• Published 1st Sep 2013
  • 5,111 Views, 151 Comments

Mobster Meets Equestria - Caddy Finz

This is the story of a thug who just wanted to turn over a new leaf and start a new life. While trying to leave New York City, reformed mobster, Vincenzo leaves his life of crime behind and discovers the magic of interdimensional travel and ponies.

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Chapter 14: This Means War

Chapter 14: War

Twilight Sparkle! It's wonderful to see you again!" Said the huge yet beautiful and majestic white alicorn as she stepped off a chariot being pulled by four pegasus stallions wearing what looked like some kinda ancient Greek armor.

The so called Princess Celestia was accompanied by a somewhat smaller dark blue alicorn who I assumed was her sister that was mentioned in the letter. Everypony else was bowing down at the sight of them so I decided to do the same to be polite. After all, they were later going to be doing me a big favor so I felt it was only appropriate.

"Ah, you must be Vinnie" The Princess said as she approached me to which I stood back up.

"Yes ma'am, that's me." I replied.

"I'm sorry it took so long for me to arrive. I hope you at least enjoyed your stay here."

"No worries" I then turned my head back to my seven friends standing behind me, tears beginning to fill their eyes. "I can honestly say that I did enjoy it here."

"I'm glad to hear that." The smaller dark blue sister said. "Now there was this pond mentioned to us in the letter sent to us. Would you please show us where it is?"

Again, I turned back to my friends.

"Girls? Spike?" I said. "You guys wanna come see me off?"

A Short Walk To The Pond Later

The royal alicorn sisters both stood facing the pond that I crawled out of and examined it for several minutes, myself and my Ponyville friends watching the whole thing. A few times, they would pause for a moment to whisper back and forth to each other about what they were looking at. Finally, they came to a conclusion and turned to the rest of us.

"Everypony?" Celestia began. "We have come up with a solution. Vinnie, if you would please stand right over here, about ten hooves in front of this pond. I'm sensing quite the substantial amount of energy coming from it. It sort of pulsates so I think If I ignite it at the right time, I can open the portal and have you back home very shortly."

I stood right in the spot as the two sisters' horns began to glow. It was more than likely the last time I would ever see these ponies again so I faced them and waved goodbye the entire time. A yellowish aura began to glow around me and I knew within seconds I would be back in my world...or so I thought.


Being in my line of work for so long, I knew that there was only one thing that could make such a distinct sound. There was no other thing it could have been. Somehow a large caliber rifle had made it to Equestria...but a gun can't fire without somebody with fingers to pull the trigger. After the shot that came from the distance in an unknown direction, I noticed that the yellow aura from Celestia's magic was no longer surrounding me.

"Whoops! My bad, pal!" A familiar voice called out with a blood boiling sarcastic tone from the forest about fifty yards away. "I was aiming for you, not the horse! Now hold still!"

"Aiming for me and not the horse?" I wondered to myself. "Who the fuck was that and what was he talking about? Just then, it clicked in my head and I turned to where Princess Celestia was standing expecting to see the worst...and the worst is indeed what I saw. The princess was standing there with a mortified look on her face, all four of her legs about to buckle and struggling to support her as she began to hyperventilate. On her side, in her stomach area was a sizable spot of blood and more was quickly dripping out of a wound in the middle. Shit needed to be figure out and fast. As my adrenalin kicked in, questions started racing through my head. Did somebody follow me here? Why would they follow me here? What kind of monster would gun down such a divinely beautiful creature?


The unmistakable sound of a bolt type rifle ejecting a spent shell and feeding a new one into the chamber could be heard in the distance as the wounded Princess collapsed on the ground.

"MY SISTER!" The smaller Princess Luna screamed at the top of her lungs as she stepped in the line of fire over her downed sister with her wings flared out in a fighting stance. Her horn glowed brightly as she fired several beams in the general direction the shot had come from. Unfortunately, she had missed her target as she was about to become one herself.


A second shot was fired hitting the magnificent dark blue Princess Luna in the flank just a few inches in front of her cutie mark. Spike and the girls were starting to panic and badly. I knew I had to take it upon myself to get them and the two royal sisters outta there. Princess Luna had a hoof firmly pressed against her sister's wound and the other occupying her own. I was always one to remain calm in situations like this but with the fact that I had six panicking ponies, a dragon not fairing much better and two large and probably very heavy badly wounded alicorns to attend to.

"Did you really think you could leave just like that?" The twerpy little rifle wielding Joe Hoblini said as he slowly made his way from the forest, his fatass sidekick Luigi Largenassi in tow toting an uzi.

"You sick bastard!" I screamed. "What did those ponies do to you? I'd rather you woulda killed me instead!"

"What do you care? They're just little hors-"

"They're the only friends I ever had you fuckin' Schmuck!"

I turned to my seven friends to assess the damage to see them all huddling together with the two wounded royal sisters, all of them violently shaking in fear. Joe and Luigi both paused for a moment to process what I had just told them before bursting out into hysterical laughter.

"You mean to tell us that these fruity colored ponies are your friends?!" Luigi laughed. HA! If you wanted them to live, ya shouldn't have told us that!"

"NO!" I yelled. "Go ahead and take me out but leave them alone!"

"Hey boss!" Joe yelled back. "We got 'im! C'mon over!"

Five other guys all of them packing heat then emerged from the nearby woods and made their way towards the scene. As they neared us, I could get a better look at their faces. I didn't recognize any of them except...

"TONY?!" I exclaimed as the man I had worked for for many years walked over pointing a large revolver at me.

"Yeah and if I had found my knife at the time I was huggin' you, it woulda been stuck in yer back, punk!" Tony yelled. "Nobody leaves my organization! Nobody!"

"After all I'd done for you?!" I screamed back. "You fuckin' ingrate!"

"Look pal, I'm a man of business and myself and others like me know not to get attached to their associates. You shoulda known you couldn't leave alive in this line of work. Now hold still while I spla-"

"You're not killing anypony, you shitbag!" Twilight Sparks screamed. She was now separated from the rest with her head lowered and her wings flared out. Her horn was starting to glow and sparks were actually flying from it.

"Did that purple one just talk?" Tony asked as he shifted the gun towards her.

That was the last straw. Pointing a gun at Sparks was something I simply refused to tolerate and now that our attackers' attention was off of me, that gave me the chance to take action. As fast as Cloud Speed could fly, I grabbed Tony's arm with both my hands, pulled him towards me and kneed him the the face causing him to drop his big .357 colt python on the ground. As my double crossing former boss fell on his ass in a daze, I seized the opportunity to grab the gun, dive out of the way and give Sparks the green light to go on the offense.

"FIRE!" I shouted as I dove to the gound.

Until then, I had never seen her fire from her horn but she had told me about a time where she thwarted an invasion that fucked with her brother's wedding. I know that we were in a life and death situation here but it was truly a sight to behold. With expert marksmanship on her part, all seven guys were knocked back a good thirty feet or so by her magnificent aura, their clothes and hair slightly singed.

"We gotta get outta here!" I shouted as I returned to my feet.

It would only be a matter of time before our attackers would recover and do the same. I now had a magnum with six rounds in it but i couldn't find my .38 anywhere so if I needed to use deadly force, every shot had to count. It still looked quite grim for us as there were seven guys after us and we had two badly wounded princesses we had to protect. The more I thought about it, the more time it gave our enemies to gather themselves and and steady their aim. Sparks was again proving to be our saving grace as I noticed her aura beginning to surround each and every one of us. She was really straining herself and look like she was about to have a stroke as she made here horn glow so bright that it began to billow thick smoke.


Just as our foes began firing their automatic weapons, I was swiftly knocked down and was lying on my back. As I regained my eyesight, I noticed that we were all back in the library for some reason.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked, clueless as to how we just ended up back in ponyville.

"I just *pant* did a *gasp* teleportation spell." Sparks replied as her now glowing red horn faded into a charred state. "I never had to *huff* telleport this many living beings at once."

"Vinnie?" Cloud Speed asked sounding like she was about to cry. "You know those guys?"

"Why would such a darling friend like you ever associate with the likes of those horrible people?" Gem whimpered.

"I'm gonna fix this!" I yelled, not out of anger but determination. "Everypony, I got you all into this mess and I swear on all that is holy I'm gonna get you out of it if it kills me! We got a war on our hooves! Doc, you attend to the princesses! Everypony else, board up the doors and windows! MOVE IT!"

End Chapter 14