• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 4,899 Views, 80 Comments

Steel Shoes - Sir Hat

Corey has a very simple job, make, fit, and maintain horseshoes. business is good, but unfortuately for him his customers find these great chances to chat and gossip.

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Saturday (What if #1)

(What if Roseluck didn't stop me,)

-didn't take long for me to reach a small shop adorn with flowers. I walked over placing one hand on the front door, I leaned slightly into if only to find it locked. Well....alright then....I guess I'll go....

I walked away, rain mirroring my disappointment. Maybe I'll go back and see what Rarity's doing, need something to do today even if my plans got derailed. I set off back to Rarity's. It felt wrong walking back along the same path, like a failure even if it wasn't my fault.

Crestfallen I lazily made my way back, hopefully Rarity would be OK with me showing up. It took a much shorter time to go back than it took to get to Roseluck's. I knocked lightly on the door, "Who is it," It was a much younger voice than I was expecting. The door popped open revealing a young white filly, "Oh- HI," the young filly said with a shrill voice.

"Hello, is Rarity in," She looked up at me with a curious turn of her head.

"You know my sister," She asked. Well that explains the similar fur.

"Sort of, is she in,"

"Sure, follow me," The young filly started off inside leaving the door hanging open, I followed close pulling the door shut as I went, "Rarity, we've got a guest!" She got ahead of me into what looked like a sewing room.

"Sweetie Belle you should ask me before you invite someone inside," I stepped into the room, "Oh Corey, what are you doing here,"

"Roseluck wasn't there, you free,"

"Give me a moment, Sweetie why don't you take him to the kitchen,"

"OK, come on," Sweetie Belle started tugging on my pant leg. She lead me to an oddly rustic room and pushed me into a seat at a dining table, "So, what do you do," She asked taking the seat across from me.

"Do you know what a farrier is,"

"Ms.Cheerilee said something about horseshoes,"

"Right, I make and fit horseshoes,"

"Wait are you Corey,"

"Yeah, did your sister talk about me,"

"She said you were peculiar,"

"Oh really...good to know," I heard hoofsteps growing closer.

Rarity pushed into the kitchen sporting a pair of glasses, "Sorry darling i wasn't expecting you back, well at least this soon,"

"If it's trouble I can come back,"

She stuck her hoof out making a sweeping motion in front of her, "No trouble, just unexpected," She took the seat on the side of the table, "So she wasn't home,"

"No, shop was closed up,"

"Wait-" Sweetie Belle cut us off, "You wanted flowers...and you're visiting her," She pointed to Rarity, "Do you like each other," She asked with a wide smile and deep enthusiasm.

I could feel blood rushing to my face, "Uh.."

"Sweetie, how rude," She levitated Sweetie off her chair by her tail and on the floor, "Intruding in our guest personal life,"

Pushing up and to her feet Sweetie popped around, "So you do like him!"

"Uh...Sweetie, I was trying to visit the mare who owns the shop. I- hmmm...yeah, I actually work with your sister," I said debating the validity of saying we work together.

"Oh- so you don't like Rarity," She said slightly sad.

"Well not in a special-somepony way," I said trying not to offend anyone, "Good friend I think,"

"Indeed, now Sweetie why don't you make us some tea,"

Why should I-" She was cut off by being pulled towards the kitchen counter by Rarity's magic.

I watcher her being dragged before turning back to Rarity, "Kids..."

"Tell me about it," she said blowing a strand of hair from her face, "So what will you do now,"

"I dont know...thought about getting drunk, too early though,"

"And didn't you get an invitation to a bar anyways,"

"Yeah, wait how did you know that?"

"Why you told me about it, Vinyl remember,"

"Oh right...club not bar,"

"Apologies for the confusion,"

"Don't worry about it, just...don't worry,"

"Are you alright dear, you sound shaken," I swallowed hard.

"Run in with...with what I imagine was a mare in heat,"

"Oh my, how could you tell,"

"She pulled me to her chest and fogged my glasses with her breathe...amongst other things,"

"Oh- well I wont pry,"

"Don't worry about it, I mean technically you invited me over so don't be afraid to ask," I said leaning back in the chair.

"Careful Corey, carpentry in Ponyville is not the greatest," I eased forward, landing the chair back on all fours.

"Sorry, I did notice that like everything is made out of balsa wood or soft pine, This town needs some good old fashion oak,"

"Hmm," she gave a quick nod, "So you didn't answer, are you planning on going to see Ms.Scratch,"

"I dont know, not really into clubs..."

