• Published 10th Sep 2013
  • 9,002 Views, 450 Comments

Solar Child: Burden of the Crown - Bakmah Genesis

Taken place after the events of Solar Child, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Luna, and Celestia find out about the others relationship and trouble ensues.

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Chapter One: One Year Later

Twilight sat on the balcony to preform one of her many duties since becoming a princess, painting the night sky. The job was originally held by her aunt but was given to her due to the fact she, by accident, put a new constellation in the night sky, using hardly any of the power it usually took Luna.

Once the moon was nearly in the sky, Twilight focused on her magic and pointed her head directly at the sky. Her horn glowed in a rose aura as she channelled her magic. Soon, stars rose from her horn and shot into the sky, exploding in the night sky and painting it. Millions of stars, constellations, and galaxies covered the night sky as the moon journeyed into the sky. The glow around her horn faded and she opened her eyes to view her work.

She had been the Princess of Magic and Stars for about a year now. She was in a happy relationship, which they still needed to tell her mother about, and wanted to take to a new level. Twilight thought for a moment. The only two things she could think of stepping up to is marriage and a foal. She didn't know which one Dash wanted let alone what she wanted. But they both agreed, Celestia needed to be told first.

There was a soft knock on the door and the knob was engulfed in an golden aura. Twilight shook awake the sleeping Pegasus that layed on her bed, telling her that her mother arrived. Rainbow Dash rubbed the sleep out of her eyes as Celestia and Luna stepped into the deep lavender room that served as Twilight's bedroom.

"Good evening, Rainbow Dash. I did not know my daughter invited you along." said Celestia as she sat down on the woven rug in her daughters room. Luna sat next to her after giving Dash a nod in greeting. She sat down, making sure they were some distance apart to avoid suspicions.

"Yes, we'll, you see, me and Dash have something to tell you that we should have a long time ago." started Twilight.

"If only Twi didn't keep getting cold hooves." said Rainbow, blowing a strand of rainbow mane out of her face. Twilight glared at her.

"We'll your mother isn't the most powerful being in Equestria." she fired back. Rainbow dismissed it with a wave of her hoof. Twilight smiled and rolled her eyes. "Alright then, you tell them." Rainbow's eyes went wide and she seemed to pale.

"No. I'm good. You can tell them." sputtered Rainbow. Twilight giggled and rolled her eyes.

"I'm getting quiet curious on what this is you are talking about." said Luna, looking between the two. Celestia nodded in agreement.

"Yes, I would like to know why you asked us to come her, my dear daughter." Twilight sighed and looked up at her mother, keeping her head low.

"Me and Rainbow having been dating the past year."

"What?!" yelled Celestia, causing everyone in the room to flinch. "How come you have waited a whole year to tell your mother?" she demanded. Luna quickly stepped in.

"Now Tia. We have been keeping the fact that we are dating for three years." She quickly placed a hoof over her mouth as she realized what she said. Both her and Celestia paled, which was a feat for Celestia. They turned to the two ponies who sat staring at the, with their jaws hanging open. Celestia glared at Luna.


"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to say it, it just came out." She gave a small smirk. "You actually look hot when you are angry."

"You're sleeping in your room tonight."

"That's torture, Tia!"

"Well that's what you get for telling them that we are dating before we are ready."

"Alright, alright, let's try to clear things up. Me and Tia will go first since we seem to be the bigger item." said Luna, shifting into a more comfy position. "You see, me and Tia were both orphaned around the same time, but are from different families. Our mother who ruled before us took us in and raised us since we were always close to each other and acted like sisters.

"After her death three hundred years before my rise to Nightmare Moon, me and Tia were no longer sisters but the public didn't see it that way. They called us sisters for our appearance and the fact we had the same mother. Twenty years after mothers death we got together up until Nightmare Moon." She finished and looked to Celestia to see if she missed something. She nodded her head telling her that she did alright.

"But why haven't you came out and corrected the public about you being sisters?" asked Twilight, still trying to come off shock.

"Because I really couldn't while she was not with me to confirm it." replied Celestia, referring to Luna's bamishment. "And we didn't do it before your coronation because we wanted to see how they reacted to that first. Now it's been a year and we believe we are ready."

"So tomorrow we are holding a press conference to not only come out about us being foster sisters once upon a time, but also the fact we are lesbian and are dating each other." added Luna.

"Well, that came only end smoothly." muttered Rainbow Dash. Celestia giggled and pointed a hoof at her.

"You haven't forgotten the fact you and Twilight still have to come out to the public, right." asked Celestia with a smirk. Rainbow's eyes went wide.

"Don't tell me..."

"Yep. Me and Tia won't be the only ones coming out tomorrow." said Luna. Twilight sighed with relief at the fact that she could stop hiding it but Rainbow tensed at the fact she had to come out in front of a room of reporters.

"Do I have to?" she whined, not exactly warm to the idea.

"You are my marefriend and we need to tell the public together." said Twilight. Rainbow sighed.

"Fine. Only because you can be very convincing and sexy at the same time." said Rainbow with a small smile. The two kissed until they were broke up by Celestia clearing her throat. The two blushed as they became aware of their company.

"How did you two get together, by the way?" asked Luna.

"We'll I had feelings for Twilight since she came to Ponyville and they slowly grew over the years. I guess I got the guts to tell her how I felt and she returned those feelings after a gave her some space." said Dash, nuzzling into the larger mare that sat next to her. "And we have been together since."

"Have you thought about taking it to another step into your relationship yet?" asked Celestia.

"Um, well, we did but we don't know where." said Twilight, Rainbow nodding. Luna cocked her head.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, the only two options we have is marriage or a foal and I don't know if we are ready." replied Twilight.

"Why not both?" Everyone stared at Luna. "What? Propose and have a foal. Have the wedding before or just after birth. It could work." Twilight thought for a moment.

"Alright." she said with a nod. She then gave a smirk. "But you two have to do the same." Celestia stared at her with her mouth open. Luna put her hoof to her jaw for a moment.


"Lulu! You seriously can't be considering this!" exclaimed Celestia.

"Why not? We have been together for about two hundred and twenty three years."

"A thousand of which you spent on the moon."

"So? I think it's time we got married. Besides, we thought about a foal plenty of times." Celestia put a hoof to her face and sighed.

"Fine." Luna and Twilight hoof bumped. "But who is going to carry the foals?"

"Oh, that's easy." said Twilight. "You and Rainbow."

"Wait, why me?!" yelled Rainbow.

"Well, mom already has experience in the area and you are not a unicorn."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"The caster can't get themselves pregnant." said Celestia. "What? How do you think Twilight was born? I'm gay and Im proud to admit no stallions were used in her making." Luna giggled.

"Fine. You better help make a beautiful baby." she said as she jabbed at Twilight's side, making her yelp.

"Royal baby-boomers. Well there is a first for everything." muttered Celestia.

Author's Note:

Foals in the future everypony! This won't be the main focus but it will pop up. Anywhore, these chapters will probably be longer than the ones in Solar Child and be paced out some more. I'm making sure to pre read for good measure but don't expect it to be a flawless piece of magic.

Hope you enjoy the sequel to Solar Child, male sure to read it first if you haven't yet. Comment, Fave, and Like. (Holy shit, I sound like I'm in a YouTube video! Wait, nope, it's just the authors box.