• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 4,902 Views, 80 Comments

Steel Shoes - Sir Hat

Corey has a very simple job, make, fit, and maintain horseshoes. business is good, but unfortuately for him his customers find these great chances to chat and gossip.

  • ...


*Yawn* "Hey Sam" I said in my usual routine, "Anyone waiting?"

"Not today, then again you're actually on time fer once," He laughed.

"Funny....any appointments today?" I asked closing my locker.

"We got another one of the Apples coming in later, but that ain't fer a few hours."

"Well whenever someone comes in just send them through." I walked back into the fitting room and started sorting my tools. Tuesdays were usually slow, Paul takes the morning shifts and I take the afternoon. I finished setting my tools out and started relaxing. Some days nopony showed up, others we were completely swamped. I guess it all depends on the roads.

"Hello?" A posh voice sounded near the doorway.

"Yes please come in," I said walking over, "What can I help you with today?" The white unicorn infront of me began scanning the room.

"Oh my...this place is rather....rough," I looked around, I would say more rustic than rough but that's just me, "I've heard about your store and was wondering if you could show me the different kinds of shoe you offer," Wait what...so she wasn't even buying?

"Well I'd have to mark this as a consultation...."

"That's fine darling,"

I turned trying to hide my worried face, "Well if you'll follow me," I lead her to the chair, "Wait here while I get our different models," I left her and went to the storeroom, shelves packed with boxes packed with shoes, I pulled a few different materials and styles and went back, "Alright, we offer several different types meant for a wide variety of uses in all sorts of materials, I'll start with our basic," I pulled a standard shoe from a box, semi patterned base with no extras.

"Oh dear their....metal?" She said looking almost disgusted.

"As I said we offer them in a wide variety of materials,"

"Such as?"

"Copper, aluminum, composite, hardened plastic, rubber, steel, or a mix," I said setting the standard aside, "Last shoe I made was hard plastic base with a rubber sole," I pulled a composite shoe out and handed it to her. She started meticulously studying it, "The non-metal shoes also have a variety of colors," Her ears twitched at colors while she was still fixated on the shoe.

"Hmm, do you make custom pairs?"

"We make any kind, but for most custom pairs we need a molding of the hoof for a perfect fit,"

"And you say they have different colors?"

"Yes, the plastic ones contain the color while the composite are painted with a high grade paint,"

"Indeed, may I see the others,"

"Sure, materials or style?"

"Style please," Style was a poor term but type was less appealing. I pulled a caulked pair from a box, "Why is this one spiked on the bottom?"

"Added traction, mainly used for sports, hiking, or work." She studied the she finally noticing the holes in the bottom.

"And these holes?" She asked pointing at the base.

"Well to keep them well fitted and attached we need to screw them into the hard of the hoof," Her face quickly turned to a grimace, "It is a minimally invasive procedure and completely painless and barely noticeable,"

"Screw them in?" I pulled over a chair and took a seat.

"Yes, we drill a small hole in the hard of the hoof, add adhesive then a screw port, once that is solidified we simply line up the holes and screw them in. They are then easily removed with a screwdriver." She looked absolutely mortified.

"And that's the only way?"

"I'm afraid so, but should you choose we can remove the screw port at any time and fill the hole with a hardened bone like substance that has the same properties as your hoof," She didn't look any calmer.

"Oh dear.....you mentioned molding?"

"Yes for the best fit we take a mold of your hoof and use that as a cast,"

"When can you scheduled a molding?" I stood up and walked to the lobby door, Sam was asleep and no one else was in the building. The Apples appointment wasn't for another few hours and the mold would be done by then.

"Well I can do it now if you want,"

"I can always just take the mold if I decide I don't want my hoof drilled?"

"Uh....I guess...no one has really ever asked that, I cant see it being a problem though....you do pay for it,"

"Alright then, shall we get started," Before I pulled the plaster down I grabbed an order form and gave it to her, "....Sixty bits?"

"Eighty...." I pointed to the consultation.

She scrunched her face up, "Very well," she signed the paperwork and I set it aside, "I am ready,"

I pulled a bucket of plaster powder down from a shelf and mixed it and some water together in a bucket, once the mixture had cooled I pulled a square frame box down and filled it with the mixture, "You're going to need to stand in this for about forty minutes...." A flash of doubt crossed her face before she stepped all her legs into the molding, face contorting from the odd sensation, "Feels kinda funny I know,"

"Yes..."funny".." She slowly settled in and I started the timer, "So....we wait now?"

"Yep," I pulled my stool over to my desk and started filing.

It was quiet for a short time, "Excuse me, Sir?"

"Yes miss how can I help you,"

"Would you mind sitting with me, to make the time pass faster,"

"Uh...I really-" I looked up at her, her eyes pleading for some company, "damn....alright," Sucker for blue eyes. I pulled my stool over next to her and sat, "So...what do you do for a living?"

She smile nicely, "I run a boutique in town, that's actually why I came down here," Boutique, wait.

