• Published 16th Sep 2013
  • 3,041 Views, 73 Comments

No Safe Haven - Rexzilla

Things go sideways in Equestria when kaiju start showing up all around. Equestria and its lower technology has next to no defense against them.

  • ...

Force Build-up

Rainbow Dash reappeared again with two other pegasi. The other two were pulling what looked to be a cart, with a gold color to it. Rainbow was flying slightly ahead of the others and stopped in front of Jason and Kyle who were still standing on the Jaegers shoulder.

"So, where do we set this down at?" Rainbow Dash asked, looking the giant machines upper torso over.

"Right here." Jason replied, a little confused of why she would ask that question. The blue pegasus motioned for the other two to fly up closer and rest the cart on the Jaeger. Both of whom were staring at it in shock at the massive figure.

Knowing that they are the only two who can pilot Western Belle, Jason and Kyle leave the the Jaeger and ride down onto the ground in the cart. Once they got out, they immediately started looking for Jay and Anderson. They asked a couple of ponies if they knew where the other pilots were. They didn't know.

One unicorn was standing across a street staring at them with wide eyes. Kyle wave a hand at it and kept walking. A little ways farther, he noticed it was following him and Jason from across the street. Every time he looked towards it, it would stop what it was doing and act like it was just waiting for somepony.

Kyle ignored the pony and kept walking down the dirt road through the town. Soon, they came across the same purple pony as earlier. She was talking to an older looking pony who wore glasses and has a light gray mane. They decided to ask if they knew where the other Jaeger pilots were.

"Uh, excuse me. But do you know where our two friends are? We can't seem to find them and we have no clue where we are." Kyle said, Which was a partial lie considering they could see their Jaeger looming over the entire town and could use it as a reference in direction.

"Yes, I believe they went to the hospital". Twilight motioned her hoof in the direction of the forest. There, they could partially see a multi-floor building that looked to be what they were looking for.

The two continues to the hospital. A few ponies stopped to look the humans over, but none of them posed a threat or anything of that matter. Once they reached the entrance, the doors slid apart automatically as they walked on in. Behind the front desk, stood a white unicorn with scrubs on.

"Ma'am, we are looking for our two fiends. We were told they should be here". Jason said, leaning against the desk with his helmet help down by his hip.

"Yes, they should be in the second to last room on the right, straight down that hallway". She said as she nodded her head in the right direction.

"Thanks". Jason replied as him and Kyle started down the hallway.

"Second to last". Kyle thought to himself. "Right here".

He looked in through the door and seen Jay sitting on a chair next to Anderson. They were both speaking to what Kyle assumed was a doctor.

"You do not have any major or minor injuries, but I have never dealt with anypony like you two before". The doctor said as he gave a strange look at the two in the doorway.

"Yeah, we get that a lot". Jay chuckled as he stood up to greet his friends at the door. "Good to see you guys again". He said, shaking their hands and giving each one a pat on the shoulder.

"What do you mean?" The unicorn asked with a confused look on his face.

"Nothing, so you think I'll be fine then?" Jay asked, shrugging off the doctors conusion.

"Oh yes, in fact. You didn't really even need to come here".

"Alright, so what's this gonna cost us"? Anderson asked, standing up to move to the doorway.

"Do what?" The doctor asked.

"How much do we pay you for all this?" Jay said in a slightly louder voice without being disrespectful about it.

"This? This doesn't cost you anything? You're good to go now". The unicorn said.

"Well alright then." Jay said as he thanked the doctor and moved out of the room with his knee still bothering him.


"They were too strong. Both of them obviously are experienced in fighting." Sombra said as he went back to his original size that was caused by the spell that took him, Chrysalis and Discord to muster up.

"So what do you propose we do next?" Chrysalis said as she walked out from the dark corner of the room.

King Sombra sighed. "We send in the next tier of Kaiju that the Precursors lent us. But backed with our own monsters this time".

None of them knew what this decision was about to bring to Equestria.


