• Published 16th Sep 2013
  • 3,040 Views, 73 Comments

No Safe Haven - Rexzilla

Things go sideways in Equestria when kaiju start showing up all around. Equestria and its lower technology has next to no defense against them.

  • ...

First Contact

Jason and Kyle waited in the head of the giant monster, watching the shining pacific ocean fly by under them as the transports moved them and the "twins" jaeger. "The twins" was what all the other jaeger pilots called Anderson and Jay. Like Jason and Kyle, they were the closest of brothers and never hesitated to step in for one another even when they were in the wrong. The only difference was that instead of spending their entire life out in the country working on a farm, the twins were just your average, run-of-the-mill kids. They always stirred things up with teachers and would constantly get kicked out of class. But the one thing that made them capable to be pilots was their military background. Both had been in the Marine Corps. Each one even made it into Force Recon.

"You boys ready back there"? Jay asked, preparing to disengage the jaeger from the transports.

"Little too late to ask now, dont you think"? Jason replied in a sarcastic but joking voice.

"Alright then, heres the plan. I want a one hundred yard spacing between both of us. You watch our back and we'll return the favor".

The thought of being at the bottom of the pacific ocean raised a question in Jasons mind.

"Sir" He said back to the former Marine. "Will we even be able to see that far once we're at the ocean floor"?

"Well there's only one way to find out, isn't there"?

"Well it would be hard to miss a three hundred foot tall walking tank with L.E.D. light's shining from every corner".

"Yeah, so dont fuck it up", Jay responded as he laughed at the whole conversation.

"Alright you two", Kyle interrupted the 'fun-time' Jason and Jay were having. As the jaegers were released into the warm ocean water. "Lets just get in there, fuck this thing up and get back to the shatterdome before breakfast".

"Since when did you care about timing"? Jason asked Kyle.

"Its three thirty in the morning, why shouldn't I care"?

"True, true"

By this point, both hunters were reaching the ocean floor.

"Belle! Im getting a signature at at your seven o'clock"!

Jason and Kyle whipped Western Belle around in a blocking stance preparing to be met by a multi-thousand ton behemoth hurling itself at the jaeger...... But instead, they were faced with an empty wall of black. No sign of any kaiju were visible.

"Nothing there"! Kyle shouted through the intercom.

''Well im still picking up something moving faster towards you guys"! Andersons sentence was cut short as their hunter erupted in a vicious jerk, followed by the conpod shaking as if Mt. Saint Helens was having another chunk of itself being blown off as the jaeger slid across the mud-like ocean floor.

"Anderson! Jay! You guys alright over there? What the hell happened"?

Kyle got no response, but seen a black mass rush between Western Belle and Vertigo Delta and disappear into the black sea. He seen Anderson and Jays jaeger stand up and get into a fighting position ready for a second attack.

"Anderson! Jay! Whats your status? Out". No response.

"Damnit! Their comms must be down".

Western Belle and Vertigo Delta scanned the ocean looking for whatever bushwacked them.

"Jason, what's that on the scanner"? Kyle noticed a second signature lingering just beyond their range of sight.

"The breach is closed, where did this one come from"? Jason gave Kyle a look of utter confusion as they tried again desperately to reach Anderson and Jay to warn them.

"Hes on our left"! Kyle screamed to Jason as they swung Belles arm in a huge right hook catching a hard blow on the kaiju's face before it grabbed the jaeger and smashed it into the bottom of the ocean. "Delta! He's right on top of us! We can't get him off"! The two pilots struggled to free themselves from the kaijus grip by grabbing its limbs trying to protect the jaeger from any critical hits.

Right then they heard Vertigos horn, muffled by being under water, as it rushed to their aid catching the kaiju off guard. The massive brawler jabbed the kaiju in the face trying to stun it, then grappling the beast and body slamming it into a group of jagged rocks breaking them and injuring the monster at the same time.

The ordeal bought Jason and Kyle enough time to get Western Belle back up on her feet. Vertigo had the kaiju, that was identified as "Sukauto", pinned in the mud repeatedly hitting it with a right hook. Then out of nowhere, a lumbering mass swooped in to its companions assistance grabbed Delta and drug it into the pitch black ocean. The last hint of either one was a light being drug straight down and disappearing as it went behind something that was in no way visible.

