• Published 28th Aug 2013
  • 3,327 Views, 82 Comments

The Brotherhood of Equestria - Jack2023

What would you do if you are thrown into another world against you're will? What if you had an obligation? Would you risk everything to succeed? Or would you even care? This is what Connor chose to do.

  • ...

Chapter 8, Back Home

Connor laid on the sofa in his room, his eyes completely focused on the silver pen hes spinning around his fingers. The thoughts of today’s events playing through his head... Well, more like how much drama that occurred when he got home.

His eyes finally diverted from the pen to his bed. A unicorn mare with a magenta colored coat and deep violet mane was sound asleep, tightly wrapped with blankets. The stains on her cheeks from tears she shed earlier was easily lit by the single candle in the room.

With a silent grunt, he picked himself up from the sofa and set the pen on a coffee table that was to his left before heading to the door.

As he placed his hand on the door, a loud sigh came from the mare. He turned his head around to see her snuggling her head closer to the pillow before lightly snoring, announcing that she finally has fully fallen asleep.

Connor left his bedroom, making sure that the his interactions with the door would barely make a sound, as well as his foot steps down the hallway to the staircase on the other side. But his attention is adverted to the grandfather clock that was next to a window. Its clicks making a light echo through the small hallway as its hands pointed to 'one forty eight.'

He stood there, staring at it like its the most interesting thing in this house... but it got boring quickly, and he turns his gaze to the window.

Through the maroon red colored curtain, he could see light coming from the other side.

Moving the curtain to the side, he can see Bruddon sitting on the patio with a piece of the musket prototype in his paw. The rest, was laying out on a table, all lit by a single candle on the table.

Curiosity got the better of him, and he walked to the door that would lead him outside.

Right when Connor got half way through the door, Bruddon had placed his full attention on him.

“Weren't you the one that wanted to sleep the most?” Connor said as he closed the door behind him, making sure that his voice stayed at library tolerable level.

“Yeah yeah yeah. Well you were focusing on your fillyfriend so much that you forgot to clean the gun. That, and I still don't know exactly how this thing works.” Bruddon said as he rubbed a piece of the lever with a small white towel.

Connor took a seat at the table across from Bruddon. The scent of flammable powder and oil hits his nose as he looks over each piece of the gun neatly laid out. “Thanks. Any idea what we're going to do tomorrow?”

“I'm gonna sit on my ass all day. Alice is probably going to train Lilly. What about you?” The dog said as he silently read a small book on the table.

“Try to get Magenta in a better mood... are you seriously reading the manual she wrote?” Bruddon just gave the human a deadpanned look. A smirk came to Connor's face as he looks out into the forest of spruce trees.

The sight of a small yellow glare caught his eye. He got up and walked to the railing to see a wolf staring at him.

Connor picked up a small rock from a potted plant next to him and tossed it at the wolf. The rock pelted the wolf in the head, making it let out a yelp and run away in the opposite direction.

“Was that necessary?” Bruddon asked as his eyes never left the book.

“Most humans would of shot it. I have no grudge against wolves, but I want them to stay away from our home.” He said while placing his arms on the guard rail of the patio.

“Understandable. Especially after what happened.”

The two became silent as Connor enjoyed the scent of the forest as Bruddon pieced the gun back together.

The sound of the guns lever sliding back and forth caught Connor's ear, making him turn around and look at the dog, who has a smile on his face as he looks over the firearm.

“Did ya actually get the gun back together this time?” Connor said as his tone announced he was in fact mocking him.

“It looks like it to me... I have a question. Why do we still call this thing a musket?”

“Well... Magenta created it, so shes the one who needs to name it.” Connor replied as he scratches the back of his head.

“I'm not gun smart, but the only difference between this and your human made ones is how it fires the bullets?”

“Yeah, that and some other things.”

“I watched Magenta make the... whatchamacallit?”

“She likes calling it an 'ammunition clip'.” Connor replied as he took his seat at the table back.

“Yeah, that. Its a delicate process just to make one of those. But how fast you can reload this thing is astonishing compared to normal muskets. And it hits so much harder.”

“Most people would take about twenty seconds to reload. Me, about thirteen.”

“How long did it take you to load this?”

“A little over a second. I can put lead down range quite fast with that.”

“What was the word you humans used for people who were trained to shoot somepony's head off with one of these at very long distances?”