As the four pilots reached the base of their Jaegers, They started thinking about how they were going to get Delta back on her feet. They knew how to fix the hydraulics and engines, but not the digital core.

"Maybe we could be some help."

The four pilots turned around to see the white alicorn that spoke to them earlier that day.

"No offense, but I don't think there is much you could do." Jay said as he looked back at the Jaeger as it sat face down on the ground on its stomach.

"Well, it looks like we are your only chance on getting it back up. Surely we can do something to assist you." Celestia said. At that time, six more ponies came up from behind her and stood there looking at the four humans.

"Well, hello there." Jason said with a chuckle in his voice.

Celestia, not knowing the human's names, asked them what their names were and began introducing the six smaller ponies at her sides.

"This is Twilight Sparkle, my student who recently became a princess herself". Celestia said as she looked over to Anderson with a slight grin.

"Well congratulations." Jason said as he looked down to the pony who stood just above his waist.

"Umm, thanks." She said as she blushed a little.

"And this is Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity." Each pony stood there smiling at the pilots in a welcoming manner. Except for Fluttershy, who was curled up behind the princess.

"It's nice to meet you. All of you." Kyle said. "But, how do you propose we fix our Jaeger."

"A what now?" Applejack said.

"A Jaeger." Kyle repeated himself which would normally irritate him, but didn't in this case. "You know, these things?" He said, motioning towards the Jaegers.

"Oooooooo, those are shiny! Can I touch them?" Pinkie Pie said in an abnormally enthusiastic voice.

"Well, if they can take punches from a twenty-five hundred ton monster, I don't see what you could do wrong to it." Kyle said.

"In a flash, the pink pony was already crawling on the head of the downed Jaeger struggling to lift herself up onto the hatch, which provided the only grapeling point on it at the moment.

"You do realize that pony will destroy anything in a heartbeat, right." Rainbow said as she hovered in front of the humans and gazed past them at Pinkie.

Right at that moment, a loud banging noise came from the head. The pilots turned to see what was going on and found Pinkie Pie lying on the ground on her back with a hunk of metal held in her hooves.

"What does this thingy do? Is it some kind of high powered laser weapon made by aliens?" She said with a gasp.

"No, that would be the hatch..." Jay said in a surprised tone. "How the hell did you pull that off? Four full grown men couldn't even do that!"

"Told you", Rainbow said nonchalantly.

Suddenly a purple glow illuminated the hatch that was ripped off from the hinges. It gracefully floated up and back in its original position. There, the bolts were replaced on the hinges and the hatch resealed on the head. All four men turned around in shock.

"And I told you we could be some help", Celestia said, grinning.

Jason sighed. "Well that beats anything I've ever saw."

"Agreed", Anderson replied.

"Okay.... Okay, so how do we know we can trust you. Why should we just grant you full access to a multi-billion dollar machine?" Jay asked.

"First of all, we do not posses the technology you have to build these, things. Even if we did, we would have no way of knowing how to create it." Celestia responded.

"Mister, I know how you feel about somepony else working on your stuff. But by the looks of it, you ain't got a whole lot of options. Why don't you let us help you." Applejack said.

"Well letting someone else work on your machine is different from letting whole different species wor-!" Kyle said back to them but was cut off by a high pitched mumbling-like noise from the yellow pony behind the princess. The ponies stood aside and looked at Fluttershy, who was hiding behind her mane that hung down in front of her face. The scene made Kyle feel bad. They scared the little pony with the yelling. Kyle sighed.

"Okay. Do you have anypony who can work on electrical circuits?" He asked the princess.

"We do, we can have the unicorns help with that." Celestia said as she began to smile at the thought of helping an alien race.

"Sounds good, we can do most of the mechanical work on our own. But we may need a little help on it." Anderson stepped in to help coordinate.

"I do not think we have anypony who can help with the mechanical parts. This is far ahead of our technology. But Twilight might be able to assist you there."

"Well it's better than no help. Welcome to the Pan Pacific Defense Corps. then ladies. Glad to have you on board." Jay said, jokingly.


