• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 4,899 Views, 80 Comments

Steel Shoes - Sir Hat

Corey has a very simple job, make, fit, and maintain horseshoes. business is good, but unfortuately for him his customers find these great chances to chat and gossip.

  • ...


Saturday, how I love you. I have Sunday off too but I take care of all my shopping and such. Saturdays were completely free.

"Ach-," I moaned rolling out of bed, "hungry..." I walked down stairs and went into my kitchen. I poured a bowl of cereal and sat down to eat, "bloody....cereal..." Never could keep the professional appearance outside of work. I mindlessly chewed my cereal," Meh.....need stuff to do...." Never understood why I talked to myself over breakfast. Maybe I'll see if Roseluck's shop is open, be nice to talk to someone. Probably not open yet anyways, what time is it.

I looked around meeting my clock: barely seven AM. I'll go around nine. I spent the next few hours milling around the house, two story cottage on the edge of town, "Man.....I should get some paintings or something......" I ran my hand along the bare wall, "Too bad everyone but unicorns have trouble painting, *Sigh* guess I'll go get dressed...." as much as I liked my day off it got kind of dull sitting around the house all day. I went back upstairs and grabbed a white button-up and some slacks. Nothing too fancy, but something respectable.

I stepped outside with an umbrella in hand, a cool rain cut the heat of the day. Well better get moving. I closed my door and locked it before starting off towards town. The rain was no deterrent for the ponies and with the new stone roads stepping in mud was only a problem for the outlying areas. The familiar noise of metal on stone could be heard above the rain, a small sense of pride came over me.

All around me I could see the shoes we've been making being put to good use, all styles, all colors, all shapes and sizes, we had provided this town with a great service. It felt warm, a feeling of silent appreciate. I walked lazily through town, i slowly worked my way towards Roseluck's shop. I had all the time I needed and was in no rush. I ended up leaning on a tree overlooking the lake for a while.

I stayed there for a while before moving on, "Oh Corey hello," Rarity of all people caught me on my way, "How are you darling,"

"Fine...a bit damp but good,"

"Oh I know darling, this weather doesn't play well with my mane,"

"I can only imagine...so running errands?"

"I've been meaning to pick up some bolts of cloth for a while now....lets just say family can interfere with work sometimes,"

I glanced down at my watch, about eight twenty, "Well do you want some help, I've got time to kill,"

"Well since you're offering follow me," Rarity lead me into the market and later into a small shop with bolts of cloth and fabric all over, "Good morning Silk," A quirky looking pony popped out from behind a pile of blankets.

"Oh hello, you're here for the satin yes," She hurried into a back room for a while.

"So...did you ever meet with Roseluck," Rarity asked while we waited at the counter.

"I was gonna head over there before you came along," I said with mock annoyance.

"Oh....I do apologize, I had no idea I was interrupting-" I gave a quick chuckle, "Oh....I see....a joke,"

"I was gonna head over at about nine but I've got all day to get there," The young mare behind the counter popped back and started boxing the cloth, "So what's this stuff for anyways," Rarity paid and gestured for me to take the box.

"Those shoes you made me, I was trying to fit them into an outfit when I realized, they provided a base, something to work off of," I quickly popped my umbrella open and held it over the two of us, "I feel like those shoes of yours could catch on, on that note; who would I speak to about a matter of business,"

"That would be Sam, the old man behind the counter at the shop," She nodded as we hurried deeper into town. Eventually Rarity lead me to a large building, "This your shop," I asked with slight awe, much nicer looking than Sam's place.

"Shop and home, please come in," I wiped my feet vigorously before stepping inside and setting the box of cloth on a nearby table, "Would you care for tea," I glanced back to my watch, almost nine.

"I'd love to but it's almost nine....another time definitely," I quickly stepped back out the door and down the street.

"Good luck Corey, just be confident," I turned seeing Rarity shouting from her door way.

"Thanks, I'll try," I continued my way down the street. Umbrella in hand I lazily strolled towards my destination. As I walked I couldn't help but notice my hair slowly falling over my face, maybe Rarity knows someone good.

I just swept it away and kept walking, didn't take long for me to reach a small shop adorn with flowers. I walked over placing one hand on the front door, I leaned slightly into if only to find it locked. Well....alright then....I guess I'll go....

I started walking away when a voice stopped my march, "Oh Corey hello, did you need something,"

I wheeled around facing Roseluck, who was hanging half out of the first story window, "Uh...no, I just thought I'd stop by...see if you were busy..."

"Oh, well would you like to come in,"

"It's fine, I don't want to take any of your time," I started to turn away.

"If you wanted to visit it's fine, I'm all alone right now anyways,"

"Well I guess-"

"Get out of the rain," She pulled herself back into the shop with a light laugh. A few moments later the door swung open revealing Roseluck's wine colored mane, "Well, you coming," My heart kind of jumped while I started back towards her shop.

Once I stepped past the threshold the cool feeling that had trailed me inside was almost instantly replaced by a rush of warm air, "Huh...nice in here," I said as Roseluck lead me to a small sitting area. This was when having a small frame paid off, most humans could barely fit in an equestrian chair but I was just the size even if it was a bit snug.

"So, closed Saturdays," I asked settling into my seat.

"Not normally, but ponies tend to stay away when it rains," She sounded somewhat down about it.

"Everything alright,"

"Huh, oh yes...talking about the shop can be kinda boring though,"

"Yeah I get that, not much to talk about from where I work either,"

"Oh come on, you meet all sort of ponies everyday," She leaned forward in her chair.