Connor raised his eyebrow a little at the dog using both human and pony grammar in his question. “We'd call them 'marksman,' or 'snipers'.”

“I'm still not a very good shot with firearms.” Bruddon said with a sigh as he brought the gun to his shoulder and look down the sight. “Well... I shouldn't complain. Alice can't use anything like this.”

“I'm honestly surprised she hasn't gone on a rant about it.”

“Same here. What are Magenta's newest projects?” The dog asked as he placed the firearm back on the table.

Connor let out a sigh as he leans back in the chair. “She refuses to tell me anything... can't blame her though...”

“Yeah. She has good reason for creating these tools, but we keep using them for murder.” Bruddon said as he opened a small plastic container and started rubbing his hands with some of its contents.

“Me and Dad aren’t helping much there.”

“Don't knock yourself down. Its Dad who keeps ordering us to do so.” Bruddon said with a small reassuring smile as he wiped his paws with a towel. “Now about Magenta and the situation you and her are in... have you-?”

“Don't even go there!” Connor snaps with his normal level of voice.

Bruddon put his paws up in a attempt to defend himself from the human's death glare. “Alright... forgot that’s a subject you don't like talking about.”

Connor's turns his gaze to the spruce wood planks that made the patio’s floor. “There so much in the way for that to work...”

“Sorry for bringing it up.”

“Its alright... just don't...” Connor let out a sigh as he put his face into the palm of his hands.

Bruddon just stares at the human, wondering when there drama will sort out, but a snarl came from him as his paws were still stained with oil.

“Its hard to get oil out of fur. Even with that soap.” Connor said as his face was still in his hands.

“But I eat with these!” Bruddon yelled with a childish tone, making Connor take his hands away from his face with a chuckle and small smile. “Don't you laugh ape!”

Connor raised his brow as a big smile came to his face. “Oh, you want to go that far mutt?!”

The two friends just stared at each other, goofy grins on their faces before breaking out into a light laughter, making sure their noise wouldn't disturb the two mares inside... especially Alice.

“We should call it a night. I'll put everything away.” Connor said as he got up and started to place the cleaning tools into a metal box.

Bruddon got up with a yawn and pops in his legs. “Thanks. Good night.” He said walking away to the door and into the house.

“See ya in the morning.”

The sounds of crickets and the breeze running through trees was constant as Connor cleans the tools and puts them away inside the metal box.

Eventually, he made his way to the door with the firearm and tool box in tow. The stock of the gun hitting the door's frame, making a loud thud that echoed through the hall.

After closing the door and cursing at himself silently, he made his way down to the front room.

He gave a glance to the candle that dimly lit the friends main area of gathering before going to a door that resided right next to the staircase.

He opened the door to be met with darkness, and with natural reflex, he hit a small switch on the wall. The sound of electrical spark came for a brief moment, leaving eight candles lit in the large room.

Connor blinked his eyes hardly to the sudden change of light, but he quickly adjusted and made his way to one of the cabinets made of rosewood.

He placed the firearm on the floor and opened the cabinet’s bottom shelf and place the tool box inside and closed it. He let out a sigh as he picked up the gun and placed it on a set of hooks inside the Cabinet.

He steps back and crosses his arms as he looks at the entire Cabinet. The top hooks had the musket from earth that Connor had when he arrived in Equestria, its use was easy to see from the aged oak wood with multiple scratches and some cracks residing on the stock.

The two sets of hooks below had identical muskets. Both made of spruce wood, copper and iron. The difference of these two to the other one was its designed to use pony magic and resources for its ammunition.

Below them was the musket Bruddon just finished cleaning. To Connor, this firearm looked out of place when put to the other three.

I wonder how long its taking humans to make a firearm like this? He whispered in his head as a smile came to his face. Your ancestors better be damn well proud in what you accomplished Magenta!

His eyes came down to bottom shelf of the cabinet. Three flintlock pistols are neatly laid out. The one on the left couldn't be more than useful in battle with its double barrel design. Next in the row was a Royal Navy Sea Service flintlock. The last one was a spruce wood flintlock that resemble the first one, except it has only one barrel, and it being Magenta's attempt to make a hand held model of her musket.

Connor picked up the double barrel musket and aimed it at a portrait on the other side of the room.

“Bang.” He whispered to himself as he acts the guns recoil.

With a loud sigh, he placed the firearm back in its previous spot before walking to the portrait that he aimed the weapon at.

