• Published 1st Sep 2013
  • 5,116 Views, 151 Comments

Mobster Meets Equestria - Caddy Finz

This is the story of a thug who just wanted to turn over a new leaf and start a new life. While trying to leave New York City, reformed mobster, Vincenzo leaves his life of crime behind and discovers the magic of interdimensional travel and ponies.

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Chapter 16: Operation Ponyvasion

Chapter 16: Operation Ponyvasion

So this was it. It was either now or never. I was going to help the only true friends I ever had save our other friends or die trying. with my newly acquired weapon in my back pocket and briefcase full of gold bits in tow, we sprinted in the direction of the Town hall as fast as our legs allowed. I knew it was a long-shot but I was hoping to use my bits as a bribe. In the world I came from, there had to be several million dollars worth of gold in the case. Even with the very heavy package, I found it quite easy to keep up with my pony friends since I was no longer a smoker. Even on one's best day during their teenage years, equines can outrun any human with little to no effort but I knew that they didn't have to slow down as much as before to allow me to keep up.

In just under eight minutes we were there. When we got near the building, we all crouched down to form our plan with only a couple minutes to spare before these scumbags started offing innocent creatures. In order to make this work, I had to quickly get to know the structure so we could spread out and know each other's location at all times as to avoid friendly fire. I carefully poked my head up to a window to observe the layout and any possible vantage points for us to sneak up on our foes. I have always had a strong stomach in my line of work but what I saw almost made me lose a bunch of cupcakes. There were at least a dozen of the townsponies tied up with ropes most of them covered in bruises and some bleeding from their noses. The goons had their attention turned to the mayor who looked as if she had received the majority of the beating and appeared to be pleading with the attackers to spare them.

"Doc, Sparks and Cloud." I began. "You three take those windows on the top of the building and for Celestia's sake don't let them see you until that fat old guy pulls the trigger of his gun in my face. Capiche?"

"But Vinnie." Sparks protested. "If that happens then you'll die! Your head couldn't take blunt force from Appljack and surly you wouldn't survive a gunshot!"

"No, I won't die Sparks. I got this all figured out. I don't have time to explain how so you just have to trust me on this. Now Gem, Pinkster and Jackie, you each take a window on each side of the building. All of you gotta make sure you know where your friends are at all times. You'd feel shitty enough killing somebody who deserves it so imagine having to live with gunning down a friend. Take your positions and wait for the signal I told you about. I'm going through the front door to deal with these pricks."

As the girls took their spots, I army-crawled my way to the front door and opened it just a crack to listen in on the conversation.

"Please don't!" The battered mayor pleaded. Don't hurt her, she's just a foal!"

"Well then Vinnie had better hurry the fuck up and make it here within the next thirty seconds or she gets a bullet in her head." Tony replied.

I carefully peeked in to see that Tony sported a glock .45 and one of the other greaseballs was holding a sobbing Applebloom by the scruff of her neck. I knew that Jackie wouldn't be able to keep her head for very long with her own sister's life in danger so I needed to act now.

"Wait!" The mayor said. "I'm much older! If you're going to take sompony's life take mine instead!"

"Suit yourself, lady." Tony replied as he turned the gun to the Mayor.

"Why don't you point that over here at somebody who knows how it works, asshole?" I said as I walked through the front door.

"Vinnie! You made it here just in time to save these little 'friends' of yours. I admire that. Really I do."

"Listen Zeppargonni, we need to talk."

"Gimme back my gun first and then I'll let you have the floor before I make you eat it. Take it out of your pocket handle end first and slide it over here."

I obliged to the demands of my former boss for what would be the last time I ever would. He picked it up off the ground and as I expected, he opened the cylinder to make sure it was indeed still loaded and closed it again.

"Alright, man." Tony said. "Make this quick I'm getting antsy."

"Listen Tony." I began. I'm not in New York or even on planet Earth anymore. I'm not a threat to your business in any way. Anybody I talk to here isn't gonna rat on you or anything. Shit doesn't need to be like this. Just leave us alone and I'll stay out of your way for the rest of my days."

"I ain't worried about that, Vinnie. I just don't like people up and quitting on me like that."

"Look man, I couldn't take the killing anymore. I just wanted my soul back. I even have something to offer you here."

I then slid the case full of gold over to tony. As it slowed down and lightly bumped his shoe, the jingling sound of coinage could be heard inside peaking his interest and that of his associates. Being the greedy bastard he always was, he did not hesitate to open the box and investigate the contents.

"Holy shit!" Tony exclaimed. "Hey guys, there's gotta be millions over here!"

"And it's all yours, Tony." I said. "All I ask is that you let my friends go and and leave me here too. You don't need to off me. I'm unarmed and I have no way to talk to anyone from our world. I ain't gonna rat you out ok?"

"Is there more of this gold around here?"

When he uttered those words, I learned two things. First, he wasn't listening to a single word I had said and secondly, he was getting a sick idea in his head that I knew would be harmful not only to myself but everypony in town. He wanted not only to kill me but also bleed this world for everything it had.

"Did you not hear what I said?!" I yelled. "Aren't you ever content with the money you have?!"

"Sure I did but it don't mean shit." He replied as he began walking towards me, his hand cannon cocked and ready to fire. He then stopped a little bit over an arm's length away from me as to avoid a repeat of our last encounter. He then raised the revolver to my face with the end of the barrel right between my eyes. It wasn't the first time I had a gat in my face but this time was different. I could actually see every little detail inside from the rifling grooves all the way to the little specks of spent gunpowder. The sight of it alone was about to expedite my next bathroom break if he didn't quit tormenting me and just get it over with. I was starting to wonder if he was going to actually do it until he finally spoke again.

"Any last requests?"

"Yeah." I reaplied. "Unzip my pants, bend down and suck my-"


"What the fuck did you do to my gun?!" Tony yelled after spraying hot gunpowder in my face with no lead slug to speak of.

That was the signal that I had told the ponies to react to and I wasted no time diving behind a roof support column.

"And where do ya think you're going ya little bitch?" Tony mocked as he emptied the cartridges out of his gun to replace them with live ones. That was my plan. I had plucked the bullets out of the shells before we arrived and because of that I ended up with a slightly singed face instead of no face at all.


I poked my head out of hiding for a moment to see that Twilight had fired the first shot and hit the Schmuck I used to work for right in the ass. Something wasn't quite right though. I recalled telling Twilight Sparks that I wanted the weapons to be less lethal and yet Zeppargonni was knocked right down and bleeding a lot. Of course I didn't really have the time to question it because shit was about to hit the fan and the Firefight had begun.

"Hey!" The fatass Luigi yelled. "They got these ponies casin' the joint! They's all over the place!"

End Chapter 16

Author's Note:

A big thanks Sact3rnAngel for the title