"Yeah but sometimes it can be kinda.....taxing, if that makes sense,"

She gave a rather quizzical look, "Like what,"

"Well...like yesterday: mare comes in for hoof care, right after I start she starts coming onto me big time, I mean honestly she wasn't even try to be subtle,"

"Who," She exclaimed almost falling out of her chair.

"I'm not going to say...why so interested,"

"uh- because it's rude, you shouldn't have to deal with that,"

"Look don't worry about it, to be honest I made the intern do her checkup anyways,"

"How mean, throwing a kid to a heated mare...."

"From what he said she was "prefectly polite" so I don't think she bugged him,"

"Was it Paul or Ben,"

"Ben, why,"

"Huh...weird, I mean Ben's a decent looking kid, if it was Paul well he's not exactly...handsome,"

"Hey that's not...entirely...true," Paul had the look of a man who had recently been hit with a brick, I'd never tell that to him in person though, "I mean someone has to be into that look...like...rock farmers," I said thrusting a finger upward.

This got a quick giggle out of her, "Ya know...I always kinda.." Oh ok...this may be good or terrible, "...thought he was a colt cuddler," Oh....so hilarious.

"*pffff* hey, he might be," Never asked him, "But I really don't think so, he always checked out mares after they left the shop,"

"What, like their flanks," she said, sounding a little angry.

"Uh...farther back," her eyes shot wide and a small blush formed around her cheeks.

She turned to the side and hid her mouth with her hoof, "What a perv,"

"You're the second person who said that,"

"Really, who's the first,"

"One of Paul's usual's had no idea, seemed oddly put off by it, got me more business though so there's that."

"Ok two things, one: I'd be put off too if i found out Paul was checking out my flank, and two: what do you mean more business," odd phrasing on that.

"She asked Sam to move all her appointments and such to me instead of Paul,"

"Really...well I'm not surprised,"

"Whys that,"

"Well aside from Paul being kinda...mediocre, you're a great farrier," Oh wow, she knows my proper title.

"Well...he tries..." As right as she was he did give a decent amount of effort.

"Didn't he accidentally cut a mare hoof once," I had all but forgotten about that.

"Yeah I guess-"

"And he also gave a stallion the wrong size for a month,"


"Lets face it, you're a lot better than he is,"

"Thanks but...I know...I just don't want him to get fired over it,"

"Why not, I'm sure Ben would take the job in a heartbeat,"

"Yeah but Ben's also got family to support him, Paul's on his own,"

"I suppose, just don't expect me to go to him,"

"Well I've always done your hoof-work, I wouldn't expect to lose a long term customer like you,"

"And I would never let anyone else touch my hooves,"

"That so..."

"Eh- well..." She scrunched her face up, "I did ask you to come visit me after all,"

"I don't understand why...I mean, I'm not the smoothest guy out there," I said as Roseluck stood up and walked over to me.

She hopped up onto the space next to me and leaned into my shoulder, my heart started beating out of my chest, "Just relax, you always act so tense around me,"

"y-yeah well you don't really make it easy- to act normal I mean,"

"Oh really, and whys that," She looked up, staring me right in the eyes.

"..." Breathe...

"..." Breathe....

"..." You're gonna die you don't breathe.

"Oh just say it," She exclaimed looking rather annoyed. I could feel myself lose control and fall into a pile on the floor before everything went dark, "Corey!?"

"Huh~," I opened my eyes finding Roseluck looking over me.

"Sweet Celestia, are you OK,"

"What happened," I sat upright, still half on the floor.

"I don't know, you were sitting next to me, then next thing I know you flop onto the floor," She wrapped her hooves around me, "Sweet Luna don't do that,"

It was odd, normally when she got close I felt like my heart was going to explode, now nothing, "Sorry...just, my head is killing me, how long was I out,"

"Only a minute, what happened, was it me,"

I stood up, "uh~ I think it might have been, heh, you kinda...took my breath away," I said with a matching smirk.

"What," She looked rather hurt by what I said.

"When you sat next to me...I kinda...forgot to breathe..."

She stared at me for a moment before pushing her hoof onto her forehead, "...IDIOT, I thought you actually hurt yourself, I was so worried,"

"I deserve that...tell ya what, I feel like crap...lets go get something to eat,"

"What!? you just....on the ground...*sigh* where,"

"you know any good places, somewhere classy, trying to make a good impression,"

"I invite you over, you pass out because you're to afraid to tell me you want to date me, and you're worried about impressions,"

"Well,first impressions....as my girl," Come on, please work.

She flicked her tail to the side, "How presumptuous, I prefer mare," She walked past me towards the door, "You're paying now come on,"

"No problem, lets just hurry before the adrenalin wears off," Had I not been running the edge between an adrenal high and utter low, I would have walked out and gone home.

"And don't think this means I'm lifting my tail to you on the first date, maybe if you're good I'll stick around,"

"heh playful...seriously though if we don't hurry I'm going to fall apart,"

"Don't tell me I've worn you out already, we haven't even started,"

"No really, I can feel myself coming down..." I stepped out the door popping my umbrella open, "If we don't hurry I'm going to lose my nerve,"

"Alright; can believe you passed out...next time just ask me out," We started off down the road into the center of the town, the rain masking our steps, me and my mare.

Certainly been an interesting week.

Author's Note:

Stay tuned folks, two alternate Saturdays will be coming soon.

Why this chapter took a while: Internet issues, lost it twice, DMV, buckets of rage, and getting yelled at by family.