His eyes contains anger as he stared at the griffon that was expertly painted on the canvas. Connor let out a little growl as he remembered his first encounter with the war criminal.

… No! I don't need to think of that right now!

He quickly turns his gaze to a case that laid on a shelf right under the portrait.

Seeing through the glass shows a golden crest with silver trimming. Its shape of an eagle skull giving off an intimidating look as it laid on top of a maroon red cloth acting as decoration and cushion for any mementos Connor and his friends will collect over time.

I brought two of you down... this road is going to be long.

With that thought in his head, he walked out of the room, making sure to hit the switch again so the magic stands the candles rested on would put them out.

His steps remained quiet as he made his way back to his room.

With only the door in his way, he sighed as he pushed it open.

The room looked the same as he left it. The single candle, his pen, and the mare still sound asleep.

A slight smile came to his face that the pony was actually able to fall asleep after an emotional outburst like last time.

With a sigh to himself he flops onto the sofa and close his eyes.

Next Morning

Connor opened his eyes to his everyday room, but his guest has already left by the signs of the empty and messy bed.

With a loud yawn, he got up and made his way to the door.

The scent of eggs caught Connor's noise as he made his way down the stairs.

With his last step down, he can see his three friends all gathered around the dining room table.

“Good morning Connor!” Alice called out when her eyes laid on the human.

“Morning Alice, Bruddon, and Magenta.”

“Good morning Connor.” Magenta ads with a warm smile. Bruddon just waves as he continues to eat his meal.

Taking his seat at the table between the two mares, Magenta uses her magic to place a plate full of scrambled eggs in front of him.

“Thanks.” Connor said as he immediately started to eat the meal. Its every day scrambled eggs seasoned with salt and black pepper.

“So when is Lilly going to get here?” Magenta asked before taking a bite.

“Some time close to noon. Like always.” Bruddon replied.

Magenta eyed Bruddon's plate, then Connor's. “Why do you two eat so much?”

Connor and Bruddon made eye contact and smile. In unison, they flex their arms.

Magenta rolls her eyes. “Yeah, right.” She said statistically, making the others at the table laugh before laughing herself.

The rest of the meal was enjoyable for the group. Socialization, in what they they plan to do today, how are friends back in Tall Tale doing, and new projects Magenta been thinking of.

“So you really have nothing planned today Connor?” Magenta asks the human who was laid out on a couch in the living room.

“Nope! Today should be about how lazy we can be.” Connor replies as he stretches his arms out.

“Bruddon has us beat already.” Alice added who was sitting on the other couch along with Magenta. “Right after we finished breakfast, he was out cold on his bed.”


Alice and Magenta quickly got up and made their way to the front door while Connor just let himself fall asleep on the couch.

Alice opened the door to a filly with gray fur, a blue mane with a lemon yellow streak running through it and tied up at the end by a hairband, her lime yellow eyes beaming with excitement. “Alice! Its great to see you again!”

“Its great to see you again too Lilly.” Alice said embracing her in a hug. “How are your parents? Wait, where’s your mom?”

“Mom and Dad trust that I can take care of myself now!” Alice kept her face straight, and this made the filly sweat. “I... uhh... I left without permission. But I left a note telling mom that I already left!”

“The note doesn’t change the fact that you disobeyed your parents and me.” Alice said coldly. The filly gulped as Alice looks at her with a cold gaze. She turns her sight to Magenta in hopes of aid, but was met with the same cold gaze.

Unknown to the ponies, there's a large smirk on Connor's face. “Just like me when I was her age...”

Same Day, Afternoon

“Come on Lilly! Six more laps!” Alice yelled out as her and the filly ran around a quarter mile track.

The Filly's face and breath announces that she was drained of all her stamina, but her powerful will keeps her legs moving in full sprint.

Magenta couldn't help but smile at the filly's ability to power through anything as she sat on a patch of grass under a tree right next to the track.

“Hows it going Magenta?”

The familiar voice made her look to the left to see Connor walking towards her.

“Tired. But the other two are still going strong.” Magenta replies with her breath a little heavy.

“How many laps did they do?” Connor asked as he sat down and leans against the base of the tree trunk Magenta was sitting under.

“They are on lap ten out of six-teen.”

“How many did you do?” Connor already knew the answer though.

