• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 11,696 Views, 340 Comments

Ponyville's New Pet - Bubbabob

An anti-depressant, tickle blob of joy becomes Ponyville's town pet.

  • ...

Chapter 13 - The Spa

After Twilight had let Peanut Butter go again, he wandered around town again looking for something to do. After some searching, he spotted Rarity and Fluttershy walking together discussing something. Curious, he began to follow the two without revealing his presence to them which is impressive considering how much he stands out. After several minutes they entered a building with a roof that resembled a purple tent. Still proceeding with stealth, Peanut Butter decided to try sliding under the door instead of opening it. Admitedly it was a tight fit, but he managed to make it through without any harm to his body.

Looking around, he saw Rarity and Fluttershy talking with a couple of mares; one had pink fur with a light blue mane while the other was the inverse and both had lotus cutie marks. The two lotus ponies led Fluttershy and Rarity to a couple of spa beds where the two laid down on their bellies. Wondering what was going on, Peanut Butter got closer to see what they were doing.

From his point of view, the spa ponies were petting Rarity and Fluttershy.


"So, Rarity, has anything interesting been going on in town?" Aloe asked. The pink pony was pressing her hooves into some knots that the seamstress had in her back, earning a sigh of relief.

"You mean other than that disgusting slime monster coming to town, nothing very exciting," Rarity replied. Off in his hiding spot, Peanut Butter visably deflated. "Honestly, I don't know what those girls were thinking leading that, that thing into town."

"Is the creature really that bad?" Lotus asked from the adjacent bed where she was working out a few kinks Fluttershy had. "From what I hear it's quite friendly with other ponies."

Rarity scoffed, "Friendly or not, I don't want that thing anywhere near me or my sister. I don't trust it for a second."

"Um, I don't think you're being fair to Peanut Butter, Rarity," Fluttershy whispered. "After all, he did encourage me enough to dance at his party."

*sigh* "I know darling, I think I'm just being prejudice against him because he's slimey. Cleaning the slime off Sweetie was just a nightmare." The spa sisters rolled their eyes at that.

"Was the slime sticky?" inquired Aloe.

"No, quite the opposite actually. It was slick and oily and strangely enough smelled of roses. While I hardly got any of the slime on myself and it didn't smell unpleasant. Still it took far longer than I would have liked to get it off Sweetie. And don't even get me started on how long it took to clean out the tub."


Peanut Butter was hurt by Rarity's words. Was he really that gross? No one had ever complained about it before; they just sort of cleaned up after him and demand hugs as payment in return. But the white mare didn't seem to want one from him. It was strange, he had never been self-conscious about his secretions before. But the white mare's words strung a cord in him. Looking around, he spotted a large tub in the main room. He slowly slid over to it and up the side before slipping into the water. Maybe this would help get him clean.


After another half-hour of getting their hooves hooficured and coats clean, the Blossom sisters led Rarity and Fluttershy to the large bath to relax for the remainder of their time. After Rarity and Fluttershy had submerged themselves in the water, Rarity turned to the sisters. "Thank you girls. We'll be fine by ourselves for a little while." The two bowed their heads before trotting away to tend to their other customers.

"Um, thank you again, Rarity, for, um, bringing me here again," Fluttershy said meekly.

Rarity waved a hoof, "You're more than welcome, dear, it's the least I can do. Especially since you occasionally look after Opal for me. Celestia knows that cat can be a hooful sometimes."

Elsewhere, a fluffy ball of fur sneezed.

"Oh, well, she's not so bad," Fluttershy said hiding behind her mane. She didn't have the heart to tell Rarity what Opal had said about her owner. Fluttershy had no idea what sort a foul creature had taught the white cat such words.

Elsewhere, a certain alligator sneezed.

"In any case, your my friend Fluttershy. I'm more than happy to treat you on occasion." The two sat there for several more minutes, Rarity talking her new dresses and Fluttershy occasionally making a comment about her animal friends. "I must say, the water feels exceptionally nice today."

Fluttershy nodded in agreement. "It does. Though, for some reason, it feels familiar to me."

Rarity tilted her head at the statement. "What do you mean, dear?"

"I don't know. The sensation I'm getting from the water, I know I've felt it before but can't seem to remember where."

Before Rarity could say anything else, the water at the center began to bubble. Curious, the two approached the bubbling water to see what was going on. When their heads were just above the surface, a shape emerged from the bottom before wrapping its tentacles around them. The two mares let off shrieks of horror before realizing who it was.

"Oh! Hello, Peanut Butter. How long have you been in here?" Fluttershy asked, returning the hug she was being given. All she got was some gurgling and cooing noises. "Oh dear, why can't I understand you like I do with my animal friends?"

Rarity, on her part, was slowly figuring out what just happened. Her horror of being wrapped by a slimey tentacle was slowing down her brains ability to process information. The first thing she realized was that she never saw Peanut Butter enter the water. The second was that he must have entered the water long before they had. Third, she had been bathing in this water for a solid fifteen minutes. Fourth, she was still being hugged by one of his tentalces.

Her scream of horror would have brought a tear to Discord's eye.

Author's Note:

Ello! Chapter is shorter than the others, but I wanted to get another one out quickly. Some stuff came up and it may interfere with my writing, but I'm hoping that won't be the case.

After all...

Comments ( 27 )

From his point of view, the spa ponies were petting Rarity and Fluttershy.

Must. Pet. Ponies... :pinkiecrazy:

....stay awesome...

That story image convinced me to read this and it was well worth it. :pinkiehappy:

Good job with the story so far, can't wait to see more. :twilightsmile:

That's why I chose it. It's pretty hard saying no to that face. :pinkiehappy:

I hope Rarity will chill out and be nice to Peanut Butter soon.

For you ponies, a guide to SCP-999

......did anyone else see the latest canon info?
.....the....the Smooze is returning....

Well, this throws a wrench into some of my plans.

well..it looks like it is a GREEN Smooze...
and the classic one was Purple...
maybe they are different ones?

Eh, whatever. I'll find a way to work around it like any other author on this site.

Comment posted by SCP-096 deleted Sep 3rd, 2015

*slams head on desk*
Should have thought of that.

6461369 its not to late to edit:scootangel:

This story has been super adorable and fun! :pinkiehappy: I hope you have plans to continue?

6475134 OH I know! If Peanut is going to the Grand galloping gala, he can do the"MAMBO" there, and show those snobs how to really party.

Time to smoke the good [EXPLICIT], SCP-420-J while reading this.:coolphoto:

Why did I forget to track this one :pinkiegasp:?

.....The SCP Foundation called.....They want their source of happiness back.

More please.

Elsewhere, a certain alligator sneezed.

I think we have established by now that he is not an alligator.

Dude, that comment is four years old, from Feb 27th, 2015.
By the way, not everyone memorized the SPC stats/origins/disposition/quirks.

P.S. Whoops I called them 'SPC' and don't care enough to change it...

More please.

So is PB Clean 🧼 know?

Yeah what the fuck was I saying there I'm going to delete that. Sorry

Edit: The delete button isn't working, I'll try again later when I haven't just women up

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