• Published 10th Sep 2013
  • 9,012 Views, 450 Comments

Solar Child: Burden of the Crown - Bakmah Genesis

Taken place after the events of Solar Child, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Luna, and Celestia find out about the others relationship and trouble ensues.

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Chapter Six: Wedding plans

Twilight cradled her head in her hooves. She had piles of things that needed to be done and a small window to do so. She had to plan a duel wedding with the other three brides, keep tabs on the search efforts for Blueblood and the AC, prepare what was need for the two four month pregnant mares when they gave birth, and run a court every now and then. It was taxing for the normally organized mare.

She levitated the mug of hard cider, a common company to her lately, to her mouth and took a swig. She had three weeks to finish preperations for the wedding and she wasn't any farther than when she started. Groaning, she face planted her desk with a wonderful thud.

"Finally give in and going to let me plan the wedding?" asked the recently crowned Trixie. Even after four months, the azure mare still had to get used to being called Princess Lulamoon.

"Fine! Just take over before my brain overloads! You are lucking there aren't as many meetings in the evening." said Twilight, pushing the offending wedding forms away from her. Trixie smiled.

"Well, I won't let you down." Her smile faded. "Anything on Blueblood and the AC?"

"Not so much as a mouse fart. Whatever they are doing, they are being extremely. I think the last two slaughters actually taught them something. A tiny bit, at least." said Twilight with a sigh.

"Do mice actually fart?" asked Trixie, going completely off topic.

"I don't know. Ask Fluttershy, maybe? She could probably tell you the whole process in great detail." said Twilight, leaning back in exhaustion. "Well, the Blueblood matter is something I can let run idle with our detectives right now. As for trying to set up for two foals and two VERY moody mares, that's a whole different story. We got two rooms fairly close to each of ours being cleaned out and furnished for foals. By the time they give birth, it should be set."

"As long as I get a cute niece and sister." said Trixie with a shrug.

"How do you know that they will be filly's?"

"I don't, but this family has a thing for filly alicorns and looking absolutely adorable."

"We also have a thing for corrupted antigovernment groups and demon induced slaughter. Our family is just insane but we seem to get by with ease." said Twilight, standing up and heading for the door. Trixie followed, wedding forms floating behind her.

"As for what I've got done so far, we're thinking of the wedding in the ball room with an outside reception. We are going to pull a few strings to have a cloudless day and night with a nice, warm temp." said Twilight, walking down the halls. "If you can work around with that, that would be awesome." Trixie nodded.

"I will see what I can do. It shouldn't be too much of a problem." she said, smiling at her sister. Twilight leaned over and embraced her.

"Thank you, Trix. You don't know how much this means to the four of us."

"Don't worry, Twi. Just promise you'll help me find a nice mare myself one of these days."

"Another thing this family has. Only Cadence is straight." The two laughed. "Oh, and speaking of Cadence, we kinda found a certain changeling last night." said Twilight, her smile dropping.

"Why would Chrysalis come here?" asked Trixie.

"Looking for refuge. She was dethroned from her hive and when we found her she was beaten and starved about a mile from Canterlot, she was crawling the whole way." answered Twilight.

"That far while crawling? She must have been desperate." said Trixie.

"Look, I know its a lot, but could you take this case? We can't put Shining or Cadence on it since they were target of the attack two years ago and the four of us are trying to get ready for a wedding so we don't need the extra stress."

"I'll see what I can do." said Trixie with the nod of her head. "Who knows, we could end up reforming her. We succeeded in reforming a god of chaos and he started a whole entire war that lasted Faust knows how long. She caused one battle that had absolutely no deaths."

"I see your point. I'll check with the others and see if we should try it. If so, then you get the beautiful task of taking care of a former changeling queen." said Twilight with a smile, thankful that Trixie was willing to help out so much. It was moments like these she couldn't believe she used to act as a boastful showmare.

