• Published 28th Aug 2013
  • 3,331 Views, 82 Comments

The Brotherhood of Equestria - Jack2023

What would you do if you are thrown into another world against you're will? What if you had an obligation? Would you risk everything to succeed? Or would you even care? This is what Connor chose to do.

  • ...

Chapter 7, Sending Another massage

“How long is it going to take him?”

“A week.”

“Shut up, Bruddon! Connor?”

“There's a reason where hidden in trees. He'll find it Alice.” She let out a sigh, as Connor's well trained eyes followed a small black speck that soared over the sky.

The sound of paper from Bruddon caught Connor's ear, but his eyes never left the sky.

Alice's eyes follows the pen that Connor holds over a map. The pen moving with the movement of what Alice knew to be the speck in the sky. She looked to the sky for the speck and even with her 'gift' of eagle vision, she couldn't spot it. She looked back down to Bruddon, and spotted the diamond dogs dull blue eyes jumping across the blue sky. She let out a sigh; even the diamond dog with the same gift can’t see him.

Her gaze turned back to the human. “Can you really see him Connor?”

The pen continued its hover over the map in the human’s hand. “I can Alice...” She lifted her sight to his face. His hood was down so she can see his blue eyes having a light glow to them.

“How can you, and not I and Bruddon?” Her tone come back as her annoyance springs too Connor’s ears.

A smirk comes over his face as he nods his head, “Its naturally flowing in my blood. I didn't have it injected.” Alice's eyes began to sting as she remembered that painful event. “Boiling Touch already told you, since I've been born with it; I'm naturally three times stronger with it then you.”

She let out a sigh, announcing her dislike for never being able to get as strong with eagle vision as Connor. But the fact she had such a powerful, heritage only, and 'alien' ability, she agreed to herself that she is in no position to complain.

A blur of black in the sky caught all three of the members’ attention, and quickly the sound of pen touching paper after. Alice looked down to the map to see a black circle was drawn on it.

Connor kept his eyes to the sky for another moment. “Alright, he’s out of my sight.” Connor said as he pushed the map between Alice and Bruddon. “Is that the paper Night Blade dropped off?”

Bruddon nodded as he handed the paper to Connor. The diamond dog's and pony's eyes were glued to the map as they memorized the area and the location marked, but Connor had already memorized it and was focused on the paper given to them by Night Blade, when he dropped it over head by tying it to a rock.

Twilight Failed to discover that Alice, or anypony else was the 'assassin,' as I would have with only the evidence. Still, Celestia has no clue of the assassin, and only suspects the Brotherhood, but she does suspect me of knowing something. Like I told you in the past, it’s hard to keep things hidden from her. I also announced to Twilight that I do play a role in the Brotherhood, but told her how much danger she, and her friends are in. She quickly realized it once told and even went to warn her friends soon after I left her home. It’s safe to say that we can have some more trust in her group. Keep safe, Alice, Connor, and Bruddon.

“Alright.” Bruddon said under his breath.

“Are you sure you want to do this Bruddon?” Connor asked giving the dog a worried look.

“I have no connections to the East Pack.” His voice had a growl in it, “I could care less for this pack anyway. My home is with the West... even though I despise them.”

Connor realized he needed to change the subject, so the conflict in his friend's mind would be put to ease. “Let’s get to the destination.” They both nodded, quickly folding up the map, Connor placed his hood back on his head. Taking the lead, he started jumping through trees as his friends followed.

After a few minutes of running through trees, they reached the desired location.

Hidden behind the dense brush of the trees was a tunnel inside a hill with one diamond dog acting as a guard.

“There's no way for a normal pegasus to spot this from the sky.” Alice said with her breath being taken a little.

“Unless you’re Night Blade.” Connor said with his breath still under complete control, which made Alice chuckle, as her thoughts started to wonder. “Are you ready Bruddon?”

He simply nodded as he started to take off his robes, while Alice started to shuffle through her saddlebag as she mumbled to herself.

With that, Connor jumped through the few other trees that laid in front of him as he tries to position himself right above the diamond dog.

The guard dog is sound asleep as Connor leaped down from a tree with a light thud.

The human slowly walked towards the dog as it let out a loud snore. Some guilt hitting Connor, at what he will have to do.

