• Published 10th Sep 2013
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Solar Child: Burden of the Crown - Bakmah Genesis

Taken place after the events of Solar Child, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Luna, and Celestia find out about the others relationship and trouble ensues.

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Chapter Eleven: Wedding Heist

Chrysalis groaned as light bled through the window, shining on her eyes. Her head was still pounding slightly and symptoms of Emotional Overflow still present, but weaker. She just hoped she could make it through the wedding without emptying her stomach on Luna.

"Look who decided to wake up." Chrysalis turned her head to the sound to find Trixie smirking down at her. She groaned and covered her head with a pillow.

"My head hurts. Do I have to go?" she whined, hoping to spare herself and whoever was around her. She heard Trixie giggle.

"Nope. Sorry. What happened to you last night anyways? Mom said you walked out like you were drunk and you only had half a glass. She also said something about a warning." she asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed. Chrysalis sighed any turned to face her,

"I have a sickness called Emotional Overflow. It's not from you so don't worry. It's caused when a changeling is exposed to a emotion we hardly ever touch. To get us sick, it needs to be powerful and in large amounts." explained Chrysalis. She sat up. "It's rare enough that when it happens something bad is sure to follow."

"How rare?" asked Trixie, a bit concerned.

"Once a decade rare. Last time was actually two decades ago, around the gryphon war. I believe it was some changeling who went as high as captain in guard ranks. I believe her name was Shield." Trixie bit her lip as she remembered the name as one of the guards killed during a n ambush that started the war.

"And she was killed along with Captain Sparkle, sparking the war." finished Trixie.

"Correct. But, how did you..."

"Captain Twilight Sparkle is the second mother of our dear Twilight Solar. Tia had three months of pregnancy left when they got word."

"She never had an easy life, did she?" asked Chrysalis.

"Being the daughter to the most powerful being in existence then having to play dead for ten years, yeah. She is doing pretty good despite all that." said Trixie. She thought back to the conversation they were having.

"What was the emotion that got you sick?" she asked, cocking her head at Chrysalis.

"Hate. It was lethal last night and I can still feel it this morning. It's in the castle, but too far downwards to be anyone we know." she said, putting a hoof to her chin. She scrambled around her head.

"What did you do to the cave after the invasion, the one I hid Cadence in?" she asked.

"Tia said it was destroyed during the invasion. In all reality, we hid the entrance. Why?"

"And Blueblood knew that it was still there?"

"Of course. Why does thi...oh sweet mother of Faust."

"Exactly." said Chrysalis nodding. Trixie stuck her head out the door, ordering a team of guards to search the caves. "We just have to hope they are stupid enough to stay." said Chrysalis. "If they were smart, they would have abandoned it before trying anything or when they got wind that we suspect that they are there."

"So they more than likely have a second base set up." said Trixie. Chrysalis nodded.

"More than likely. You always want a back up in case everything goes to shit. You also don't want to place your entire army in one place, that would be asking for slaughter." she said, standing up off the bed. "They would have them dived up and placed in different areas as a back up. They will also have the more higher ups separated. If they are in one place, the entire chain of comand could be destroyed and rebuilding would be extemely difficult."

"I scared of your war knowledge right now." said Trixie, shaking her head.

"Whe you grow up as a heir to the throne, you tend to learn about war tactics and how best to handle situations and last resorts. Tia and Lulu, maybe Twilight, probably have the same knowledge as well. It's needed if you are going to rule an entire country." said Chrysalis. Trixie shook her head and tossed a brush at the changeling.

"Hurry up and get dressed. Rarity will get our manes done when we get there and whatever adjustments to our dresses as well."


"Ow! Careful!" shouted Chrysalis. She was currently in her brides maids dress and was getting her mane done by Rarity. The unicorn huffed and pulled on the brush, gaining another yelp from the changeling.

"It would hurt less if you stopped squirming. And would it hurt you to do your mane up every now and then?" she asked. Chrysalis glared up at her,

"I don't put up my mane. I prefer it down. I never saw the appeal in putting your mane up in pain staking buns or putting enough hair spray in it to case global warming." said Chrysalis. Wincing as the brush pulled on her hair a second time. There was a pat on her shoulder, slitting her know she was done.

"It's fashion, my dear. The most respected mares in society do up their manes." said Rarity as she picked out the stray strands of green hair out of her brush.

"And my marefriend is one of the most respected and she doesn't kill the planet with hair spray. Neither does Twilight, Celestia, or Luna. I don't see the point in it." said the changeling as she looked at herself in the mirror. "Though I do look surprisingly good with a bun."

"Most mares do, darling." said the mare as she checked her own mane once over. She then turned to Luna, who was quietly watching the banter between the two with a smirk.

"Well, it's sure to catch Trixie's eye. She might even start to drool." said Luna, surprising her giggles as the changeling gained a crimson sheen.

"Yes, well, good to know I'm looking decent enough." she said, turning away from the laughing indigo alicorn. "How is this supposed to work, anyways? Two couples are getting married at the same time, that has to be difficult."

