• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 11,696 Views, 340 Comments

Ponyville's New Pet - Bubbabob

An anti-depressant, tickle blob of joy becomes Ponyville's town pet.

  • ...

Chapter 7 - May I use the bathroom?

"A triple uberberry sunrise, dragon style, just the way you like it, Spike," Mr. Cake said, giving Spike his order. The triple uberberry sunrise was the most expensive dessert at Sugarcube Corner, having ice-cream piled as high as Spike was tall. A large stack of vanilla with chocolate drizzling over the top. There was a sapphire and an emerald used to make eyes on the front, a ruby for the nose, and a piece of licorice used for a smiley face. There were three large shards of topaz sticking out of it, one on each side and one coming out of the top. On the end of each topaz was a crystal berry. Spike was salivating before he even reached the table where Twilight was already enjoying her much more inexpensive dessert.

"This is gonna taste so good," Spike said lifting his spoon, ready to take the first bite. Suddenly, an ear piercing shriek filled the air causing Spike to jump and accidentally knock over his dessert. Everything happened in slow motion at that point. Spike watched in horror as his precious ice cream slowly fell towards the earth. When it finally did, the ice cream splattered everywhere and covered his face with droplets of ice cream (end song after 0:20).

"What was that?" Twilight asked, rubbing her ears. Every other pony were similarly puzzled as to the source of the noise. Twilight looked back at Spike who was on his knees in front of his dessert. He was staring at it with a vacant expression. "Spike, are you okay?" she asked, slightly worried about her surrogate brother. Spike raised his claws and head to the sky and shouted one word:



When Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon finally calmed down (mostly due to the fact that they were still in contact with Peanut) they realized that the rest of the class was laughing at them. Miss Cheerilee had a hoof to her muzzle, trying to suppress her laughter. Peanut Butter released their forehooves and slithered out from under the desk. When he 'stood' up he cast a shadow over them, causing them to look away from the class and back to him. He was currently standing to make himself appear at least twice their height. From Diamond and Silver's point of view he looked kind of intimidating.

At least until he wrapped his body around them and started tickling them.

Their squeals of laughter caused the rest of the class to laugh even harder than before. Some of the students fell out of their seats and onto the floor where the continued to laugh. Diamond and Silver begged Peanut Butter to stop, trying to wiggle free as they did so. However, Peanut Butter was relentless in his tickle torture.

"Pleahehese stop Mr. Monster! You're going to make us Peehehehehehe!" Diamond Tiara pleaded. Sweetie Belle had a feeling of deja vu when she heard that.

"Keep at it, Peanut Butter!" Scootaloo shouted over the laughter of the class.

Before Miss Cheerilee lost the entirety of her composure, she finally spoke up, "Alright, Peanut Butter, I think they've had enough." The oily blob complied and released the two giggling fillies onto the floor. It took several minutes for the class to calm down. Silver Spoon was the first to speak.

"Miss Cheerilee?"

"Yes, Silver Spoon?"

"May I go use the bathroom?"

"Me too," Diamond Tiara said.

Cheerilee had to fight back a snicker, "Of course you two can, just hurry back." After some much needed relief, the two fillies had taken their seats at their desks. "Well, that was certainly exciting, wasn't it class?" The foals giggled in response. "Instead of continuing today's lesson, how about we have Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo share what they know about Peanut Butter?" The entire class cheered at the notion.

Getting up from their seats, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were giddy with excitement to share what they know about their new friend. They all hugged Peanut Butter before Applebloom turned to the class to speak first, "Well, as y'all know, this here is our friend, Peanut Butter. We found him near the Everfree Forest where he popped out of the bushes and attacked us." The entire class gasped earning a grin from Applebloom. "Tickle attacked us that is." The whole class giggled.

A chubby, light grey colt with a brown mane and tail with a cutie mark of a knife and fork raised a hoof, "What does it eat then? It doesn't eat ponies, does it?" Many of the other students began to shuffle nervously in their seats.

Applebloom facehoofed, "No, Truffle Shuffle, he doesn't eat ponies. In fact, I believe the only thing he does eat is candy and sweets, ain't that right, Peanut?" The orange blob gurgled which she took as a yes. "Hey, Twist, ya got any candy canes on ya?"

The mentioned filly opened up a paper bag sitting on her desk and pulled out three candy canes. "Ah shure do! Here takthe three." She hoofed the candy canes to Applebloom who then presented them to Peanut Butter.

"Here ya go, Peanut, eat up!" Peanut Butter, who was still being hugged by Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo with their faces buried into his body, wrapped the candy canes in a tentacle and absorbed them into his body. The whole class and Miss Cheerilee watched in amazement as the candy canes began to dissolve. The class let out a chorus of 'Cooool' with a couple of fillies saying 'gross.' Guess who they were.

A tan pegasus colt with a brown mane raised his hoof, "Why are Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle still hugging him?" Applebloom opened her mouth as if to answer, but then closed it and walked over to Sweetie Belle and began poking her in the side.

"Sweetie, it's your turn ta answer a question." Sweetie Belle gave a muffled response. "Well too bad, now get yer lazy flank up and git up there." Sweetie Belle let out a muffled groan before letting go of Peanut Butter and walking to the front of the class. Applebloom then took over Sweetie Belle's original position, earning a glare from her.

