• Published 16th Sep 2013
  • 3,041 Views, 73 Comments

No Safe Haven - Rexzilla

Things go sideways in Equestria when kaiju start showing up all around. Equestria and its lower technology has next to no defense against them.

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Guardians of the Gods: II

Vertigo Delta was positioning itself directly in front of the signature on the scanner so the Kaiju would have to see them before it seen Western Belle and her crew who were basically standing there naked. Vertigo stopped right at the edge of a forest with the town about half a mile behind them. They looked back and forth in a slow scanning-like motion making sure there wasn't anything that would attack them that was unseen. The mass was larger than the average Kaiju signature, but the two pilots paid no attention. Just focusing on finding the Kaiju.

Off in the horizon, they seen a rather dark object moving in an irregular pattern. It was moving slowly but did not appear to be a completely solid mass. It was whipping out on the sides and along the top. As it moved closer they could make out two glowing, green eyes with a purplish fire coming out of the outer corners. It was closing at a rapid pace, appearing to glide over the ground devouring all the trees into its dark mass. Then about a quarter mile out, it slowed to a halt. They could tell it was looking them down by the way its eyes were scanning over them.

Anderson and Jay both engaged the Assault Mount 3.25 "Sting-Blades" on each forearm and waited motionless keeping the opponent in their sight while continuing to scan around the forest. They waited, the mass waited, looking them straight into the eyes and hovering there. The black waves on the outskirts of it tightened up and formed a solid mass. Four legs formed out of the black cloud. When it was done forming, it highly resembled the two princesses back at the town they were just at. Except this one was black. And it only had a horn that merged into a bright red color as it neared the end. Its eyes were still locked on the conpod of the Jaeger as if it could see through the forward windscreen.

After waiting for what seemed to be hours, Vertigo Delta released a loud blast from the warning horns and began walking forwards to the monster. The giant 'pony' lowered its head and let out a growling noise. The giant began shuffling side to side as if it were getting nervous. Vertigo got within striking range and as it pulled its left arm back to take a swing at the monster, the thing lunged forwards piercing the chest armor right below the digital core.

"Aw damnit"! Anderson shouted as he felt the Jaeger be shoved back by the blow. But between the two pilots being very experienced in fighting and the stabilization that the Mark V Jaeger has, they recovered from the setback by pivoting back in front of the monster and stabbing the "Sting Blade's" deep into its front left shoulder plate sending it in a horrible noise of pain.

The giant then charged forward, shoving Vertigo backwards but this time onto its back. Dust rose up all around the two and almost entirely blocked out the sun. While the pilot's were getting the Jaeger back up, they seen their opponents horn light up with an aura around it that rapidly increased in size and brightness. Then everything went dark. No lights, no drift, no visual on what they were just fighting. Just darkness.

"What the hell? We fucking dead"? Jay asked in an amazed but terrified voice having never been in this kind of situation.

"No, the digital core shut down. I'm starting up the backup core now"! Anderson proceeded to pull some manual starter buttons for the backup nuclear core.

As this was happening, the monster outside was bashing the torso of the Jaeger with its front limbs. Rearing back onto its hind legs and coming down with all its weight directly on the Jaegers chest, it managed to cause some damage to the upper torso. The bay that held the WMB2x90 AKM Chest launcher's was jammed shut from the crushed outer door's.

The pilot's felt a vibration underneath them. Then followed by all the lights and electronics being flipped back on.

Whatever it was that they were locked in combat wit, was now beating furiously at the torso.

"Initiating launch operation, Vertigo Delta. Two pilot's engaged in neural bridge. Ready to activate the Jaeger in 3... 2... 1".

Vertigo came back to life in a violent roar from its fog horn's. The pilot's moved around getting space between the Jaeger and the aggressor. When they got a considerable amount of spacing between them, the reached out and grabbed the horn of the giant and yanked its head down into the dirt. While using the advantage, Anderson and Jay got the Jaeger up onto its feet. The monster looked back at the Jaeger with its teeth showing in a fierce manner. It gave out a window-shattering roar before forming back into the black mass it once was and taking off towards Western Belle's position.

"We can't let that thing get Kyle and Jason! Get them on the horn"! Anderson shouted over to Jay as the limped back towards the town.

"Belle! We got a Kaiju heading your way! We can't catch it and it's closing rapidly! How copy?" Jay said over the commlinks.


Kyle stood up on the right shoulder of the battle-proven Jaeger watching the two princesses get everything in order far below.

"Where exactly the fuck are we?" He thought to himself. "Things have gotten pretty messed up back home, but not quite like this."

"Kyle! Get your shit together! We have a Kaiju heading our way. And by the sounds of it, it really messed Vertigo up." Jason said to Kyle as he tossed him his helmet from the rear hatch to the conpod.

"Are they alright though"? Kyle asked his brother as he walked back into the head of the machine.

"Yeah, they're fine, but their Jaeger apparently took a pounding".

"Alright, let's get to it then". Kyle said with a sigh of relief.

Both pilots stepped into the braces inside the conpod and made sure everything was secure. They flipped some switches on the console between them and the AI chimed in with its Jaeger start-up sequence.

After they engaged in the neural bridge, the reactor's inside the Jaeger began to roll to life. The turbine in the chest spat out a blue flame, then turned to a yellowish color as it began to heat up.

The ponies stared in horror as the machine came alive before them. All they could do was stand there and watch as it turned itself around to meet the monster that was now in front of the Jaeger.

The crowd gasped as they looked out and seen the black mass form into the solid being. Others ran into the town in hope of finding shelter.

"It can't be". Celestia mumbled to herself.

"I thought Twilight and the element's of harmony took care of him at the Crystal Empire". Luna said to her big sister who was staring in shock at the stand-off between the two monster's.

"They did. But apparently he is back". Celestia said quietly.

The giant blue machine stepped in towards the "Kaiju" in an attempt to get the attacker to get nervous and mess up.

Their hopes came true. The black behemoth opened its jaw's and jumped up at the Jaegers shoulder which was countered by Belle giving a solid punch right into its mouth, knocking loose the beasts front teeth.

It fell down onto its stomach in a daze. Western Belle reached down and grabbed its horn, tearing it clean off the head and jabbing back down into the throat of the now suffering monster.

The giant pony-like creature stood back up and was met instantly with a hard right hook that nearly ended the fight then and there.

Once gain, it lunged back up at the Jaeger but to no avail. Kyle and Jason hit the beast right behind the same shoulder plate that was wounded just minutes before. It let out a howl in pain and returned to its previous form of a black cloud.

Belle stood there with the sun to its face watching the wounded creature retreat into the horizon.

This time, everypony seen what happened. And there was no doubt that they had an ally on their side so far at this point. Which eased some fear among the town. But some were still unsure about the arrival of the new beings....

Author's Note:

So I hope you guys can tell what the "creature" is at this point :/

Up at 2 in the morning on a school night getting this done...... YOU'RE WELCOME!! ;D