"She did invite you...perhaps if things don't work out with Roseluck-"

"I, uh, you really don't have much confidence in me do you,"

"What, no, I didn't mean you shou-" She took a deep breathe trying to regain composure, "There must have been some reason she invited you out,"

"I guess...hadn't thought about it, we'll see," I gave the air a quick sniff, "Is something burning," We turned to look at the counter seeing what looked like a box of teabags on top of the stove, "Oh shit!"

"Sweetie!?" I bolted over and slapped the smoldering box in the sink, "Sweetie where are you!?"

"I was wondering what would take anyone this long to make tea," I joked dousing the box with water.

"Corey I may need you to leave, I wouldnt want you to see this," She levitated a wooden spoon from a container on the counter.

"Heh yeah, I'll make sure nothing else is on fire before I go," I quickly opened the oven making sure nothing was inside, cleared the entire area around the stove-top and completely soaked the burnt box of tea. Did she even know she set the burners on, why would there even be a box on the stove. How did she even reach the stove. I had a lot of questions running through my mind as I exited Rarity's shop. Before I pulled the door shut I heard it.

"Hi Rarity-"

"Why would you leave a cardboard box on top of the stove!?"


"Sweetie don't run,"

"Then put down the spoon!"

"I'm going to give you your cutie mark, in cooking..."

I pulled the door shut just as a sound of glass shattering broke the sound of beating hooves, "Oh man, that kids gonna go from white to red." I started off into town. Couldn't go the the club yet, maybe around seven or so at the earliest. Only about ten or so...need to lose about ten hours...great.

Seven hours of nothing later

"Fuuuuuuuuck, I'm SO BORED!" I had taken to milling around my house for the past few hours. I tried to be productive by sorting my stuff or reading but in the end I lost my mind, "Only five forty-five, fuck it," I grabbed a hoodie from my closet and started off into town again. The rain had intensified as the night went on, "Better be open," I hurried into town, I knew the vague direction of her club, I'm sure I could find it.

I spent about ten minutes finding the place, a large two story building with a large sign out front. A rough looking pony standing under an overhang next to the door, "Hold up, we're not open yet,"

Fuck that, "I was supposed to help set up," He gave me a distrusting look.

"Whats your name,"

"Corey," He stepped inside blocking the door.

"Scratch, someone named Corey's here,"

"Oh, really?!" She sounded far away, "Let him in, must want something,"

The rough looking pony turned to me and held the door, glaring as he did so. I didn't mind as I walked past into the large main room.

"Vinyl?" I asked walking onto the main floor.

"Behind the booth," I looked over to a DJ booth atop a pulpit, Vinyl popped over a second after, "What's up?"

"Nothing going on today, i figured I'd drop by,"

"Well...we're not open yet," She said with a nervous chuckle.

"Well need any help, I really need something to do, I was losing my mind sitting around all day," She ducked back down pulling two cords up.

"You know anything about setting up electronic?"

"Eh, I'm resourceful," I made my way behind the booth only to be greeted by a mess of tangled cords, "Jesus...why don't you tape these cords down?"

"Huh...I don't know, thats actually a good idea," She said with yet another nervous laugh. I looked around for duck tape, finding some in a side room. I then began the arduous task of untangleing and taping down the various cords, "So what made you stop by so early," I looked up seeing Vinyl laying on her back across a table.

"Needed something to do, and I figured I might as well drop by, you did ask me to drop by,"

"Well I meant to stop by during hours, but hey you seem like a cool dude,"

"uh huh, mostly because I'm doing your job right now..." I taped down one last cord before sitting at the table Vinyl was splayed on.

"No way I just- fine I'll prove it, stick around after my set is done."

"We'll see, gotta be honest clubs like this aren't really my thing, who knows maybe you can change my mind,"

She gave a quick smirk and rolled off the table, "Here," She levitated a small wristband over to me, "In case you need to leave,"

"Sure," I quickly affixed the band, "So when do you start the show,"

"Maybe another hour...usually takes me that long to set up,"

"Well- fuck." I pulled my hood up and slammed my head into the table nearly smashing my glasses.

"You alright, that was pretty loud,"

"Yeah...just, I miss TV...and the internet,"

"I've heard about the internet, what is it exactly,"

"...a place were you can find anything by typing a few simple words,"

She gave a deep smirk, "It's for porn isn't it," I rolled my head to the side, still planted on the table.

"Sort of, more than porn I miss videos,"

"Porn videos right,"

"Knock it off, no just- well any kind of video, I guess I could always go back..."

"What am I not that interesting," She hopped on a chair mimicking my stance, head on the table looking at me.

"Trust me, you certainly stick out,"

"It's the hair and glasses, I know,"

"Why do you wear those anyways,"

"Why do you,"

"Cause I'm blind without them," I deadpanned


"Yeah..." I could feel a frown growing on my face, "So why do you,"

"I like em, and have you seen my eyes," She pulled her head off the table and took her glasses off before resuming the pose, "Not exactly normal,"

"Huh...go America..."


"Red, white, and blue, stupid joke..." I rolled my head to he side again so that I was face down.

"It wasn't that bad,"

"No it's not the joke...just bored,"

forty five minutes later

"Alright time to get started," Vinyl said from behind the booth, "Corey hold out a little longer, I'm only DJ'ing for an hour,"

"Oh don't worry about me, so long as the bar's open," I walked over pulling a stool over, "Oi I'm sober, fix that," I shouted at the bartender who quickly took some bits I slammed on the counter and mixed me a glowing green drink. Before I could say anything the lights dimmed and a rush of ponies entered the club, I started drinking when heavy bass broke the chatter that had quickly filled the club.

Ponies rushed past while I swiveled my seat seeing Vinyl thrusting her hoof in the air before a deep bass drop that nearly cause me to drop my drink. Not to mention the ponies losing their minds on the dance floor. This kind of music really wasn't my scene, I glanced down at my watch, about seven thirty. I could always go to a pub or something...fuck it, I'm here already. I turned around again ordering a more basic drink, strait vodka, I was drinking to be drunk by now. The hour progressed slowly, several songs blending together before a short silence before another pony manned the booth.

Vinyl managed to fight her way through the crowd to get to me, "So, how was I,"

I looked around at the massive throng on ponies, "Well, they certainly loved it,"

"Oh come on, try to have fun," She said before being bumped into by several ponies rushing for their drinks, "Jeez, lets get out of this crowd," She started walking to a side room.

"One sec," I managed to grab the barkeeps attention, "Just give me the bottle," I pushed the rest of that nights bits across the counter and was handed a mostly full bottle of vodka. I managed to make my way past and meet Vinyl at the door. The place must have been a break room.

Once we were in and the door was shut things were much calmer, the noise muffled by the walls, "So...you didn't like it," She asked throwing herself across a couch.

I took a seat next to her leaning deep into the soft couch, "Like I shaid- oh fuck..."

She started snickering, "Maybe the bass upset your stomach...amongst other things,"

"Hey I- yeah your right," I set the bottle on a table out of reach, "I can't help it though- it feels good,"

"I'm not judging, just, you're really different outside the shop, less dorky,"

"I'm not dorky!"

"yeah you are, it's cute though," She rolled on her side, "I mean-"

"Last time I got called cute I was sexually harassed..."

"*Pffff* really,"

"Well harassed is a strong word, lets say- what do you call a mare holding you to her stomach,"

"Foreplay..." She said offhandedly blowing dust off her hoof.

"Hey I didn't ask for it,"

"But did you like it," She glanced over at me from the edge of her glasses.

"Uh- well it was kind of distracting,"

"You didn't answer,"


"I would," She said adjusting her glasses


"It's warm, like...a warm feeling on your tummy,"


"You never been with a mare before have you,"

"I've only been here a few months, last girlfriend I had left me when I came over,"

"Hmm if you didn't know, two places we enjoy, tummy and plo-"

"Please don't..."

"Would you rather listen or try..." Wait...what?

"Are you-"

"Don't ruin it man," she stood just long enough to throw herself on her back across my lap, "Just roll with it," A cheeky smile across her face.

"I don't know how I feel abou- of fuck it," I reached over to the table grabbing the bottle for another deep swig, "So...after this you still ok with me working on your hooves," I joked shakily.

"Depends...lets see how you use those hands," Her glasses falling to her forehead, revealing to wanting red eyes. I might have had a heart attack if I was sober. I slowly ran my hand from the top of her chest downward, her light moans prodding me lower.

Well. At least this weekend's gonna be unique.

Author's Note:

One more to go.

Day 1: I'm gonna get this done tomorrow!

Day 2: I'm going to get this done today!

Day 3: FUCK!