"Is your name Rarity?" I asked much to her surprise.

"Why yes, how did you know that, I've never seen you in the boutique,"

"Do you know the Apples?"


"They're regular customers of mine, the orange one came for a refit yesterday,"

"Oh you must mean Applejack, she talked about me?" She asked with an acquisitive look.


"I'm sure it was all praise," She said flipping her hair.

"Be careful miss, you really don't want plaster in your hair," I reached over and grabbed a small bit of wood we use to make sure their tails keep out and slid it behind her.

"Very forward aren't you," She said as I pulled my hands out from behind her.

"What no, I-"

She started giggling, "Only joking Mr.,"


"Well Corey, might I ask how you became interested in this line of work,"

"Well it just sort of happened, I mean if you told my younger self he would be working as a farrier for magic ponies he would have call you crazy," I said with a quick laugh.

"Come now, surely there was something that got you interested,"

"Well I guess I have a thing for hooves.." I joked raising my eyebrows in jest. This got a small laugh out of her, "No, turned out I was good at it, the owner offered me a job and I took it,"

"Hmm, no real inspiration,"

"I like helping people- ponies, either way."

"Very well,"


"..." Damn silence....

"So what got you into fashion?" I asked trying to banish the interminable silence.

"Well thank you for asking, I saw a chance to shine, a chance to make ponies beautiful, Really though I found my inspiration in gems,"

"Gems, what like rubies and stuff?"

"Yes, I use them to make my creations shine," She said almost involuntarily throwing herself out of the mold, "Oh my sorry, wait" She started tugging with her legs to no avail, "Is it done than?"

I reached over and pulled the timer, "About five more minutes, then I can cut you free,"

"Humph.....so Corey, any one special in your life,"

"Not yet, why you making a pass," I said with a chuckle.

"A lady does not "make a pass"," She said turning her nose up, "I would hope you would refrain from making such brash accusations," I looked off to the side for a bit before I could here her snickering.

"OK that got me, excellent poker face by the way."

"Years of practice,"

"Well what about you, anyone special?"

"Some where out there, some where my prince waits," She said with hint of longing in her voice, "Not for lack of trying mind you," Her tone shifted into one of annoyance, "The one who I thought would sweep me away turned out to be a pompous...how do you humans say it, a git?"

"Uh....that's really more of an Australian thing but yeah...wait where did you hear that?"

"Some ruffians arguing outside a bar,"

"Huh...weird-" *Ring* "Oh hey," I stood up and grabbed the plaster saw and other tools. I knocked the box away leaving a square block of plaster behind, "I'm going to need to reach underneath you, is that alright,"

"Yes, just don't assume anything," She said jokingly. I cut the mold in two with the saw before using a depressor to extricate her hooves one by one.

"There it is, back and front," She shook her hooves out before walking up to me, "Here," I handed her another form, "Indicate material composition and style and I'll get it tallied," She quickly levitated a pen over and began checking boxes before handing it back to me, "Rubber soles, composite base, worked leather coupling with a toe clip, This is going to end up being quite expensive I hope you know,"

"All in the name of new fashion," I rolled my eyes and signed the form.

"Come back Thursday and we can do the installation and you can pick them up Friday," I lead her to the lobby and woke up Sam slipping him the form.

"Phew wee, this is one hell of an order, a real luxury pair," Sam said as he finalized the papers, I just went back and waited in the fitting room.

Three hours later

I had just finished casting the base for Rarity's customs when I heard someone in the fitting room. I reached the door greeted with a large red stallion already sitting in the fitting chair, "Oh hey you must be the five O' clock,"

"Eeyup," I noticed an order form sitting on my stool, I picked it up and gave it a once over.

"So just a check up?"


"Alright then," I grabbed my file, scraper, and brush before settling in next to him, "Any discomfort, rubbing, anything?"


"Sounds great," I removed the horseshoe and began scraping away any dirt or debris. I had done everything but the measurements on this guy, tough man with hard worn hooves. Once I was sure that his hooves were clean I gave them a once over with the brush before filing down rough bits of hoof, changing the insole of the horseshoe and securing it back in place, "Alright all done,"

"Thanks," He walked out into the lobby, the Apples had prepaid for all standard maintenance and checkups so he was free to go. I always liked him, quite. With that out of the way I went back to the custom. I managed to fit the rubber sole onto the base and was working on setting the insole in place when my shift ended.

I got up and started stowing my tools. Once everything was away I walked out into the now empty lobby, "Hey Corey," I turned seeing Sam standing behind the counter, "Paul smashed his thumb with a hammer earlier so I'm gonna need ya to pull double shifts tomorrow,"

"What?! What about Ben, doesn't he cover for Paul?"

"Ben's not gonna get here soon enough, I'll pay ya double but I need ya tomorrow," I only looked down and lament my misfortune. A twelve hour day of working metal and touching hooves.......

"Well shit...."

"Hey watch yer mouth!"

Author's Note:

This is really just one big practice session for me, so enjoy it I guess.