"Cadence is going to marry us both. All on the same alter. Me and Rainbow's brides maids on one side, Twi and Tia's on the other. I believe Spike is me and Tia's ring bearer, Scootaloo being Twilight and Rainbow's." said Luna, sitting still while Rarity fussed with her mane.

"Scootaloo? Where have I heard that name before?"

"Scootaloo is a orange Pegasus filly with a minor flight impairment. Rainbow adopted her as a sister a few years back. I heard she's battling to get her out of the orphanage." said Luna. She winced as Rarity hit a knot hidden in her hair.

"Sorry, deary." apologized Rarity.

"So, what do you mean by flight impairment?" asked Chrysalis as Luna stopped glaring at the white unicorn.

"Her wings are smaller than average compared to other filly's her age. She can barely lift herself off the ground. Though, she has gotten to the point where she can fly at a certain height for a short span. Rainbow Dash is good for her when she's around." said Luna, smiling.

"Well, I'll make sure I don't scare the poor filly." said Chrysalis, smiling.

"Oh, I doubt you would be able to. She would probably go on about how awesome you look. It's very hard to get that filly visibly scared." said Luna with a shake of her head. Chrysalis chuckled and waited for Rarity to get done with her mane.

"So, how is your relationship with Trixie? She has been busy running around like mad for me to ask her." asked Luna.

"I've been curious about that, as well. I never been able to hear how you two have been since I saw Trixie leave, set on asking you out." said Rarity, looking up at the changeling.

"It has been going along extremely well despite her work schedule. I think at one point I tried to beg her for me to take care of court so she could sleep." said Chrysalis, putting a hoof to her chin. She shrugged, setting the thought aside. "Then there was the incident with my sickness this morning but that's over with."

"Sickness?" asked Rarity, seeming mildly concerned.

"It's a changeling thing. It's extremely rare but non-lethal. It just makes me feel like I'm drunk into next week. Though that doesn't mean my warning was not sincere, Lulu." said Chrysalis, pointing her hoof at Luna.

"Do you at least know what you are warning me about?" asked Luna.

"I have a very good reason to believe the AC has been hiding out in the old caves. I could taste the hate, thus the EO, but I didn't know its origin at first. I soon narrowed it down to the caves, though they could have moved out by now." said Chrysalis. Luna sighed and rubbed her temple.

"Should I be concerned?" asked Rarity, raising an eyebrow.

"Hopefully, no. We will just have to wait and see." said Luna.

"Anyways, we got a wedding to preform." said Chrysalis with a grin.


Chrysalis hasn't been to a wedding since the invasion, and yet she couldn't help but notice the likeness between the two. Luna and Rainbow Dash stood on the alter, waiting for their respective other. Chrysalis stood next to Applejack, Dash's best mare, and watched, a smile gracing her face.

She was truly happy when ever to ponies loved each other to such great lengths. Marriage was one of the best ways to show your love and it always made Chrysalis smile. She hated the fact that she had to invade one.

Cadence was smiling as well as she stood in the center. Though Chrysalis could feel her glaring holes through the back of her head on occasion. She couldn't blame her. Chrysalis just hoped she could smooth this all over before the pink alicorn attacked her,

The thought was casted aside as Celestia and Twilight walked down the aisle, hooves intertwined like a father and his filly. The bulge was made ever present with the white wedding dress. It was made obvious that they were holding hooves more for support more than tradition.

They soon made it to the alter and stood opposite of their significant other. Rarity, who stood on the otherside of the alter, was trying her best to not bawl in public. Chrysalis figured that she found weddings overly emotional. With one last glare at Chrysalis, Cadence cleared her throat, put on her largest smile, and cleared her throat for attention.

"Fillies and Gentlecolts, today we are her to join together two couples in marriage. Princess Twilight Solar, daughter of the sun goddess, and Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty. As well as Princess Celestia, Goddess of the Sun, and Princess Luna, Goddess of the Moon and Night.

"We are here to witness the turning point in their lives and the next step in their blossoming love. If there is a pony out there that does not wish for these four to be married, please speak." Cadence was met with silence. "Right. Twilight, please recite your vows." Twilight smiled and nodded.

"I, Twilight Solar, vow to be by your side through every tough time and will protect you in any sight of danger and will raise our foal with as much love and care I will show you. And I will never let my duty get in the way of my family." Cadence nodded and turned to the cyan Pegasus, who was trying her best not to cry, tears falling down her cheeks showing her every approaching defeat.

"Rainbow Dash, your vows." Rainbow Dash was quiet, trying to get together enough emotional strength to speak.

"I, Rainbow Dash, will act my part as loyalty and will never leave your side, never turn a blind eye to you, or our family, and will love you wholly and entirely for as long as I am allowed on this world." Tears streamed down the cyan mare's face, catching on her smiling lips before falling down to the marble. Cadence nodded and shifted over slightly to address the last couple.

"Luna, your vows." said Cadence, addressing the slightly crying moon princess. She took in a sharp intake of breath before speaking.

"I, Princess Luna, Goddess of the Night, vow to protect you through all dangers, to stay by your side through all obstacles life my throw, and to watch over our children and protect them, and keep them safe." Most mares were now in full blown tears, not being able to handle the raw emotion. Chrysalis was even crying herself, the raw display of love proving too much for the changeling.