Grabbing its muzzle tightly, Connor slammed the dog onto the floor and stabbed his hidden blade into its lower spine. He then pulled out his blade and stabbed it into the dog again in a different location along the spine. Not in brutality, but to make the dog's death quicker.

With the deed done, Bruddon jumping out from his spot in the trees. It was weird for Connor to see Bruddon without clothing on, as he would at least wear a t-shirt if he didn't have his robes on.

Bruddon picked up the body and walked to an area with a large amount of shrubbery, as Alice leaped from her spot in the trees.

“Let’s hope Magenta and her dads’ prototype works.” Alice’s voice started up as it shook a little from her anxiety.

“Don't worry, we made sure you had all the practice you needed” Connor said with a light laughter from the excitement to see the invention at work. “That and their inventions have never let us down before and it's not going to today.”

“I believe you Connor, but still... this is the weapons first time on the field. One of them being a combination of your human technology with pony magic.” Alice said, with her eyes focused on a long cylinder shaped object, which was made from spruce wood and metal sling on Connor's back.

“Better sooner than later for things like this.” Connor said with a light clap of his hands.

After another moment, Bruddon walked out from the shrubbery, wearing a black vest, a red scarf that he is using to cover his muzzle, and his leather and metal gauntlet with the his hidden blade hooked to it. “The guard had a pocket watch on him.” Bruddon then tossed a heavily damaged silver pocket watch to Connor. “Its counting down, with less than thirty minutes left.”

Connor opened the device and set it on the floor. “It’s of griffon designed. Everyone set your clocks.”

The three friends slid a piece of metal plate off their gauntlets to reveal watches. “Set your time to what’s on the pocket watch. Alice, add twenty seconds.”

Connor and Bruddon set their watches to twenty-eight minutes, Alice to twenty-eight minutes and twenty seconds.

“Set.” Three clicks came from the group and their watches started to countdown. “Take the pocket watch Bruddon. The griffon will ask for it as proof that you’re the guard.” Connor tossed the watch to him, and he stuffed it into a pocket that was on the vest.

Alice let out a sigh as she walks towards the entrance. “Good luck.” Connor said as he went back to the tree branches. Alice looked to Bruddon and received a nod from him. With that, she descended into the tunnel.

Inside the Tunnel

“For the love of Celestia, please don't blow me up.” Alice whispered to herself as the cool, dust filled breeze from the tunnel hit her. She gave a quick glance behind her, the sun coming in from the entrance being the only light.

With a sigh, she reached into her saddlebags and pulled out a metal ball with a stake coming out of it and a magenta colored crystal with a marquise cut.

Alice eyed the wall for a moment before slamming the metal ball into it by its stake. She let out a sigh as she took grip of both ends of the crystal and put force into each side.

A loud snap echoed through the cave as the now two piece crystal glowed a deep magenta color.

She let out a little 'ooh' as she moved the two pieces apart, having a magical string like energy connecting the two pieces. Temptation to spin one side around and enjoy a little light show from the crystal was great, but the job at hoof prevented that enjoyment.

Her gaze fell back to the metal ball sticking out of the wall, and remembered that she’s on the clock.

Quickly she took one side of the crystal and used the string to tie it onto the metal object.

With that done, she looked deeper into the cave and started to walk forward with the other side of the crystal in tow as it gave of a magenta glow that lit her way.

After a couple of moments of counting her steps, she pulled out another metal object from her saddlebag and stabbed it into the wall. Then wrapping the string of energy from the crystal around it and continuing through the tunnel.

She repeated the process twenty more time before sun light could be seen in the tunnel. Her lips tighten to a smile as she looked inside her gauntlet to see that there is a minute left on the clocks countdown.

Her pace quickened the closer she got to the exit, but a loud snore made her hesitate. Slowing her pace to a silent walk, she got close enough to look outside of the exit to see a single diamond dog acting as a guard.

She set the crystal down and continued her stealthily walk till she was standing behind the dog.

With a silent sigh to herself, she punched the dog behind its knee, making it fall to the ground with a thud and stabbing her hidden blade into its neck, silencing the dog before it screamed in pain.

Quickly after she performed the deed, she backed away and closed her eyes while attempting to block out the noises of the dying dog from her ears.

Slowly, the sounds of the world died to silence as guilt began to take grip of Alice at the sin she performed. Her thoughts became numb with pain at every breath she took in.