“Only three, and at half the speed of Alice.” Connor smiled that he guessed right on her total laps, and that it's easy to see the sweat stains on the mare's fur. “Had to ask?”

Connor chuckled, which made the mare laugh a little as she moved her spot next to Connor and leans against his side.

The human was about to wrap his arm around her, but better judgment stopped that.

“My dad would try to kill you if he spotted us.” She said jokingly with some sorrow.

“Good chance he'd be successful.” He added with a sad smile.

Their eyes focus on the assassin and assassin-in-training as they finished another lap.

“Alice shouldn't push Lilly like this. She'll be too tired to do any other form of training for the rest of the day.” Connor said as he popped his knuckles.

“I really don't like it when you do that. And why do you say that? Will a simple ten minute break turn into a deep slumber?”

“That's exactly what will happen.”

“But she pushes herself on, and everyday, her limit is shattered from that will in her.” Magenta sounds caring as she speaks. “I don't support her choice in becoming an assassin.”

“You're not the only one. Everyone fears that the path Lilly has chosen to take will lead her into darkness.”

“What truly scares me is what 'kind' of darkness is laid on that path.”

Connor only nods.

A little time passed. The two had finished their laps and are now on their way to the shaded spot that's still occupied by Connor and Magenta.

Alice made herself comfy by laying down in a spot near Magenta, tucking her front legs under her.

Lilly didn't even make it halfway to the trunk from where the shade started before flopping onto her side with a loud thud. Her panting being the loudest noise in the area.

“I think you killed her.”

“Connor! That's not funny!” Magenta snapped at the human. “Why'd you work her so hard any way?” She asked, turning to Alice.

“Punishment. Nothing more.” Alice said plainly as she regained her breath.

The filly's painting is replaced with a loud snore.

“Sounds just like Bruddon.” Alice said, making Magenta laugh.

Connor only smiled as he leaned back on the trees trunk and close his eyes.

Same Day, After Dinner

“Hey Alice! Wheres Connor?”

“Hes taking Lilly and Magenta home. Whats up?”

“I was thinking about Connor and Magenta... err..?” The dog scratches the back of his head.

“Do you think we need to talk with Dad about it?”

“Yeah. This really isn't fair for them. But the two aren’t going to go against their own, or the others parents...”

“Even if we want to... are attempts to help won't do anything.”

“So we just wait it out!?” Alice's voice announces her dislike of the situation. “That's all we can do...”

Bruddon shrugs his shoulders in defeat. “Have you met anyone special?”

“We'll... there was this cute stallion in Ponyville... HEY! Don't change the subject like that!”

Bruddon laughed as he made his way to the stairs. “I'm calling it a night. Sleep well.”

“You too...”

Same Day, Midnight

Connor returned home with the lights off. No doubt his friends have called it a day.

So he made his way to the weaponry room again. Flicking the candles on the moment he opened the door.

After blinking to the sudden change in light, he made a beeline to the sword rack.

In a swift motion, he unsheathed his sword. Leaving the sheath itself still on the rack.

With the weapon firmly in his grasp, he did a couple of slashes and spins. The expertly crafted blade slashing through the air without any wind resistance.

Satisfied with how the blade feels, he instinctively points it at the same canvass he pointed the pistol at earlier today.

The more he looks at the griffon, the tighter his grip on the weapon gets.

“What the..?” He wipers to himself, taking the point away from the target and look at the blade. “Was it just...”

Again he points the blade's tip at the canvass.

“It is...”

As he points the weapon, it's blade has a deep orange enchantment looking glow to it.

“So you wish to as well?”

The glow deepens a little, before vanishing completely.

Not wanting to have flashbacks of the past from thinking about why the blade glows like that, he sheathed it back on the rack and walks out of the room.

Author's Note:

I am Very sorry for how long this one took! So many things kept getting in the way. I was literally writing one a quarter of a page a week cause that's all the time I could put into it. Now I'm much more open and I have been writing another story.

Another thanks too 'Fat1thatyoulove' for being the proof reader/editor for this chapter.

Now the purpose of this chapter was to introduce Lilly, Magenta, and how a normal and lazy day would be for the group. Now the next chapter will be held off for now as I'm thinking over some plot. (OMG Internet went down while I was writing the Author's Notes! BS) So it might be a while for the next chapter to come (again).

Now about the other story, its currently at Chapter 5. I'm thinking of posting it when I get to chapter 10 though. Probably not, but I might.