Kyle and Jason watched in horror as the experienced pilot's were lost but could not be seen.

"You bastard!" Jason hollered as both him and his brother took off in a weighed down sprint towards their friends last known position. When they got to the spot, they found a massive whole that spanned out at least enough to swallow a coal mine. But what made it so unusual was a light coming from the bottom. A bright, multicolored light that had a purple center bordered with a twisting green and orange ring.

"Oh my God. What the fuck is that"? Kyle thought in unison with his brother. But their chance to do anything was cut short as the first kaiju, followed by yet a third, smashed into Western Belle dragging it into the light. After they went through, everything went pure white. Nothing inside nor outside the jaeger was visible. But regardless, Jason and Kyle kept Western Belles' head protected with its arms preparing for he worst.


It was a nice, quite morning as Fluttershy woke up from a deep sleep to prepare everything for the days events. She slid herself off the bed and went downstairs to feed the hungry critters that were roaming throughout her cottage.

"Good morning little ones" She said in her usual quite, calm voice. "You must be hungry by now".

Angel, as usual, was grumpy and being just an over all douchebag to Fluttershy by refusing to eat with the others due to him being used to having his own special food.

"Knock, knock, knock"

"Oh, Twilight must be here already" Fluttershy trotted over to the door and opened the door for her friend ho was waiting there with her saddlebags and a large smile on her face.

"Good morning, Fluttershy" Twilight said somewhat quietly in fear of bothering her friends animals who, by now, were nearly done with their breakfast.

"Good morning Twilight. You're here early. Could you not sleep last night or something"? She asked in a hushed voice.

"Actually, I slept great last night. But I just happened to wake up early. How was your night, Fluttershy"?

"Oh, it was good. After all that walking yesterday, I was really tired. But this is the time I normally wake up so I can take care of everything before it gets too late" Fluttershy responded as her and Twilight walked through the house and to the back door putting.

"You ready to go Twilight"?

"If you are".


The two ponies started their walk into the Everfree Forest. After about five minutes of walking, they reached the treeline that extended for miles in bothe direction.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Fluttershy"? Twilight asked with a concerned tone and worried look on her face.

"Don't worry, I have friends out here that would help us if we need it" The yellow and pink pony tried to convince herself.

"Well, if you change your mind just tell me and we will go back".

"Alright Twilight. Thanks".

Out of nowhere, there was a violent shaking in the ground that went on for what seemed for a few seconds. Birds flew up and out of the forest and small animals rushed into there

"Was that an earthquake"? At this point, Fluttershy had hid herself behind Twilight not knowing what to expect.

"I, don't think so. An earthquake usually lasts for several minutes. That wasn't nearly long enough to be an earthquake".

In the distance they heard an ear piercing sound that was felt all the way back in Canterlot.

"Ummm, Twilight? I think we should go back now. Maybe inform the Princess about this". But it was too late. By the time they had made up their mind's, it was there. A giant reptilian-like behemoth that seemed tall enough to be able to reach up and touch the clouds with extreme ease. And even worse yet. It was staring them down with its narrow, blue eyes that watched them with pure hatred and destruction.

They were frozen with fear. They couldn't think straight, they couldn't move, they could hardly even keep their balance let alone run away from it. It released another roar that was even more terrifying than the last and followed up with a claw that came down just feet from the two ponies.

Then it stopped. For no reason, just stopped. The two seen it look up straight in front of it. Twilight and Fluttershy turned around expecting to see another beast just like the one that was now behind them. But what they seen was different. Instead of a leather appearance it showed a dark gray color with lights coming from the torso, arm's, and head. And its main difference. Was that it was bipedal. And it was coming straight towards them. It got closer, and closer, and soon they could make out numbers on it and even see marks from what they assumed came from previous fight's the monster had gotten into. It let out a sound that very highly resembled the horn on a ship, a low sound that could be heard for miles on end.

The footstep's that it made shook the ground and they could here some kind of mechanisms working inside the monster with every move it made. It reached the attacker and immediately struck it with an uppercut that appeared to stun the giant lizard. It then grabbed it by the horn the came out of the others forehead and stepped on the tail, stretching it out in a vertical fashion and continued to hit it in the head.


