• Published 28th Aug 2013
  • 3,329 Views, 82 Comments

The Brotherhood of Equestria - Jack2023

What would you do if you are thrown into another world against you're will? What if you had an obligation? Would you risk everything to succeed? Or would you even care? This is what Connor chose to do.

  • ...

Chapter 3, Phase 1, 2, 3

6 days later

Its another day in Canterlot capital city, and Alice is enjoying every moment of her walk through it. The sounds, sights, and ponies, its so much more alive then her home. But she could never trade this for her peaceful and quite little place.

As her walk thru town continued she began to feel more comfortable. Connor was right, most of the ponies here wear clothing, so her robes haven’t attracted any attention to her. But Alice has always broken the rule of wearing you're hood when away from home. That, and she isn’t wearing all of her weapons and armor.

Sadly, she is here for a reason, and the time is now. As she stands in front of a very well known saloon at the edge of the city (because its the only one), she takes on last look over what she has. Her leather gauntlet with a hidden blade device, a single 3inch dagger, and a brown packet consistent of what this mission revolves around.

'Phase one.' She walked into the pub and took a glance around. 'There's Iron Blade.' After placing her hood on and walking into a crowed to remain hidden, she activated Eagle Vision.

The golden glow around the pony sitting in the back confirms the target. No pony else has a red glow. There’s a white glow from a plaque on the wall. Turning Eagle Vision off showed a list for when the saloon had shows on the stage.

The stage right now had a red curtain over it, but the plaque says a saloon mare dance will be at 8:40pm. The clock on the wall says 8:33pm. “7 minutes to kill.”

So she walked over to the bar. “What can I fetch ya?” A blonde mare wearing a black dress behind the bar asked before Alice even had a chance to sit.

“Got a hard lemonade?” She nods and places a bottle on the counter. Alice places a sliver bit, and quickly takes a large sip. Looking back at the target showed more of her information as correct. The stallion's eyes are jumping between mares that have their flanks to him. 'He is a perv.'

The tactic of keeping her face hidden behind her hood worked as she was completely ignored by everypony in the bar. A piano began to play, making a couple stallions whistle, then the curtain raised. And as planned, the saloon mares came out with their on stage dance.

Almost all of everypony's attention has been turn to the stage, including the target who had a big smile at watching the show.

Taking the last sip of her drink she made a walk over to the target. 'Phase two.'

“Hey there! Mind if I join ya?” Alice said keeping her hood a little back so he could see her eyes, but also keeping her face and body language in one saying, 'I'm looking for a good time.'

He took a longer inhale, smelling the hard lemonade Alice just drank. “Please do!” He yelled out with a smile. She took a seat across from him, being separated by a very small table. “So whats with the robes?” He said with a pervy smile.

“Its something I like. How do they make me look?” Alice said keeping the same body language.

“Very mysteries and attractive.” His eyes where now shooting across her body as he said this.

“Ooh, just what I wanted!” She said using her 'marehood' to make her body seductively shiver.

He noticed as his smile only grew. “What makes you want that sweet heart?”

“Its a lot of fun. Its almost as fun as finding something special about somepony.”

“What kind of special?”

“You know... what they don't want others to know... their, secrets.”

“The dark ones?”

Alice leaned forward, placing her hoofs on his knees and their faces only being inches apart. “Their deepest and darkest ones.” She moved her head so she could whisper in his ear. “Like how you aided the griffons into Canterlot.”


“I only wish you died in a much more suffering way for your treachery.” She slowly pulled out her hidden blade from his neck before retracting it. Then placing his lifeless body on the table with his head facing away from everypony else, who were enjoying the show, oblivious to what just happened. Pulling out the brown packet she had and placed it on the table, then stabbed her dagger into it, pinning it down to the table.

'Phase three.' She then simply got up and walked away. “Thank you and please come again!” The mare bartender yelled as Alice walked out.

Alice walked around a corner, making the saloon go out of sight. She pulled her hood off and quickened her pace.

“Ticket please.” Alice handed the conductor her ticket. He stamped it and moved aside and Alice walked into the train. She then walked to an area were she couldn’t be seen and took off her robes.

Placing the robes into a knapsack, but still keeping her gauntlet on (just in case), she walked into a cart and took her seat. Looking out the window, she spotted some Royal Guards run by. Announcing that they just discovered the 'assassination.' The train whistled and started to move.

Alice got away with nothing on her tail. 'Contract completed.'


13 hours later

“So how did it go sister?”

“Just how Connor planned, Bruddon!” This made the two other assassins smile wide. “What time to get there, the drink I should order, timing of the show, being seductive, and leaving the evidence of the guards treachery, my escape. Everything went just as how you planned, perfectly.” Connor did a little fist pump in his accomplishment. “But all be honest. When I was sizing him up for death, I don't know if I was a good liar in what I said, or he was that much of a fucking perv!” The three went into a fit of laughter.

“By the laughter I'm seeing and hearing, I can tell it went perfectly.”

“It did Father!” Connor said trying to stop his laughing.

“Well Alice, please come with me.”

“Right away Dad!” In a winners trot, she left her two brothers.

“That's one. My turn.” Bruddon said with excitement at whats to come. Connor only nods with a smile.

Author's Note:

I'll be honest. I'm not very happy with how short these chapters are being. Its probably do to the fact that I sit there for 2 hours to only think of 1 paragraph. Also, that a single chapter revolves around a single event that actually matters to the story. I plan on there being so much more story. Also, you slowly learning about the story of the griffon's attack is part of my plan. Not bad writing... I hope.