A loud thunder clap like sound in the distance made Alice jump out of her state with a yelp in fear. The sound of its echo and birds chirps of fear came after as her mind gripped on what is going on in reality.

With a quick blink of her eyes, she looked down to her gauntlet and reviled the clock, to see it having ten seconds left in its countdown.

Her heart began to race as she ran back to the entrance of the tunnel and picked up the crystal that still glowed bright in the mid-day sun. Then running away to a safe distance before placing the crystal on a flat surface rock.

She drew her tomahawk and stared into the entrance of the cave, praying that this will work while she threw the weapon into the air and having it land back into her hoof with the blunt side facing downward.

She raises the tomahawk over her head as she focus her hearing on the gauntlet.


With a loud grunt, she brings the tomahawk down on the crystal. A loud bang and red flash emitted upon impact as the once magenta colored string turned deep red as a small white light traveled along it from the crystal into the cave.

She quickly holstered the tomahawk before running as fast as she could in the other direction.

Tunnel Entrance

The small smile on Connor's face went away as he looked to the tunnel entrance behind him to spot Alice's red tail for a brief moment before she disappearing inside the tunnel as Bruddon leans against the entrance wall as he closes his eyes.

“Stay safe Alice.” Connor whispered as he went into a jog towards the tree that they were in earlier.

As he got close to the tree's trunk, he went into a full sprint and used his momentum to run up the tree and reach a large branch to pull himself on top it.

He continues to climb the branches of the tree tell he found a leather satchel that was hanging of a branch.

Quickly snatching it as he sits down on the branch it was on; he opens but is taken back a little as he blinks too the white cloth inside. Instantly recognizing it as Bruddon's robes, he slings the satchel over his shoulder.

With a sigh, he pushed away some leaves that was blocking his view and was clearly able to see the entire area in front of the tunnel entrance.

His heart begins to race as he takes off the wooden and metal object from his back. “I hope this musket works.” He whispered to himself as pulled the hammer back tell a light click emitted. With another sigh, he raised the musket to his shoulder as he placed the other side on a branch for support.

The sound of birds singing and the light breeze was the only noise in the area as Connor put his heart beat and breathing under complete control.

Time seemed to slow down for Connor, and he couldn't help, but get bored as he continues to look down the iron sights. He took his hands of the gun, and it stayed in the same spot thanks to the branch and Connor's shoulder. With a little hum he looked at the clock inside his gauntlet. Five minutes left.

He made a pop sound with his mouth from boredom as he places his hands back on the gun. But the boredom was too much and he let out a sigh as he looks down.

“Shit...” He whispered to himself at realization of how he was sitting in the tree. Quickly he moves around the tree to put himself in a better position, his legs whining with pain from the fact that he was motionless for more than twenty minutes.

After some shuffling, he finds a satisfying new position and let out a sigh, and made a mental note to always check his stance when using this musket. His right shoulder felt a little numb as a pass event starts to run through his head.


“Careful Connor, it might have what you humans would call... recoil!” A female voice yelled to me as I set the new musket prototype to my shoulder. “Are you even listening to me!?” Her voice rose with annoyance clearly there.

“What was that Magenta?” I replied with a smirk on my face, which earned me a groan from the magenta colored mare. “It’s alright. I've been using firearms my entire life.”

With that said, my breathing became light as my right eye focused down the muskets iron sight.

My target was an everyday red apple sitting on top a fence. Silence was all that could be heard, but I couldn't help myself. “Anyone in the mood for apple sauce?” I said with a smile on my face.

I get another groan from Magenta and one from Alice as well, along with a light chuckle from two stallions.

“Shoot the damn gun!” Bruddon yelled out, a slight smile on his face from my stupid joke.

I let out a chuckle as I place the iron sights over the red apple. My breathing came close to nothing as I place my finger on the trigger.

A cricket could be heard to my left... oh, shut up you little shit.

I took a long exhale, the moment my lungs ran out of air; I put force down on the trigger.

Click, BOOM!

The guns boom echoed through the forest as the apple exploded from the metal and magic bullet hitting it. Along with me stumbling back with my shoulder throbbing in pain from such a huge amount of recoil.

With my footing under my control again, I look to the group of friends behind me. All of them rubbing their ears. I couldn't help but smile at the fact that their ears are much more sensitive than mine and this was painful for them.

