHY!" The lethargy was gone, the fatigue however was still very present. I flopped off the couch, "AuuuGHhhh...."

"Corey honestly..." Vinyl said with her now usually annoyed tone.

"Aughhh...." I went face down on the floor, "uuuggghhh...."

"Oh calm down," I looked up, my mouth still covered by my rug.


"What?!" She said with an airy gasp, she flopped on the floor nose to nose with me.

"What was that?"

"I felt like it...."

"Anyways, I'm hurt right?"

"Sort of?"

"I'm gonna go do something to fix it,"


"Spa day...." She looked at me rather oddly.

"Spa day? Isn't that a little girly for you?"

".....you don't have to come..."

"....I'll get ready..." She lifted herself off the ground and went into the hall. I should probably do the same.

"How do you even know about this place,"

"My clients talk about it....well...client,"

"it's rarity isn't it...."


"hehe...called it,"

"It's not like it would be anyone else....I mean honestly...."

"What does that mean? I'm one of your clients, you saying I'm not fancy,"

".....you're not.....your....kind of a tomboy...."

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"....that your not frou frou,"


"Exactly....god damn this is a long walk...." We'd been going for about fifteen minutes now.

"Well if you didn't live on the edge of town..."

"Hey it was cheap land, at least I have a house....not a loft,"

"Mine now...."

"About that, why the hell did you move in? We've been dating for like a month and a half?"

"I don't waste time....other mares might like long drawn out gooey romance, but I dont,"

"....you seem oddly wistful."


"...I hope you know I already went through your stuff..." She stopped in her tracks.

"Captain Gallant and Pear Cut.....good to know you people have cheesy stories like us,"

She trotted along behind me for a while, "It's not nice to go through otherponies stuff...."

"And it's also not nice to tie me to a bedpost...so I figure we're even,"

"You knew the safeword...."

"No I didn't, I woke up like that!" The spa started coming into sight, "I mean honestly you're more agressive than any other women I've ever met..."

"Mare....and what do you want, a submissive beta?"

"I don't even know what that is," We started up the stairs, "Wait....beta...like the fish?"

"....yes....like the fish....you're lucky your cute," I held the door for her and we walked in.

"What's a beta then, Oh hi two, one pony, one human male, do what you can for four hundred bits," The mare behind the counter nodded graciously.

"....I don't know how to describe it....a meek, unoffensive, unobtrusive mare?"

"Then why didn't you just say that?"

"Because it's wordy," A pink mare with a headband strolled over to us.

"This way please," she lead us to a small dressing area.

"Wait...four hundred bits?"

"Before I got sick I got a ticket for a bunch of shoes for the royal guard, they paid really...really well,"

"I really know how to pick em,"

"....you know how you said it's a good thing I'm cute.....it's a good thing you have a nice ass...."

"Wub wub~" Even when I couldn't see it I knew what she was doing...

"Ahhh~" I lowered myself into a warm bath, "I don't even care if this is girly...it's so worth it,"

"Weirdo....ah~" Vinyl quickly joined me.

"...this reminds me of Japan....except not at all..."


"Something about sitting in a bath with a towel folded on my head....it's kinda Japanese," Things got oddly quiet, you could hear the water sloshing around.

"Why do you always find a way to bring down the mood..."

"Someone has to...you're always so energetic" I leaned back, "How do you even stay up until two?"

"Energy drinks....and magic,"

"Ya you never explained that to me, does it feel weird when I touch it," I reached out only to have her jerk away from me, "Aw come on!"

"Not in public..."

"So it does...knew it..."

"It's not exactly....uh....lets just say it feels funny,"

"Good funny?"

"Depends," She leaned back on her hooves.

"...I swear you people are made of marshmallow or something,"

"Why's that?"

"You bend like crazy, I guess I'm only basing it off normal horses but still,"

"Well you walk on two....that's pretty weird, seems like it's really unbalanced,"

"It kinda is depending on who you ask," I felt something tap my shoulder, "Huh?"

"It's time for the next treatment," We had been in here longer than I thought. I quickly got out and wrapped a towel around my waist, "This way,"

"So..." Vinyl asked laying flat on a table, "You still never told me..."

