• Published 28th Aug 2013
  • 3,329 Views, 82 Comments

The Brotherhood of Equestria - Jack2023

What would you do if you are thrown into another world against you're will? What if you had an obligation? Would you risk everything to succeed? Or would you even care? This is what Connor chose to do.

  • ...

Chapter 2, Questioned Trust

3 Days Later

“Cannon Baaaaaall!!” SPLASH

“Nice one, Scootaloo!”

“Thanks Apple Bloom! Incoming Sweetie Bell!” SPLASH

Twilight and AppleJack are laying out on a white and red checkered blanket under a tree providing great shade to the mid spring sun. As the two mares watch the three filly's that form the 'Cutie Mark Crusaders,' playing in the pond, AppleJack couldn't help but notice that Twilight isn't as troubled as she was only a few days ago.

“Its not like ya to willingly get out of you're house unless its star gazing or saving Equestria Twilight.”

Twilight didn't move. Her eyes said that she was happy with something, but still under deep thought. So AppleJack gave her a sharp poke to the shoulder.

“Ow! What was that for?”

“You're in deep thought again Twilight. Wait... when aren’t ya?” She smiled with a roll of her eyes. “So whach ya thinkin' about so much?” She again ignored AppleJack's question, obviously unintentionally. But still made AppleJack poke her again.

“Ow! What!?” AppleJack raised her eyebrow. “Thinking about the Brotherhood.” AppleJack tilted her head that said: 'And?' “And some other things.” She tilted her head a little more. “... I met one of the members.”

AppleJack's eyes went wide. “When, where, how, who!?”

Twilight took a long breath. “3 days ago, Rarity's store, when I visited Rarity that day, shes Rarity's friend.” The two mares stared at each other, tell Twilight realized what she just said. “AppleJack! You can't tell anypony about this!” Her face scrunched up in asking why. “The Brotherhood needs to remain secret.”

“What, you haven’t tolled Celastia yet?” Twilight shook her head.

'What have I done? I just broke my promise to Alice! I probably put many in danger!' Twilight closed her eyes to hold back a tear and fear.

“I wont tell no pony.” Her words were a whisper, but Twilight still heard it clearly and still gave her a face of confusion. “Ya heard me!” Twilight gave a hug smile. “Don't mean I like it.” All of Twilight's fears left her. “But!” Never mind, there back. “I want to meet them.”


“I want to know why they killed them griffons. And then just walk away like dang nothin' happened!”

“Alice told me that-”

“Hold it Twi! I want to hear it from their mouths!” She nodded to AppleJack, clearly understanding why. “Alice is the name of the pony, I presume?” Again she nodded. AppleJack let out a sigh, followed by Twilight.


Twilight and AppleJack look up into the tree they are shaded by. Fear gripped Twilight's windpipe preventing any breath at the sight of Rainbow Dash looking down at the two with her red rose eyes in curiosity. “Hey there!” She said with a sly smile.

“How much did ya hear?” AppleJack asked after a moment of staring.

“All of it!” Rainbow replayed boastfully as she jumped of the branch next to AppleJack. “Jeez Twilight. I honestly never thought you’d find out something.” She kept facing away as her ego talked. “But to actually meet one of the members! Wow, how much everypony would like to hear this!” Rainbow finally turned around to look at Twilight. Guilt rushed through her at the site of Twilight with pure fear in her face. At that moment Rainbow realized what she just said and looked to the ground.

“Rainbow...” AppleJack said looking dead at Rainbow. More guilt entered her body.

Twilight began to have pain in her chest from lack of oxygen. But she couldn't breath. The fear of Rainbow telling everypony about this was killing her.

Rainbow finally looked back into Twilight's eyes. Her guilt was only building at the sight of how much pain she was causing her, just by a few words. “I'm sorry Twilight...” Rainbow looked back down to the ground. “... I wont tell anypony about this... sorry.” She looked back at Twilight. Her face still had fear, but most of it was gone.

Twilight looked away, back to the pond to see the three filly's still playing, oblivious to the three mares conversation. She finally took in a deep breath. Her lungs yelled in relief at the spring air. “Promise me that you wont tell anypony... unless you have to.” She said in a whisper.

“Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cup cake in my eye!” The two mare said in unison.

Twilight sighed in relief. Rainbow walked over and sat next down to her. She then placed her hoof on Twilight's back. She nodded with a smile in accepting Rainbow's non-verbal apology.

“Alright. No more mopping around. INCOMING!” Splash

AppleJack and Twilight laugh as the three filly's try to understand that they where hit by a Rainbow missile.

“So when can we meet them?” AppleJack asked after their laughter died down.

“I don't know... but soon.” Twilight replied while lying her head on top her forelegs. “I really do hope soon.”


Without noticing it, Twilight fell asleep. But she was disturbed by somepony pocking her shoulder.

“Stop poking me.” She crocked as she opened her eyes to look at AppleJack. “Whats wrong?” Looking around showed AppleJack, Rainbow, and the three filly's looking at a single location with wide eyes. Twilight looked at the location to have her eyes widen.

Standing on a branch was the robed alien. The hood he still wore from the white and red robes covered his face in shadows. But it was clear that his sight is on Twilight.

Twilight's mind clicked. She knew why he was here. He wants her to ask him a question.

So she ask whats truly troubling her. “Do you trust me..?”

“No.” Twilight closed her eyes in thought. 'What have I done to show him I'm trustful? I just admitted the secret to two others when I promised not to. What will he-' “Prove me wrong!”

“What?” She said under her breath. He simply turned around and walked behind a tree trunk.

The world stayed silent and motionless, like it was questioning what just happened.


Rainbow had flown to his last seen location in fast dash. “He disappeared!?” She screamed out.

Twilight had her head fall back down on her forelegs and closed her eyes. All the questions she wanted answered came back. This time stacking guilt on her.


“What do you mean, 'no'?!”

“I told her, 'no'!”

“Its Twilight Connor! The Element of Magic! For Celastia's sake, you watched over her ever sense the return of Nightmare Moon!”

“Alice. Shut up.” She kept her mouth close while the two stared down each other. “I told her no. BUT! I said to prove me wrong.” Alice's face deadpanned, making Connor chuckle.

“You crafty little bastard.”

“Its how we Assassin's work.”

“So you do trust her!”

“With my life.”

“Let me get this clear. You told Twilight that you didn't trust her so she would be more careful in the future, because you know that she wants you're trust!?” Connor nods. “How does it feel?” The smile on Connor's face went away. “Never mind. I got my answer.” With her head raised high in victory, she walked away.

“Do you feel guilty brother?” Connor simply nodded as his eyes announced his dislike for what hes done. “Better tell Dad about this. Sleep well Connor.”

“Goodnight Bruddon.”