The week or so was nothing but grease, hydraulic fluid, and sweat. For the pilots at least. They lied their drive suits near Western Belle and worked in the thin layer of clothing the wore underneath them. Which consisted of white T-shirts and the light jeans that were just right for keeping the pilots from overheating. The unicorns slowly worked their way on the digital core, repairing any kinks or shortages within it. The pilots repaired the three engines that were down. As for external damage, the only thing was a hole in the chest. But nothing some pegasi welders couldn't fix after the pilots stood the Jaeger back up.

On the first day, they worked on the knee. Their access to it was limited due to the Jaeger being face down on the ground. With the help of the unicorns and a few pegasi they were able to roll Vertigo just enough to give the pilots room to work on it. The four of them were up to what they estimated to be around one in the morning working on it. That night, they slept on the ground next to their machine.

When they woke up, the sun was just peeking over the horizon. The bright sun made the Jagers look like black masses, which looked amazing to them from on the ground. The rest of the week went by slowly. Kyle, Jason, Anderson, and Jay had the knee repaired and was ready to test it.

"Wow, I've never seen anything like this before. I mean, the largest animals we have around here are dragons."
Tilight said to Kyle one day.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have, we sort of built these things in a spur of the moment type of deal" He said back to her while she was using her magic to help repair the electrical system.

Over the final night of repairs, the pilots of Vertigo hitched a ride to the top of Vertigo to get back to the conpod.

"Good as new, Jay!" Anderson said as he and his brother stood at opposite ends of the conpod making sure everything was in check. Jay turned to the center control that sits between the pilots and hit the horn. A low rumble erupted from Vertigo as the fog horn blasted across Ponyville and the outer edges of the Everfree forest, causing birds to flee and ponies to cover their ears.

"Haha, music to my ears," Jay said as he grabbed his drive suit off of the floor in the conpod and continued to put it back on.

Jason and Kyle were both sitting in the conpod with the rear hatch open. They were sitting, staring out across the town, the forest, and the mountains out in the distance.

"These things are smarter than I thought," Kyle said.

"Yeah. They have a pretty good leader though. Leaders back home would want to put aliens in a room and poke them with shit to see how badly we can piss them off. We're lucky these things didn't try to attack us" Jason said.

"Wouldn't say we're lucky, we got transported to some random place that we never would have dreamed existed" Kyle aid, standing up to go check on the other crew.

"The panara what now?" Pinkie said from behind the pilots.

"Nothing, don't worry about it" Jason said.


The Kaidonovsky's released Cherno from the transports off the coast of the Shanghai Shatterdome. They were on a joint interception mission along with Romeo Blue and the Gage twins. Both Jaegers were brutes. Thick, strong armor. Both possessed immense power and could come close to knocking out even a category IV Kaiju. Cherno stayed to Romeo's back and to its right. They continued to advance in the direction of the category III Kaiju. But this Kaiju, however, was even heavier and stronger than Knifehead, which was the biggest category III up to this moment. Once they reached their destination, they stopped and waited for the Kaiju.

"Loccent, Cherno watch yourselves out here. This things closing fast" One of Romeo's pilots said over the radio. "Approximately one nautical mile out and closing."