"Well, I'll let you to check out the ball room. Chrysalis is down in the dungeons if you want to see her. In the meanwhile, me and my mother have a few bills to work out along with a mountain of other paperwork." said Twilight. With that, she left towards her mothers study.

Trixie looked in the direction of the ball room then to the dungeons. She sighed and walked towards the darkened dungeons just below Canterlot Castle. The trip took the better part of twenty minutes before she reached the gates.

"I'm here to look into the case of former queen, Chrysalis." said Trixie as she approached the guards. His horn lighted for a brief moment before opening the gate for her.

"Of course, Princess Lulamoon. She is in cell A4" he said with a bow. She nodded to him and continued onward. She walked down the hall and took a left, leading her to cells A1-A10. She remembered one of the days she was learning the procedures that she had to memorize the dungeon layout. This proved helpful as she stopped in front of cell A4, a solid wooden door with bars installed to allow view inside.

The black body of Chrysalis laid on the cobblestone floor, her back to Trixie. Bands kept her wings to her sides and a ring on her horn prevented any unwanted magic and, so far, transforming. She didn't know how much of that was true, but none the less opened the door.

The sound of the lock clicking open alerted the black mare, causing her to sit upright, rigid as a board. Trixie hesitated at the movement before continuing. She levitated a chair from the hall and placed it in the corner before closing the door behind her.

"Good morning, Chrysals. I'm Princess Lulamoon, if you were not aware. I'm the one to be investigating your case." said Trixie as she sat down. Chrysalis leaned forward and growled.

"I know very well that you're not going to listen and keep me in here as long as you want! What's the point in talking if you won't listen?!" snapped the former queen. Trixie raised an eyebrow at her.

"Chrysalis, may I ask why you are yelling at the wall?" she asked, slightly concerned. Chrysalis cocked her head, twitching her ear as she picked up her voice. She turned towards Trixie, causing her to cry out.

Chrysalis' left eye was a sickly purple with a scar over it while the right was pure red with a blackish rupture in the center. She was utterly blind and she had no doubt in pain.


"You are an easy prey when you are weak and starved. I was able to escape but of course not without a price." said Chrysalis with a sigh. "By now I should be healed and have perfect 20/20, but as was said, I'm starved and I can't work healing magic when I have no love to feed on."

"Well, there has to be something." said Trixie, putting a hoof to her chin. Her eyes lit for a second and she grinned. "Tell me, do you feed off of the mere presence of love, or the contact? Or perhaps both?" asked Trixie, grinning.

"Both. If the love is directed at the pony I'm playing as it is powerful, if it is directed to so,pony else but I happen to be nearby, I can eat it but it won't be as filling. Kissing and sex is extremely filling but not common too much. Why?" said Chrysalis.

"Oh, I just had an idea." Chrysalis was about to ask what it was when a pair of lips cut her off, drowning her in love. Her mutilated eyes widened before rolling back in a mixture of bliss and the feeling off being fed large quantities of love. She gasped as Trixie pulled away and stood.

"I plan on trying to reform you, actually. For this to work, I need you alive and well, able to see, and willing to cooperate. Hopefully you will. Now, I got a duel wedding to plan so I will leave you to heal. I will stop by tonight to check on you." Chrysalis' sight was already returning as she opened the door. She saw a large azure shape walk out the door and close it behind her.

She smiled, still high off the large amount of love. Her brain didn't want to try and wonder why the princess did what she did. For now, she was going to lie down and let her vision return all with a full stomach. Trixie may have not completely known, but she willingly saved a changeling.

Author's Note:

Wait. *sniff sniff* Is that a shipping I smell? I think it is. (Trixalis. Fuck yes!) Hey, give it a few chapters so we can see if this is an actual ship. If so, it's a nice side plot going on, I have to say. A few chapters and we get a duel wedding, which I'm nervous about. I'm not exactly expert on writing weddings. (Oh well, we will just pull this out our ass and see how it goes." Considering it's coming out of our ass, god help us. (Meh)