I set the musket down on the table that was next to me and moved my arm around to force out the pain.

“Come on, the recoil couldn’t be that bad?” Bruddon yelled out with a smirk on his face as he was still rubbing his left ear.

With him saying that, I picked the musket of the table and tossed it to him.

He snatched it out of the air with his paw, and he and I traded are spots. Him next to the table and I next to are group of friends.

“That was quite loud Connor, but you don't seem to mind the noise.” A Jamestown blue stallion with a gray mane, standing next to Magenta said as I took a seat on the ground.

“I've been around bangs louder than that, so my ears are used to it. The recoil is a different story though.” I said, repeating the process of rotating my shoulder.

“Can you give me an example?” Another stallion asked, this one having a navy blue fur color along with a dark shade of gray mane.

“Hurt like a bitch!” The stallion just raised his brow. “Felt like someone hit me with a haymaker punch in the shoulder.” I said flatly, which got me an approved nod from him. “When do you think it can be put into the field, Steel Dust?”

The navy blue stallion just rubbed his chin while he hummed to himself. My eye twitched, I fricken' hate it when people hum as they think.

A loud click got all of our attention, and we all looked ahead to see Bruddon raising the musket to his shoulder and aimed for the another apple on the fence.

The four ponies around me quickly covered their ears as a smile came to my face in knowing the misfortune Bruddon was about to receive.

click, BOOM!

The guns explosion echoed through the forest again, but the apple on the fence stayed in tack, as Bruddon was thrown to the ground on his ass with a loud grunt and thud from him.

I fell on my back and laughed, as the two stallions chuckled, but the other two mares ran to Bruddon and help him back on his rear paws.

After another moment I sat up still laughing to see Alice suppressing a giggle and Bruddon with a smile on his face. But Magenta Dust was giving me a glare... which shut me up instantly.

“What in torturous are you ponies doing over here!?” Me gaze is turned from Magenta's position to a dark gray stallion, with a black and dark blue mane walking towards us.

My eyes shot to the bandages he had over his right eye, before going to his left eye that was crystal blue. A smile came to my face as I waved to him. “What’s up, Night Blade?”


Connor opened his eyes, as the sound of birds announced his return to reality from the flash back.

He tightens his grip on the musket as he moved his head up to look down on the gun's flintlock. The rest of the gun looked like any other, put the hammer was right behind the barrel instead of being on the right side, as a lever system was there instead, and a metal block was sticking out the left side of the barrel.

“That happened about four years ago,” Connor whispered to himself as he took a slow blink. “How can you evolve an alien technology so fast is beyond me Magenta?”

His eyes close as he began to remember the first time he had to explain what a musket was to her. But the sound of multiple loud footsteps put that day dream on hold as Connor placed his finger on the trigger.

He looked to Bruddon to see his gaze was focused on an area under the tree Connor was hiding in.

The footsteps continued to get louder with each passing second.

Connor was motionless as he kept his left eye closed and his right eye aiming down the guns iron sight.

A light click came from Connor's gauntlet as a group of three griffons and three diamond dogs came into his sight from under the tree.

“Clock!” The griffon in front of the group yelled out in a deep voice that would be common for his species. Bruddon pulled out the pocket watch from his pocket and held it up for all to see.

“Now get out of my way!” It spat at Bruddon, and he complied by walking away from the tunnel entrance to a tree that was close by and leaning on it. “Hurry up and finish dogs! I want to head back to camp!” It yelled again and pointed to the tunnel, and the dogs quickly ran into the tunnel.

The griffon turned around to look at the other two behind him. Connor smiled as he spotted a golden crest that was hooked to the griffons vest.

“Have a nice day bastard!” Connor whispered as he put force on the trigger.

The hammer hit the back of the receiver, and the metal block sticking out the left side of the barrel slammed inside, instantly followed by a thunder clap and bright flash of light.

The griffon was sent to the ground with a huge amount of force as a large mist of blood came out of the giant wound in its chest.

Pain hit Connor in the shoulder, but his eyes went wide at how much damage this gun was capable of doing.

The other two griffons just stood there confused and afraid at what just happened as they stare at the corpse of their commanding officer. Bruddon took the opportunity and went into a full sprint in the opposite direction of where Connor was.

