• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 11,696 Views, 340 Comments

Ponyville's New Pet - Bubbabob

An anti-depressant, tickle blob of joy becomes Ponyville's town pet.

  • ...

Chapter 2 - Peanut Butter

“Hey girls, I just thought of something,” Sweetie Belle panted, while they were galloping.

“What is it Sweetie?” Applebloom asked.

“Won’t everypony, I don’t know, get the wrong idea seeing Mr. Blob chase after us?”

Applebloom, who was in front, screeched to a halt, followed by Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo who both crashed into her; they became a tangled mess of limbs. The orange tickle monster made gurgling sounds of distress, as if asking if they were okay.

“We’re alright!” Scootaloo said from somewhere in the pile while waving a hoof. The monster replied with a happy, gurgling noise, then preceded to help them out. After they managed to untangle themselves, they got in a circle, with the monster, and began discussing what to do.

“What ‘re we goin’ ta do!” Applebloom said. “We can’t just go walkin’ inta town all willy-nilly with Mr. Blob following us!”

“Sure we can.” Scootaloo received incredulous looks from her friends at that. “What? In my opinion, this is pretty tame to a bunch of the other stuff we did.” Her friends just rolled their eyes in response.

“Maybe we could try sneaking it to the library?” Sweetie Belle suggested.

“Ah don’t know. Remember when we tried to get ‘er cutie marks as spies?” Applebloom said.

“Oh, yeah,” Sweetie Belle said remorsefully. “Poor Doctor Whooves.”

“He didn’t come outta his house for weeks,” Applebloom continued.

“I still can’t believe we made him lose his mane and coat like that,” Scootaloo said, sounding guilty. As if sensing their mood, the orange slime extended two of its tentacles out of its body and wrapped the Crusaders in a group hug. They all started to feel better instantly, although they struggled to get out.

“Let us go, Mr. Blob! We should feel bad ‘fer what we did,” Applebloom tried to explain. The Destroyer of Bad Moods just hugged them tighter. “Alright, fine, just kill ‘er guilty feelings,” she tried to mope, although it was hard to do while she had a smile on her face.

“Mr. Blob is better at making ponies smile than Pinkie!” Sweetie Belle said happily. Somewhere else, Pinkie felt a shiver go down her spine.

“Better not tell her that or she might try to prove you wrong,” Scootaloo said. They all giggled at that.

“Alright, Mr. Blob, you can let us go now.” It did.

After a few moments, Applebloom spoke up, “Well, we still don’t know what we’re gonna do.”

“I say YOLO and walk through town like we own the place,” Scootaloo replied.

“What’s... POLO?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“It’s YOLO, and it means ‘you only live once.’ That’s what Rainbow Dash told me, and it’s the code she lives by everyday!” Scootaloo excitedly explained. Both of her friends just rolled their eyes. “What? Do either of you have any better ideas?”

They both brought a hoof up as if to speak, but then slowly lowered them.

“That’s what I thought,” she replied smugly and then began trotting towards Ponyville with the orange slime following behind.

“This is a terrible idea,” Sweetie Belle stated.

“Eeyup,” was all Applebloom said in response.


The CMC stood at the edge of Ponyville with their new friend, watching ponies walk by who had yet to notice their presence. All of Scootaloo’s earlier confidence seemed gone, as she stood there, just as nervous as the rest of her friends. Suddenly, they each felt something drape across each of their backs. Looking back, they saw that their orange friend had sprouted three tentacles, putting one on each of them to give them reassurance. They smiled, feeling their confidence returning, and the four began trotting (or slithering) into town.

As soon as they passed the third building, ponies started to take notice of their presence. There was a mix of reactions: most ponies gasped, others just stared, some ran away with one in particular yelling ‘The horror! The horror!” Surprisingly, a few number of ponies just shrugged and continued about their day, as if it wasn’t that big of a deal. Given what’s happened to the town in the past, this is very minor. The Cutie Mark Crusaders continued trotting, undeterred by the stares.

Sweetie Belle suddenly stopped.

“Girls?” she said.

“What’s up Sweetie Belle?” Scootaloo asked.

“Something just occurred to me. Instead of walking into town and making a scene, one of us could have gone to Twilight and brought her back while the other two kept an eye on Mr. Blob.” Both of her friends stared with their jaws wide open and then promptly face hoofed.

“Whelp, to late ta do anythin’ ‘bout it now,” Applebloom mumbled through her hoof.