"This again really?"

"Yes, really,"

".....there was one...we never officially dated....I wish we had..."

"Oh thanks,"

"Hey I never said I wasn't happy....just I imagine I wouldn't be so bruised if I was with her instead,"

"It's not my fault you bruise easy..."

"Well sorry I'm not used to being ridden like a robotic bull....." The two spa ponies wandered in, "I mean I can only take so much of that before I die ya know," The ponies poised themselves, one next to Vinyl the other waiting to jump up on my back, "And I'm a pretty strong guy...you would destroy a normal man,"

"Or stallion...done it before,"

"Death by shattered pelvis...."


"Really!?" The pony next to me hoisted herself onto my back, "I w-as joking..."

"Well he didn't die..."

The pony on my back started kneading my back, it was a perfect mix of sharp prods from the tip of her hoof, and dull pressure from the more flat parts, "Th-at doesn't ma-ke it bett-er" It felt a bit harsh at the start but slowly I could feel my muscles loosen.

"Hey you made your choice...to late to back out now, who's your momma?"

"....wow....ya know I just realized these two are actually here...." The mare on my back said nothing and just kept prancing on my back, "Very prof- ach- Ooohh," She stepped on a rough not and I felt a large pressure leave my right shoulder, "Fuuuuuu.....I just lost motor control...."

"Ya kn-ow you really did loosen up o-utside of that shop o-f yours,"

"Surprisingly I'm not all that carefree when surrounded by hot metal and hammers....Paul was....and well, let's just say Ben's working much better,"

"Yeah but Paul was a creep..."

"You only say he's a creep because I told you he looked at your ass...and hey, now I do that,"

"Yeah but you got perm - ission," Apparently the spa attendant hit a soft spot, "More...right there,"

"Worth it right? I mean sure I can't move my arm, but whatever, small price to pay."

"We should do this more," She looked like she was going to fall asleep, "I mean...like a lot more,"

"It's damn expensive..."

"But it's worth it,"

"Then you pay...why don't you rent out the loft in the club?"

"Sen- -timent,"

I gave a quick laugh, "What was that?"

"Sentimental value, besides it's gonna be good if we break-up,"

"...always the pessimist..."

"Well your the one who wanted another mare..."

"I said it would be different....more nurturing, less....exhausting, I mean it's fun and all but you can really wear a guy out....and I don't just mean....oh knock it off," She was shifting he backside left and right.

"What? Is it distracting,"

"....maybe to the mare behind you..." She looked shocked for a moment, these two were so quiet it was easy to forget they were there, "Never knew you swung that way....maybe I should invite that other mare anyways..."

"Uh...sorry about that..." The mare just nodded and kept working her back.

"Ha....it's like your ass has a mind of it's own...."

Oh god I feel like playdough, "Thank you for your business," One of the mares shouted from behind the counter. I slowly walked out, my arms only vaguely obeying me.

"What now?" Vinyl asked slightly less loose than me.

"Well I need to take a nap....I feel like a steak,"


"...beaten...tenderized...like a colts....never mind, ain't going that far,"

"Ha...like a colt's dong....I get it..."

"Eugh...let's go before one of us gets arrested for lewd conduct,"

"Lewd...I'll show you lewd,"

"Please don't..."

"When we get back I'm putting socks on....I know you like em..."

I looked at the ground, "Yeah.....I do....." I felt a quick flash of shame, before my apathy to the topic took over again, "The one's with the stripes right?"

"Maybe...you'll just have to wait,"

"...I still don't understand it, but I like it, does that make me a bad person?"

"Eh a little, and yeah you like em....almost as much as the-"

"Public place.....ponies around..." I said trying to snuff this conversation.

"...you know.....the thing....the thing, the thing with the lace-"

"Yes...I know, Christ.....where did you even get those things anyways,"

"Rarity's....I told her they were for you," She smirked and hurried off.

"....that's a joke right? ....Vinyl that was a joke right? Vinyl!?"

Author's Note:

I fucking love dialog, *whispers* fucking.....love....dialog....*

Also I have no idea what I'm doing anymore, CRUISE CONTROL IS OFF MUTHA FUCKA!