"Celestia, your turn." Celestia smiled. She was slightly cursing the fact that she was not allowed to tackle the mare before her into a kiss until later that night. She took in a deep breath.

"I, Princess Celestia, Goddess of the Sun, vow to protect you through danger, care for you when sick, and stay by your side through every obstacle until the sun itself dies out." And this, was the breaking point. Whoever was not crying certainly was now, not being able to control their tears any longer. Cadence once again took her spot between the two couples before moving on to the final stretch. She nodded and Spike and Scootaloo came out from the sides of the alter, each bearing a pillow with rings. One with two horn rings, the other with a horn ring and a wing band.

"These rings will signify your everlasting bond to each other and your undying love for one another." said Cadence as they each place the rings on the other. Once each had on their respective band she moved on to the final piece of the ritual.

"Do you, Twilight Solar, take Rainbow Dash as your newly wedded wife?"

"I do."

"And do you, Rainbow Dash, take Twilight Solar as your newly wedded wife?"

"I do." Cadence turned from them to Celestia and Luna who were clearing yearning to tackle each other into a passionate kiss.

"Do you, Celestia Solar, take Luna Lulamoon as your newly wedded wife?"

"I do."

"And do you, Luna Lulamoon, take Celestia Solar as your newly wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Then I pronounce the four of you as mare and mare! You now kiss the bride, err, mare!" The crowd erupted into cheer as the four kissed their other half. Chrysalis herself wanted to rush over the otherside of the alter and tackle Trixie into a kiss, but kept her stance. Trixie, however, was less inclined to stay in her spot.

Taking a mighty bound over the two couples, aided by her wings, Trixie tackled the changeling. Chrysalis' eyes went wide as Trixie's lips connected with hers as they fell back. Cadence, who had no idea of the couple, stood in shock as they kissed. Luna, turned and smiled at her daughter, laying her head on Celestia's shoulder. It was surely a day to remember. Soon, for a darker reason as well.


"Targets sighted. Drop time approaching." said the voice through the small magical communicator in Blaze's ear. She was wearing a simple blue dress with her mane done up in the traditional bun. She looked over the crowd until she found where the targets were.

"Alright. I see them. Keep your positions for a while longer. We need to wait until the song nears the end so we have time to sneak away. Once it ends, drop the neurotoxin, it will take ten seconds for it to take its full effects." said Blaze. There was a murmur of agreement.

The wedding ended a full three hours ago. It was darker outside, making it a better time to attempt the heist. Celestia and Rainbow Dash sat with their wives at the high table, talking along with each other and the other brides maids. Trixie and Chrysalis sat next each other, refusing to be separated.

"Blueblood, befriending the changeling queen has been proven negative. She has courted with Miss Lulamoon." said Blaze, eyeing the couple.

"Shit. Oh well, as long as she stays out of the way she is not a problem for now. We will deal with her at the same time we do Miss Lulamoom." said Blueblood. The song was winding down, signaling it's nearing end.

"Alright, ground team sneak out and apply masks. Drop team, wait till the song ends. Go."


Chrysalis watched as the Pegasus with a dark blue coat and red mane left the room. She knew it was Blaze, but could not do anything from her position. She quickly worked through the situation in her mind. Hatred picking up upon the weddings arrival, AC member at the reception, what did it mean.

Chrysalis then noticed the song stopped and that Blaze was no longer in the room. She connected two to two together and got a very disturbing four.

"Trixie we need to get out of here now!" said Chrysalis, picking up the slight smell of neurotoxin, knock-out gas to be exact.

"Why?" she asked, seeming slightly concerned. The scent was becoming stronger, her vision blurrier.

"The AC! They're here! We need to *yawn* get out of here now." Chryslis fell face first into Trixie's lap. The mare soon fell down, sending them both to the ground. Numerous drops sounded throughout the room as the toxin took its toll. Within thirty seconds, everyone in the room was out cold.

"Alright. Secure the targets and get out. We don't have much time." said Blaze, now in her dragon form. Her voice was muffled by her gas mask. "Remember, after that emergency this morning security is tighter. Guards ETA five minutes." The group worked as fast as they could. Two ponies picking up Rainbow while Blaze handled Celestia. The remaining two covered them.

"Captain, we have been discovered. The drop team thanks you for letting us help in the changing of the nation and wish you luck." There was an audible bang off in the distance, signaling the suicide of the drop team. The ground team bowed their heads for a second before continuing on.

They were able to slip into the hallways and into the hidden entrance on castle grounds, all before the guards came around the corner. Half an hour later two newly weds woke to find their other half missing, along with their unborn foals.

Author's Note:

(Can I summon Deadpool to kill Blueblood and the AC, please?) No, mini me. They deserve a worse death. Preferably by two very pissed momma bears. Well, this probably topped my longest chapter in history. It's probably somewhere up there with the last two chapters of Solar Child. If I made mistakes with the wedding, I hadn't been to on in four years. (The last one being our late brothers two months before the funeral.) Enjoy this monster of a chapter and look forward to raw rage next chapter. (Nightmare Moon and Dusk Eclipse, maybe?) Maybe.