• Published 16th Sep 2013
  • 3,039 Views, 73 Comments

No Safe Haven - Rexzilla

Things go sideways in Equestria when kaiju start showing up all around. Equestria and its lower technology has next to no defense against them.

  • ...

Guardians of the Gods

The monster flipped over and onto the ground. Belle still had the neck in the hold and was now being dragged across the ground away from the mountain and into the town.

"Kyle! We can't let this fucker use us to destroy that town! We're going to burn a hole through him, alright"?

Jason didn't need to say anything, Kyle had all the confirmation he needed by reading Jasons mind through the drift.

Kyle reached over and armed the turbine in the center of the jaegers chest and waited for it to charge up. The kaiju was slowing down and struggling to drag the jaeger. Kyle and Jason took the initiative to stand the jaeger up and bring the monster with it while still yet in the grip around its neck.

"Hit it"! Jason yelled over to Kyle.

Kyle slammed his fist into the button, nearly cracking the panel that it was on. The turbine lit up and shot a focused ray of pure heat straight into the monsters back and out its stomach sending chunks of it flying out to different directions. The kaiju roared for its last time and went limp right there in the jaegers arms. Kyle and Jason dropped it and watched its head bounce off the ground just a few yards from the first building on the outskirts of the town.


Princess Celestia was up in her watch tower watching the two massive beings slug it out with each other.

She quickly pulled her eye away from the telescope as she gasped at the thought of such a gruesome death.

"Sister"! She hollered down the stairs into Lunas' room. "Get up! We have a problem"!

Luna slowly climbed up the staircase and walked over to her sisters side.

"What was that horrible noise"? Luna asked with a concerned look.

"See for yourself". She spun the telescope in the direction of the scene.

Luna closed an eye so she could see down the telescope. She couldn't see clearly through all the dust that was stirred up from the death match. But when it did, both of her eyes shot open in horror. What she saw was beyond anything she had ever seen in dreams or in real life. A massive, bipedal giant was standing at the base of a mountain looking out towards Ponyville. At its feet was another, more natural looking monster that had a gaping hole in its upper torso. Its bones and insides were visible as well and put off a glowing aura around the creature where the blood was running out.

She then turned to look at her sister.

"Get the elements. We have to keep those things from doing anymore harm"! She told the princess of the sun in a panicked tone.

"Luna, I'm not so sure they are here to hurt us".

"Are you mad? It just killed that other giant like it was a walk in the park"! By this point Luna thought Celestia had finally lost some of her marbles.

"Yes, but unlike the other one, it has made no attempt in attacking the town or the ponies who live there. For the monster that it killed was trying to kill a filly who was caught outside".

"And you just sat there and watched it do so"?! Luna was now infuriated at the thought that her sister was going to stand back and watch an innocent filly be ripped to bits by an alien being.

"I had no time to react before I seen the others. Twilight was with them so I knew that these were different".

Luna stared at her intently as she began to regain confidence in her sisters actions. She knew that if it hadn't tried to hurt Twilight and saved a little filly from the other and stopped right after that, then it must not mean harm to them. In fact, it may even mean the exact opposite.


Jason and Kyle stood there looking at the kaiju that was now a pathetic pile of mush sitting at their feet.

"Jesus, that's the second one today" Kyle was wondering why things seemed different. But before he could continue the thinking, his brother interrupted it.

"Wait, Kyle. This is a town, right? And kaiju blood is toxic, then shouldn't we try to warn them"?

"Probably. Vertigo, we're stepping out of the conpod to discuss this with the residents". Kyle said through the direct coms to the other jaegers pilot's.

"Copy that, we'll stand guard to make sure you guys are safe". Jay replied.

By this point, ponies from all around were creeping closer to the giants. When they seen the two smaller individuals emerge from the things head, some flinched while others stood there looking in awe.

At that moment, Twilight came flying over to the jaegers shoulder that Kyle and Jason were now standing on but still kept her distance from the pilots.

"That was amazing"! She shouted.

"Miss, we don't have time to celebrate. That monster we just killed. It is very toxic and you need to warn the others to stay away from it". Jason put his joking aside and got straight to the point.

"Toxic? What do you mean"? Twilight responded.

"It's blood is very toxic and can make you very sick if you get too close. Now get them away from it"! Jason was getting agitated at this point.

Twilight flew down the chest of the Jaeger in front of the citizens and told them what Jason had told them.

"So you think we're in trouble by their higher-ups"? Jason was a little concerned for there own safety too. Who knows what these princesses would think of a couple three-hundred foot tall war machines killing monsters and polluting their cities.

"I don't know. But if they have any sense in them, then they will realize that we saved all their asses."

"Well, either way we need to get back home".

Right then they seen two ponies fly down next to Twilight and the rest of the ponies. But these were different. They were wearing crowns and their horns were considerably longer than the others who had horns. Their wings spanned out far more than any others in the crowd. And the ponies in the crowd bowed down in front of them.

"Jason, get a load of this". Kyle said as he lightly hit his brothers shoulder to get his attention.

"Are those the princesses she was talking about"? Jason seemed amused in a slight way.

"Looks like it. Maybe they know how we got here".

The two large ponies flew up to the shoulder of the jaeger and stood there in the presence of the two pilots. Their hooves made a clanging sound as they touched down against the thick-skinned jaeger.

"Umm, hello"? Jason asked as he slowly lifted a hand in the direction of the the bright colored pony.

There was an awkward silence between the two sides. At the base of the shoulder stood two bipedal beings that saved the lives of many. And more towards the right shoulder stood two goddesses who's mane waved in the breeze like a kid holding a sheet over his head as he ran through the yard. Neither of the sides knew what to say.

"So, are you the princesses that we were informed of"? Said Jason as he slowly retracted his arm back to his side.

"That would be us"? The taller pony spoke with a voice that contained what seemed like magic.

"Well, I'm just going to say right off the bat that we have no clue what's going on. One second we're defending a country and the next we're falling into a pit and end up here".

"Well we are sorry to hear of this inconvenience. But I may ask, why did you just kill this thing hear? Surely there was another way, rather than introducing these ponies to such horrors".

"With all due respects, ma'am. We just saved your entire town plus your palace thing up there".

"But couldn't you have loured it elsewhere and exterminated it there"? The dark blue pony chimed in with an evenly majestic voice. So majestic, in fact, that the pilots were almost speechless.

"I don't think you realize how these these things work. They go from planet to planet, taking control of each one and colonizing them. They want you dead. All of you".

"But, what would they want with Equestria"?

"Beats me. What do they want from our planet"?

"Is there any more of... whatever those things are"?

"Probably, but I don't know where they are coming from". Jason was still talking to the ponies.

"Hey! Belle, we're picking up another signature on the scanner! Do what you gotta do and we'll take care of it"! Jay spoke to the pilots of Western Belle from a distance by external comms that allowed them to speak directly to people (or ponies in this case)

"Copy! We'll get them to safety and be there as soon as we can"! Kyle replied by stepping back into the conpod and speaking through the standard, radio-link communication system.

"Listen, we are going to take you to a safer area. But first, you have to get your people-or whatever they are away from this area". Kyle was very stern with his words looking the two princesses straight in the eyes.

Author's Note:

So I got sick this week, so sorry for the late post. At this point, being sick and all, I'm not too sure if I rushed this chapter. If you think I did please feel free to tell me. Can't really think too straight :/

But here is this: