• Published 1st Sep 2013
  • 5,116 Views, 151 Comments

Mobster Meets Equestria - Caddy Finz

This is the story of a thug who just wanted to turn over a new leaf and start a new life. While trying to leave New York City, reformed mobster, Vincenzo leaves his life of crime behind and discovers the magic of interdimensional travel and ponies.

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Chapter 9: Got Some Thinking To Do

Chapter 9: Got Some Thinking To Do

"And that's how I ended up getting sucked into this world." I said to the shy Doc as I told her the same thing I had told my new friend Sparks. "I've done a lot of things I'm not proud of."

"We all have, Vinnie." Doc replied. "Everypony deserves a second chance."

"Oh I couldn't agree more but some of the stuff I did involved taking other lives. Sure they were all scum themselves but that's really not something that you can easily shrug off."

"Well, are you truly sorry about those things and truly have the desire to change?"

"Not a day goes by without me feeling remorse, Doc."

"Like I said, we all make mistakes, some worse than others, but I have always believed that anypony can change. Why, that attitude even helped me reform Discord."

"Never heard of him, but thanks so much for being understanding."

As we continued our walk down the dirt path that lead back to the town, Doc and myself proceeded to learn much more about each other's worlds and our backgrounds. Mine of course was much different than Fluttershy's but just like my talk with her purple counterpart, we both shared a few laughs and even a few tears. We stopped a few times here and there to rest my sore back for a few minutes and once to light up a smoke and not one moment of our walk down the trail went without us sharing our thoughts. Thoughts as detailed as our hopes and dreams broadening all the way to about life in general. As we slowly but surly neared Ponyville, we were then joined by a familiar, very friendly face.

"Hey, Vinnie!" The Pinkster exclaimed as she came bouncing towards me and the Doc. "Long time no see, dickhead! I feel like it's been forever!"

"Jeez, Pinkster" I chuckled. "We hung out a bunch just yester-"


"Calm your ass down kid, we got plenty of time to hang out. How about ya tag along with us? We're heading to Sparks' place."

"Okie dokie lokie! Hey, why are you walking like that?"

"Eh, I fucked up my back lifting a cart of apples. I'll be alright"

"yikes! Didn't you bend your knees?"

"Knees?" The doc repeated, sounding confused. "What's that?"

"These joints in my legs." I clarified. I don't know what you call yours but that's what two-legged beings call 'em. Pinkie and I learned a lot from each other."

"Hey you, slowpokes!" Another familiar voice called out from above.

"Hey Dash!" Pinkster replied. "Whatcha doing?"

"Being awesome as always" Cloud Speed replied. "Yo Vinnie, I thought you were gonna earn some bits for the road working for Applejack"

"Heh heh, yeah I know" I sheepishly replied. "I made the mistake of lifting a cart without bend-"

"Vincenzo, Darling!" Gem cheerfully called out as she daintily made her trademark ladylike trot towards the rest of us. "It's so nice to see you again! How do you like your outfit?"

"Hey, Gem!" I replied, returning the cheerful tone. "I love this suit, really. I especially like the feel of the fabric. I almost feel like I could fall asleep in it sober."

"Hey y'all!" Jackie greeted as she came from behind us on the trail.

"Holy shit, Jackie!" I said in disbelief. "Me and Doc have been walking for like half an hour! Did you sprint the whole way here?"

"Uh actually Vinnie, Ah finished workin' not too long ago an' started headin' to Twi's place. Ah was actually takin' mah sweet time trottin' down the road. Yah must've been goin' at a snail's pace."

So there I was slowly working my way back to Ponyville with five ponies who were quickly becoming good friends of mine. The only friends I ever had, really. After a little encouragement from Doc, I proceeded to tell the rest of them my life's story to which they all listened to very intently. When it came to their time to throw in their own two bits, they all reacted much the same as Sparks did when I told her my story back at the library. The more we all talked and the more laughs and tears we all shared on this walk that I can almost say I didn't want to end, the more attached to these mares I was getting. Getting too emotionally close to anypony was originally what I wanted to avoid at all cost, but I started thinking that my new-found concept that is friendship was actually turning out to be alright.

As nice as it was to enjoy the company of my new friends, there was still a fact that I couldn't deny or ignore no matter what. I'm a human in a world full of ponies. I have a place where I belong but the cold truth is that this place isn't it. Sure, I can spend a week here but not the rest of my life. Really though, I mean I may be over the hill but at forty-six I'd still miss pulling that massive barge I call an automobile over next to a working girl on Broadway for "a good time". Oh and that car. I'm starting to miss it already. A 1994 Chevy Caprice Model 9C1 former NYPD interceptor with a 350 cubic inch V8 and high flow air intake for that extra kick. I got sick of riding in the back of those so I nicked a nice one from the police station parking lot, scratched the serial numbers off and changed the plates and paint job.

Alright, I guess I'm getting a bit off topic here but my point is, I still need to stick with my original plan and get back to New York so I can leave to another place in the universe I came from. My pony friends on the other hoof, seemed to be forgetting this which actually made me feel horrible. They took me in and befriended me despite my misdeeds and I was just gonna ditch them? I had a lot to think about but I needed to take my time with it. I still really wanted to get a part time job to get some extra gold to take home. As that thought crossed my mind, I drew a blank trying to think of places where I could find temporary employment and still have some free time with my new friends in between. I almost gave up trying to think of any local businesses looking for help until a certain friend of mine jogged my memory.

"You know, Vinnie" Pinkster said to me. "Working at Sugarcube Corner would probably be a lot easier than all that back breaking work Applejack would have for you."

"Ah Shit!" I yelled as I face-palmed myself. "I forgot all about that, Pinkster! If the owners are looking for help, we'll be co-workers first thing tomorrow morning!"

End Chapter 9

Author's Note:

Happy New Year!!! Sorry I took such a long time to work on such a short chapter. On the plus side however, that does mean I have other stuff going on. Full time jobs are nice :)