• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 11,696 Views, 340 Comments

Ponyville's New Pet - Bubbabob

An anti-depressant, tickle blob of joy becomes Ponyville's town pet.

  • ...

Chapter 9 - Keep us updated

"Ugh, what happened," Luna sat up in bed, rubbing her head. She looked around the room she was currently residing in to try and figure out where she was. "Is this Twilight's library?" She tried to remember what had happened last night: she had arrived at Ponyville, made her grand entrance, the smoo-

Luna bolted out of bed and out the door, going down the stairs as fast as she could. She tripped halfway down and tumbled the rest of the way, landing gracefully on her back at the bottom. She groaned before standing up and shaking her head from the dizziness (and likely concussion). She heard noise coming from the kitchen and ran that way. Upon entering, she saw Spike standing on a stool, stirring a bowl on the counter while Twilight was sitting at the table, reading the newspaper in her hooves. She levitated her mug of coffee to take a drink. Spike's back was turned and Twilight was engrossed with what she was reading.


Twilight spit out her coffee all over her newspaper and dropped her mug on the floor before she began to cough violently. Spike jumped and tried to keep his balance on the now wobbling stool while he held the bowl above his head. He didn't last long. As Spike fell over the bowl flew into the air. Landing on his back, Spike groaned and looked up just in time to see the bowl before it landed on his face, spilling its contents all over him. Once Twilight had recovered from her coughing fit she turned and glared at Luna.

"What the hay, Luna?! What's the idea of scaring us this early in the morning?!" Twilight scolded the older princess.

"Seriously, Luna, you've got to stop shouting like that," Spike said. getting up and trying to wipe the batter off of himself, "You probably woke up all of Ponyville."

Luna had time to look abashed before shouting again (though this time without the royal CAPS LOCK), "How can you two be so calm with smooze slithering around?!" Twilight groaned and facehoofed while Spike just shook his head and began cleaning the would-have-been breakfast, much to Luna's confusion.

"That wasn't smooze, Luna, that was-"

*Elated gurgling.*



"Really, Peanut Butter?! Really?!" Twilight yelled with her hooves in the air, screaming at Peanut Butter who was sitting on top of the unconscious form of Princess Luna trying to wake her up.



"Smooooooze!" Luna bolted upright screaming, frantically looking around for the smooze that attacked her. She saw that she was in the main room of the library laying on a couch. Has this couch always been here?, she thought. She started to get up until she heard a gurgling noise behind the couch. Moving slowly, she grabbed the top of the couch with her hooves while keeping her head down. She began to raise her head, afraid of what she would see on the other side.

*Elated gurgling.*



Luna never saw it coming. Being tackled by Peanut Butter onto the floor was the last thing she expected. She immediately started hugging back almost immediately.

"SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Triple 9! It's you! Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh!" They hugged it out for about five minutes before Luna decided it was finally time to get off the ground. Twilight and Spike, who had witnessed the whole thing, decided to make their presense known.

"Glad to see you're finally awake, Luna," Twilight said while approaching, "You even managed to not pass out this time!"

Spike covered his mouth and began snickering while Luna's eyes narrowed. "You're definitely my sister's student," Luna said. Twilight giggled at that. "It was Rainbow Dash, wasn't it?" Twilight nodded. "I'll need to get her back with something special after making me pass out in front of the whole town like that." She turned to Peanut Butter, "And you! You know how much smooze creeps me out after the moonpie incident!"

"Moonpie incident?" Twilight and Spike asked simultaneously.

"Nothing you need to know or ask my sister about. Understand?" She said glaring at them. They nodded vigorously. "So what happened after I embarrassed myself last night?"

Spike decided to speak then, "Well, after we got Peanut Butter to stop-"

"Peanut Butter?"

"That's what Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo decided to call him," Twilight answered, pointing at Peanut Butter.

"Ah, quite a fitting name actually."

A thought hit Twilight then, "What did Celestia and you used to call him?"

Luna thought a little bit before answering, "Well, when my sister and I first saw him, he was sitting in a tiny cushioned throne next to Discord who was terrorizing a town. When we asked him what creature that used to be, he told us that he just found it one day in the woods eating sap from a maple tree." Twilight smacked her forehead in realization. "What is it?"

