• Published 1st Sep 2013
  • 5,116 Views, 151 Comments

Mobster Meets Equestria - Caddy Finz

This is the story of a thug who just wanted to turn over a new leaf and start a new life. While trying to leave New York City, reformed mobster, Vincenzo leaves his life of crime behind and discovers the magic of interdimensional travel and ponies.

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Chapter 11: Apple Punch, Shootaloo and Sweetie Bomb

Chapter 11: Apple Punch, Shootaloo and Sweetie Bomb

"Yo, Pinkster" I said to my new co-worker as I walked out the door of the bakery for the night, a heavy briefcase full of bits in hand. "Same time tomorrow?"

"Unless everypony is still wasted in the morning then same time tomorrow!" She replied

I then made my way back to the library where I was to be staying during my time here. Out of all the friends I made here, I noticed that I was hanging out with sparks the least. Seeming how she's the one who really opened my eyes to the great things this world has to offer, I felt bad about it and even considered taking the day off tomorrow to do just that.

Even with a case full of gold weighing at the very least fifty pounds, the walk back to the library was still quite short. On the first couple of days, before entering the tree I would knock on the door but at this point, I was coming and going all the time and It wasn't like I was a stranger around there anymore. Upon walking in I was baffled to see Twilight Sparks sitting at a desk in the corner observing what looked like a cigarette with a magnifying glass. I regularly took inventory of what I had left in my box and carefully rationed them to make them last and I didn't recall missing any so I had no clue where she could have gotten it. I was just about to ask her about it as I quietly shut the door assuming Spike would be asleep which she noticed and again greeted me with the same cheerful tone she always had.

"Hi, Vinnie." Sparks chimed. "How was it working with Pinkie?"

"Fine." I nonchalantly began. "Apparently I invented a new pastry that everypony can't get enough of, ended up earning a couple thousand bits today and then Pinkster told me I should get a patent for it."

"Wow, sounds like an eventful day."

"Yeah, you ain't kidding. Where'd you get that cigarette, by the way?"

"Well, when I fixed the ones you had, I decided to perform a duplication spell on one. Just out of pure curiosity, I wanted to study this thing and figure out why one would get so edgy as a result of withdrawal. I must say, I'm really shocked by the types of chemicals I found in this little stick."

"Yeah, it's really not one of the smartest things I've don-did you say duplication?"

"Uh, yes and I know what you're thinking but I really don't want to be an accessory to your habit though. Now that I understand the chemical make-up of these things, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I made more for you. I hope you understand."

"Wow, Sparks. I really don't know what to say. It's been a while since anybo-er anypony really showed me that they cared like that. I guess I could, uh maybe try to eventually quit altogether. Lately, I've been smoking a lot less than I was in my world."

"That's great, Vinnie! Although, judging by the way you acted when I fixed them, quitting cold turkey might not be easy for you."

"If I had a dollar, and yes I mean dollar for every time I've tried that, I could buy Wall Street."

"I want to help you with that, Vinnie. I think I have a book here on addictions and how to quit them so I'll do some research on that."

"I don't mean to be a prick, Sparks but I really don't have high hopes about that working. I really appreciate the thought though. That alone makes me feel better."

"We'll see, Vinnie."

"Ok then. Oh, I've been thinking of something."

"Oh? do tell."

"Well, I feel kinda bad that I've been ditching you to go make money the whole time I've been here. You've really done a lot for me and I wanna make it up to you. I'll just say that I got enough bits for the road now so I'll just take the day off tomorrow and we can hang out and do whatever you ponies do during down time."

"Aww, that's nice of you, Vinnie. I was actually planning on having a picnic in the park with the girls tomorrow. We'd love it if you would join us."

"Heheh. As girly and fruity as that sounds, I'm game for that."

"Great! Well, It's getting late so I'll be going to bed in just a minute. Good night."

"Yeah, I'm gonna do the same. I'm not used to high pressure retail anymore and even less used to shooting shit up so that really tired me out. G'night, Sparks."