Anderson and Jay had adrenaline pumping through their bodies as they continued to throw the kaiju down onto the canopy of the forest. They stood back, equipped it's electrically charged blades that slid down from the forearm's of the jaeger. Waiting for the monster to get back on it's feet, which it struggled to do, they decided to end the fight. They walked over to the wounded kaiju, placed one of the blades on its head and shoved it into its brain killing it right then and there.

"Well. That marks our tenth kill" Anderson got out between breathes.

"Yeah. But do you have any clue where we are"?

"Well I can't get any reading of our position. So that's a pretty shitty start".

"Hey, Andy. You seeing what I'm seeing"?

"Those...... animals down there. One has wings and the other has a horn and wings. But they look like ponies".

"Wait, what? Hows that possible?"

"Damned if I know".

"The digital core needs to reset, so lets shut her down for a bit until it gets it's shit back together".

Andy and Jay both shut down the digital core that powered the jaeger and disengaged themselves from the conpod. They climbed out of the hatch that was at the top of the head and took off their helmets to get some fresh air. But had to wait until the dust settled from the brawl they just had with the scout kaiju.

Then they saw it. The purple pony disappear in a bright, purple flash.

"Okay, what the fuck is this shit"? Jay shouted as his mine was literally blown.

Before they knew it, the pony that was just moments ago sitting on the ground somehow teleported itself in a flying position about fifteen yards away from the jaegers conpod.

"What the hell"?! Anderson yelled with a huge sense of shock in his voice. What the fuck just happened"?

''I don't know, but this doesn't look like any forest I've ever seen". Jay replied to his brother as they looked out at the forest and seen plants and colors that they never witnessed in a forest before.

''So what about those things over there"? Anderson pointed to the animals that were closely inspecting the massive war machine.

"HEY"! Anderson shouted in an attempt to scare the beings into doing something. But what they did do was not expected by either one of the pilots.

The yellow gasped and flew straight down to the nearest bush that she could find hid in it, while the purple one screamed in horror, but didn't retreat like the other one did. Instead it froze in terror and looked straight towards the humans.

"Jay. What just happened. Those things didn't just do what I think they did, did they"?

Anderson nodded his head slowly while keeping his eyes on the one pony that was still flying there out infront of them.

Twilight, on the other hand, flew very slowly towards them after seeing that they didn't pose much of a threat. Both sides stared at each other intently for what seemed to be hours.

"So, did you just talk"? Jay asked the wide-eyed pony as it hovered in the same spot.

"Did you just talk"? Twilight answered both questions in a rather odd way.

"Shit. Andy, do you have any clue where we are"?

"Nope, not a clue. The navigation systems went blank after we fell through that thing back there".

"Wait, you fell through something"? Twilight asked both of them.

"So you just decide to talk to us now"? Jay was confuse, yet frustrated because he had no idea where they were or how they got there.

"Well, you killed that monster there and saved us. Why should I just run away and not even thank you for doing so"?

At that point, Fluttershy came flying up behind Twilight and whispered something to the men.

"Um, what did she just say"? Anderson asked Twilight.

"She is very worried that you may try to hurt us or our friends. You wouldn't do that, would you"?

"Yes". Jay replied in his smartass remark

Anderson took the moment to try and speak to the pegasus seeing how it seemed to be terrified of them and what they just done.

"Don't worry, we have no intention's of hurting you. Unless you try to hurt us".

"But. That monster over there. You, you killed it"? They could tell Fluttershy was upset and about to cry, so Anderson explained why they had to put it down.

"Well, you see. A few year's ago, those monster's started attacking us with intentions on exterminating our race. We came up with these beasts that we call 'Jaegers', and the jaegers are our best means of defense against these things".

"But, why do they want you gone"? Fluttershy asked, a little more comfortable than she was a minute ago.

"Because they got too greedy and fucked with the wrong planet". Jay shot yet another smartass comment.

"Jay, just relax. Don't get too violent here".

Knowing his bother had a point, Jay asked Twilight where they were. What he got for an answer made his heart sink.

"You mean to say we aren't even on the same planet anymore"?

"That's what it seems" Twilight told the truth knowing how nervous the human's must have been.

A huge flash came from in front of the four who were on the jaegers head. Anderson and Jay stood up from their crouching position ready to get into the conpod if needed.