Before they could say anything else, they heard what sounded like galloping. Turning around, they saw what looked like six ponies heading towards them. Soon enough, they recognized who those six ponies were. At the head of the group was Twilight, whose face showed a hint of worry. Behind her were Applejack and Rarity, with Rainbow Dash flying above them. All three of them had a look of determination on their faces. Behind them was Pinkie Pie who was bouncing happily along, and in the very back was Fluttershy who looked very terrified. The CMC and their orange friend each said something upon seeing them.

“Oh Consarnit.”

“Oh Ponyfeathers.”

“Oh sweet Celestia.”

*Elated gurgling.*

Guess who said what.

The mane six came to a halt about 3 meters away from them, looking ready for a fight except Pinkie, who was still bouncing, and Fluttershy, who was hiding in the back. They were thrown back slightly when they saw the orange blob sitting(?) behind them. They recovered quickly and Twilight spoke:

“Girls, what are you doing?! Get away from that thing. It could be dangerous.”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes and said, “The only thing dangerous about it is that it might make you tinkle yourself.”

Sweetie Belle blushed. “Hey, I never tinkled!” she said defiantly.

“I never said ya did.”

Sweetie Belle’s blush just deepened.

“Girls!” Applejack’s yell snapped them back to attention, “What in tarnation is that thing?!”

The CMC looked at each other and Applebloom began to explain, “Well, ya see, sis, we were headin’ towards the Everfree Forest ta-”

“Ya did what?!”

“Hold it sis, let me explain! Ya see we went ta Fluttershy ta see if she had any suggestions of how we could get ‘er cutie marks. She suggested that we try bird watching and Scootaloo said we should go ‘near’ the Everfree forest ta see if we could spot more exotic birds. We were ‘bout ta head back cause we weren’t doin’ right when we heard a gurgling noise. I suggested that we leave whatever critter was in there alone, but Scootaloo thought it was a good idea ta run head first inta the bush ta see what it was.”


“Not now Scoots,” Applebloom whispered. Scootaloo just mumbled angrily until the slimy creature hugged her, making her smile while causing the mane six, sans Pinkie, to flinch. “Anyways, this here critter pops out and startles us. When it wrapped ‘round us we thought it was goin’ ta eat us until it started ticklin’ us.” All three of them giggled at the memory. “When it was done, we all felt in a really- how should Ah put it? Happy? Good? Refreshed? Positive mood? Well anyways, we thought we could bring it ta Twilight ta see if she knew anythin’ ‘bout it.”

After she had finished her story, the mane six stood there, processing what Applebloom just said. Pinkie was the first to say anything. The CMC hadn’t notice before, but most of the town had surrounded them and had listened to Applebloom’s story as well.

“So it’s not dangerous?” Pinkie asked.

“Nnope,” Applebloom said.

“And it likes to give tickles and hugs and makes ponies smile?”

Applebloom pretended to think for a moment before answering, “Eeyup.”

That’s when Pinkie full-on tackled the orange, hugging menace.

what’sitsfavoritecolordoesitlikepartiesitlookslikepeanutbutterandfeelslikepeanutbutterheyisitsnamePeanutButter!!!” Pinkie said all in one breath (somehow).

All that the CMC heard was ‘name Peanut Butter.’ Now that they looked at their new friend, he did kinda look like peanut butter. They looked to each other and nodded in agreement, both to the name and the fact that they didn’t want Pinkie to start coming up with an impossibly long list of names. Scootaloo walked up to it and said, “Hey, Mr. Blob dude,” she assumed she had its attention, “We discussed it and thought we should name you Peanut Butter; how does that sound?” Peanut Butter wrapped her in the hug that Pinkie was already in, nuzzling her and gurgling happily. “Alright! Alright, ya like it,” Scootaloo giggled. There was a chorus of ‘D’aww’ at the adorable sight. Scootaloo usually would have been embarrassed, but at the moment she couldn’t care less.

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle joined in the hug, giggling while they did so. The rest of the mane six seemed to lose most of their wariness at the most adorable sight they’ve ever seen.

“Doesn’t it kinda look like a beanbag chair?” Rainbow said, ruining the moment. Her friends who were not involved in the hug all facehoofed (yes, even Fluttershy).

“Hey, you know what this calls for?” Pinkie asked. Peanut Butter gurgled in anticipation.


Author's Note:

Sorry if this chapter isn't as exciting as the previous one. I Pinkie Promise that the next chapter will be a lot more entertaining.