The Next Day

For the first time in many years, I woke up feeling on top of the world, both emotionally and physically. So much in fact, that I decided to take a walk around town to better see the sights before our picnic we would be having later. Not only did I get the chance to get some fresh air, I was even able to meet more of the ponies around town. I met this middle aged mare with a gray mane who introduced her self as the mayor of Ponyville. I was very pleasantly surprised to meet a politician who was actually a genuine and decent, non corrupt hu-er equine being. I even met this adorable little gray postal worker with a blonde mane. She seemed to have some kinda condition with her eyes but I think It's great that the local postal service hires ponies like her. That wouldn't happen where I'm from. Not by a long-shot.

I continued my stroll down the path in the park and I happened to see Jackie's little sister who I'd met before. She was accompanied by three other little fillies about the same age as her. There was a little white unicorn with a light purple mane, an orange pegasus with a pink mane, and another earth pony, a little darker yellow than Apple Bloom and she had a mane with red and pink stripes. The four of them were walking together with very sad looks on their faces. Seeming how everypony around here has some way or another gone out of their way to cheer me up, I decided to return the favor.

"Yo, Apple Bloom" I greeted as I approached them. "What's eatin' you kids?"

"Howdy, Vinnie" Apple Bloom replied. "It's nuttin' really. We just got these bullies we're dealin' with. We put up with 'em all the time but mah cousin Babs here is visitin' from manehatten and ah didn't want 'em to ruin our time together."

"Ah I see. I guess there's no world that's all perfect. I gotta admit, this place is pretty friggin' sweet but I'm disappointed to hear that bullying exists here."

"We just try tah avoid 'em the best we can. Ah'd like yah tah meet mah friends and mah cousin, by the way. This here's Babs, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle"

"Yo, nice to meet ya." Babs said in a familiar accent as she extended her hoof for a bump. "We's just watching out for these two bullies Diamond Tiara and Silver spoon ova here and they's really gettin' on our case."

"Well, kids" I replied. "I think I can help ya's with that. When I was in school, there were some punks who thought they were tough-guys and they pushed around one too many times for their own good and I made sure they never fucked with me again. Now, I'm not sure how big of a deal sluggin' somepony upside the face is around here but Maybe if you just try to intimidate them a bit, they'll leave ya alone. Maybe grab 'em by the mane and shove 'em back into a locker or something just to get the point across."

"Yah really think we should do that, Mister?" Apple Bloom asked sounding confused.

"Let me rephrase that" I replied. "I don't mean like go all out and put 'em in the ground. I'm just talkin' about gettin' all up in their faces and scaring the crap outta them. Act like you're completely insane and make sure everypony else sees it so it sets an example for all of them too. They'll never punk you around again if you really let 'em have it."

"Alright then, Vinnie. We'll give it our best sho-"

"Hey blaaaaank flaaaaaanks!" Two nasty little fillies yelled out to my four friends. "Who's your two-legger friend?"

"Good luck, kids" I said. "Show 'em who's boss. Imma go get me a soda now so lemme know how it goes capiche?"

Two Minutes Later

"Uh, Vinnie?" Apple Bloom said behind me as I popped the cap off of a soda bottle I bought from a street vendor pony. "Ah think we overdid it."

I then turned around to see the four fillies I talked to a couple minutes ago all of them looking very worried. Sweetie Belle was holding a busted pair of glasses in her hoof and Scootaloo a destroyed tiara.

"Oh shit!" I said out of disbelief. "Is that a wad of teeth you're holding, Babs?"

"Yeah" Babs replied. "I don't know what I should do wid 'em. Can these be put back in their mouths? I didn't mean to knock 'em right out! I swear!"

"Alright, alright just chill out and lemme think ok? Um, do you ponies got a train station around here?"

"Yeah" Apple Bloom answered. "It's on the other side of town over yonder."

"I kinda got ya's into this mess so the train tickets are on me. Let's get outta here."

End Chapter 11