Sweetie Belle turned back to the class, "Well, to answer your question, Featherweight, coming into contact with Peanut Butter makes you feel really happy. Well, not happy, per say, more of, hmm... What's the word? Content? At peace? I don't know how to describe it really, but all you need to know is that you feel really good afterwards." Featherweight nodded, before writing something down in his notepad. The rest of the class raised their hooves again. "Scootaloo, it's your turn to answer a question!"

Scootaloo groaned before removing her face from Peanut Butter. "Fine," she groaned, "now let's see, who should I pick." She rubbed her chin with a hoof while turning her head back and forth, scanning the students. "How 'bout you, Berry Pinch," she said, pointing towards a pink filly with a darker pink mane.

"Are there any more creatures like him? Cause I'd like to take one home as a pet," Berry Pinch asked hopefully.

Scootaloo turned to the girls who gave her unsure looks. She turned back to Berry and said, "Well, um, I'm not sure. As we said, Peanut just came out of the Everfree forest when we found him. For all we know, he could be the only one of his kind."

"...That's kind of depressing to think about," Berry said dejectedly. Before any of the other students could raise their hooves, the school bell rang.

"Well class," Miss Cheerilee began, "seems class is over. We'll continue out actual lesson tomorrow. Now I believe it's time to thank Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo for sharing today."


"Oh right! And let's not forget Peanut Butter either." The class said thanks before stomping their hooves in applause. The CMC all gave a theatrical bow before heading back to their desks to collect their things. While they were packing their saddle bags, some of the other students gave Peanut Butter a hug before they left. Before the CMC could leave with Peanut Butter, they were approached by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

"Oh great, what do you two want?" Scootaloo asked unhappily.

Diamond Tiara pawed the ground nervously before answering, "Well, um, you see, the thing is, we, um, wanted to apologize."

"WHAT?!" the CMC shouted simultaneously. Needless to say, their jaws were on the ground, quite literally in fact.

Silver Spoon spoke, "We wanted to apologize for calling all of you liars about finding Peanut Butter, who by the way is really cool."

Applebloom was the first to recover, "Well, um, apology accepted." Applebloom wasn't one to kick a gift horse in the mouth. "Well, um, we'll see see ya'll later then. Me an' the girls are gonna go crusadin' now. C'mon girls, let's go!" Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo shook their heads before following after Applebloom with Peanut Butter trailing behind. He stopped and waved to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon before continuing to follow the CMC.

Cheerilee had a smile on her face from what she had just witnessed. Just before she closed the door she heard two ear piercing shrieks. "Oh sweet Celestia, we just apologized to blank flanks!" Cheerilee burst out laughing and closed the door before heading to her desk to grade homework.


"Um, Applebloom, Scootaloo, where are we going?" Sweetie Belle asked her friends.

"Uh, we're going to the club house to figure out what we're going to try today to get our cutie marks like we do every day. Why?" Scootaloo responded.

"Don't you two remember? We were supposed to head over to Rarity's after school so she could makes us our Nightmare Night costumes."


"You forgot, didn't you?" Applebloom and Scootaloo nodded their heads before removing their hooves from their faces. They changed direction and started heading towards Carousel Boutique. On the way there, they discussed what they wanted to be this year.


Canterlot Castle

"Hurry up time, move faster," Princess Luna was currently in her room glaring at her clock, trying to will it to be tomorrow night.


"Come in!" Luna called out, still glaring at the clock.

"Greetings sister, I- Luna, what are you doing?" Celestia asked after walking in, seeing her sister locked in a staring contest with a clock.

"Trying to make time go faster."

Celestia smiled before taking a seat next to Luna on the bed. "You're excited for tomorrow, aren't you?"

"Oh course, Tia. We- er, I will be able to see 999, or should I say Peanut Butter, tomorrow night!" Ever since Celestia had told Luna about Peanut Butter, she's been anticipating her trip to Ponyville on Nightmare Night. "Art thou- darn it, are you sure you don't want to come with me tomorrow?"

"Luna, tomorrow is your night. Besides, I'll get to see him soon enough." They both sat there in silence for a moment.

"So... have you told Discord yet?"

"No! Sweet Faust, Luna, don't you remember Discord using magic after he was hugged by 999?"

Luna visibly shuddered, "Those poor frogs."

"Which is why I'm going to put it off for as long as I can."

"You know he'll get back at you for not telling him sooner."

Celestia shrugged, "I'll cross that bridge when it rears its ugly head."

Luna giggled, "Celestia, it's not nice to talk about Discord like that." They sat there a moment longer before Luna got off the bed. "Well I must attend night duties now, and you need to head off to bed."

Celestia smirked, "I thought I was the older sister here?"

Luna pointed her nose to the air and raised a hoof to her blue breastplate and spoke with an air of superiority, "That may be, Tia, but nighttime is my domain and what I say is law." Both stood there for a moment before giggling. They headed out the door and walked down the hall until they came to an intersection. "Well, this is where we part ways. Goodnight, Tia."

"Goodnight, Lulu, have fun at night court."

They began to walk in opposite directions. Just before Celestia walked around the corner, Luna yelled out, "And no midnight cake, Tia, you know how it goes straight to your flanks!" Luna then broke into a gallop towards the throne room, giggling the whole way.

Author's Note:

Someone needs to hit me with the stupid stick. While I was working on Chapter 8, I saw that I hadn't hit the publish button for Chapter 7 yet. Chapter 7 had been done since last Sunday.

My bad.

I also have a joke for you:
So a baby seal walks into a club...