"I had been trying to figure out what Peanut Butter ate before he came to town. I guess tree sap makes sense with its high sugar content."

Luna nodded in understanding and then continued, "Anyways he said that the creature's name was SCP-999." She noticed Twilight's confused look. "It's Discord, when does that annoyance ever make sense? Well, after our first encounter with Discord, we gathered the Elements of Harmony and confronted him a second time. After his defeat, trip- er, Peanut Butter came out of hiding and crawled towards us. We were sceptical at first, but soon came to realize that this creature had no ill intent. He lived with us for many years in the castle as our pet before he went missing one night." Luna sighed. "He had been helping me fight my loneliness before then and with his disappearance, I succumbed to my loniness and jealousy." She turned to Peanut Butter who was now hugging her. She hugged him back. "Don't worry, Peanut Butter, it's not your fault. It's mine for giving in to darkness."

While they hugged it out, Twilight stood to the side feeling kind of awkward, unsure if she should stay and wait or go and leave them alone. Before she could decide, Luna's head shot up and turned towards Twilight. "Oh my goodness, we forgot about Spike!" Twilight's eyes widened before turning towards her assistant who was no longer there. "Where did he go?" Luna asked.

Twilight rolled her eyes, "Probably somewhere to mope," then she winced, "although we did kind of interrupt him." Twilight sighed and then noticed Luna's guilty expression. "Don't worry I'll make it up to him later."

Luna nodded before looking up at the clock and then sighing, "I'm afraid I must depart now. I have duties I must attend to before I go to sleep." She gave Peanut Butter a final squeeze before standing up. "It has been a pleasure, Twilight. Thank you for letting me stay here," she said before bowing her head.

Twilight smiled. "Pleasure was all mine, Luna," she replied, bowing her head as well. As Luna was headed towards the door, Twilight said, "Luna, why didn't you change Peanut Butter's name after you defeated Discord?"

Luna turned to Twilight, "I wanted his name to stay the same so I could call him Triple 9. Celestia wanted to call him Oscar."

"...Triple 9 is definitely better."

They both laughed before Luna opened the door with her magic and stepped outside. "Oh, and Twilight," she said looking over her shoulder at Twilight and Peanut Butter.

"Yes, Luna?"

"Be sure to keep us updated about Peanut Butter, we'll want to know what kind of trouble he's getting into." Peanut Butter gurgled and waved goodbye.

Before Twilight could reply, Luna burst into the air and headed towards Canterlot. Twilight closed the door and turned towards Peanut Butter smiling. "So, how about we go make Spike feel better?"


As Luna was flying over Ponyville, she spotted a mansion made of clouds. She smirked. This must be Rainbow Dash's house. Time for some payback. As she flew towards the home of her victim she heard the sound of running water from an open window. She flew over to it and cautiously peeked inside. Rainbow Dash was taking a shower in her glass shower. The glass was fogged up from all the steam, obscuring both Luna and Dash's vision. Luna looked up and saw that the water was coming from a raincloud above the shower. Smirking she used her magic to seal the door for about five minutes. Then she focused her magic on the cloud.

"Hm? What's going-" Before that moment, Luna had never heard a more girly scream. "Oh sweet Celestia that's cold!" Luna had turned the rain cloud's temperature down so the water was freezing cold. Rainbow tried to open the shower door, but it wouldn't budge. "What the hay?! Let me out you stupid shower!" Rainbow paused when she heard the sound of laughter outside the window.

"Consider us even, Rainbow Dash! Enjoy the cold shower!" Luna turned around and began flying back towards Canterlot, laughing the whole way as Rainbow's girly screams faded out.

Author's Note:

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I know it has been a few months since my last update and again I apologize. I had been lacking much motivation or inspiration for awhile and I just found it again. Hopefully, it will stay for a little bit longer this time. Don't worry this story will get finished.

Let me know if I made and grammar mistakes.

Before I go, have a comic that will punch your feels in the kidneys.