The signature disappeared. Romeo turned its head to the left just in time to catch the beast in mid air as it jumped out of the water at the Jaeger. Both pilots were shoved back in the braces and immediately went to grab the beast and threw it back down into the water. The Kaiju, which resembled a dog with incredible forward body strength and had a flat-like tail to propel itself through water, took its long front claw's and pulled itself forward at insane speed for a thing its size. Romeo bent its knees to prevent the Kaiju from pushing them back and breaking them and prepared for the second strike. When it turned back around, Cherno maneuvered onto its right side to prevent chances of it flanking Romeo again. The Kaiju, which was given the call sign "Foxbat", lunged up at Romeo grabbing the back of the conpod and wrapping its hind legs around the torso to keep the Jaeger from gaining leverage. The Gage twins struggled to pry the monster off of them, but finally did so by getting the elbow between the two monsters and shoving it off. As it ripped the enraged animal off, Foxbat tore its claws across the Jaegers sides, pulling apart cables and hydraulics, then fell into the water. Cherno Alpha spread its arms out and rammed its fists into each other with a ear-shattering banging noise. The panels on the Jaegers torso fluctuated independently as the sheer power of the slugger was displayed. The Kaiju roared once again as it took the action as a threat. The Russians took the initiative and drew closer to the dazed Kaiju. Clenching the "Stack of Nickels" in the fists, Cherno inched its way closer to the Kaiju. It eventually walked up to Foxbat with its right fist pulling back and slugged it in the face with a massive punch. The Kaiju rolled around in pain and got back on its feet after twisting and turning its heavy tail. It let out a high pitched roar and swiped out at Cherno with one of its front claw's. The Russians back stepped just in time to miss the attack. Cherno retaliated by charging each fist with the Tesla coils and sandwiching the Kaijus face between both hands after drilling its giant stakes into the ocean floor to prevent the Kaiju from dragging down the Jaeger, which it was more than strong enough of doing so. The Kaiju then fell to the ground as it began to foam at the mouth from the head wound. The pilots of Romeo walked up to make sure the crazed beast didn't get back up. After waiting a few minutes, the pilots of Cherno Alpha called in with the after battle report.

"Loccent, Marshal we have successfully intercepted the Kaiju and are returning to the Shatterdome." One of the Russian pilots said. They switched over to communicate with Romeo Blue. "Great job guys."

One of the Gage's chimed in soon afterwards. "And to think that's coming from a Russian," the voice said. "Well good job to you too."

Both of the Jaegers began to walk their way back to the Shatterdome. But they noticed something odd. The water movement was still irregular. The waves were still lapping up furiously at the Jaegers lower torso's.

"Cherno, you seeing this shit?" Romeo's pilot came in again. "This water's still acting strange."

The pilots stopped and observed the ocean. Indeed it did still act strange. All Jaeger pilots knew that every Kaiju that came through the breach had a massive water displacement. And the unnatural event's would end shortly after a Kaiju was brought down.

Just at that moment, a second undetected Kaiju popped up out of the ocean and grabbed Cherno. With that, Cherno Alpha disappeared in a bright white flash, no warning, no sign of the Jaeger, just gone. The mysterious Kaiju turned to look at Romeo and appeared to smile a disgusting smile that did nothing but enrage the American pilots. But there was something odd about this one. It seemed as though it was laughing at them and was not anywhere close to being the size of a normal Kaiju. With that, it vanished as quickly as Cherno did and another monster came up where it was standing. This one, however, resembled a crocodile. And was much larger than the last. In fact, it stood slightly taller than the American brute. It stood up on two, long hind legs with a long thick tail. The front arms extended out and prepared to attack.

"That son of a bitch!" One of Romeo's pilots cried out infuriated at the loss of their fellow Jaeger pilot's. Both of them began moving in place, charging the Jaeger into the giant lizard. They ran the long forward fin into the Kaijus chest, knocking it back down into the water. The pilots began feeling around under the water which was up to the Jaegers hips for something to use as a weapon. They felt a large rock and ripped it up from its position. Romeo walked up to the Kaiju and stood over it. The monster lashed out at the machine trying desperately to inflict damage on it. The massive metal monster lifted its arms over its head and brought the giant boulder down onto the Kaiju's neck. They proceeded to drop the rock and crush its neck with the foot of the Jaeger. It backed up and watched as the Kaiju stood back up and shook the pain away. Romeo Blue then rushed up to the Kaiju, lifted itself up a few meters by stepping on a small underwater plateau, and rammed one of its fists into the side of the crocodiles jaw. The fist popped forwards like Chernos, but not quite as much, which inflicted heavy pain on the opponent. The hard hit was followed directly after a second, then an even heavier third which was followed yet again by the hardest hit yet, a right uppercut that knocked the Kaiju unconscious.