With a blink of his eyes, Connor moved his hand and gripped the lever of the gun and pulled it back. The metal block that was inside of it shot out with a loud ping. With his eye and hand coordination, he quickly pulled out another metal block from a pouch and slammed it into the gun where the last one was at just half a second ago, and then quickly pushing the lever back into the locked position, then pulled the hammer back.

Quiet booms came from inside the tunnel, quickly followed by the diamond dogs inside yelling that the tunnel was caving in.

At the moment the dogs came into the sun, Connor pulled the trigger.

The guns process was repeated and the other griffon fell to the ground with a huge mist of blood and a giant wound in his chest.

The last griffon and three dogs yelled in fear as they booked it towards Connor position, but ran underneath the tree as they continued their... actually, their yelling sounded more like girly screams.

Connor quickly turned around in the tree and moved some leaves out of his sight. The griffon had taken flight on a straight course.

A smile came to his face at how the griffon just exposed the almost exact direction to their camp.

With a sigh, he slings the gun over his shoulder and booked it in the direction Bruddon took, knowing that the griffons will send half of the camp here at the moment they get the news.

After about thirty minutes of running through trees, he saw the outline of the village known as Appaloosa. A smile came to his face knowing that the griffons would not go any farther to chase him beyond this point... if they even gave chase in the first place.

After some more running through trees, he got close to the train station, and with his skills, he was able to sneak into the cargo cart without a problem.

He closed the door behind him, then making a sluggish walk to a very large wooden crate that was inside the cart, and sat down on it with a loud sigh.

As he starts taking off the satchel and musket, Bruddon and Alice revealed themselves. With a flash of movement, Connor tossed the satchel to Bruddon.

He got a thanks from the dog as he walked away out of sight, as Alice took a seat next to Connor.

“How well did the gun work?” Alice said with her voice a little shaky as she stared at the gun lying in front of her.

“It worked too well.” Alice did a very quiet gasp as her eyes went a little wider. “It blasted a giant hole into the two griffons I shot.” She let out a barely audible 'oh' as her gaze met with the floor. “From the damage this gun deals out, it’s safe to say that they had a quick death. “

“How well do you think Magenta will take this?” Alice said with a deep breath after.

“She’s going to be piss as all hell. Then she'll probably have an emotional breakdown... would it be okay if I ask you for help there.” Alice nodded to Connor. “Thanks.” He said with his tone announcing guilt.

Bruddon walked around the corner he was just at, now wearing his white robes. “Much better!” He said a little loudly as he gave off a smile.

“Do you have the map?” Connor asked as he tried to push the last subject talked about to the side for now.

He nodded and handed the map over, which was quickly unfolded by Connor as he pulled out his pen. “The griffon I didn't shoot flew away in panic, announcing the direction to the camp.”

“Can we drive the griffons out of Equestria faster with this knowledge?” Connor simply nodded to Bruddon's answer. “Good. Let us get some sleep for now.” He said as he laid against the box that Connor and Alice was sitting on before placing his hood back on and letting out a sigh.

Alice gave a glance to Connor, who was drawing down an arrow with it pointing south-west from the circle he placed there earlier.

With a sigh, she curled up into a ball as she watched Connor place the cap back on the pen before placing it and the map on the floor.

He then stretches out his legs and arms, giving off multiple pops before he threw himself on his back with a light thud.

Alice continues to eye the pen, its silver shell shimmering in the light, as the blue streaks that run through it giving of a glow in the dull light that entered the cart through a small window.

The only noises being in the cart is the three assassin's breathing, and the sounds of a busy village outside that penetrated the walls.

Alice's ears pierced up to the sound of a stallion screaming, 'all aboard.' A smile came to her face at the thought of a home cooked meal and sleeping in her own bed tonight.

The train suddenly jerked, announcing its time to move locations, but Alice couldn't help but let out a little yelp as her eyes went wide open from the sudden movement.

Some movement next to her caught her attention, and she lifted her head to see Connor with his legs dangling over the edge of the crate along with his left arm as he was flat on his back.

How he could fall asleep like that, I will never know. Alice said to herself as her sight returns to the pen. Magenta is going to be so piss when we get home. With that thought, she closed her eyes and let sleep take over her body as she remembers the day Magenta gave Connor that pen.

Author's Note:

Another thanks to "Fat1thatyoulove"!

I'm sorry about how long this chapter took to make!
School stress has gotten to me, so I've been playing a lot of games to counter act that.